Chapter 01

Goddess Luck
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Kim Ja Young. The girl who always has everything wrong. From the moment she was born, nothing goes right. Her mother abandoned her for another man, her father left her at the orphanage because he was with another woman. She was teased, pushed around and ordered around by other kids in the orphanage because she was just her. When she became 17, she could attend Kirin high. A school that she has been aiming for and saving up for after attending Kirin middle school. She decided to move into the school’s dorm instead of living with her bunch of rowdy friends. When she attended Kirin high, she was already targeted by BAP. The most infamous gang in the school. What happened was…

On the first day of school, everybody let way for BAP because they knew that if they cut their path, they will be marked. Ja Young, however.. Never felt that kind of threat and had no idea that she accidentally crossed path and bumped into Jung Daehyun. The kindest man in the group. However, the rest of the members were not happy at the fact that she crossed their path but Daehyun said that he won't pursue the matter. The second time she pissed them off was when she accidentally spilt soup on one of the boy’s jacket that had them fuming mad. When the 5 boys gather at their lounge in the school, without Daehyun, they decided to use the danger card on her. They had 3 types of cards. The first card which is a lighter penalty is called the ban card. Ban card is lighter because it just means that the whole school except BAP can bully her all they want however, they cannot hurt her in the process which is a very light punishment. The second card is called the danger card. Danger card basically means BAP and the whole school have to make her life as miserable as can be. Bully her until she breaks down and beg for forgiveness, slowly breaking her emotionally. The last card is beyond control card. It is a card that breaks her emotionally and physically. Since she only irritated them twice, they are given her a danger card. Which is also a warning card. “Just her luck to piss us off on the first day of school.” Himchan said with his scrunched up nose. “Where's Daehy

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raemii #1
Chapter 9: This is the end?
I like this story...
Just confused when seo ji missing? And noone know her hahah