02. Christmas Wish - Junho & Hyerim


christmas wish

“I wish White Christmas will come with your wishes come true.”
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“What is your Christmas wish?”

Junho had been pondering over this question for quite some time. Even though it’s not a very serious question, it still kept him thinking.

Especially when the question was asked by her – Woo Hyerim.

His not so secret crush.

It was just a random topic among his group of friends. They were one big group and were always found together almost every time. And somehow, somewhat, she had asked everyone this question.

“To spend this Christmas with Sunye.”

That was Wooyoung’s answer, which was kind of expected. Everyone knew that Sunye’s decision one year back was a huge blow to Wooyoung and he secretly miss her a lot even when he stubbornly refuse to even say her name.

“I just want to be happy with everyone.”

“To stay together with all of you, always.”

These are a few of the cheesy ones and few of which Junho believes everyone also wished for that to happen. But he wouldn’t want to repeat what they had said. He wouldn’t want to appear as a guy with no hope or wishes.

Would he?

No, he wouldn’t. That’s why he’s still troubled over this one question from Hyerim.

To be exact, he’s not the only one who kept quiet actually. Taecyeon was silent throughout but everyone knows, what he wished for but none of them wants to bring up his bad memories.

Junho sighs.

His thoughts ran elsewhere again and the thoughts of Taecyeon made him sad. It seems that most of them had a really bad Christmas last year.

“Wait a minute,” Junho whispered to himself, “a bad Christmas?”

He seems to have thought of something.

And truth to be told, last year was a bad year for them. Sunye’s departure, the accident, all these nearly broke the group apart. Individually, each and everyone of them was affected and had a bad Christmas, whether directly or indirectly.

It was then, Junho remembered how Hyerim’s heart got trampled all over during the Christmas season last year.

It was past midnight when he received the call from Hyerim. To be honest, he was rather surprised to see her name appear on his phone screen. Ever since Hyerim got herself a boyfriend, more like a bastar, Junho secretly added, there seems to be this awkward tension between them. 

Junho don’t know if he’s the one causing all the awkwardness or not. But that’s not the point.

Trying to stay composed, Junho pressed the receive button.

“Hyerim ah.”

“Junho oppa…”

Her voice was quivering, it seems that she had just cried. At that moment, all the awkward feeling Junho had disappeared.

“Hyerim ah, did you cry?”

“Junho oppa…”

She tried to continue but her soft sobs turn into loud cries upon hearing the man’s soothing voice.

“Where are you, I’m coming down now.”

His voice was firm and determined. He’s determined to find out what causes Hyerim’s tears.

Despite the coldness of the night, Junho found the crying girl all alone on a bench in the neighborhood park.

“We broke up.”

A clear statement to explain why she’s in this state.

“How? Why?”

Junho asked softly, still standing by the bench.

“I initiated it. He was cheating on me.”

Slowly, Junho sat down beside Hyerim. Raising his arm awkwardly, giving the broken girl a comforting shoulder hug.

That was enough for Hyerim to tear up.

“You were the first person I thought of…”

She sobbed.

“I know, I know.”

The man assured.

That night, in the cold, Hyerim cried her eyes out in the warm embrace of Junho.

Junho smiles softly at the memory.

He knows what his Christmas wish is going to be.

The next day, the group met up to welcome Sunye back.

Snowball fights, snowmen, snow angels, laughter and smiles, it feels good to be together again.

Junho saw her sitting there by herself, smiling and laughing at the silly things her friends are doing. 

He makes his way towards her.

“Hyerim ah, you still remember your question on Christmas wishes?”

She nodded.

“I’m giving you an answer now.”

“It’s just a random question, you don’t have to.”

“But I want to.”

She kept silent, waiting for him to continue.

“I wish White Christmas will come with your wishes come true.”

He smiles.

She smiles back.

But someone just has to ruin the moment.

“Yah, White Christmas! Is that a confession?”

The two of them turn to the voice, which was Junsu by the way, and finds everyone giving them cheeky grins.

Even Taecyeon.

Junho simply return the first three words that came to his mind.

“Oh shut up.”

With that, all of them erupted into laughter.


Initially, I didn't want it to be like last year's one-shots - all linked together. But I figured, they're from JYP Nation for a reason. They are supposed to be close. And when they are a group of friends, a few bad stuffs can cause a bad Christmas for all of them right? Yeah.. so this is how it turn out to be. And if you guys are confused, the timeline when Hyerim asked that question was before WooYe's one-shot. I hope you guys figured that out. 

And I gave hints for one of the stories later on. :)
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Chapter 3: ^^ Love reading this one shot thingy again and again ^^
You upload all of them soon xp I keep on having to go to Winglin to read the rest of them x.x
Chapter 3: Daebak, wish u could write longer bout chansung and ye eun couple... thanks author nim
Chapter 3: I had this rush of must-read-WonderPM-fic moment and I just have to say I'm so glad that you're around.

Really really glad.

p/s: The gifs at the top are awesome.
I read this on Soompi, and I really loved it <3 WonderPM <3
OkNerd #5
aww this one shot was cute xD<br />
o my i wonder what happened with sunmi ><<br />
update soon please
Update soon! :)