Chapter 3.

are we living to die, or are we dying to live?

From that day onwards, to Namjoon, his heaven went by the name of Min Yoongi. Those two words meant more to him than anything in this world, this universe, or galaxy put together, for nothing could ever compare to Min Yoongi; nothing could ever be as perfect in his eyes. The sound of his voice- to the way his soft skin felt against his rough fingertips- would always send Namjoon to a different world, cushioning him from all harm and draping him in a sense of pure bliss he had never once felt before.

They would be together for every little thing, like two peas in a pod. It would only take the biggest idiot in the world not to realize that Kim Namjoon was madly in love with Min Yoongi since the moment he had laid eyes on him that day. He was convinced it was fate that had brought them together, even if he had never believed in such mundane things before their sudden encounter. In a world he once thought was completely void of anyone who would ever care about anyone other than themselves, Namjoon managed to meet Min Yoongi, or rather, Min Yoongi was capable of saving Kim Namjoon from the world, and ultimately; himself.




"I don't mean to snoop but... why did you move from Daegu all the way Seoul?" Namjoon questioned shyly, glancing upwards at the man before him while dabbing a small cotton ball with antibiotic over his scraped knee before letting out a pained whine. "I-I mean, I'm glad you're here! Don't take it the wrong way, it's just a little-- little weird to transfer in the middle of the school year is all." He continued on nervously, wishing he didn’t come off as rude or ungrateful-- which is the least thing he was at the moment! His pearly white teeth chewed on his thick bottom lip to prevent any further unwanted cry to fall from his chapped lips as he continued to treat his wounds, continuously flinching even with every attempt to stop. However, Yoongi did nothing but shrug, completely unphased by Namjoon’s nervousness, instead there was a small smirk evident on his face as he sat directly in front of Namjoon, his bony, white fingers busy playing with the straw in his soda can; fingers flicking back and forth, back and forth while not saying a single word.

He continued to say nothing for what seemed like hours, if not days, to Namjoon, he did not utter a single word while appearing to be perfectly content with nothing but the silver can in front of him, which Namjoon presumed to be empty by then. Namjoon couldn't help but study the latter, tilting his head slightly in deep concentration and fascination as he tried to decipher the mystery behind the man that would eventually matter more to him than the very air he breathed. Who was he? There was this alluring aura to him… Calling out to Namjoon, tempting him to get closer, just calling out to him in such a captivating tone he could not seem to resist. He was beautiful. There was no denying that. Yet, he could not have him, that was certain. He could not reveal to Yoongi, a possible friend, his identity that kept him shunned from the entire school. Oh no. That was certainly not an option for Namjoon, and he knew that very well. ‘Don’t be creepy. Don’t be creepy,’ he kept repeating to himself mentally in an attempt of a motivational pep talk for himself. This was his one and only chance to be actually seen as, well, normal. To not be seen as a sin of Earth, or an abomination, or some sort of shame or garbage. He was done with that! Yoongi… Yoongi could mean a change for Namjoon’s life. A friend. Something he’s never had before--

"My family decided to move here, no biggie," was all Yoongi spoke, thus breaking the sudden silence that had overtaken them, knocking Namjoon back into reality and away from his raging thoughts, his eyes flicking from the silver cylinder in his hand to Namjoon for just a moment, a moment that sent Namjoon soaring for a split second as they made eye contact. Namjoon was enveloped by the dark twinkle in Yoongi's eye, any sign of emotion completely obscure in the dark, they were not quite soulless nor lifeless yet there was something Namjoon could not grasp, nothing noticeable to behold. It was nothing but an endless depth of black that made Namjoon want more, made him want to know what those eyes saw in the world and how they saw the world and its inhabitants. Namjoon knew Yoongi caught on quickly to his staring, for he let out a slow and warm chuckle, reminding Namjoon of sweet honey, his smirk being replaced by a small genuine smile. Yoongi was the first to look away, appearing to be somewhat embarrassed, choosing to glance back down at the can before he spoke once more; “Do you do that to all your friends?” He teased, a hint of annoyance in his words, a timid laugh coming from his relaxed being. “Ah, don’t be a brat, hm? Tell me about this place. I’m completely lost here and I need some help.” Yoongi confessed rather bashfully, scratching the back of his neck after stretching his arms upwards and out. Namjoon couldn’t help but pout. This guy wasn’t even saying anything just a few moments ago… Now he’s calling him a brat? What a hypocrite. “You weren’t saying anything either, man! At least I was trying to make a conversation.” He let out a soft sigh in frustration before continuing on once again, “What would you like to know? I’ve been in this town for a couple of years so I know almost everything by now…” Yoongi bounced his head along to each one of Namjoon’s words, his pink tongue darting out and his lips, “A couple of years, huh?” “Yeah, moved here three years back during Junior High. My family’s originally from Ilsan.” Yoongi nodded his head as Namjoon spoke, looking directly at him as if it were a sign to continue, so Namjoon easily spoke. “Well, things sort of came up and… We had to move here. I came home from school one day and my parents suddenly brought up the news. ‘Hey! We’re moving to Seoul!’ It was so sudden, man. I mean we had everything in Ilsan. My entire close family is living there, all my aunts, uncles, cousins, my grandma and grandpa, even all of my friends which I practically knew since I was in diapers. Everyone I knew. Now we’re sort of just lonely here… But you get used to it, anyways. Seoul’s beautiful after all, it shouldn’t be wasted, you know? So, what about you, Yoongi-ssi?” Yoongi shifted rather uncomfortably in his seat, as if it were discouraging to talk about the past, as if it were an annoying bug. He stared down at the can, giving it a scowl in offense before speaking. “My father dragged us up here, that's all." He finished coldly, the aura surrounding him seemingly growing darker leaving Namjoon with the clue as to not push on for further details. He simply nodded his head, saying a 'that's rough', and leaving it at that. He didn't want to anger or frustrate a possible friend, especially Yoongi.

Namjoon was a smart guy after all, and from what he could tell Yoongi was one of those... Very closed off people, who were well reserved until it was completely necessary to speak up and do something. He had to respect that part of him, at least.

"Why don't we get out of here?" Yoongi suggested suddenly as he began to stand up, taking the can into his hand and giving it a hard squeeze, leaving it crumpled and oddly figured, its edges pointed out in all different sorts of angles before he dropped it so easily and carelessly onto the floor without giving it a second glance. Namjoon couldn't help but give a little grunt as he stood up, he never skipped school before but something in him told him following after Yoongi would lead to something... Fun. "Alright, where do you suggest we go then, Yoongi-ssi?" Namjoon was excited to say the least. No matter where Yoongi was headed, Namjoon was determine to follow. Yet before he followed behind him even further, he halted his steps to bend down and grasp the dented can. His fingers gently wiping off some invisible dust and dirt, treating the scrap as a precious object before walking over and placing said can in the recycling bin, smiling brightly, dimples showing and all, over at Yoongi and flashing a thumbs-up, "You've got to recycle!" 

Yoongi couldn't help but scoff to himself, shaking his head as he began to chuckle. "Oh god. I'm friends with a neat freak. What . Okay, come on mom, let's go--"

But he kept standing in his place, glancing back at Namjoon (who still had that goofy smile on his face, by the way), and said, "Don't go by that formal anymore, it's weird, just call me hyung or even Yoongi."

Namjoon had 0 problem with that.



Namjoon awoke to the sound of birds chirping their cheery little tunes of joy outside his window, while the sun's rays seeped into the living room through tiny crevices in the worn out blinds. He had no recollection of having gone to sleep, for he still felt worn out and tired; without an ounce of energy in his body. The last thing he remembered was the familiar feeling of a small body pressed up against his, the warmth of said person he so desperately craved engulfing him in a tight embrace, their sweet lips pressing their signature marks against his sun-kissed flesh. The sound of soft, low moans still echoing in his ears and the feeling of pure ecstasy still drenched his very soul. The grogginess was slowly leaving him as he was brought back into reality as said person began to shift around next to him in the very limited space on the couch. As a matter of fact, there was barely to no space on the couch for them, it was a miracle neither of them had ended up rolling off in their sleep. Most of Yoongi's small body rested atop of Namjoon's, his slender, pale legs he was so proud of (and would often brag were better than most girls he knew) appeared quite feminine compared to Namjoon's thick, toned, longer one's. 

Yoongi appeared to be rather tough and as rigid as a stone to other's, but Namjoon knew the truth after so many years of friendship. Looking down at his sleeping hyung, whose neck was littered with his very own work of reddened love marks, he was caught sound asleep, with his lips slightly ajar as he laid in deep slumber atop Namjoon's chest.

Namjoon still could not believe that the Earth and Heaven (if it even existed), had worked together to bring him such a beautiful and amazing human being.

Only with Yoongi, a grumpy, elderly man, was he ever truly happy or capable of smiling. His life was complete with him. 


But it would only come to end sooner or later.


Great Empire's had once flourished before collapsing within days. Namjoon's empire was about to collapse.

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Brooklyn170 #1
Chapter 4: That was really good :)