Chapter 2.

are we living to die, or are we dying to live?

Yoongi had always been a usual visitor, working so close and all, it was only natural for him to find his way to Namjoon’s place and practically calling it his own as time passed.

Namjoon quickly followed behind the elder as Yoongi began to take off his shoes, focusing afterwards on removing his worn leather jacket before plopping on top of the couch with Namjoon following not that far behind him like a lost puppy-- soon cuddling up right next to the significantly smaller boy.

"You tired hyung?" Namjoon asked quietly, waiting for a moment before burying his face in the crook of Yoongi’s neck. He let out a soft sigh, taking in the familiar warmth before lifting his head to take a quick peek at his hyung.

Yoongi did not say a single word, nor did he have to, for Namjoon knew how tiring the night shift was on him. Yoongi simply let out a light sigh, his chest rising as he took steady breaths.

Namjoon had a habit of following behind Yoongi ever since they had met 6 years prior during his first year of High School.

High School was the start of all his misery, to say the least. He had always been a prime target for all the bullies, being quite awkward, spacey, and lanky since a young age. Namjoon could often be... A space cadet, spending his time gazing out a window instead of paying attention in class, yet would still be able to score the highest in his grade each and every single year since primary school.


'What a ing smart ,' sneered bitterly a young boy with slight acne and an apparent gap between his two front teeth, as he loomed over Namjoon like a wolf watching over its prey. Namjoon sat alone in his usual spot in the cafeteria, the book in his hands suddenly being knocked away soon making contact with the cold, tiled floor beneath him, making him cower back into himself in fear. 'Earth to Namjoon, Can ya hear us you ?' He continued taunting, standing in front of Namjoon appearing as a wall, keeping him in a concealed cage and away from his desired freedom. 'I asked a ing question, or are ya too busy thinking ‘bout some up your to listen?'  He inched closer with each venomous word, soon presenting himself directly in front of Namjoon; facing him head on with ready to kill, hate filled eyes. Namjoon could do nothing but try to advert his gaze, not wanting to tempt him any further with any sort of eye contact. However, he knew that no matter what he did, no matter if he were to simply breathe, they would always continue to taunt him; their fists would continue to meet his jaw or stomach, soon leaving his entire body painted with patches of purple, green, and deep browns after each painful blow their firsts would give. 'Just leave me alone…,' he mumbled barely above a whisper, however, those few words seemed to be enough to trigger another strike, for before he knew it his glasses made contact with the tiled floor, a forceful contact meeting his jaw, filled with a loathful desire to humiliate; to punish for all his wrongdoings, for his simple mistake of existing.

It was a day to day routine, continuously being tormented by his fellow classmates because of the fact that he was gay, and not afraid to hide it in such a dense society.

‘Don’t ing talk back to me you piece of . Ya know ya like it rough, baby boy,’ the oppressor continued on, a smirk on his face as he grabbed a fistful of Namjoon’s dark, black hair, tugging and yanking furiously until Namjoon was on the floor, kneeling before him in such a submissive position, letting him do as he pleased to him. Namjoon could do nothing but wait, wait until his classmate and their gang finished disposing their pent up rage on him as if he were their own personal punching bag. Strike after strike, it never seemed to have an ending. His life was miserable, his days were forever darkened as he cowered back into his abused mind, the punches reaching every corner of his body and his soul.

He could feel the warmth of his own blood slither down his face soon joining the mixture of his own tears, the air leaving his lungs with each kick to the ribs, his every cry of pain and howls of torment fell upon deaf ears. The gang of bullies pushed him to the ground, surrounding him like a group of hungry sharks, holding him hostage without an escape, without a light in an empty void as they all took turns striking him until his body felt numb all over and the only thing Namjoon could do was close his eyes and take it.

What did he do to deserve such beatings?

‘I’m Gay.’

Those two words sealed his fate, those two words would forever be the reasons for his disgrace and ostracization. He would be banished to the depths of hell for not hiding who he really was, for openly loving the same gender even though he was still created the same, and would still die the same as everyone else. He was fine with it, though. He would rather die himself than die as a conformed robot, fitting the silhouette of a brainwashed mannequin of society. So, he dealt with all the beatings, he let the fools push him around, abuse him, humiliate him all they wanted, but Namjoon still had himself. No one else would matter. He would only live for himself, and that was okay.

There were times when the beatings were too much for him, when he felt truly alone and isolated from the world. Their cruel words would often seep into the crevices of his bruised self esteem and jab at the wound during late, lonely nights where the world seemed to collapse entirely on Namjoon, crushing him into nothing but fragments of himself that were nearly impossible to bring together once again.

He had no other choice though. He had no one but himself. Humpty dumpty must put himself back together again, that is, until he met Min Yoongi.

He would forever have that day engraved into his mind, each and every second never to be forgotten.

Soon the taunting that filled the air suddenly came to a stop, a sudden yelp of pain and a series of confused, frustrated yells replaced Namjoon’s cries.

‘Get the out of here you lowlives,’ began an unfamiliar voice, a husky voice hinted with a slight lisp that was filled with a threatening dominance that would make any creature cower in fear in their own skin. ‘Honestly, you’re all such a pain in the ,’ said voice continued on, ‘Quit making so much damn noise. Go do something better with your lives other than annoy the out of me before I beat every single last one of you to a pulp.’ The air around them suddenly became stale and heavy, the stranger's voice was filled with such a strong, deathly confidence it silenced and stilled the abusers in their place. Hearing such a bold, dauntless voice sent a shiver down Namjoon’s spine, making his heartbeat double in fear and excitement as he waited for what would happen next with this sudden stranger, whom seemed to appear out of nowhere. No one in his town would have stood up for Namjoon. Who was this person? What the was happening?

Namjoon suddenly heard a scoff above him before his hair was released from the death grip it was being held in, the feeling of the looming predators surrounding him suddenly diminishing before his tormentors spoke once again. ‘You better watch your in’ mouth, new kid. Lemme guess, you like in’ too, huh? You lucky we not in the mood no more or else we’d beat your just like him. Guess you fags stick together then.’ There was another scoff, following a series of pig like laughter as they all walked away, their heavy footsteps thumping and echoing throughout the room with each step until they left. The threat in the air soon lifted, however, it still left Namjoon’s body heavy from every blow and strike.

The threat was not completely gone, however. Namjoon had not yet looked up to face the stranger that had cut the beating session short, for he did not know what he wanted nor why he had done what he did. Namjoon could trust no one but himself, so once he heard soft footsteps nearing him, he couldn’t help but flinch on instinct.

‘That… looks like it really ing hurts,’ the stranger spoke rather sympathetically as he stood over Namjoon, no longer was it as threatening as it was before, instead it was lighter than air; a softer, kinder, and overall… sweeter voice to Namjoon’s ears.

Namjoon was hesitant, but his curiosity was far stronger than his fear. He slowly tilted his head upwards until he came face to face with none other than an angel. An angel with pale skin that would glow as bright as the moon, with complimentary black hair that was as dark as spilled ink which had blended onto the night sky, and such soft, naturally rosy lips that would put a flower to shame.

Namjoon had seen no one else like him.

The stranger kneeled down to look at Namjoon, his beautiful, thin lips curving into a small, genuine smile.

‘I’m Min Yoongi. Those guys are s, you don’t deserve that. Mind showing me around? I just moved from Daegu to Seoul.

I’m sure we’ll be friends. ’

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Brooklyn170 #1
Chapter 4: That was really good :)