#Vol 1

Based On True Story


I felt sleep ... that why I tell myself some times it was a dream , cause in night like that one So cold & windy Bad dreams tend to happen . Dreams has their own reasons to come , what ever that reason is !


lying in my bed , I put on my head an old cotton XL T.shirt , Old habit I develop in small age due to one horrified night when an ant crawl into my ear , ever since I Always cover my Head .

My blancket is up to my head too , only a small pasage left for fresh air for me to breath , the blanket blocked most of the light coming from the window from my eyes ,

For some one who cover his face and rais up the blanckt to his head for darkness you may think Why dont I just close the window & sleep sound in the dark ? well .. my friend NO ! the room must be light enough with open curtine but I will cover my face to block that light ... Doesnt that make any sense to you Cause to me it Does !

In my small room , my closet with two doors and two mirror attached to the slim doors , one of the doors was slightly open and it reflect the window to me from my lying position on bed , I can see the out side street lights & passing by cars light , the other door reflect the dark corner of my room where I could barely see my desk with mountain of books on it .

I felt sleepy , but a lot was going on my mind that I felt breathless to keep up with my running mind .

I kept turning from side to side on my bed restless , to my left side facing the wall , and to my right side I looked at my closet’s mirror , pulling up my blanket even more and my head wrapped up in the cotten T.shirt , I sigh in frustration .

A light shine in my mirror , A car I guessed at first , I pulled the blanket but my fingers froze , cause from the tiny little passage I left for breathing I could see the light reflected in my mirror .

Well .. that how it looked at first , reflected . but that was the mirror that reflect the desk & the darkness of my room ! So the light reflected from there made no sense !

But it was so bright and getting brighter and warmer ! like a small sun raise in my room !

My eyes were fixed to the mirror , not daring to look at what if reflected I did not move my eyes a way from it , the small sun was now Humming ! but Not a sound that to be heard with ears more like in head the sound echo ! ..

Well .. Don’t ask me How cause I want to know too ..!

The humming & the heat got seriously more & more louder and warmer like it was getting closer to me !

I closed my eyes , but still I could see even from my eyelid that bright reddish ligh !! like I was facing the sun in summer day and not sleeping in my bed in the middle of night ! !

The sound kept getting louder but the Humming itself was not harmfull or annoying , more like buzzing peaceful music .

And I know the light was getting closer , I could feel & see it moving toward me .

When all the sudden , as from No where it came , to No where it was Gone !

Maybe I was dreaming . maybe it was a passing by car my dreams over react to it . But I remamber after it was gone I kept looking at that dark spot in my room for hours . Waiting for it to come back .

Was it Alien ? Did they come to kidnap me in Alien mission but then they change their mind cause they saw How messy my room & felt disgusted !??!

Was it an angel ?!!

Was it death !

But I know this for sure , during all the bright light & Humming sound I was not afraid .

It was warm & loud but Not Bad or evil !

And I know every night I keep looking at my slightly dark room , wishing it come back .


Good night sweet Readers ♥ Have #SweetGyuDreams

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