Children of Flora and Fauna

Among The Trees (King of the Fay)**

Ivey had never been so scared in her life. It's one thing to fall down, it's a whole other thing to fall down a what seemed like a bottomless pit.

 it was dark, smelled like damp earth and her skirt kept flying up. She had to decide wether to keep covering her face or keep her dress down. She certainly couldn't do both.

Thankfully she didn't have make up her mind because soon a bright light had engulfed her and she was seeing beautiful green leaves and could smell fresh flowers.

 Ivey landed softly, despite the speed she was falling at. She had landed on a soft patch of grass.

A bit confused about what had happened, Ivey made note of her new surroundings. It seemed to be another meadow but something felt different about it. She couldn't quite put her finger on it that very moment.

 It was on the tip of her tounge.

 From the corner of her eye she saw what looked like someone ducking behind a bush. Then she heard child-like giggles.
Someone was laughing at her.

She brushed herself off and walked over the bush, unsure of what she would see or meet, she made sure to approach very slow just in case.

"Who's there?" Ivey called.

 More giggles came from the bush with tiny orange-ish berries.

"Come out, I won't hurt you" She said but whispered "Much" under her breath as she spotted a free branch near her foot.

She grabbed it just incase it was a vicious animal or creature, this was not like the human world at all. Bush's didn't giggle back home.

"Oy! You got till I get to four" Ivey began to grow very impatient with the giggly trespasser.

"1..2..3..3ish..Fou" before she could finish saying four two people shot up, scaring Ivey.

They weren't tiny green monsters that she was expecting, they were beautiful..and tall.

One was a boy about 17 or 18 with beautiful golden eyes, the other was girl about 15 or so, her eyes we're a soft aqua color. They almost looked like twins, much too beautiful to be real. They reminded her of expensive ball-joined dolls she seen on eBay.

"Hello" said the girl, she grin perfectly, her voice small and angelic. "what's your name"

"I'm Ivey" she felt so shy around them.

"I'm Petal, This is my brother Thorne. Hello beautiful Ivey"

Petal stepped out the bush and hugged Ivey as if they we're long lost friends.

 Thorne just watched them, he still had not spoken, Ivey wondered if he couldn't speak.

"Mm, you smell like fresh grass" Petal buried her dainty nose into Ivey's armpit.

"Um.. thanks I guess.. that's kind odd ya know"

"But you smell like a garden"

"We're in one, I probably brushed against a flower when I fell."

Petal giggled, "No I meant your blood smells like a garden"

Ivey was speechless, she didn't know how to react to being told her blood smelt like a garden. Though it caused a forgotten memory to form in her head.

There was a time when Ivey tried to hurt herself on purpose, to cope with her no must not remember that part. Ivey had just made a shallow cut but instead of bitter copper, it smelled like grass that just been cut. It healed two days later but left a oddly coloured welterweight behind.

 She told her grandmother but she just laughed but it wasn't a happy laugh but a concerned laugh, that went with curious eyes. They never spoke of it again.

"Petal your freaking her out" Thorne finally spoke.

Petal threw her hands in the air and danced around. Singing a silly song about the sun.

Ivey looked on in confusion, Petal was everywhere it seemed.

"Are you Flora or Funa?" He asked politely

"Flowers? What are you going on about" Ivey suddenly got defensive for no reason, she didn't understand why, but she felt highly insulted.

"Neither I'm human" again very defensively.

"I meant NO harm" he raised her hands up in a way to show her, he was harmless. "Anyway you should come with us. Take you to our doctor. You fell from the sky"

"I fell from a door"

Thorne smiled "I think you bumped your head little sky creature"

Ivey felt her heart squeeze, Chester had in the same fashion when he first "allegedly" met her.

"Okay but no funny business" Ivey warned.

Ivey got sick of people randomly just smelling her, she began to feel like lab rat as she poked and prodded.

"She smells like a Fuana to me" a older woman dressed in what looked like sea shells said as she took a long whiff.

"But her skin glows like sunshine, she bred of Flora. I can tell" Another woman with a oversized hat said.

"She smells human but not enough to actually be one" The wise woman said.

The lady didn't even leave her chair but she spoke as if she already had smelled her. She sat bored with her hand on her chin.

"You can literally smell her all over the room" She explained.

 Her smile was kind but something about her, made Ivey feel like she shouldn't speak out of turn.

There was a warm sensation growing in her tiny pocket, it was her compass. It was sign, when she closed her eyes she could see the message written quote on the lid.

Come find me 

Chester was calling to her without speaking. He was probably wondering what was taking her so long. He brought her closer to the castle, she should of been there half way by now..

"I really have to go" Ivey stood up, but was pushed down by the two women that stood next to her.

"Tell me child why do you smell like Flora but Human at the same time?" The bored lady asked.

"I am human, I don't even know what a Flora is ma'am. I have go now"

"What's your hurry?" She asked but she wasn't interested.

Say nothing a voice said

"I just have to go"

"Stay stay"

"I really have to go" Ivey was getting angry now.

Ivey popped up and stared daggers at the woman. "I'm leaving and you can't tell me other wise". Ivey waited for someone to stop her but everyone looked at her in shock.

"You may go, but I'll find out what you are and whom your going to." The woman stood up as well but stayed where she was.

Instead she walked behind a curtain and the tension was gone just like that.

Ivey curtsied out of politeness and left the tent Petal and Throne had brought her to.

As she walked towards he tower, she heard running feet behind her. "Ivey waiting up" it was Petal.

Stopping and letting the siblings catch up she grabbed the compass to feel how warm it was..

"This is for you"Petal dropped a bottle with blue liquid in her hand.

"What is it?" Ivey asked examining it

"Not sure, the wise woman Elle told me to give it to you."

"Tell her thanks" 

Petal and Throne waved good bye.

"Good luck" Petal shouted.

With the gift Ivey began walking towards the ivy covered stone bridge, she was a few more miles away from the Castle. Soon she would see Chester again and could finally ask him everything she wanted to know, but she had new questions she hope he could answer, but had feeling he couldn't.

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729 streak #1
Chapter 12: Looking forward to the new story, sounds intriguing.
729 streak #2
Chapter 10: Ivey's mother is a piece of work, who would do that to their own child? I hope either Chester or Petal find her soon. At least her body is protecting itself. Good chapter.
729 streak #3
Chapter 9: Hey girlie, I was starting to worry, hope everything is okay. :) Good update, I can't wait for Ivey to learn more about the different kinds of magic, and creatures. Hopefully Shelly won't be as much of a royal pain when she wakes up.
729 streak #4
Chapter 8: I really liked this chapter. It's really sweet how Chester watches over her, I just wish she'd realize she's worthy of his attention, and not be so insecure. Love what he did to Shelly. haha
729 streak #5
Chapter 7: Hmm...looks like her mom has a lot of secrets. That is interesting that she can supposedly take care of herself, but her husband is able to abuse her. smh Ivey, and Chester are getting closer.
729 streak #6
Chapter 6: What do they have to go through before they can be together? Sounds like it took him a while to find out her whereabouts, and now he is able to watch over her again. Good stuff.
729 streak #7
Chapter 5: Very colorful group, can't wait to see who Ivey encounters next. I also wonder if the blue liquid is dangerous.
evearroz #8
Chapter 3: I actually like this story. The whole fantasy, whimsical dimension idea is pretty neat. And Kris would fit into this part perfectly! But do you proof read after you write? If not I STRONGLY recommend that you do because some of these sentences are so hard to read and understand, and then I get all worked up on one sentence just because of one simple typo. But anyway, great story line. I'll continue to read it.
729 streak #9
Chapter 4: Fingers crossed it works, and she doesn't end up somewhere weird!
729 streak #10
Chapter 3: I really like this story, you're off to a good start. It seems like it's a sort of Fae realm? I can't wait to see what happens when she finds Chester.