You & I / I & You

You & I

You entered the room, to see him laying on your bed, just like the old times when you and him would sneak into each other's houses, spending hours just talking about everything and nothing.

And here he was again. After 4 years, he is finally here again. You closed the door behind you, padding over to him. You crawled into your bed, lying next to him, wishing that you were entitled to that position beside him. Supporting yourself with your elbow, you looked at him. Appreciating how carefree and relaxed he looked. How close he was to you. As if 4 years hadn't passed and left you two further apart then ever. You reached out, a hand caressing his cheek. Just when you were about to pull your hand away, he grabbed it, eyes shooting open, staring right at you.

"I love you. I have always loved you and I will love you forever. It's okay if you don't return the feelings. I just want you to know that I have never and will never treat you as a sister, but instead as a girl, as a woman, who I will always love." He gripped your hand, waiting for your reaction.


I decided to sneak into your room, just like last time. I laid on your bed, waiting for you to come back to your room. Ten minutes passed. Twenty came and went. Finally, I heard the doorknob twist. I shut my eyes, panicking for I didn't actually think through what I would do when the moment actually came. So I laid there, faking sleep. I heard your soft footsteps, coming nearer and nearer the bed. I felt the bed sag, with your additional weight. You shifted around, and suddenly stopped. That was when I felt your hand on my cheek caressing it.

And I knew, that it was now then never. I grabbed your hand, and started rambling. I gripped your hand, anxious as to what your reaction would be. Would you reject me?

"You are such an idiot. I have always loved you. I have never once thought of you as a brother. I thought that you wouldn't return my feelings, so I kept quiet all this time. I didn't know that my love was not unrequited." I was speechless. All this while, we were there dancing around each other, believing that it was impossible for our feelings to be mutual. But yet, it is.

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Chapter 1: oh's sad...