Chapter 5 Finally together

Make a wish

After what happend yesterday, i was a little nervous about today. We had to wake up at six o'clock in the morning and i was aking myself why? We are on a MT (membership training), why do we have to wake up at six? I tought about Hae a lot. He's been acting really strange. Is it possible for him to love me too? I asked myself that. I think i will ask him about it, otherwise i dont know where this will go. What if its really true that he loves me and i was just focusing on myself instead of thinking about Hae's feelings? Ah what should i do? I want to ask him so badly but why is it so hard? No i will to be brave i told myself. I have to be brave, but i will wait a little. I will tell him when we get back home, i dont want this trip to be ruined by me if he doesnt love me the way i love him. But this doesnt mean that i will stop trying to get his love. No i wont give up even if after we get back home and he tells me that he doesnt love me i will still be trying. I love him too much to just easily give up on him like that. And with these toughts i started the day.

Hae was still sleeping aginst my shoulder, i didn't want to wake him but i had to. When all of us came out of the tent we were going to play a waking up game. We were in pairs, of course i was with Hae..kk. It was game of hide and seek and we were tied together so that we will cooperate with each other. Siwon and Shindong hyung were the ones that are searching for others so i tought it won't be that hard. But they are so serious about.

Right at this moment i was a little , cause Hae was now leaning on me and i could feel his breath on my neck. We are hiding in a deserted building we found. There are other pairs too but since we are hiding we should not let them know we are here. I was starting to get crazy because of Hae and i think he noticed it, but then he looked in my eyes and i leaned a little closer and so our lips met. Hae was a bit hesistant at first but now it turned into a really heated kiss. I explored with my tounge every trace of Hae's mouth "nhh Hyukiee.." Hae moaned and i slipped my hands in his shirt and started to abuse one of his s "Hyukiee .. P-please" " What is it Hae?" "Do you want me" i asked him. "Yes Hyuk please" I kissed him again and he let out those beautiful moans again, but then he pulled away. "Hyukiee i-i don't want this to be only lust." "Hae trust me this is not lust...I love you Hae i always did." " I love you too Hyukiee."Hae said and we continued in our little moment, but we can't do it here when there are other members everywhere...

We came back and told our members about it. I tought there will be some problems and questions about it, but all of them were like "Finally" and Siwon and Heechul even made a bet. I almost killed them. And like this our MT was more enjoyable than before. Oh i almost forgot Heechul and Kyuhyun are also together they didn't tell us how it happend, they just grinned at each other like idiots.

When we came back home, i dragged Hae to the rooftop. "Hae do you remember the wish i made and didn't tell you?" "Yes you said you won't tell till it happens." "I guess i can tell you now. You know Hae i wished that you will love me the way i do and that you will be mine just mine." "Hyukiee i love sooo much and now im only yours. And i made a wish here last time too...i wished the same thing as you Hyukiee." When he said that i covered my lips with his and afterwards i told him "Seems that only one wish can do a lot, but i realized that if you want it to come true you have to try going after the wish." i said to Hae. "Yeah i think you are right..." Hae said and i covered my lips with his once again "I love you Hae." "I love you too Hyukiee." And so we just stood there in each others embrace watching the sky. And i made another wish in my mind and i will make sure it comes true, but not now in the future definitelly....I wish that me and Hae will marry and be together forever. And like this we came back to the dorm and fell asleep hugging together, waiting for another day to come.




Okay so this is the last chapter i know its a bit rushed but i have a lot to so at school and i wouldn't have time to finish it if it was longer i hope you enjoyed it. Dont forget to comment and subscribe.












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Chapter 5: Cute^^
Though I wish to see more specific progress in their relationship.. but it's still good :)
samira1 #2
Chapter 5: omg it was so cute *O*
gin-san #3
Can't wait to read hyuk's method to get hae as his..kkkk
Update soon..:-D