The Last 30 Days


A story about a girl named Sandara and her boyfriend, Kwon Jiyong. The boy suffers pneumonia, but he didn't know it. The doctor told Sandara that this December could be the last winter for her boyfriend. The doctor said that Jiyong would leave this world in 30 days. So, Sandara wants to make it special, she wants this month to be the most meaningful month of her life. And she wants to spend the last 30 days with him. 

November 30th, 2011

"Sandara, there's something I want to tell you" Mrs. Kwon said in a sad tone, "Come here" 

Sandara came closer to Mrs. Kwon and looked at her eyes. Mrs. Kwon cried. Sandara didn't know what was going on but she knew that Mrs. Kwon was about to tell her a bad news.

Mrs. Kwon handed Sandara a telephone and a voice of a man was heard. The man was talking to Sandara and he explained all about it. All about Jiyong, his boyfriend.

 "He doesn't know that he suffers pneumonia," The doctor said, "He will leave you within 30 days"

Sandara couldn't believe that his boyfriend would leave her this fast. She cried and looked at Mrs. Kwon and Mr. Kwon who were crying. Jiyong wasn't there, he was sleeping. Too bad, he didn't know about this. He only knew that he was just a little bit dizzy, but he didn't know that it was worse.

The girl remembered the promise Jiyong made, "nobody can love you as much as I do. I promise I won't leave you"

But now, she let him break the promise. She couldn't do anything.


A daragon story~ I'm new in AFF and this is the first time I write fanfiction. This story is just about two of them. No big bang or 2NE1. I hope you like it :) Please comment and subscribe if you like it!

thanks to b2utyfulshawol @ Tokki Berry for the poster!


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mylyza07 #1
i like it..hope u update soon....thank u author<br />
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