Come Meet Me At The Park

Christmas with EXO

Chapter One: Come meet me at the Park

               You had received a letter from your boyfriend who you had been with together for six months now after meeting him through a friend who works as a staff employee at SM Entertainment with EXO. You guys had bumped into each other when she needed help with fixing one of the members make up for their Comeback. You open the letters with shaky fingers and unfold the paper. Your smile automatically comes to your face when your eyes meet his hand writing. As you began to read it, his voice comes to your mind and you can hear him reading it as if he was there, whispering it into your ear softly.

               Dear Jagiya;

               Today officially marks our six month anniversary of being together. I have a Christmas surprise for you and I hope you love it. At 8:00 pm, come meet me at the park where we had our first date. I’ll be the one who will stand out from the crowd. Please wear that beautiful red dress you wore on our third date. I’ll be waiting.


               Your boyfriend xoxo

You feel your heart begin to pound and skip at the thought of what your boyfriend was planning. You had things to do before you had to get ready and leave for the park. You call your friend, Jayde, over to help you with cleaning and making food for her to take back home when she left as a token of her friendship and appreciation. She smiles and thanks you when it was time for you to start getting ready and you hand her the basket of food you had prepared with love and kindness for her. She kissed your cheeks before bidding her farewell, waving as she walked down the street. It had snowed and you go to get ready. Your dress in the red dress that he asked for you to wear and you curled you hair, put a light layer of make up on and smiled as you put mistletoe berries in your hair for color. You kiss yourself in the mirror before putting on the long coat he had gotten you for your birthday and began to walk over to the park.

               It was about 8:05 when you get there, feeling bad that you were late and that he probably left. But when you walk deeper into it, you stop him leaning up against a tree. He wore a suit and his hair was combed back, the softness of his face was pink due to the cold and his eyes glistened like the stars in the sky. You walk up to him slowly, feeling like you were in a dream when he turned and met your eyes. He smiles his signature smile and pushed himself off of the tree and began walking towards you. He was stopped by some girls who recognized him and he shook them off softly, saying he was already meeting someone. They watched as he walked up to you and pulled you in for a kiss. You melted under his touch and had wrapped your arms around his neck for support. When he pulls back, you are breathless and stunned at the same time. He chuckled and smiled at you.

               “Why not warn me before you plan on kissing me outs the blue, baby?” you asked as you held onto his shoulder and his arms encircled your waist, pulling you closer to him.

               “Ahem, I do believe that those are mistletoe berries in your beautiful light brown hair, jagiya. So that means anyone can kiss you at any time so I thought I would be the first and only man you kiss tonight.” He then offered his arm to you and smiled, showing off two perfectly white rows of teeth. You take his arm and you two began to walk through the park. He then noticed an ice skating rink and asked if you knew how to skate.

               “Of course I do. I would love to couple skate with you.” You kiss his cheek and he pulls you towards the rink. You guys buy your way in and get some skated. He tied yours and you tied his. When ready you stood up and walked over to the entrance to the ice and waited for him to come and join you. He did and you two began to skate.

               “Wait here jagi, I got a surprise for you.” He kissed you and skated over to the DJ booth and you began to notice that there were more and more faces you recognized, faces of Kpop idols. You watched as they smiled and you noticed his brothers were there too. The music stopped and he spoke into the microphone.

               “Good evening ladies and gents. Can I get your attention? Today I am here with my girlfriend on a special date. We have been going strong for six months now and wanted to do something that will affect both of us for the rest of our lives,” he began to skate up to you and smiled. “Now that everyone is here, I’ll begin.” He took your hand in his and you looked up at him.

               “Jagiya, we have stood strong for six months now and every day I thank myself for finding and taking you as mine. I could not ask for a more beautiful and wonderful girlfriend. So with this being said, I wanted to do this properly,” he got down on one knee and the crowd gasped. You looked up to see that even the kpop idols were shocked. You knew exactly what was going on. You looked down at him and placed a hand over your mouth as you began to cry. He smiled softly and spoke. “Y/N, will you take me to be your husband? Will you give me the honors of marrying me and becoming my wife that I shall continue to love and support and cherish for all the time we have left on the earth together?”

               All went still for a second as you could only see him and your life together flashing before your eyes. You cried and smiled. “Yes!” you choked out and threw yourself into his arms, both of you falling onto the ice. The crowd cheered and smiled as he kissed you and slid the most beautiful ring onto your finger.

               “Saranghae,” he whispered as you kissed him again, wet cheeks meeting his dry ones. “Merry Christmas, jagi.”

               “I love you too and Merry Christmas, baby.” You smiled and helped him up before hugging him close.

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Chapter 1: love it, seriously...
wonder if i do get such kind of proposal when he asks for my hand......(dreaming again, sigh=.=")