My Love-story: Hitman Zico & me
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"Aargh!" You shot out of bed like a bullet. Your head was spinning and you felt bile rise up from your stomach. Forcing it down you winced at the sharp pain coming from the side of your head. You could feel a weird throbbing sensation. 

  "Ahh." You breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God it was just a nightmare." You said as you went back to sleep in your bed. There was a weird sensation as you could feel your arm being gently tugged. You turned around to see a small tube in your arm connected to a machine. And that was when you screamed. "Aargh!"    It wasn't a nightmare it was real. A mysterious man had come into your room and when you were sleeping he had... You desperately shook your head trying to remember but it was just a big black hole. You didn't know what happened afterwards but right now you were in a building and in a bed that wasn't your own.    Suddenly, you felt very drowsy almost like you had been drugged. You struggled to stay awake but eventually you fell asleep.    Bright rays of sunlight escaped from the blinds and hit your face. Groaning you woke up and felt a dull aching pain in the back of your head. It was daytime and finally you could see your surroundings.   You were in a pastel blue and cream room b with fresh flowers that almost covered the entire room. In the few empty spaces there was an arm chair and a small sofa. Across from your bed was a plasma screen TV. Then you looked down, your bed had a blue cover and metal rails almost like a.. Hospital bed and attached to you were various machines you couldn't name.    Creak. The heavy door slowly opened revealing a face that you had seen too many times to count. It was Kai, your private doctor. He had slicked brown hair, slightly tanned skin and brilliant white teeth. When he approached you one corner of his mouth rose up into a cheeky grin. "Long time no see," he said. "You too," you replied, drinking some water for your parched throat. "I would hug you right now, but..." "But what?" You said. "You can't remember can you?" he nervously said. You
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