
Unexpected Love
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"For the 10th times, it for business mom. Nothing more than that." Hakyeon said, nagging at her mom through the phone. Mrs.Cha is not in Korea dur to her business at America. She thought she'll be home in a week, but something happen and she have to stay even longer. 

"Sure Hakyeon, sure." Mrs.Cha replied. Hakyeon knew well about her mother, well because she is her mother, so why wouldn't she knew her own mother. Hakyeon knew that her mother is smirking right now. A devious smile spread on her mom face even though she didn't see it.

"Stop your smirk mom, people might thought you some crazy people talking alone on the phone." Hakyeon said, shook her head and Jaehwan was there, laughing her off. She thanked her bestfriends for being so kind to her. 

-GET OUT- Hakyeon mouthed to Jaehwan and the girl shook her head, she wanted to stay and see Hakyeon suffer. Hakyeon glare at her bestfriend while talking to her mother on the phone. Jaehwan stick her tounge out in playful way and make her way out from the furious Hakyeon/CEO room.

"I'm talking to you and people won't understand me because I talk in Korean, not English." Mrs.Cha replied simply. Hakyeon just smile at her mom's weird statement and glance at the watch hanging on the wall. "I have to go know mom. When are you coming back?" Hakyeon asked and she really hope her mom would say she would be home tomorrow but to her disspointment she get no reply and a sigh from her mother. She knew what the meaning of the sigh. 

"It sokay mom, don't work to much or you'll get sick and please send my regards to your friends there and please eat healthy food and don't drink. No alchocol or club. And remember, me and dad always love you no matter where you are. We will always be with you eventhough we can't see you. I love you mom." Hakyeon said and her mom was on the verge to cry, but she manage to control it, don't want her daughter to be worried sick.

Mrs.Cha laughed when she heard Hakyeon said -No alchohol and clubbing- She replied simple okay when her daughter said that. "I'm too old for clubbing Hakyeon and you know I won't drink unless your father are here with me." Mrs.Cha said and laughed. Hakyeon laughed along with her mother. How Hakyeon miss seeing her mother face and just by hearing her laugh made her heart flutter and she could cry any moment from now.

"Hakyeon." Mrs.Cha called out. Hearing her mother calling her, she began to cry. A soft sob coming from . She can't stop the tears that were streaming down from her eyes to her cheeks. "I love you too sweetheart. I love you father too. Don't worry okay, I'll be home and you won't even know I'm there. It will be a suprise." Mrs.Cha said, trying so hard to make her daughter feel at ease. 

Hakyeon sniffled back some tears as she wiped her fresh tears with the back of her left hands. "Don't cry sweetheart. Don't overwork yourself and I really really love you. Someone call me, so bye I guess?" Mrs.Cha asked and Hakyeon nodded her head. She faint a smile when she know what she's doing. Her mother won't see her nodding her head so she replied a simple bye to her mom. 

She bit her lower lips to stop herself from crying but stupid tears, but it won't stop. "Don't cry Hakyeon. You'll make me cry." Mrs.Cha said, her voice shaking a little. "S-sorry m-mom. I-I was, I'm j-just:- Hakyeon lost her words. She can't find the right words to say. 

"It sokay Hakyeon. No need to stay sorry." Mrs.Cha said. Hakyeon rub her temple because she really need someone to comfort her. She regret it when she asked Jaehwan to get out from her office. Mrs.Cha said when Hakyeon didn't stop crying. "Sweetheart stop crying because I'll be back. It not like I'm dying over here, or I'm going to be hit by a :-" and the line was cut off.

"Mom?? Hello?" Hakyeon said, starting to worried when suddenly the line was cut off. "M-mom??" She stutter calling for her mom, her hands began to shaking and she tried not burst into tears because she knew it will attract all the workers. 

"MOMMM!!" She shouted with all her might. She lost the patient to wait for the other line to answered her, now she didn't care if all the workers at her place would hear her shouting. After a few minutes, her main office door burst open, revealing worried Taekwoon.

Hakyeon quickly stood up from her leather office chair and her phone was no longer on her hands and she ran to Taekwoon. Hugging the stoic latter tightly. She cried on Taekwoon shoulders, her legs was starting to feel weak and her hands was shaking furiously. Taekwoon rub the sobbing girl back up and down while trying saying something soothing for Hakyeon ro relax.

Hakyeon breathe hitched everytime she remember the moment when the line was cut off, she was going to think something positive but that positive won't come, so she cried even hard. Jaehwan was typing something at her computers and she jump in her seat when she heard Hakyeon shout. She didn't wait any moments and ran towards her boss office. 

She stopped when she saw Taekwoon trying to open the office main door. She remember, Hakyeon office room have a pin. So she ran towards Taekwoon side and panickly inserted the pin. The door unlocked and Taekwoon rush in.

"Le-leo, m-m-mom:-" Hakyeon stutter with her words, she bit her lower lips to let herself calmed down but it didn't work, she's bitting her lower lips until it turn pale and would bleed if Hakyeon bite onto it hardly. "Your mom is fine Hakyeon. Don't worry, she'll be okay." Taekwoon said, his voice was so soft and Hakyeon felt safe when she's was wrapped tightly to Taekwoon's chest. 

Hakyeon weakly nodded her head and when she began to calm down, the world around her turns black. Before that, she could heard Jaehwan screaming for her name and Taekwoon was hugging her even tighter than before.

Taekwoon waited patiently for Hakyeon to be awake. He settle himself at the old wood chair. The one his mother bought it for him last year and he's still using it.

While waiting for Hakyeon, he could see that Hakyeon is having a nightmare, the way she moves her hand frequently, her head was facing left and then right in less than 2 minutes. Taekwoon interwined his both hands and place in under his chin. He really couldn't understand the situation, is something wrong with Hakyeon's mother? Or they faught. He don't know, when he asked Jaehwan, the ahjumma looking girl said, Hakyeon was talking to her mother on the phone before she was kicked out. 

Taekwoon decided to take Hakyeon to his house because he didn't know where to take the unconscious girl, to her home or to the hospital. Jaehwan nearly hit him when he mentioned hospital. She told him that Hakyeon really really hated hospital, it is one of her enemies. 

And when he asked about Hakyeon's house, she shook her head and told him there won't be anyone at home. That is why Hakyeon is in his house, in his bedroom and on his bed. He didn't mind it at all because he's going to marry Hakyeon on Saturday, this week. His father told him.

He really don't like the idea of marrying people he doesn't know or love, but seeing Hakyeon lying on his hotel suite bed the other days, make him change his mind. "Mom." Hakyeon called out, her voice audible, it like only her lips were moving but no voice came out. Taekwoon lean in closer to hear what Hakyeon was talking about and he heard it. Hakyeon was looking for her mother. 

He got up from his seat and walked to the living room, Hakyeon's handbag were there. Jaehwan asked Taekwoon to brought it with him, so Taekwoon did. "I'm sorry Hakyeon." Taekwoon said before opening the handbag and explore the things inside it, he was looking for Hakyeon phone. 

"Found you." Taekwoon said when he feel the square thing at the tips of his finger. He pull it out and unlocked it. Of course it has password. Taekwoon groan while rolling his eyeballs. "Let try this." Taekwoon said and began to put any numbers that came across his mind.

When he tried for the 5th times, it says error and he have to wait for 1 minute for it to recover but it feels like an hour, he sighed in defeat and try to call Jaehwan. But how stupid he is, he doesn't have Jaehwan phone's number. 

He put Hakyeon's phone to where he found it, in her handbag. He wanted to go to the kitchen to grab some mineral water when the phone suddenly buze. He heard the ringtone song, Marvin Gaye. He turned his head to the ringing phone inside Hakyeon's handbag and quickly reaching for it. He saw the caller name, Eomma. Taekwoon gulp before answering the phone call.

"Hello?" Taekwoon said, of course he is feeling nervous right now, not much but still nervous. 

"Hakyeon? Is that you?" The person on the other speak. 

"I'm not Hakyeon, sorry. I'm Taekwoon." Taekwoon introducing himself.

"Ohhh." The person on the other side said, a little bit disspointed it not Hakyeon. But then, Taekwoon could heard the woman gasp and squealing like a little girl. 

Taekwoon was starled by the sudden change of attitude, before the woman on the line was disspointed and after that, she become a little girl, screaming and squealing with her high pitch voice. 

"Taekwoon!! My daughter, husband." She shouted through the line. Taekwoon was fast enough to caught her words and and O-shaped mouth form on his small thin lips. 

"Yes it me. Nice t

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Chapter 3: soooo cute.... :)
Chapter 2: interesting...can't wait for them to meet...