Don't think so

Falling for you

Jeonghan headed to his math class after the bell rang to signify the end of lunch. He said goodbye to his friends as he walked to his classroom. The halls were always packed, with students stopping to talk with one another and all. He was about to walk inside the classroom when he heard his name being called.


“Jeonghan,” he heard someone say as he looked behind him to see Hansol walk up to him.


“What's up?” he said.


“Practice is canceled. The coach has a meeting to go to, so he told me to pass the message on,” he said.


“Oh okay,” he said as he noticed the new student enter one of the classrooms.


“That’s Mr. Jung’s room isn't it?” he asked Hansol.


“Yeah, I was about to go inside when I spotted you,” replied Hansol.


“So you know that new student?” he said as he noticed a group of girls that were looking in his direction. He smiled at them and they looked away giggling.


“You mean the one from China? Yeah, I forgot his name though,” he said.


‘Damn,’ that's what he was going to ask Hansol.


“It's cool. Anyway do you have any other classes with him?” he asked. Class started in a few minutes.


“Yeah, he's in my last class with Mr. Wu, why?” he asked.


“It's a long story. Thanks anyway,” said Jeonghan as he said goodbye and went to his own class.

Math was boring as usual. Calculus was really hard for him, but somehow he managed to survive through it. He usually dozed off when the teacher was talking. He mind went to the new Chinese student. He wondered how he was going to complete the challenge.

He was brought out of his thoughts by the teacher. “Mr. Yoon,”


“Uh yeah,” he said.


“Would you tell the class the answer to number seven,” he said. , he wasn't paying attention. He looked at the problem with a blank expression. He didn't know how to do this problem for .


He was about to give up and tell the teacher he didn't know, when a girl behind him whispered the answer.


“Uhm 27,” he said.


“That is correct,” said the teacher as he went back to the board. He thanked the girl behind him and tried to pay attention for the remainder of the time.


After his calculus class, he only had two more classes until school would be over and those classes went by fairly quick. After the last bell rang everyone sprung out of their seats. Jeonghan was about to walk over to Mr. Wu’s class to see the new student, but he was stopped midway by a girl.


He knew the girl. Her name was Jenny and she was one of the most stuck up people he had ever met. She for one had the worst attitude ever and had way too much jewelry.


“Jeonnie,” she said as he cringed at the nickname.


“I heard your practice was cancelled and I thought since you have nothing else to do, then you should come with me and hang out,” she said.


Yeah, no. Jeonghan knew that her definition of ‘hanging out’ meant make out sessions and other things she was known for.


“Actually, I do have something to do,” he said as he spotted the new guy behind her. He had to follow him before he got away.


“Sorry, I have to go now,” he said as he tried to look for the new guy. He thought he had lost him, but he turned around and noticed him enter the library. He walked in and looked around. He'd never really been to the library, so he hardly ever got to see it. Not much had changed since the last time he entered. He could see that the new guy had placed a book in the return center.


Jeonghan slowly walked to the return section and picked out the book. He opened the front cover and read the names written on it. The last one on it was A Xu Minghao. So that must be his name?


Now that he knew Minghao's name, so he picked up a random book and went to sit two tables in front of where Minghao was sitting. He sat in his line of view, but the other didn't seem to notice.


“Jeonnie,” he heard an all too familiar voice. Sometimes he really hated that chick.


“Jeonnie!” she said in a loud voice, which caught Minghao's attention.


Minghao looked up abruptly and they made eye contact. But Minghao quickly looked away.


“So this is where you went off to. I highly doubt this would be better than hanging out with me,” said Jenny as she sat next to him. Jeonghan tried his best not to roll his eyes. He could tell people were getting annoyed, but they dared not say anything to the school's most popular guy.


“Jenny,” he whispered.


“I came here to study and you're being too loud,” he said as he turned to look Minghao, but he wasn't in his seat any more. Damn. He looked around for Minghao and noticed that he was already leaving the library.


“Jenny, I have to go. See you later,” he said as he followed Minghao out the door. He was greeted by many people when he stepped outside which really for him because he as trying to be inconspicuous. He was also stopped a couple of times by a few of his friend's and when he tried to loom for Minghao he was already gone.


‘Great,’ he thought. He would just have to wait for tomorrow.

Jeonghan woke up and woke up the next day and started his daily routine. He went straight for the shower, he picked out his clothes, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and he was out the door. He met up with his friends and they all headed to school.

“So how’s the challenge going? have you made him fall for you yet?” asked Seungcheol.


Jeonghan scoffed. “You barely gave it to me yesterday,” he said.


“He’s right. Not even he can pull something like that off in a day,” said Joshua.


“But that’s why we came up with it in the first place. A would would have been too easy. Actually, if we’re being real, you would have gotten her by yesterday,” said Wonwoo as the rest of his friends nodded their heads in agreement.


“The new g—”


“Minghao,” he corrected him.


“Minghao, that’s his name?”


“Yeah,” nodded Jeonghan.


“Okay then, Minghao, he’s going to be a little harder to get,” said Wonwoo as they entered the school and sat under their usual spot under the tree. They started talking about their next game against their rival school when Jeonghan noticed Minghao had entered the gates of the school.


He observed as Minghao quickly walked through the gates with his eyes downcast. He was carrying various books, he must not have gotten his locker yet.  He seemed like a real shy guy, who minded his own business. Jeonghan was about to go back to talking with his friends when Minghao tripped and all his books scattered all over the floor. No one helped him, so Jeonghan took it as his cue to finally initiate a conversation with the guy.


He walked away from his group of friends, and bent down to help Minghao collect all his belongings. He could see that he was flustered.


“T-thank you,” said Minghao as he held out a hand for Jeonhan to give him his books back, but Jeonghan kept them in his possession.


“I don’t think you’ll be able to carry all of these to your classroom,” he said as he chuckled.


“Oh right,” he said as he kept his eyes on the floor.


“My names Jeonghan,” he said as he smiled at Minghao.


“Hello, my names—”


“Minghao, I know,” he said as MInghao looked up at him with surprised expression.


“H-how’d you know?”


“I just do,” he answered as he winked at him. Minghao quickly looked someplace else.


“Uhm the bell is going to ring, s-so I‘ll just take m-my books and g—”


“I’ll help you with your books. You know, until we get to your class. I wouldn’t want you to trip again,” he said as he took most of Minghao’s books.


Minghao looked at him in thought. He was wondering whether or not he should just accept this person’s help. After a few seconds he accepted the help and they went off to his class.


After a few minutes they were right outside his class and Minghao turned back to Jeonghan.

“I-I don’t know how to thank you,” he said, trying not to focus on the people staring at him.


“Well, there’s this movie that’s coming out on Thursday. If you want to thank me, then you can go with me?” said Jeonghan.


“I don’t think so,” said Minghao. Jeonghan raised his eyebrow in question. No one had ever said no to him. As far as he knew, everyone in the school would jump at the chance to hang out with him.


“Why not?” he asked.


Minghao bit his lip before he spoke. “W-well, I don’t know you a-and besides the fact that you know my name, you don’t know me either,” he said timidly.


“That’s why you should come with me then. You’re a new student here and I know everyone in this school, so I should know you too,” he said as Minghao still looked skeptical.


“Okay, how about this, today is Tuesday and the movie doesn’t come out until Thursday, so how about I give you my number and i’ll ask you again on Wednesday. How about that?” he said.


Minghao thought about it for a second, the bell was about to ring any second and he didn’t want to be the last one to sit down, so he agreed. Jeonghan used his free hand to give Minghao his cell phone and Minghao put in his number.


“Um I can my books from now,” he said as he reached out for the books.


“I’ll take them to your seat,” he said. Minghao gave him a suspicious look, but he shrugged it off and pointed to where his desk was. As the pair entered the room, almost everyone turned back with a surprised expression. All the girls immediately started to fix their hair.


“Is this your seat?” asked Jeonghan and Minghao nodded. Jeonghan placed the books on the desk and turned to Minghao.


“I’ll see you later,” said Jeonghan as he waved to a few girls and exited the class.


Minghao took his seat and Seungkwan, a friend he had managed to make, sat next to him.


“I didn’t know you knew Jeonghan?” he asked.


“I don’t, he was just kind enough to help me with a few books,” he said.


“I don’t know, he doesn't just help anyone out. Plus, he even risked being late to come all the way over here to help you, when his class is all the way across campus,” said Seungkwan as he became deep in thought. He tried not to notice how all the class was staring at him. He was getting uncomfortable, but thankfully the teacher had called class to a start and the all faced forward.

Jeonghan was late to his P.E class, but thankfully he was one of the teachers favorite students and he was let off.

“So did you ask him out?” asked Seungcheol.


“I did.”




“He said he would think about it.” Seungcheol laughed at that.


“What’s so funny?”

“Well, this one’s going to be a tough nut to crack,” he said as they continued to dress for P.E.


Seungcheol wasn’t wrong, he could tell that this challenge would not be an easy one.

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YeeningPenguin #1
Hello! Are you going to update this.... :'(
wildrose88 #2
Chapter 2: Huaaa as much as i love jeonghan, pls don't make minghao hurt after he fell in love with jeonghannie tho BTW thanks authornimmm
ljoe0803 #3
Chapter 1: Interesting :)
Dorkykitty #4
Chapter 1: Can't wait for the next chapter!! Your doing really well so far! Please keep updating! :-)