

Yongguk likes to take the long way home from his lessons, following the river home. One winter day, the river brings him Daehyun. (Historical AU)


That description might change, I don't know if I like it. I also don't know when I will be finished with this fic. No idea.

I started working on it in 2014 and never had time to focus on it. It's the first of three fics that I mentioned in this poll, and it won the poll so I will be posting it first once I am done. Also still working on All's Fair, which I updated recently! 



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YouxJr #1
I was all giddy and immediately subscribed to this update without even seeing the summary/characters. OTL
It's all good though since it's BangDae and it looks promising, as always. : ) <3
I'm excited ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ)