
Belonging to Them ( Discontinued)
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    It took almost ten minutes before one of them approached her. He was tall and smiled brightly practically bouncing over towards her. “Hi I’m Chanyeol and I think I’ll call you Jagiya okay?”


    Alice wracked her brain for the word meaning and a deep blush covered her face when it came to her “D-Dae Oppa” memories of her father teasing her mother with the word made a soft smile flit across her face as she accepted the nickname.


    Chanyeol squealed loudly and hugged the poor girl to him tight startling her enough her hands clutched his sleeve to try and pull him off a small squeak leaving her “You ARE SO CUTE!!!”

    Xiumin and Suho pried his arms off of her and sat her back down patting her hand and back respectively to offer comfort as she looked a little frazzled. Luhan sat down next to her, “so where are you from?”


    Alice blinked at the handsome man who was talking to her and blushed more “I-I…I’m from France but I lived in the Chinese facility.”


    Luhan beamed, “I was born there! did you like your stay? It's a beautiful place.”


    Alice froze some as well as Luhan once he realized what he said, Being born from a Breeder meant bad stock…and Breeders were the only ones to give birth inside the facilities usually the men born from breeders were considered lower and never amount to anything so this wasn't something any of the boys broadcast and Alice seeing as how she wasn’t from a breeder could reject them and demand she go back to her facility immediately for a more fitting husband.


    Alice processed for a moment. Before she rounded on him reaching for his hands an excited gleam in her eyes as a flurry of chinese left “Who was your mother, do you know? Is she still around? I worked with the breeders and the newborn's you know it was my favorite job, the babies are just so cute! My best friend chose to become a breeder as well I thought about it too but it seemed too unstable, but I really like the babies.”


    She sighed wistfully as Exo shared a confused look getting the ones who were fluent to translate took a few moments but once they did every man blushed and stared shocked until Suho smirked some, “wanna have a baby?”


    The guys groaned but Alice looked up at him with sparkling eyes and nodded vigorously  “once we get to know each other oh yes! It would make me so happy!”


    That shut them all up and they stared at her wide eyed while she day dreamed. “Okay!” Kris motioned everyone to pack up “Let’s get home and show Alice her new room.”


    They led her down through the halls claiming it was nicer than the elevator but really they just wanted to show her off to all the men in the building as they walked past cubicles and heads popped up eyes filled with want and longing. Alice had her arms looped with Kris and a boy she had yet to actually meet so she turned to him and smiled looking up at him, he blushed and she beamed “Hi.”


    He jumped a bit “h-Hi…I’m Sehun.”

    She giggled happily, “that’s a pretty name. So what do you do Sehun?”

    Sehun’s eyes met Kris’s as she asked him, a silent question on what to tell her. Kris smirked a bit, “he’s our company treasurer. He deals with money.”


    Sehun snorted he guessed that was the nice way to say money laundering and keeper of the blood money they make, better than the truth he supposed. Easier on her fragile ears.


    Alice smiled, “you must be really smart then what do you guys do?”


    She turned to include her other husbands who still hadn't bothered with intros kris waved his hand, “we’ll tell you later Babe.”


    Alice shrugged and returned to waving at the people who worked in her husband's’ company.


    Once they hit the ground floor four cars were parked out front and Kris pulled her towards an SUV, Sehun following along with two others as they all climbed in. One of the Husbands, he was cute she thought with large cheeks and a happy smile, jokingly blew her a kiss which she caught and returned happily waving to the others who waved goodbye as the car took off.


    Once she was done she giggled settling into her seat and looking at the men in the car. “Okay! I know Kris and Sehun who are you two?”

    The two sitting on either side of her smiled some the one on her right said “My names Tao.”

She turned to the left and he smirked at her “Kai.”

She beamed and kissed their cheeks closest to her “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”


    Tao and kai were blushing too hard to respond.

    Sehun looked back at her. “Hey jagi, do you want anything before we get home? Food? A bubble tea?”


    She was about to respond until he said Bubble tea then confusion took over her face “whats Bubble tea?”


    Sehun let out a squawk of indignation and tried to grab the steering wheel from Kris causing the car to take an abrupt left turn  Alice screamed in fear clutching onto Tao who blushed brightly but held her back for safety as Kris righted the car and Kai kicked Sehun’s seat hard “You SCARED ALICE!”

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OKAY! three chapters within the last 24 hours all rewriten and edited to the best of my abilities some things ahve changed some have NOT so please if you would like to comment what you like and dislike i would love to hear from you! 05/10/18


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Chapter 19: Just casually picked up the baby, why did I laugh so hard
Chapter 31: Aww too bad, but we understand! Thank you very much for sharing such a good story!
Chapter 30: oh~so suho is the father~ 축하해~!!
update soon author-nim~! ^_^
Chapter 30: oh~so suho is the father~ 축하해~!!
update soon author-nim~! ^_^
Chapter 23: jungkook is so cute omg
Chapter 30: I still think it adorable that BTS are the offspring, especially Tae Tae and Daddy Baekhyun. I just enjoy the whole story.
Chapter 19: I really enjoy reading this story! :D
Chapter 29: this is honestly a refreshing take on an EXO OT12 story and I'm glad!
Chapter 17: Omg. This is cute. I’m liking this story!
Chapter 29: They are all getting angsty on whose the father~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Suho even swore~
3 days with come pass by quickly boys~ don't worry~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ