Imperfect Marriage (Part III)

Monsta X's Shownu Oneshot Collection
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It's been two months since Shownu had met you and the last words that he had heard from you is when you told him to leave. The summer comeback was great and they did win for their summer comeback album.

Also, he had been asking the owner of the restaurant where you were working before almost everyday. Until one day, he received a news that you had been missing once again. 

"Hello son, how are you doing?", the owner of the seafood restaurant asked. They seems like had that father and son relatiionship since he had secretly taking care of you when he was away. More like you told him to go away.

"I'm good, how's yours?", he asked.

"I'm good but...I have bad news for you.", he said. Upon hearing that, Shownu only had this one thing in his mind. He bit his lower lips as he tried his best to calm himself.

Please not that...

"Your missing. She left,  just like that.", he added. Shownu let out a heavy sighed as he pinched the bridge of his neck, trying to calm down. This is what he had been thinking about it just now and it scared him.

He don't want to lose you, again.

"I'll fly to Jeju right now.", with that he ended the call without waiting for the oldman's responds. Lucky that he wasn't in the month of promotion and he did get a bit of rest, unlike a month ago.

He jumped off from the couch, startled s and quickly get into his room. Jooheon and I.M were looking at each other, trying to figure out what just happen. Joohoen stood up, followed by I.M and went to Shownu's room.

"Hyung, where are you going?", the youngest, I.M. came into his room only to see Shownu was packing his things.

"I'm going to Jeju.", he paused. "She is missing, again. The owner told me.", he added and keep packing his needed stuffs.

"Can we come along?", I.M. asked.

"No.", he looked away. "You need to stay here with the rest. I'll contact you guys, don't worry.", he added.






You sat on the bed as you looked outside of the window. The leaves were falling and it feels like the most beautiful scene that you had ever seen in your life, after your marriage. You closed your eyes and bit your lower lip, trying to refuse the bad memories you had.

You once told your mother, what kind of man that you love and you almost shared everything with your mother. s happen between you and your father after your mother's death. He blamed you, of course.

You was about to turn seventeen a few years back. During the day, you were in school and you were too tired to walk and take the public transportation. You didn't mention to your parents that you had a fever for about two days because you were afraid to eat medicines.

How typical is that?

So you called your mother to pick you up. Your voice was weak through the phone and it's kind of freak your mother out. That's why she was rushing to pick you up and in the end she involved in an accident, the caused of her death.

Before she went out to pick you in school, she called your father first so that he knew where's she going.

You had fallen sick after days of your mother's death, due to the high fever you had before but your father was never care about it. That's when the relationship between both you were broken.

You finally got yourself into one of the high class university, because of your results of course but your father is still paying the fees which made you think that he still care for you. Until that one sinful night happen.

You went to a party because Bora had been asking you out for the past few months and you finally gave in. She brought you into a club and there was where you had finally found your ideal man. You knew who he was, what is he, where's is from.

Well, you basically knew everything about him because he was an idol and he was sitting beside you.

But too bad, he already have a girlfriend at that time but you were not too disappointed.

A guy with a blonde hair saw you were secretly staring at Shownu. Luckily, he didn't tell Shownu that you had checking him out. He made his way to you and have a conversation but the conversation didn't drag Shownu's attention to you.

You left to the restroom for a while and when you went out from the restroom, you felt someone grabbed you from behind and you didn't know what had happen next.

The next day you woke up, you were in the bed with Shownu next to you. As soon as he open the door to leave you, a lot of paparazi in front of the door and they managed to capture you through their lenses and it went to your dad. He was furious.

"You disappoint me, again.", he said and walked away. 

That's when everything started but in the same time it felt like it's the end of everything. 

You dropped out from university because of the amount of hate comments and critiques that you had received from everyone because of the scandal between you and Shownu. Not to mention, your father is well known businessman.

You wiped the tears in your eyes as you'd wish that your memories will easily faded away.

You heard a light knock on the door and stood up, making your way to the door. There's your best friend in front of the door, smiling at you.

"Let's breakfast.", she smiled and you nods. 






Shownu had finally arrived in Jeju alone and thank God, no fans were found in the airport or he would be mobbed by fans right now. Nobody really know that he was coming to Jeju because everyone was sleeping when he left.

He looked around to find the owner of the seafood restaurant.

"Mr. Cho!", Shownu waved his hand to the man and he was smiling at him.

"I'm glad that you were back.", the man said and hugged him.

"I'm quite surprise that I'm not being mob with fans like how I arrived a few months back.", he said and Mr. Cho could only laughed. 

"Youngman, don't even ask for it or you might end up regreting it.", he added and laughed but Shownu didn't. Mr. Cho realized the sudden change. "What's wrong?", he asked.

"Don't even ask for it or you might end up regreting it.", he repeated after Mr. Cho and then laughed alone. Mr. Cho know that tone. "Ironically, I once told my wife to leave me alone and I used to tell her that I hate her.", he let out a sad laughed.

"...and she left me for real.", he paused. "I'm a bad husband."

"We'll help you to find her, okay?", Mr. Cho reassured him.





"Hey,", you were reading books when your best friend suddenly came but you were too focus on the book.

"Don't you...miss your father?", she asked.

"Why should I? He did even bother to look after me.", you said and returned to the book. Your best friend sighed before taking your book away and tossed in on your bed. You were about to stand up to get the book back.

"Not so fast.", she stopped you and forced you to sit down. "We need to talk."

"Aren't we?", you said and she sighed again.

"Look,", she paused. "...I know you were sad- No! Scratch that! You were broken, completely broken. But you are still his wife and that old man you were hating right now is still your father.", she said.

"Bora, stop it right now.", you said. 

"Oh hell no I'm going to stop. I am not going to stop until you came back to your senses!"

"Stop it, Yoon Bora!", you screamed and Bora was kind of taken back with you. "You were not in my place. My mother is dead and my father blamed me. We both caught in the scandal and he blamed me, same goes to my father. Everyone blamed me and no one stand for me. I trusted you because you had been by my side all these time but I guest I shouldn't trust you anymore."

"Why you don't want to trust me?", she asked. "Was it because I mentioned about Shownu?", she scoffed. 

"You, listen to me.", she pointed to you. "I understand how broken you were because I was once in your place but let me tell you something, the biggest risk that you will take is...not taking any at all."

"What?", you were confuse.

"Take a risk to build a happy life to stay the same, like this.", she said, pointing at you. "Pathetic."

Sure Bora's words was harsh but that's what you like about her. She said anything that she wants and most of the time, she

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i just want to say i'm still here and reading your updates hehe like your stories, keep it up!
2038 streak #3
Chapter 23: Can we get a sequel for this? I mean them lovey-dovey or going out on dates or something like that. Hehehe XD nonetheless, I'm curious if why he always rushed out after their initial greetings. Was he shy or something? Anyway, I can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2038 streak #4
Chapter 22: This chapter was so cute. He's such a sweet and caring boyfriend. I can totally imagine him doing that. And the Bungee jumping part at the end cracked me up. Anyway, I noticed that you have done double update but I will be back later to read the next one ^^
minsulchoi24 #5
Chapter 23: aaaahh part 2 please~👀
minsulchoi24 #6
Chapter 22: aaahh this chapter is so cute ♡ a caring boyfriend like son hyunwoo please ㅋㅋ that "can we do bungee jump next time" tho 😂
2038 streak #7
Chapter 21: That's really sad. Poor her and poor him too...

Anyway, hope to see another oneshot soon!
_violet10 #8
Chapter 8: Thanks a lot for shownu content
_violet10 #9
Chapter 16: Good one
Chapter 20: ?