
I'm in love with my best friend

Exhibit A


I was sitting at the bar alone, waiting for Namjoon to turn up. I checked my watch sighing at the time. He’s half an hour late. I’m gonna kick his when he gets here. I finished my drink and signalled to the bartender for another. I noticed a guy slip into the chair beside me. I purposely kept my eyes on my phone, sending a text to Namjoon telling him to hurry his up. My drink arrived and I slipped my money across the bar, beating the guy next to me as he tried to pay for me.


A minute later another drink appeared in front of me, I frowned up at the bar tender, “I didn’t order this.” I half shouted to be heard over the music. He pointed at the guy next to me who gave me a lecherous smile. Ugh, why? I pushed the drink over towards the guy. “Thanks but no thanks.” I shouted with a smile as I returned my attention to my phone, praying the guy would get the hint and leave. Unfortunately, I’m not that lucky. He got off of his seat and stood right up against me, sliding the drink back in front of me.


“Nothing wrong with accepting a drink.” He said, his whiskey breath right at my ear. I pulled away and glared up at the guy, just as I opened my mouth to tell the guy to back off, I felt an arm wrap around my waist from behind. I spun around and came face to face with my best friend. Namjoon looked down at the guy standing beside me, a hard look on his face. “Any reason why you’re talking to my girl?” he said, his tone low. The guy backed off and disappeared into the crowd. My heart skipped a beat at how cool he looked and how protected I felt with his arm wrapped so tightly around my waist.


I sighed in relief before slapping his arm, “Yah, what the hell? I just saved you from a ert!” he said as he rubbed his arm. “Well he wouldn’t have bothered me if you had been here on time.” I said as I took a sip of my drink. “Touché.” He replied as he ordered himself a drink. “Sorry for being late.” I waved off his apology, “You’re here now, it’s cool.”


Exhibit B


We were in a little café that we often frequented. Namjoon was at the counter picking up our coffees. The girl behind the counter shamelessly flirting with him. I frowned at her. There’s no way a skirt that short is her uniform… and that make up. Is her boss letting her dress like that? Wait, when did I become such a ? Am I jealous? Nah… I’m just coffee deprived… and she really is wearing too much make up…


Exhibit C


We were at our mutual friend Jimin’s house party. I could overhear Namjoon’s conversation with a couple of girls. I was supposed to be listening to Taehyung, but I couldn’t help but focus on Namjoon’s conversation instead. One of the girls asked him if he was single and he said no and pointed in my direction. I quickly turned away, pretending that I hadn’t been eavesdropping. We often used each other in this way. If one of us gets hit on and we aren’t interested, we say that we’re dating each other.


I don’t know why, but hearing Namjoon saying that I’m his girlfriend sent a wave of happiness through me. Taehyung mistook my smile as interest in his story and continued rambling on about the prank that he’d played on Jin earlier that week. What’s happening to me?


Exhibit D


Why is this list getting so ing long!?


Namjoon and I have literally known each other since we were babies. We went to the same day care, same primary, middle and high schools. We attend the same college even though we’re in different majors. We’ve done everything together, our families even went on vacations together! We shared beds growing up as we often slept over at each other houses. So why is it now that when we’re lying on my bed watching some stupid movie that I feel so tense?


Namjoon doesn’t seem to be acting any differently so only I am feeling like it’s weird that we’re lying here, both only wearing tank tops and shorts thanks to the hot summer weather and we’re practically pressed up against each other to fit on my bed and still get a good view of the TV. My heart is racing at the feeling of his body pressed against mine…



It’s official… I’m in love with my best friend.

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I literally just read this today on AO3 and then I found you on here, wow!! I've subscribed to you on here even though you're not active and on AO3 just now. I can't wait to get through your BTS and VIXX stuff on here. I really enjoyed this, it was really sweet, reminds me a bit of my Yoongi story with the same premise of confessing, who wouldn't want Namjoon to be theirs? *Sigh* It was kinda sad to see it end though, such is the case with good stories. I don't know if you're going to see this or not but I hope you'll continue to write! Great job!!
Chapter 2: So sweeeeet~ what a cute story !
Chapter 2: *throws confetti in the air* Of course they got together but I'm still a tiny little bit surprised how thing went, I don't know why ^^" Also, my heart was racing so much when the girl confessed! (/u\) And the way Namjoon was so frustrated because he haven't met her in a week... Sweet! It was so much fun :3
Chapter 1: Ugh, that was so good! And Namjoon was so cool while protecting the girl ;; And I'm not one bit surprised the girl fell for Namjoon, just look at him. Add brains. Add kindness. A-PERFECT-MAN.
Chapter 2: “It’s okay you worth the wait.”
FML when will ever someone tell me that
Chapter 2: Why why every story with namjoon got to be so sweet adhdhuejdkdkdmme sigh like my heatt can handle it anymore. This is by far one of tbe best twoshots that I read T_T
Chapter 2: Namjoon is so sweet! He's like the perfect boyfriend! <3
dragmystyle #8
Chapter 2: Hahaha Namjoon... Since kindergarten? Hahaha dude is loyal. Hands down, loyal.
whitetulip9765 #9
Chapter 2: ooohhhh so much feeling!!! i like ittttt...
fiftygalleons #10
Chapter 2: Feeeeelszzzz! Omg
and what's with that muscular arms you put there I can live forever embraced between those fruitful arms it's not helping at all I criㅠㅠ