Silent Love

Love At First Sight; ♥ | One-Shot
Today was the last day of Thanksgiving break and I was absolutely bored; all I could do was watch the trees that we were passing by, but they all looked the same. I sighed and looked at my best friend, Eunmi, who was sleeping next to me. Everything was so silent. This trip seemed to take forever. Suddenly my aunt's phone rang, not that I cared. I'm just glad that the silence was broken. After my aunt hung up the phone she commanded my dad to stop at the nearest service station. A smile formed across my face. *Finally! We're getting out of this stupid car.* After ten minutes of waiting, we finally arrived at the service station. I turned to my Eunmi who was still dozing off. I rolled my eyes and shook her awake. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. "Where are we?" she asked. 
I beamed, "We're at a service station! Come on, let's go! They have Checkers inside." 
My best friend quickly putted on her jacket and followed right behind me. The rest of my family and relatives ordered at Villa's Pizzeria while Eunmi and I went to Checkers. I ordered Bacon Cheddar Fries and Sprite as my drink. And Eunmi ordered Fully Loaded Fries with Coke as her drink. We sat on a random table and started eating. I looked around and saw a cute Asian guy. I quickly turned to Eunmi and she had a smile on her face too.
"Hot Asian guy at 3 o'clock~" She sang. I smiled and we both started to giggle. 
Eunmi stopped paying attention to the cute Asian guy and started texting while eating. But as for me, I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked so cute with his baby brother in his arms. He seemed like the type of guy who tries to act tough on the outside but is actually gentle and fragile on the inside. I had this warm fuzzy feeling inside my body. I felt so drawn to this guy and I don't even know his name. Nonetheless the thought of 'love at first sight' never left my mind. This is the first time I've felt this way. You know, being instantly attracted to someone; being attracted to every part of him. Including his personality even though I haven't even talked to him yet. I watched every move he made and I often caught him looking at the Toy Crane Machine. I pulled out a couple of dollar bills in my pocket and settled them to the side.
"Ya! Aren't you going to eat? You haven't even touched your food or drink." Eunmi commented. I blinked a few times and started eating my food really fast. I looked up at Eunmi and she had a weird look on her face, "What?" I asked. She sighed and shook her head and continued eating.
"Hey Mimi, we should try that game over there." 
"Which one?"
"The toy machine crane."
"Alright, we will. After you finish your food."
"Yes, mom." I said in a mocking tone. Eunmi rolled her eyes and we continued eating in silence. But I managed to glance at the cute Asian guy once in a while. 
After we finished eating, I grabbed the dollar bills I set aside before and walked up to the machine. Eunmi was right next to me. I failed at trying to pick up a doll with that stupid crane. But when my cousin tried, he was able to get a stuff animal. I glanced at the cute Asian guy. His eyes met mine and I literally felt my heart beating faster and faster every second. He gave me a sincere smile. But I quickly looked away. I could feel my cheeks burning, I probably looked like a tomato. Eunmi noticed and started giggling a little bit. I gave her a death glare and she quickly pursed her lips. I sighed and walked back to our table, trying to avoid the cute Asian guy's gaze. I started looking out the window that was beside our table and sighed. *This was such a fail.*
"Mimi, I want to go to the bathroom. I want to fix my make-up. Come with me." 
Eunmi nodded and we fixed our make-up in the bathroom. When I looked at my face in the mirror, I couldn't help but think about the failed moment that just happened a couple of minutes ago. The cute Asian guy probably thought I was a loser. And to worsen things, I'm probably never going to see him again. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom. When I went back to our table there was a cute Rilakkuma doll with a Strawberry pocky box next to it along with a note on the bear's belly, it read: "I thought it was really cute how you tried getting that doll with the machine crane. I hope you're not too bummed out about it. To lighten your mood a bit, I got you a Rilakkuma bear. It took me about 2 tries to get this. LOL I hope you still like it! Signed, Lee Byung Hun a.k.a L.Joe ^^"
I smiled happily at the note and the Rilakkuma bear with the sweetest smile I could muster. *This was definitely love at first sight.*

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oh and Jessie, if you're reading this please come back to AFF soon or at least pick up your phone! i miss talking to chu. come back. </3
okay, i think i'm done. (^_-)
enjoy reading my comments. hoar. :3
the way you described how i felt for that hot Asian guy is so true!
you guys know me so well. c':
L.Joe is so handsome in that poster picture. *o*
/le drools.
nyahaha. DISTRACTED! xD
i have nothing else to say.
oh yeah!
every time i read this one-shot i always relive this moment.
awww... now i miss that guys. :'c
okay, so first of all the poster and background is absolutely adorable! c:
i see you requested from an awesome graphic designer.
i requested once from he too. i liked the outcome. ^^
too bad they had to shut it down. :'c
anyway, i also adored that rilakkuma bear with a pocky box on the side.
it's just so cute! >3<
i think i've mentioned that before.
i feel like flooding this story with wonderful comments and remarks.
ready? okay! start. >:3
oh and i just realized that i didn't comment when you finally updated.
my bad. OTL. =="
i enjoyed the one-shot doe. ♥
i really did. i was fangirling all the way through, LOL.
i loved how you guys remembered this scene. ;3
but then again i did remember that Asian guy too.
what he was wearing and all.
i love you and Jessie for writing this. ^~^
you guys are the best! ^^;;
i cannot stop re-reading this one-shot! :3
it is so cute! i love that pocky and rilakkuma bear. ^o^
of course you would include it there. nyahahaha.
you should write more. you're good at it! :D
a lot of people are supporting you too.
look at all the comments and your subbies. c:
officiallyyours #8
I love the L.Jade/Byunade moment. L.Joe oppa is sho sweet <33333333333333<br />
I def. ship this couple. Byunade fangirls united! Aha. XDDD
BabySeoul #9
This is soooooooo cute! ^____^<br />
O; I'm a Byunade/L.Jade shipper too!! Yay~~ <3