You're beautiful

If I fall in love with you: Another snowfall

“Hyung?” The blonde boy looked at him with concerned eyes and immediately went and hugged him tight when didn’t respond. “Sungmin hyung, are you okay?” The younger let him go and looked into his already reddish eyes. “Why are you crying?”

He bit his lips as he tried to fight the tears that are still streaming down his cheeks. “I saw him Hyuk. I saw him.” He sobbed.
“Who?” Hyukjae shot him with a questioning look.
“Leeteuk-hyung. I saw him, we saw him.”
“What?” Enhyuk wanted to think that Sungmin had also gone insane but he cant, it’s Lee Sungmin, he’s the most normal person in their pack/ He cant be insane but believing what his friend was saying was also very close to impossible. Park Jungsu died seven years ago/ He was even there when they cremated his remains.
“Well…” Sungmin finally calmed down. “It wasn’t really Leeteuk hyung….”
His confusion went straight up. First he told him that he just saw their dead hyung and now he’s telling him that it wasn’t really him? He really was starting think that Sungmin’s been hanging around with those brothers too much and even him had already gone nuts.
“What do you mean hyung?” He looked at his hyung’s eyes again and all he saw was confusion.
Should he tell Hyukjae? He’s closer to Leeteuk than anyone can be. They were like brothers. If he broke down after seeing that guy, how much more if it’s Eunhyuk? That kid is a lot more vulnerable than him. For the nth time that day, Sungmin didn’t know what to do.
“Nothing.” He smiled but he could still his tears falling from his eyes. “It’s nothing.” 
Eunhyuk just sighed and shook his head as he asked one of their employees to watch the shop for a while. What happened to his hyung wasn’t just nothing. When it was just Heechul saying that he saw Leeteuk, he really did think that the older just really need some help, but after what he heard from Sungmin, he didn’t know what to think anymore.
“Let’s go upstairs okay?” Leeteuk’s old home has now become his. Leeteuk used to live at the café’s second floor because the older wanted to spend all his life in that place and while his hyung was in the hospital, he asked him to watch over his things while he’s gone. He never had the heart to leave. Everything in that floor was still all the same, it still looked like how his hyung designed it when he first moved there, just a little more organized this time.
Sungmin just nodded as he let the younger boy lead him upstairs.
“Hyung?” He felt someone tapped his shoulder. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing here?”
“I’m hungry.” He shifted back his attention to the menu board, he still wasn’t sure if he should just get the cheapest one because every single thing on the list was making him drool. “And I was calling you but weren’t answering your phone and this is the most pleasing place I saw.”
Jongwoon frowned. He felt a little guilty. It was his fault why his hyung is probably almost starving to death then. He forgot to cook breakfast for the both of them, and knowing Dennis, he’d rather set a house on fire than turn on a stove. He was also the stupid one who turned off his hyung’s alarm just because he thought it was annoying.
“Sorry hyung. I left my phone in the office.” The older ignored him. He sighed. “Just sit wherever you want hyung, I’ll order for you.”
The older looked at him with twinkling eyes. “Free?”
“Yes hyung.” He chuckled and walked towards the counter. “Besides, I’m a regular here. I know which ones are good.”
“Hyung! Everything here is good!” A boy with a very chinky eyes and very bad accent exclaimed, the young boy looked Chinese to him.
“Hello to you too Henry.” Jongwoon smiled at Dennis. “See hyung! I’m a regular here!” He proudly said.
Dennis just shook his head and walked towards the seat that looked most appealing to him. Usually, he’ll pick the table beside the window but he didn’t know why he sat on the one that’s slightly hidden from the other customers, maybe because that’s the only table that’s not white - it was made of oakwood and has a small vanilla scented candle on top of it. He sniffed the scent that the candle was emitting and he almost fell asleep on his seat, the place was too cozy for him.
He kept looking around, observing every single detail of the place. He noticed how that most of the tables near the where he was sitting were all oakwood, unlike the ones in the front that’re all white silver. He felt like he wasn’t supposed to be there, like that part of the place was off limits but there was also something inside him that was telling him that that spot was just perfect for him.
“Hyung.” Jongwoon handed him a cup of coffee and about three slices of mouth-watering raspberry cheesecake. Three slices are too much, but nor for a starving Dennis Park. “Of all tables, why did you pick this one that’s all the way at the end? Nobody sits in this area. Well, except for Heechul-hyung.” Jongwoon shrugged his shoulder as he took a sip from his own cup. He could still remember those days when he will always see his boss in that café, talking to a guy that he cant even remember the face.
Heechul. He didn’t know why but that name just suddenly made him feel different, like he heard that name before. It sounded too familiar to him that he wanted to hear the name over and over again.
“Heechul-hyung. Kim Heechul, one of my bosses.” Jongwoon looked up at him, and the younger seemed to remember something. “Do you know him?”
“Nope.” He smiled to himself. He didn’t know why.
“Ah hyung.” He looked back the Jongwoon and the black-haired man looked troubled. “I have a good and bad news for you.”
He put down his cup and looked concentrated on what his friend was about to say. “What is it?”
“About the job interview….” Jongwoon bit his lips. “You didn’t pass hyung, I’m sorry.” The younger looked down as he thanked that he put down his cup because he’d probably drop that to himself after hearing his friend’s bad news.
“They’ve already decided? That fast?” He asked in a very surprised yet very worried tone.
“I heard from the HR department that it was the president who picked who will be hired. I’m really sorry hyung.” Jongwoon looked back up at him. “But Wookie said that he’ll try to look for a vacancy for you, although that can take quite some time.”
He smiled to comfort his friend. “It’s fine. Better luck next time.” He sighed and started eating his raspberry cheesecake. He forgot all his worries after one bite.
Kyuhyun left his father’s office with a big smile.
“It wasn’t him. He didn’t pick him.” He kept repeating those sentences to himself to the point that he almost sounded like was chanting. He was that relieved, he forgot that he’s starting to look like a mad man walking around the halls of that floor.
“Where’s Minnie-hyung?” He suddenly jolted. “I need to tell Minnie-hyung!” For the first time since his father assigned the guy to be his assistant, he felt excited seeing the other. Or was it really the first?
He just shook the last part of his thought away and texted his assistant who immediately replied. He almost flew to the café and ran to Hyukjae’s unit at the second floor. He almost hugged Sungmin if he didn’t just noticed that the older was still crying and his other hyung, the blonde one, was just looking at pink-loving man with questioning eyes. 
“What happened to him?” Eunhyuk pointed at Sungmin. “He told me that he saw Teukie-hyung while bawling his eyes out and now that I’m asking him to tell me everything, he just kept on crying.” The blonde let out a frustrated sigh. “Did he also loose his sanity?”
Sungmin looked up at him and he couldn’t help but feel sorry for his assistant. He sat down beside him and gave the older a comforting hug, that lasted a little longer than it should. 
“I didn’t know if should tell him Kyu. I don’t know what to do anymore. I‘m so confused. I didn’t know that it‘s gonna be this hard.” Sungmin whispered to him with a cracked voice. He felt even more sorry.
“It’s okay hyung. It’s gonna be okay. I’m here now.” He tightened the hug as he started humming. He unconsciously lulled his assistant to sleep. He laid the older down on the couch as he fight the urge of pecking the other’s pouty lips as he watch him sleep.
Eunhyuk as he watched the pair. They were so cute.
“Hyung.” Kyuhyun finally acknowledge the other presence behind him.
“Ready to talk now?” Eunhyuk smirked as he thought of how the younger looked at his sleeping assistant.
Kyuhyun glared at him as soon as he felt the teasing tone in his hung’s question. “We really did see Jungsu-hyung.” He went straight to the point. He hated beating around the bush, that’ll just make things more complicated.
“What? You know that’s impossible right?” Is he the only insane one left in their group? Eunhyuk thought.
“Well, it wasn’t really him.” Kyuhyun sighed and handed a manila envelope to the blonde guy.
Eunhyuk’s eyes went wide as soon as he saw what’s inside. 
That face. He knows that face. He would never forget that face. Those eyes. Those lips. That smile…and that dimple….only his Jungsu hyung have those.
But he was wrong.
Dennis Park was this guy’s name…and he look exactly alike as his hyung.
“Are you trying to pull a prank on me?” He chuckled as tears started falling from his eyes, now he know why Sungmin was bawling his eyes out. 
“Hyung, I like playing mind games with people but I wont get that far.” Kyuhyun stated as he looked at him straight into his eyes.
That kid wasn’t lying at all.
Heechul just found himself driving towards nowhere, and yes, that was a literal term, he really didn’t know where exactly he was heading. He decided to pull over on the side of road and rested his forehead on the steering wheel. He didn’t know where to go anymore. He tried going to the hospital to bug his cousin but the fish wasn’t there, he tried talking to the other staffs but when he saw his angel’s doctor, he remembered that that’s place where he last saw him smile…and he couldn’t last another second in that place. He wanted to go the beach but it was already too late, it’ll be nightfall once he reached that special place. The only choices he had left was to go home and wallow in loneliness or go to the café.
He picked the second one. He survived his first visit, why not try it for another time? Right? He convinced himself that everything’s gonna be okay before he took the road to that very special place.
It only took him a few minutes before he finally reached the place and he didn’t waste any second, he went inside and went straight to the counter.
“Hyukkie, the usual.” He said without looking at the boy in front of him. It’s been a while since he last ate in that place, but he’s still assuming that the blonde boy could still remember what he used to order so he just started walking but he was stopped by an unfamiliar voice.
“Sir.” He looked up. “Who are you? Where’s Hyukkie?”
“He’s upstairs sir and I’m Henry. I’m a part timer here.”
His lips formed an O and eyes the young boy. He just sighed.
“Peppermint white chocolate mocha and raspberry cheesecake.” Finally! The fish showed up. “And bring it to the table at the corner. Don’t ask for payment, he‘s the one signing your paycheck.” He smirked at his cousin and shook his head at he walked towards his usual spot. He didn’t know if he should be thankful that his dongsaengs left that side of the café the same or not, it brought back tons of memories.
He just kept on walking and he was a little surprised that there’re actually other people sitting at that side of the place. He thought that he was the only one that still likes the place the way it originally was. He just ignored the pair and sat at his usual spot with his head down.
Dennis noticed a girl walked past them, or was it guy? He wasn’t sure. He’s pretty flat chested for a girl, and too beautiful to be man……it was the same guy that almost hit him that morning, and after thinking about it a bit, that was the same guy he met at the cemetery.
What’s with him and that guy?
He just watched the newcomer as he sat at the table at the farthest end of the café. The guy put his head down and his long hair totally covered his beautiful face. He was disappointed, he wanted to see more of that face.
“Hyung, we have to go. I need to go back to work.” Jongwoon interrupted him.
“Why? I thought you can stay here for at least an hour or two?” He asked. He really didn’t want to leave.
“My boss is here.”
“Kim Heechul.” Jongwoon pointed at the newcomer.
So that’s him. Kim Heechul.
“Cant I just stay here for now?”
“I forgot to tell you, Wookie said that you need to resubmit your resume. I think they lost it.”
He pouted. He had no other choice. “Fine.”
As promised, I updated a new again~~
This is quite longer than the previous ones...
Why? Coz IDK if I can update in the next two weeks...I'm going to be busy with schoolworks, esp now that finals week is coming ;__;
so ya. we'll just see~~
For those who are still confused about this Dennis Park guy...
First, READ THE PREQUEL .... that's the best way to do to understand this story, because everything is practically connected to that first one. Plus, I will include some little details from that story to this one. Here're the link: If I fall in love with you
Second, Dennis Park is a guy who looks exactly the same as Leeteuk/Jungsu in the first story BUT THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON
Dennis Park is a new character that I created for this new story and Dennis Park is actually Teukie's unofficial english name in real life :)
Eunhaeizawesome _Cieca_ thanks :) I thought they're starting to get boring coz I feel like I'm wasting to much chapters for those ;__;
//edit edit


"Why dont you tell me that the ocean is yellow? That the sun is green? That the sky is pink? Why dont you tell me....that you love me."
comments give me motivation...lots and lots fo will it be okay if I asked for some? hehe
I just want to feel that I'm not the only excited about my own story <3
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got a chapter automatically rated .. it's probably all because of all the swear words .. still no from me :p


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Chapter 14: Question: Who is that brother, Dennis is talked about before. He mentioned he visited his grave
Chapter 2: Oh? Who?
Chapter 1: First chapter and my eyes are already watering 😭
im sad i come when its seem discontinued :(
Pinkyoinkoink #5
Please continue this beautiful story?
Chapter 45: Nooooooo! I wanted to see what really happened!
kimluna1 #7
Chapter 5: I just couldn't imagine the physical treaty of Park Jungsu as Dennis, to me he is a stranger whose face I can't see/draw.
kimluna1 #8
Chapter 4: Jungsu and Dennis aren't the same person alright, I don't think this will be a very good idea for a sequel (sorry had to say that). Because Heechul (or anyone who has lost a loved one) will always look for his lover not for a replica, because when he loved him he loved Leeteuk's heart and soul not just the face. I have to say that I am a #heeteuk#teukchul shipper and the first part made me cry my eyes out, I felt the pain and the sorrow my heart ached. Please no more sad endings.