Chapter 08

Goddess Luck
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Continuing off, they were all inside coffee bean and was drinking shaved ice and they were talking about something. “How does Jeju island sound?” Himchan asked and everyone ignored him and he pouted and sat there morosely but everybody didn't want Jeju. “How about we go Japan?” Ja Young asked and everyone looked at her “Japan is known for their sweet dumplings and we could catch their traditional shows and cherry blossom and we can get to see the streets of Tokyo and maybe even Hokkaido!” She said in amusement and everybody started to think about it “hey that's not bad! We can even check for cafes!” Jinnie said and everyone nodded “Himchan.. You be in charge of breathtaking landscapes for pictures! Yongguk will be in charge of cafes and which café sell good coffee! Daehyun and Youngjae, both of you will find ice cream shops that sell beautiful ice cream. Jongup and Jun Hong, you'll be in charge of finding museums. The three of us will be finding the best restaurants along with the best tourist attraction!” Ja Young said and took a sip of her drink as the rest nodded while taking down their jobs. “We will book a ticket for our summer vacation about three months later and I'll calculate the cost and tell you guys how much to bring.” Ja Yong said as she dotted it down and everybody nodded. The high fived each other as Ja Young stretched “that felt good!” She said as she twisted her body. “Man. This is really difficult!” She claimed and Mark couldn’t keep his eyes off her “*shes so.. Beautiful and smart.. What a gorgeous babe.*” he said in his mind and felt a nudge as he looked to his right and saw a Jinnie smiling as she leaned up “you like her don't you?” She whispered and Mark turned red. “Was it obvious?” He whispered back and Jinnie shook her head “Ja Young doesn't know. But I'll let you in on a secret.” Jinnie said and she smiled “Ja Young likes you!” She said and snickered before running to Ja Young and linked hands with her as all of them packed their bags and quickly got out.

~2 weeks later~

“Sorry!” She said as she ran and ducked below some of her friend. Her bag accidentally hit a boy that was about to bend around the corner and the papers of the poor boy was sprawled everywhere and he had to bend down to pick them up “I'm really sorry Joo Young. I'll buy you lunch some other day. I'm sorry!” She exclaimed and ran out the door. Her breathing started to hitched and she was panting, sweats were starting to bead. It was autumn and it was really cold so the sweat that she produced was cold sweat and every breath that she pant out was just a small fog. She quickly entered BAP’s dorm after running past the pool that was closed due to cold weather . She put her fingerprint and it detected it and allowed her in “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” A party pooper was popped on her and she frowned “you guys..” The rest smiled including Mark, BamBam and Jackson along with Jinnie. “I thought it was real!” The rest laughed “you forgot your birthday so we decided to celebrate it for you!” Mark exclaimed and she couldn't help but feel touched as her eyes welled with tears “thank you” she s

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raemii #1
Chapter 9: This is the end?
I like this story...
Just confused when seo ji missing? And noone know her hahah