Christmas Present

Christmas Present [oneshot]


“And are you coming home soon?”

Kibum was currently standing in the kitchen, tasting the cookies his mother just baked for the guests. Like every year, his mother would organize this huge Christmas party where she would invite everyone she knows, including her son’s friends.

Like always, Jinki came because Kibum’s mom made the best fried chicken. Taemin came for the Wii console and for the dance battle Kibum’s cousins and he would have. Minho came for Yoogeun, Kibum’s three year old cousin.

Kibum’s other friends came for the presents they would get or mostly for the food. But Kibum was only expecting one person. He wasn’t there yet.

“You know I am pretty far away, sweetie.”

Jonghyun was in the United States with his mother since last week. He was supposed to be there since yesterday but a big snow storm stopped them from taking the plane.

“But can’t you come now?”

Jonghyun sighed before telling his boyfriend the truth.

“I’m still … stuck in America. And if I leave now it would take at least 10 hours to get to your house anyway.”

“I know …”

They silently listen to each other’s breathing through the phone when a noisy snort startles Kibum.

“What the hell was that?”

“It’s called ‘an-American-snoring-next-to-me’.”

Kibum laughs lightly before putting another piece of cookie in his mouth.

“See, without you I am getting fat. If you were here you would at least stop me from eating.”

“Baby you know I love your tummy after holidays. It’s so cute and jiggly. Like a baby’s tummy!”

“Shut up …”

Kibum mentally slapped Jonghyun and, as if he really felt it, Jonghyun caresses his cheek.


Kibum and Jonghyun were somehow mentally connected. Sometimes, they could tell what the other was doing or thinking about. With them, there were no awkward moments because they would still communicate through the silence.

“I have to go now …”

“Why? We could at least spend Christmas together via the phone!”

“I know … but I am using a public phone.”

“Go get some quarters or something!”

Jonghyun chuckles. Kibum was a real little childish diva.

“I have to go Kibum. See you soon! Hopefully, before the New year … I love you!”

“Yeah … Leave me. Leave your fat boyfriend alone in a kitchen full of food. If I become obese by the time you come, it’s not my fault, okay?”

“Bye Kibum.” Jonghyun answers, laughing.


Later that night, it was still snowing. Kibum was sleeping in the large living room where the party took place. Everyone left – except for Yoogeun who was spending the holidays with Kibum and his mother. Kibum’s mother was in the kitchen while Yoogeun was sleeping in her room.


Ding Dong ~


The next thing Kibum knew was that there was a huge package in the living room. He sits up and rubs his eyes, as if the present would magically disappear or something.

“Kibum, this if for you.” his mother says, smiling. Before Kibum even reacts, she leaves and goes back to the kitchen.

Kibum crawl to approach the big gift. It was probably something from his dad who was living in Japan? He was pretty spoiled, he must admit. But this package was pretty big! Maybe it was a huge teddy bear or something …

He takes the bow ribbon off the box and starts to unwrap it. He tries to move it to see what it could be but he was unsuccessful. That object seems heavy, he thought. Maybe it was a TV? Kibum chuckles.

“I’m being delusional.” he says aloud but not loud enough for his mom to hear.

The box was pretty easy to open. He just takes the cover off only to see … blond-brown hair?


Jonghyun jumps from the box and hugs Kibum who was still shocked by the ‘present’ he just received. Jonghyun covers his face with kisses but stops when he notices that Kibum wasn’t reacting.

“You’re not happy?”

Kibum looks at Jonghyun before slightly slapping him.

“You lied to me! You told me you wouldn’t be there!”

“But I wanted to surprise you!” Jonghyun says with a smirk.

Kibum pouts but soon hugs his boyfriend, making both of them fall on the ground. They share sweet and longs kisses before breaking apart.

“And … where is my real present?” Kibum says as a joke.

Jonghyun looks at Kibum for a moment before searching in his back pocket. When he finds what he was looking for, he asks Kibum to sit up and he kneels down in front of him.

“I would never forget your present, sweetie.” he says, before handing a little black box to Kibum.

“I know I can’t marry you yet but I can at least ask you to promise me that we will be together forever. And maybe one day, we will be able to get married here in South Korea.”

Since Kibum wasn’t moving, he takes the black box and opens it to reveal a beautiful white gold ring. It was a Three Stone ring, with the middle diamond in the shape of a heart. K+J was engraved on the ring band. He slips the ring into Kibum’s finger before kissing his left hand.  

“Promise?” Jonghyun says, entwining his pinky finger with Kibum’s.

Kibum smiles before nodding. He looks into Jonghyun’s eyes only to see that he was smiling too.

“I didn’t ... get you anything.” he says, looking down.

Jonghyun caresses Kibum’s cheek before kissing his lips.

“It’s fine. Our promise is enough for me.”



A/N: So like I said before, it's really sad to see how I can't even write anything anymore. I can't even read fics (properly) anymore. Wtf is happening to my brain?! Anyway. Yeah this is old and I posted it on LJ as kediia. I regret deleting my old LJ account so I wouldn't have to repost all that crap cause I am so lazy! :D Hopefully one day I will be able to write something new! Because I love writing ... problem is that I at it :(
So let me know what you think ! I want to know whether it is okay or not ... because I am that self-conscious. I want to be perfect but perfection doesn't exist. :(

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susumiya08 #1
Chapter 1: awwwwww that was sweet and happy!!! ^3^ don'tworry about your imagination, it'll come back at time, just enjoy the life when your heart gets full of peace and slight happiness your mind will fly into a more peaceful and happier place and you'll write another happy story. good luck!!! ^_^
SherlocKey #2
(Personally, I would have liked Kibum wrapped as a present more but he wouldn't do this.) <- AGREED LOLOLOL XD<br />
<br />
This is really cute, short and sweet :D <br />
Totally made me smile (:
@iDream: Thank you very much! :)<br />
@shiieru: Glad to hear it made you smile! ^^ And I hope it passes too ... but until then, I will just repost old stuff.<br />
@littlejinki: Thank you for reading ! ^^<br />
@luvkpopcoupleshehe: (Personally, I would have liked Kibum wrapped as a present more but he wouldn't do this.) Thank you for reading ! ^^
omo !!..omo!!!.. sooo cute~~!!.. jongie wrapped himself as a present!!.. aww!!..*kisses*!!
Heeeheeeheehee. Soo adorableee geeeeee. what are you on about? bad at writing. it's sooo cute eheheh XD
*squeals* omo, so cute~!!! Now I'm smiling stupidly at the computer >.<<br />
I kinda thought that Jonghyun would turn up but I never thought he'd do THAT xD<br />
I'm sorry to hear that you're fidning it difficult to write now. Hopefully it'll pass!<br />
This is so sweet~<3<br />
Well-written, also >u<<br />
I love this :)