It's Christmas!

Christmas Love ❤️

CHRISTMAS day is one of the most special day every year. It is also one of the most awaited day of the year. It is the season of loving, giving, and sharing to one another. When I was young, my dream is to spend Christmas day with my special someone beside my parents. Maybe that is the reason I am so excited for Christmas day to come. I believe that I will meet my special someone on Christmas day.


Ever since I turned twenty-three, I started dating but none of them last until December. For example, my six-month boyfriend Baekhyun. We started dating March last year but decided to part ways on the month of September that same year. We became friends after that. No hard feelings. Good for him, he found his special someone not long enough.

Christmas day is also a day to reminisce my parents. They died on a car accident on the night of the twenty-fourth as they were on their way home from a Christmas party when I was twenty. It had been five years. And for the fifth time, it looks like I will be celebrating Christmas alone again. I'm used to it so it is not really a big deal.

"Jieun-ah! Can you accompany me today? I still don't have a gift for Taemin," my best friend, Naeun, called me this morning.

"It's the twenty-fourth already and you still haven't got him anything? What kind of girlfriend are you? Ha-ha-ha," I teased. I can tell that she's pouting now. Somehow I feel jealous of her because she finally met her special someone. They are both in love with each other and sometimes it looks and feels awkward whenever I'm with them because they are so sweet with each other. But I love my best friend so it is okay. She is actually worried about me not having anyone. But being friends with both of them is enough to make me happy this Christmas.

We spend the entire day walking on the mall looking for something that Taemin might like. Soon we found this super cute teddy bear wherein you can put personalize letters on it. So we bought it feeling contented and happy that I've helped my best friend.

"Are you sure you don't want to celebrate with us? It's okay you know," Naeun asked for the hundredth time today.


I smiled at her. "No, it's okay. I'm all right. Uhh, say Merry Christmas for me to Taemin okay?" I hugged her. I tried to fight the tears coming.


"See you tomorrow. Thank you so much, Jieun-ah. I love you," Naeun said as I make my way out in her car. She drove away and I waved until I lost sight of her.

When I went inside my house, the tears that I'm fighting not to show up in front of Naeun finally falls. I sobbed and sobbed with my back on the door. I don't even know why am I crying. All the sadness of losing my parents, the tension of having no one around, the jealousy on my best friend. When will I achieve happiness? When will I find him? I thought Christmas day is one of the most happiest day?

I went to my fridge to get a soju. I decided a drink can help me forget everything. I sigh when I found out there's none. I wiped away my tears and check myself on the mirror. I went outside to have my drink.

I went to this open store where they sell food and soju. I ask for a bottle and they gave me one. I sit on one of the available tables. Good thing even though it is Christmas eve they are still open. I started pouring my glass.

I was in my third bottle and I'm still a bit sober when someone, clearly drunk, went across me and grab my soju and drank it quickly. I stared at him, shocked.

"Why do all girls and annoying and ruthless?" He inhaled sharply. I stared at him and that's when I noticed his features. He's currently wearing a red and black striped shirt underneath his gray long-sleeved sweatshirt and jacket. He also has a furry hat on his head. Just by the look of it, it feels so soft. His eyes are a bit weird since it is sometimes twitching whenever he smiles to himself. I wonder what was he thinking.

"I. Hate. Her," he said suddenly looking sad. Uh-oh. Looks like a heartbroken guy is in front of me.

"What did she do?" I asked curiously. Somehow this guy seems interesting.

"Who dumps their boyfriend on Christmas eve? Tell me," he said looking at me. He looks so handsome. I blushed.

"Ahjumma! One more soju please!" he shouted. "My Christmas ."

"Mine, too," I said. I decided not to drink anymore and just focus on this guy in front of me.

"Huh?" he said. I grabbed the soju on his hand and poured it into his glass. That little touching of our skin sent some kind of electric shock across my body. I wonder if he felt it too since he backed away quickly.

"You see, my mom and dad died on Christmas eve a few years ago, my boyfriend broke up with me months before and I'm pretty jealous with my best friend because she has everything," I blurted out. I just needed to say it but not to my best friend. I know he's just a stranger but the need to get it out of my mind is so strong.

We talk about random things as if we knew each other for a long time already. It is so weird how you feel comfortable to some stranger better than your best friend. We didn't notice the time when the store owner approached us and told us that it is getting late and she's about to close the store now.

I paid for the bills and I decided to go home. The guy in front of me is so drunk and just by looking at his peaceful face makes me want to take care of him. I sigh.

"Yah! Get up! We're going home!" I shouted at him. His eyes fluttered open and smiled at me. At least he stood up. I helped him as we walk. He's so heavy and tall.

"What is your name? You're beautiful," I blushed at the compliment. We've been talking for hours and didn't even know each other's name.

"Jieun, Kim Jieun," I said. Good thing my house is just nearby.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Park Chanyeol," he said. We've reached our house. I placed him on the coach.

"Ughh," he groaned.

"Chanyeol-ssi. Do you want anything? I'll get you water," I said starting to get up but he got hold of my wrist. I looked at him.

"Jieun-ah. Thank you for tonight." He was so near to me our face was just inches away. I close my eyes waiting for the kiss but then I felt something heavy as he fell on my chest completely knocked out. I tried so hard to move him and get him a better position. I get a pillow and blanket and placed it on him. Why am I doing this to some stranger again?


"MERRY Christmas, Jieunnie~~" someone shouted in my room. I opened my eyes and saw Taemin and Naeun in my room. I went back to sleep since I slept late last night because I was staring at Chanyeol while he was sleeping. Chanyeol. I quickly got up remembering that he's sleeping on the coach. I wondered why Naeun didn't ask about him.

I quickly went down to the surprise of both of them. On the coach was the pillow with the blanket neatly folded on top of it. Chanyeol's furry hat is also placed there and I wonder what time did he left the house. As I was inspecting the furry hat, a paper fell with a number written on it.


"Yah! What is that?" Naeun asked looking at the furry hat.

"Mine," I said wearing it.

"Open our gifts!" she said. I gave her my gift to her amd Taemin.

We spend the morning lazing around my house. When the afternoon came, they decided to go already since they will be visiting Taemin's parents. We bid goodbye and soon I was all alone again in the house.

I think of Chanyeol and the number. Should I call him? Is he okay right now? Where is he? Will he even remember me? I thought. This is crazy!! I dialed his number on my phone and waited.

"Hello?" he answered his voice is so deep and so manly.

"Uhm. Hi... Remember me? Well, you gave me your number I just thought maybe I should call you... Are you all right?" I asked nervously. It will be a shame if he won't remember me.

"Jieun-ah?" Oh, thank God he remembers me.

"Chanyeol?" We both laugh at each other.

We started talking on the phone like there's no tomorrow. He shared stories about him and I also shared something about me. It's getting pretty late so I decided to end up the call. Just thirty minutes after ending the call, someone knocked on the door.

I was expecting Naeun but when I opened it, a smiling Chanyeol with a pizza is in front of me.

"Uhh. Hi," he said, looking nervous. "Merry Christmas!" he added.

"Why?" I asked while walking on the living room and placing the pizza on the small table. He sat on the coach he slept last night while I sit on the floor.

"Well, I would like to properly say my thank you for comforting me last night. You're a very interesting person. Can we be friends?" he asked looking at me.

"Friends? Sure! I thought we're already friends? Merry Christmas! I'm sorry I didn't got you any gift, I didn't know I'll be meeting you." I laughed. We started eating the pizza and talking again about random things.


DAYS, months have passed and soon we're celebrating Christmas day again. Chanyeol had been a very good friend to me for the past year. He's always there to listen to my stories about everyday and so am I to his. We became so close to each other and before I knew it, I am in love with him. I don't know when it started but just being together with him comforts me in such a different way whenever I'm with Naeun. Sometimes I do feel that he feels the same way because I always see it in his eyes, sincerity and a promise that he'll take care of me.

But as Christmas eve is approaching, Chanyeol suddenly stopped talking to me. He distanced himself and I wonder why. I will not take it if he, too, left me on Christmas day, not like we are dating but as friends, close friends.

The morning of it, Naeun came into my house saying we need to buy a new dress. I didn't want to go because I have so many dresses already but she's persistent. She even used her puppy eyes so I eventually gave in.

She asked me to wear the dress that we've bought. The dress is simple. Just a pink tube top with laces on it and the skirt that reaches below my knee. It also includes a brown jacket because I wouldn't be seen wearing without it outside when it is snowing. I wore the usual heels I use. Naeun helped me with my makeup and hair. I tried to ask her what is this about but she said it was a surprise and her Christmas gift to me.

"Don't forget to thank me later... or maybe tomorrow." She winked.

The doorbell rang. Naeun and I quickly went out of the room to get the door. I opened it and standing there is Chanyeol looking so handsome and dashing in a suit holding a bouquet of flowers.

"For you..." He handed me the flowers. I was so surprised as I take it. "Let's go?" he asked. I'm still in shocked as I take his hand.

I finally recovered when I sat on his car. He started the engine and started driving.

"Where are we going?" I wondered.

"Dinner... This is my Christmas gift to you actually. Are you surprised?" he asked subtly taking a look at me.

"Surprised? More like shocked? So is this the reason you won't talk to me these past few days? I thought you don't want to be my friend anymore!" I smacked him. He just smirk as he parked his car in front of his house.

We enter his place and it looks so different when I was here way back. The living room was arranged, the coach and table is removed and put on the side. A soothing music was silently playing in the background. We went to the dining area and the table is set for two filled with different cuisine. My mouth started to water.

"Let's have dinner?" Chanyeol asked and I nodded. He pulled my chair and let me seat on it. I couldn't process any coherent thoughts at the moment because of the emotions filled through me with the way Chanyeol is acting. I can feel my heartbeat beating through my chest and I have this imagination that Chanyeol might hear it. We ate silently and I can't help but to feel awkward at the atmosphere.

"Jieun-ah, would you like to dance?" he asked. I took his hand and we went to the living room. "You look so beautiful tonight." he said as we started dancing to the beautiful melody that's playing. I encircled my hand on his neck while he placed his hand on my waist.

I blushed. "And you look so handsome. What is this? A date?" I joked and he laughed. He pulled me closer.

"What you said on the car about me not wanting to be your friend is right," he said, nuzzling my neck. This is the first time he ever did that so I gasped. He stopped and looked at me in the eyes. "Because I want to be your boyfriend not your best friend anymore," he said. The way he said it with his deep and y voice is so sweet I nearly cried. He then closed the gap between our face as he kiss me. The kiss is just short but sweet. I started crying.

"I'm sorry I'm just so happy." I sobbed as he kiss the tears away.

"I love you Jieun-ah. I've been waiting for this day to come to confess to you because remember when you told me that you believe you will find your special someone on Christmas day? I want to be that special someone," Chanyeol said. I looked in his eyes and hold his face with my hands.

"I love you too... so much.. Thank you for being there with me always." I tiptoed and kissed him on the lips passionately. He kissed me back.


SOMEONE is showering my face with kisses. I opened my eyes and saw Chanyeol. I smiled as he continued kissing every part of my face. I pout as he avoids my lips.

"Good morning, baby," he said sweetly. I greeted him back.

"Good mor—" My lips was attacked by Chanyeol. We started kissing for a good amount of time and just parted when in need of air.

"Uhh real breakfast is ready, miss," he said trying to control himself. "I prepared breakfast for our first morning together." He kissed me again, sweet but short and then stood up. He's only wearing his boxers. I smile as I remember what happened last night.

I can say that I finally found my special someone. I even accomplished my goal to find it on Christmas day. Maybe we can get married on Christmas day? I smile as I get up and get dressed. Today is just the start of a new life with Chanyeol. I am happy that the person I love, loves me back.

I went down and saw him on the kitchen. I hug him from behind, "I love you, Chanyeol." He turned around and face me.

"And I love you, too. So much."


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