~ 02 ~

Winter's Tale

~ Chapter 02 ~

Jungkook followed her with his eyes as she walked back to the house. She looked incredibly young. Maybe it was her name? It made him think of a girl. Not because she looked like one, her body was definitely a woman’s. Oh god, what was he thinking?

But he didn’t consider to show her any interest. He had gotten himself a lesson, romance and work didn’t work together. He intended to avoid any hint of flirtation.


Looking around, he agreed with himself that having a room all by himself, was something he definitely could get used to. He was tired of sharing one big room with everyone else. If the cook knew how to make food, Jungkook would be happy. Great food always made the difference.


Before he began to unpack his things, he decided to place Dakho into a stable.


“You look good, old boy. I’ll come back tomorrow morning,” He checked if the water trough was filled before he settled himself in his new room. Clean laundry, a desk, It was more than nice.

Mr. Bang was right. He was ready for this job and he would also love to teach the woman how to manage a cattle ranch. After all, it was the job he loved and adored.




Minhee ate lunch and decided to walk around nervously in circles once again. She waited for one who was coming in relation to the job as housekeeper. Minhee had always helped her mother around in the house but if she was going to be on a horse all day long, she wouldn’t be able to take care of the house or cook a proper meal. A housekeeper was a must.

However, she wasn’t so sure if she would be able to endure a stranger living in the same house as herself. She had always lived with her parents. Not with anyone else. Minhee was more nervous for this conversation than she had been with Jeon Jungkook.

Another vehicle entered her long driveway. She saw a lady getting out of the van and guessed that she was around fifty, a bit chubby but not much. And she had a very friendly face.

Once again, Minhee waited for her guest to knock on the door before she opened. The lady presented herself as Harriet Larson. Minhee invited her in.


“What a lovely kitchen you have!” She said and looked around with big eyes.


Minhee smiled sincerely.

“Thank you, my father modernized everything last year.. for.. for my mother.” She saddened and looked down. All for nothing, huh?


“Oh, I heard. I want to express my condolences. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Harriet grabbed her hand, and squeezed it gently.

“Thank you. I helped my mother with all housework and cooking, but now where I have to ride everyday together with my new ranch operator, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle it.” She took a deep breath. “So, I’m looking for a housekeeper, who independently can take care of all those things.”


Harriet nodded.


“I’ve cooked ever since I was a little girl and I love it, and I’m not bad with cleaning either. Is there something besides you want  to be done specifically?”


“No, or, yes. I’ve promised my new manager that his laundry will be done once a week. I’ve placed a basket in his room. And maybe, baking for the men once in a while wouldn’t hurt either. It’s rarely they have time for something that lasts long.” From Harriet’s facial expression, it didn’t seem to be a challenge at all.


“Of course, so will it only be me and you who’s going to eat together?”


“Yes, unless I invite someone. My cousin and I are trying to visit each other as often as possible. Or maybe, I’ll ask the operator if he wants to come over for dinner sometimes. Then I can ask him questions about work too. I have really no idea how to run a ranch like this.” Minhee chuckled by the realization.


“It’s no problem, I can just cook for three persons all the time.


“Sounds great. Would you be interested in the job?”


“I would love to.”


Minhee breathed heavily in relief. “I’ll show you your room then.” She had already decided that the guest room upstairs would be perfect. She lead her to the end of the hallway and opened a door. “This is yours. There is a bathroom extended to the room.”


“Oh, how lovely!” The corner of Minhee’s lips tugged up into a smile by the cute lady’s reaction.


“So.. are you going back for your belongings before you move in?” To Minhee’s surprise, Harriet’s cheeks flushed pure red.


“No, I… I took all my belongings with me. You see.. This cattle farmer I worked for previously, figured out in a blink of an eye that he wanted to marry me but only one month earlier his wife died. I assumed that he just wanted me to work for him for free, and I wasn’t interested.” Seemed tough. She couldn’t believe a woman like her had to experience such thing.


There was a moment of silence before Harriet broke the peace.


“I’m really thankful and I promise I’ll do my best.”


Minhee was just happy that she said yes.


“It’s nothing. By the way, I clean my own room. The only thing you have to take care of is the ground floor.” Minhee was about to go down stairs until Harriet rushed out of her room.


“I forgot to ask. When do you normally eat breakfast?” She was taken aback by the sudden question.

“Erm, I don’t know. I haven’t asked my new operator what time he wants me ready, I’ll ask him while you unpack your things.” Nodding slowly, she headed outside.


Minhee walked into the direction of the crew cabin and knocked on the door. No answer.


She decided to walk all the way into Jungkook’s room. There wasn’t any answer either. Walking away, she saw that the pick up truck and the trailer were moved a bit, still there. Wondering where he could be, she headed towards the stables that contained some on the hay but also the cows which had trouble with their calves, or injured horses.




Then she heard the deep voice that fascinated her. It erupted from a nearby fold. She went into the cold air again and found him together with his horse.


“Beautiful horse. Is it yours?” Minhee asked carefully. Jungkook spun around as if someone had sneaked up upon him.


“Oh, yes. It’s mine, his name is Dakho. I… I.. gave him some hay.”


“It’s okay. Normally, the men places their horses inside stables during winter. It makes everything easier. Especially in the morning.”


“Yes, it was also what I assumed.” He was really handsome.


“What time do you start in the morning?”


“Usually, I eat breakfast at six thirty. There’s not much light during these hours. It’s that time you’re sitting in your saddle. Have you ever ridden a horse before?” Jungkook narrowed his eyes, judging the fragile woman in front of him.


“Yes, I’m used to ride. It’s the only thing my father insisted I learned.”


Jungkook listened but didn’t express any kind of emotions.

“Okay then. See you at seven.”


“Do we bring lunch?”


Jungkooks scoffed. “Are you assuming  we are going on a picnic?” He asked ironically.


Minhee stiffened, surprised by his remark. “No, I’m certainly not, but I’m used to eating lunch. And I don’t want to waste my time, coming home for it.”


“You can just take whatever you want with you but you have to eat in your saddle. I don’t eat lunch.”


“Fine. Seven, tomorrow morning it is.”

She didn’t expect an answer, but turned around on her heel immediately, heading back to her house with flaring nostrils.


Minhee marched back to the house doggedly. He’d got some nerves! Apparently, he believed that she hoped for a romantic picnic. He was so wrong. She had to make sure he wouldn’t get that idea ever again.


When she reached the house, she went straight up to Harriet’s room where the lady was in the progress of placing her clothes neatly in the closet.

“Is everything alright, Harriet?”


“Yes ma’am. What time did he want you to be ready?” Minhee leaned against the door frame lazily, still dazed about Jungkook’s offensive behavior.


“He said seven. By the way, his name is Jeon Jungkook and don’t expect him to be friendly.”  Minhee sounded like a offended little girl. Harriet widened her eyes.


“Oh, but you still hired him?”


“I was warned that he, even if he’s loyal enough, has problems with believing that all women fall for him like dominos. When I asked him whether I should bring lunch or not, he thought I expected some sort of romantic picnic.”

Harriet didn’t seem to have catch the point.


“And that was what he wanted?”


Minhee frowned. “No.” She said slowly. “His question was sarcastic as if it was the last thing on earth he wanted.” Harriet didn’t say a word.


“Maybe he’d change his mind but I will still be cautious. I’m not looking for a boyfriend.” Minhee tilted her head, observing Harriet.


“So, no lunch?”


Minhee chuckled. “I have to eat something. Maybe a sandwich or an apple. Thank you Harriet. At least there’s one of my colleagues who wants to be here.”

They both chuckled together. Jeon Jungkook, just wait, this is not a romantic picnic.




It was awfully cold the next morning when Minhee stepped outside, wearing a beanie underneath the cowboy hat that was once her father’s. Her hands were covered in leather gloves with wool lining and her denim jacket was completely closed up to her chin over the thick sweater.

Against his will, she brought a lunch packet. She intended to try expressing herself as tough in order to make an impression on Jungkook.  She knew it was going to be a tough day in all circumstances.

She prepared everything. A small bottle hung on a strap onto her shoulder, attached to the saddle.

Unknowingly, her thoughts wandered to her dad. If he just saw her now. She shook her head.


Daddy’s little girl, and no matter how many times she had plagued him with her wishes, he always said no. It was important for Minhee to learn how to run this ranch if she wanted profit, but the most important thing was to prove her father the she could do this, even if he wasn’t there with her.


When she reached the stables after collecting the headgear, saddle and blanket, she found her own horse, Stormy and cleared her up for the long day.


Afterwards, she swung herself into the saddle at seven o’clock precisely, ready to go, when the men came out as well.


Jungkook was talking with several of the men, and looked at her, surprised when the others greeted her by her first name.


Minhee chatted a bit with the staff but paused when Jungkook came nearer. She her lips nervously and waited for his reaction.

“I thought I was going to meet you up at the house.”


“I thought it would be better if I met you here, ready to go.” Her voice was extremely impersonal.

“Alright. I’ll be ready in a second.” He prepared his horse quickly and swung himself into the saddle. She rode in front of him and opened the link to the fold. He followed behind her out on the meadow.


“I thought it would be a good idea if we rode around the entire ranch. I want to know my entire workplace, if it’s alright with you?” Jungkook asked her.


“Of course.” She kept looking forward, not sparing him a glance. Jungkook seemed unaffected by her behavior. “Do you know the boundaries?”

“Of course.” She looked at him shortly, and led the way, giving a proper description of each meadow. She had listened eagerly whenever her father had talked around the dining table.


They passed several men who was already doing a hard and decent job. Jungkook told her that he had been asking the staff about the daily tasks they’ve been given before the previous ranch operator left them. “I told them to carry on with whatever they were doing until I figured out which changes I wanted to make.”


Minhee was curious. “Did they all agree to do this?”


“Yup, they did. If they didn’t I would’ve fired them.” He sounded cold and hard.


“Oh I see.” She had no argument against such behavior but she didn’t like to say it out loud.


Minhee was able to answer most of the questions, Jungkook asked although it wasn’t many.


During lunch time, she took the packet she brought from the little saddle bag and ate calmy while she rode. It was a lie if she said she couldn’t feel her legs or for the five hours she had been sitting still in the saddle. But she didn’t ask for a break one single time. She refused.


Fortunately, Jungkook suggested that they could stop for a bit after her lunch. They sat down by a mountain stream, running through the area. Jungkook told her to stretch her legs, causing her to take both horses and take them to the creek where they could drink a good portion of water. Minhee couldn’t help it. She cracked her apple core in two pieces and gave the horses a half each. Jungkook observed her quickly when she came back. “What did you give them?”


“I gave them a half apple core each.” She answered with a little challenge in her voice.


“Okay, thanks for giving Dakho one too. He loves apples.”


“So does Stormy.” Minhee smiled, clapping her horse carefully.


“Ahaa, I wondered what her name was.”


Although Minhee feared entering the saddle once again, she turned around in order to get up.


“Do you mind walking along the creek? I want to see how much water there is.”


“Nope, it’s fine.” She took Stormy’s reins and began to walk along the creek, grateful that the saddle could wait a little bit longer.


To her surprise, Jungkook started talking about what he wanted to use this meadow for, something he had read about in a trade publication which was fairly popular among the ranch farmers. She asked several questions, a little hesitant at first.


Jungkook answered every single one of her questions calmly and didn’t care whether it was good or dumb question. Then he asked some in relevance to her father and how he managed some things. It wasn’t every single one of them she was able to answer but out of nowhere it hit her that she might had the answers back home.


“I forgot everything about until now but dad had a book where he wrote everything down, everything he did with the purpose of looking back on it from year to year. Do want to see it?” Jungkook seemed surprised by the sudden mention of a logbook. It was genius.


“Yes, I would love to if you don’t mind. I promise to bring it back in the same condition as it is now. I assume that you appreciate such things.”


“Please, I do. I haven’t got so much time - Not even to look through their stuff.”


“It can wait if you aren’t ready for it yet.” He said brusquely.


“No, I… I’ll look for it tonight.”


“I would appreciate it. I assume that the ranch made profit?”


“Yes but I didn’t know how much before my previous manager bragged about

gaining five thousand dollars every year without dad knowing a thing.”


Jungkook whistled, “Quite a sum, huh?”


“Yeah, I know. I guess my father trusted that guy with all of his heart” Her head hung low. How could any pure soul do such thing?


“I’m really sorry. One of the things I want to teach you is to recognize similar situations. I did a lot of paperwork for Sihyuk- I mean Mr. Bang. I can show you how to review your financial records.”


“Great, I can’t wait.”


“Okay, I think we better get going. I want to get back before it gets too dark.”


The little walk had helped her lazy legs. She wasn’t aware of the fact that the break had been in the sake of her health, but at least she appreciated it.


Five hours later when they had only watched half of the property, she could barely keep herself on the saddle, arriving back home. All men had arrived to the barrack, hence she didn’t have to think about others than Jungkook. She let herself slide down the saddle and hoped that her legs could carry her weak body. To her surprise, Jungkook was standing right behind her.

“You can go inside. I’ll take care of your horse.”


“No… I. I can do it.”


“You did well today, Minhee but I know that you aren’t used to ride for so long. When you’ve gotten used to it, I’ll let you do it”. She looked him in the eyes for a short moment. His eyes were warm and brown, and something in them told her that she could trust him. Just a little. That feeling made her nervous. She nodded.


“Okay, well then, thank you.” She forced herself to let go of the saddle and was just about to fall until a pair of strong arms caught her, preventing her from falling down. The sensation trickled down her spine joyfully and she knew that the day had made her more tired than she thought.


“Are you alright?”


“Yes, please.” Minhee broke free from the grip and tottered towards the link, and went through it. It helped getting her legs started. She even managed to reach to the main house.


When she opened the back door, she was almost about to faint due to the glowing heat which tickled her nostrils, smelling wonderful. Minhee had just reached to the table and slumped herself down in a nearby chair.


“Long day?” Harriet asked with a voice full of compassion as she placed a mug of coffee in front of Minhee who didn’t answer before she had taken a sip.


“Ahhhh, this is so good. Yes, it was a long day. And we only saw half of the ranch. We’ll finish the tour tomorrow.”

Harriet nodded and continued with her cooking. Minhee decided to take a long needed bath before eating her food. They both talked for a long time and Harriet noticed how Minhee’s head began to bounce up and down in tiredness. She suggested Minhee to go to bed instantly but Minhee refused.


“I can’t. I promised Jungkook to look after my dad’s diaries. He wants to see what he used the different meadows for.”


“Can I help you?” She asked immediately. Minhee breathed heavily, thinking.

“If you don’t mind. They shouldn’t be hard to find but it’s just that.. I haven’t been in their room since they died. Perhaps, it would be a great help having some company.”


“Of course, I don’t mind. Let me just take the dishes while you rest, then we can go upstairs.”


Minhee sat down and drank the last of her coffee while she observed Harriet doing the dishes. She fought against her pressuring conscience, telling her to help.

“I feel so bad letting you do all the dishes, Harriet.”


“Nonsense, sweetie. That’s why I’m here, right?”


After a couple of minutes, they went upstairs. Minhee dragged her feet along, blaming the long and exhausting day. But she could feel the lump in getting bigger. Her parents had been dead for a couple of months. She wasn’t sure whether she had the courage yet. It had been impossible, thinking, she should block out all memories about her parents.

“Do you want a couple of minutes alone, or do you want me to go inside with you?” Harriet nudged her shoulder carefully. Fear showed in Minhee’s eyes immediately.


“No, I don’t want to go in there alone.”

Nodding, Harriet opened the door and went in, giving Minhee some time to collect herself. “Your mother was a great house wife.”


“Yes, she didn’t like leaving the house in a messy state.” Minhee looked around the room which had not changed since she was a child. The lavender pattern on the bedspread had faded with the years, still looking good.


“Do you have any idea where the books could be?” Harriet smiled sincerely.

“Maybe the nightstand? Mom always complained that he wrote when she tried to fall asleep.” Minhee walked around the bed and opened the drawer. There they were. He always bought the same kind every year. She grabbed the book on top, letting her fingers graze the cover. Slowly, she opened the book from the year before and read the last thing her father had written.


Then, she found the book from the year before that year, just in case Jungkook wanted to see it.


“Is this room bigger than yours?” Harriet asked carefully, hoping not to ruin the little private moment.


Minhee lifted her head from the books. “Yes it is.” She answered, surprised.

“I can clean it up for you, if you want to move in here?”


“Oh, no no. I can’t do that.” Minhee smiled awkwardly, avoiding Harriet’s curious gaze.


“It’s up to you Minhee, but your parents can’t enjoy the room anymore - it’s your home now.” Minhee nodded hesitantly, still not convinced. She didn’t know whether she was able to comprehend the strong emotions, if she moved into their old room.


But somehow Harriet persuaded her. Both agreed to clean up the room and give the excess clothes to charity. Perhaps, it was the best. Minhee had to move on.


“Thank you, Harriet.” It was with a big wide and genuine smile covering Minhee face, when she thanked the older lady, grabbing her jacket, beanie and gloves as she went outside. The cold trembling her immediately.


Minhee knocked on the door to the crew cabin. It sounded as if the men jumped up in order to get dressed. She waited patiently. When the door opened, she recognized one of the men, Hoseok. “Will you please let Mr. Jeon know that I want to talk to him?”


“Yes, ma’am. Uhm, Minhee. Just a moment.” The wide grin vanished again, leaving Minhee behind in the cold in front of a closed door. Leaning up against the smaller building, she waited for the door to be opened once again. When it finally happened, Jungkook stepped outside.“Yes, ma’am?”


“I have my father’s diary from this year and the one from last year. Just take your time.” Jungkook took the books wrapped in leather and held them tight in his big hands. He turned them around carefully as if he was well aware of their value. And suddenly, Minhee felt a jack in her heart.


“Thank you, Minhee. I really appreciate that you’ll lend them to me.”


“Well, then goodnight, Jungkook.” She didn’t wait for his answer, when she turned around and headed back towards her house. In the distance, she finally heard him say goodnight.




Jungkook had leaned different things about his new employer during that day. First, she wasn’t a flirt, and second, she didn’t complain. Not even when it was hard and exhausting. And both things gave her high grades in his book. He had been nervous that she would ask for a lunch break, complaining about the rough environment outside. It turned out he was deeply wrong. She didn’t make a great deal out of her little break, eating lunch. She had practically behaved as if she was ashamed. Even though, it was obvious she wasn’t used for the long rides, she didn’t complain one single time.


And now, she just arrived with her father’s diaries. She had entrusted him with them. They would help him very much with his attempt on getting acquainted with the work on the ranch. He had already a bunch of questions, and he didn’t think she was able to answer them all.

He took the books inside.

“Has she been given you homework, pal?”


“Yes, she has. It appears that her father kept journals of everything he did. I thought that it would help my work, just a little.” Several of the men got up from the chairs and glared at him.


“Journals? Everything?”

“Yup, bet you didn’t know, huh?” This was exactly the reaction he craved for. Some of the men were hiding things, and he was willing to figure out what. One way or another.


“Uhm, do you think he wrote things about us?”


Jungkook smirked deep down inside. “I don’t know, but I’ll make sure to let you know as soon as I find out.” He winked before turning on his heels, heading towards his room.


“Yes, please shout out loud if you want help, buddy.”


Not bothering to answer, Jungkook closed the door behind him. Thus, he escaped the sound of the TV the men enjoyed after a long day. He wanted privacy and peace, reading the books.


After half an hour, the journals appeared to be scary useful. Minhee’s father had definitely not wasted his ink on poesy, the information he had written was detailed and precise.


Leaning back into the bed, he flipped and read, to the day before he died. It came to light that he had his doubts with Jongin and a couple others of the men.  Jungkook knew that one of them would love to get their claws around these books, which was now under his holding. He had to make sure they were hidden, hence he locked them inside a box underneath his bed, especially with some of the men’s reactions earlier. There had been several comments in the book about some of the men, but every single time Jongin assured that the old fella was wrong.


Minhee was right - it seemed that her father trusted his men blindly. Jungkook decided to tell Minhee about the fact that his father had been well and truly deceived by Jongin, but his hunches had been correct. Perhaps, it could remove some of the pain he’d saw earlier in her brown doe eyes. Jungkook had noticed how beautiful she was, but young, and besides, she was his employer. He didn’t intend to give in to any temptations.


Remembering himself about Mr. Bang’s wife, he didn’t feel pulled by any kind of bait even though many saw her as beautiful. Her beauty, caused her husband to pay for it. After the death of his first wife, Sihyuk had thrown himself into a new marriage with a woman much younger than him. Never once, had he been aware of the fact that he couldn’t trust her.


Jungkook hoped their marriage would last. Mr. Bang was surely convinced that he could trust his wife, and although Jungkook didn’t do anything to change that perception, Mrs. Bang was the one who had definitely tried.

Jungkook was a supporter of nice behavior towards everyone. It was too early to say anything about Minhee. Her beauty was captivating but he couldn’t be so sure about her real character. The little, he had seen today, was more than impressing, and she definitely originated from a well mannered and honest family. He was already in the process of creating a good opinion about her father’s persona, though he never got the chance to meet him. He looked forward to read more the next night. With those thoughts, he turned of the light and went to bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin, closing his eyes.

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Kookie_Deer_Corn #1
Chapter 3: Can't wait for the next chapter! Why do I feel like Harriet is also an impprtant character? :3 Anyways, keep up the good work author-nim. And update as soon as you can. ^^
The-Silver-Lining #2
This sounds so cool please update soon!