“He's sick.”

Let's start with something simple
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A/N: sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry omfg if you're still reading this THANK YOU for putting up with my crappy update schedule! I tried to make this chapter longer than usual to make up for it so I really hope you like it (^_^)


It wasn’t until a week later where Jimin really started to notice changes in Yoongi’s attitude towards him. He noticed how Yoongi always chose to sit with their sides pressed more tightly against each other than normal. He noticed how he would wrap his arm around the younger's shoulders more often than usual and how he especially liked to do it whenever one of Jimin’s other friends were hanging around them, often putting a face of distaste on when Jimin wasn't paying full attention to him. The only thing was that Jimin didn't know the reasons behind these actions.


He was at lunch now. Yoongi had told Jimin he was sick today and couldn't come to school. Jimin would have to remember to buy him a vitamin drink and visit him on his way home to help him feel better. He chose to sit towards the far side of the cafeteria with his normal group of friends and was just about to start eating when the youngest, Jungkook, asked him where “syubie hyung” was.


“He's sick.” Jimin said before picking up a few french fries and chewing on them slowly. “Oh okay. Hope he feels better soon.” was the only response he got. Pretty soon the rest of his group of friends arrived and the table was filled with the others: Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok & Taehyung. All boys thought of to be as close to him as real brothers. They all asked similar questions about Yoongi which resulted in the same response. They quickly moved on to other topics of conversations to entertain them before the end of their lunch period.


About ten minutes before the end of the break Jimin received a text message from Yoongi.


Yoongi: Hey can you come see me after school alone?


Chibi-tan: Sure! I was planning on stopping by to check on you anyway hyung (^_^)


The sheer cuteness of the response nearly stunned Yoongi and several minutes passed before a response was given to the younger.


Yoongi: Oh okay. Thanks! See you later.


The rest of the day was uneventful and before he left school Jimin was told by his five closest friends to give Yoongi their best wishes to get well soon. They all knew

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Chapter 5: Please continue. I would love to read it ^_^
Chapter 5: No, please continue this story. I don't mind waiting for updates
Chapter 5: I've been enjoying the story. I would enjoy any updates no matter how sporadic they are so just enjoy you're writing and update when you feel like it! ^.^
kyungheart13 #4
Chapter 2: Aw this is so cute c:
Ellie134 #5
Chapter 1: omg,this is AMAZING!! pls update soon
mir2504 #6
Chapter 1: This is so sweet❤
kpopbrazil #7
Chapter 2: Omg, this is so cute! My hardcore yoonmi heart is so happy! Pkease, update as soon as possible.
clinton1421 #8
So many feels. The sensation of Yoongi's touch against innocent Jimin sent a tingling chill to run down my spine as this was so aesthetically pleasing.
Chapter 1: Looking forward to reading the next chapter :)