01. Christmas Angel - Wooyoung & Sunye



christmas angel

"Just the thought of Christmas make my heart flutters"
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He looked up from his computer and took a look at the calendar on his working table. Two special dates were circled with red markers on his calendar – the 20th and 25th of December. 

Today is the 19th of December. 

Subconsciously, he smiled; eyes never leaving the two date.

“Repeat that again.”

“I’m going abroad for further studies.”

The woman’s voice was monotonous.

“During this time? On Christmas Eve?”

His voice was filled with hurt; his gaze piercing through her soul, searching for hints of playfulness. But all he get was a realistic nod back from her.

“Why? No, I mean how long?”

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again. He noticed how she was clearly avoiding his gaze.

“Sunye, reply me.”

She looked up and straight into his eyes.

“3 years.”

He took a deep breath in and Sunye didn’t miss that. He’s obviously controlling himself from an outburst.

“Wooyoung ah,”

“Why now? Why so sudden?”

The man whispered; hurt and pain clearly visible on his face and voice.

“Wooyoung ah.”

Sunye repeated.

“I love you, I really do but we really need a break for now.”

Another moment of silence. This time, it’s more intense and awkward.

“A break up?”

“No.” She denied it straight away. “A time for us to have our own lives back and to think through things.”

“And again, why?”

“We are too occupied in each other’s lives, we need time and space to think of what we want for our future. I know what I want now, I’m giving you your space to think about yours.”

“Oh, how noble.”

His every word dripped with sarcasm. 

With that, Wooyoung stood up, gave Sunye one last glance and walked out of the restaurant. Sunye’s heart is dying to call her beloved back but logic refrain her from doing it.

All she could do was stare at Wooyoung’s retreating back helplessly, repeating ‘I’m sorry’ all over and over again and trying hard to prevent those tears from falling. 

That was last year, during the Christmas season.

None of them really had the Christmas spirit and as planned, Sunye left on Christmas Eve.

Wooyoung, who still finds it hard to accept everything Sunye said never even go to the airport to bid her farewell. All he did was stayed at home and let those angry tears fall uncontrollably from his eyes as he stare at the neatly wrapped present he planned to give her.

After Sunye’s departure, her name never came out of Wooyoung’s lips for the first few months. Whenever someone would mention her, he would just walk away, putting up a strong front. He ignored all of Sunye’s emails too despite how she keep trying to start a conversation and wanting to know how is he.

But being his stubborn self, he ignored all of it. 

Until this year April, he received a package from overseas, which turns out to be his birthday present from Sunye. 

More than half of his bottled anger disappeared and from then on, emails and instant messaging became their main source of communication. 

“Just the thought of Christmas makes my heart flutters.”

That was the line Wooyoung repeated again and again with a blissful smile ever since the start of December and when others ask him about Christmas. 

“Why?” Others might ask.

And this will always be his reply.

“An angel is coming back for Christmas this year.” 

Whenever he gave his answer, Sunye’s sweet smile, her charming laughter, her eye smile will appear in his mind and unknowingly, he will just smile. 

Today is the 20th of December, the day Sunye will be landing and back to his side. 

Wooyoung took a last look of the photo of him and Sunye on his working table, let out a soft blissful laugh and head towards his door. 

His angel is coming back.


First one-shot done! This year, WooYe shall be the first pair to have their one-shot written. ^^ Because if you watch the trailer, WooYe's timing of Christmas seems to be the earliest - not Christmas yet. So it's by timing. And if you're confused by the dates in the one-shot, 19th is the start of the one-shot but as Wooyoung thought of the past, one day had passed. Something along that kind of line. :D 


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Chapter 3: ^^ Love reading this one shot thingy again and again ^^
You upload all of them soon xp I keep on having to go to Winglin to read the rest of them x.x
Chapter 3: Daebak, wish u could write longer bout chansung and ye eun couple... thanks author nim
Chapter 3: I had this rush of must-read-WonderPM-fic moment and I just have to say I'm so glad that you're around.

Really really glad.

p/s: The gifs at the top are awesome.
I read this on Soompi, and I really loved it <3 WonderPM <3
OkNerd #5
aww this one shot was cute xD<br />
o my i wonder what happened with sunmi ><<br />
update soon please
Update soon! :)