Chapter 3

고엽 (withered leaf)
"What do u want to be when u have graduate?" Jimin asks her while swaying her swing. She's thinking about jimin's question. There are a few months before they graduate. She doesn't know what she want to be. She just want to be with her sister and jimin, her bestfriend. She doesn't want to go anywhere even tho she need to. "I ... don't know." She answers him back. "I also don't know. But I'm sure u will get a nice job or u might continue ur studies at a nice university." Jimin smiles at ur back even tho u can't see it but u just know it. "U are smart, pretty and talented. I'm sure people will loves u." He stops swaying her swing. "Why u stop?" She is confused why suddenly he stop swaying. "Just like the swing, I need to let it go soon." He said that without looking at her because he tries to hide his teary eyes. He can't bear to lose u. U are the closest person to him besides his family. He knows that he's not that smart and rich to continue his studies but he need to do something to support his family. "Hey, are u ok?" She asked him but he just nod and smile at her. "I'm more than fine." 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😠😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 "I'm sorry jungkook, but I need to go somewhere. Make sure to lock the door and don't let anyone enter, ok?" Wonwoo takes his car's key and ready to meet someone. "How about taehyung?" He sits on the couch while looking at his busy brother. Wonwoo stops walking and smile at jungkook. "Of course he can come here. He's ur friend after all. But don't forget to lock the door, ok?" Jungkook smiles at him back. Aight captain!" Wonwoo laughs at his cute brother. "Ok then, I should get going. I'll come back at midnight. And don't wait for me. Also.... U can go and buy some food." Wonwoo closes the door and disappear. Jungkook runs to his room to call taehyung. "Taehyung! I need ur help!!!" He ends the call and smirk. 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 "So this is why u need my help. To cook dinner for u? Are u kidding me? I don't know how to cook. Do u remember about last week dinner?" 😉😉😡😉 *flashback 😉😉😉😉 "What do u want to eat for dinner? I'm the next generation of Gordon Ramsay. Believe on me and I'll impress u with my little but great fingers." Taehyung praises himself in front of jungkook. Jungkook claps his hands together and squeals like a 2 yo boy. "Show me ur talent, tae! " 10 minutes later "CLOSE THE POT! NONO OMG IT'S BURNING SOMEBODY HALPPPPP!" taehyung runs in circle while jungkook's hiding under the table. 😡😡😡😡 *ends of the flashback. 😉😉😉😉 "Ooh... I don't want it to happen again or wonu hyung will kill me." Jungkook walks to his room to change. Taehyung waits for him while playing his phone. "I'm done. Let's go." Jungkook checks his appearance once again and walk to the door. "To where?" "Tadah! Street food stalls!" Jungkook does a "tadah" movement. "Ok then. Let's eat!" They enter the the nearby food stall. "What do u want to eat, children?" The owner of the stall asked them with a smile plastered on her face. "Emm one plate of rice cake and one bottle of soju and one bottle of mineral water." Taehyung ordered. "Hey, what mineral water for? Make soju two, ok?" Jungkook ordered again. "U can't drink soju." Taehyung told him because he's illegal and can't drink yet. "It just soju. Ahjumma, two bottle of soju!" Taehyung shakes his head at the maknae. "So, how's u and ur brother?" Taehyung asked. "Well, we're ok ... for now." Jungkook checks his phone in case his brother call him. "What do u mean, 'for now'?" Taehyung confused. He needs to make sure that jungkook and his brother are ok. "We're fine. He backs to normal and always bring me for ice cream and hangout with me. Nothing wrong, right?" Jungkook looks at his bestfriend. "Yeah, nothing is wrong. Maybe he already broke up with his girlfriend. " taehyung looks back at jungkook. "Do u think so?" Jungkook asks him back. He's not that sure about his brother's status now. What he knows that his brother need a break and relax from his busy world. "I think I want him to get a break." Taehyung tilted his head to the left. "Huh?" He asks. "He needs some vacation." Taehyung finally understand what his friend try to tell. "U are right. So what we need to do?" Jungkook rubs his chin while thinking. "My parents probably at Milan, so how about he take a vacation at there? I heard that place is pretty good." Jungkook tells him his great idea. "Sounds good. How we gonna do that?" Taehyung asked him. He gets excited because it sounds like a mission to him. He wants to be James bond 2.0. "I don't know." Jungkook sighs. Taehyung mentally facepalm. "What do u mean 'u don't know'? It's ok, I'll think about how we gonna do that." Taehyung shows his square smile at jungkook. "Here's ur orders. Enjoy ur foods, children." The owner smiles at them before continue her works. "Thanks ahjumma!" They says in unison. "Let's eat!" They eat the rice cake and forget about everything after the rice cake finally entered their mouths. "This is so delicious! " jungkook praises the ahjumma for the great rice cake. "U just hungry." Taehyung replies. "U too, barbie loyal stan." Jungkook laughs at his own words. "Shuh! Don't say it louder." He cups jungkook's mouth. "Leteu meh goww! " jungkook bites his hand. "Aww what's that for?" He looks at his hand while glaring the maknae. "Serves u right. I'm trying to eat here. U should eat too." He continue to eat his rice cake. "Let's make a deal. Last person to eat those rice cake will pay. Deal?" Taehyung challenges him, jungkook is a great eater but taehyung is pretty great too. "Deal." Jungkook smirks. "On my mark, 1!!" They eat the rice cake as lot as they can. 5 minutes later. "I... can't eat anymore. ..." jungkook burps and look at taehyung that still eating. "U... U are gonna...lose.." taehyung eats the last piece while jungkook left another piece but he can't eat anymore. "I..I win.... pay the bill loser." Taehyung laughs in victory. "God loves u more." He walks to the counter to pay the bill but he got bumped into a girl. "I'm I'm so sorry. I can't see u just now." He apologizes to the girl. The girl just shake her head. "It's ok.. I understand." Jungkook stares at her. His heart is beating faster like he just ran a 5 km marathon. "Aah. .thanks.." He stutters because he never meet with a pretty girl like her. She has a not-short-but-not-too-long hair. It just same as her shoulder's level. She also has pretty eyes. She's the type that doesn't like make-up. "U are welcome??" The girl answers. "What are u waiting for? Ur sister might worry about u!" Her friend call her. "I'm coming, jimin! Err I need to go. Nice meeting u, mr. .." "Just call me jungkook. " he cuts her. "Yes, jungkook. Well hope to see u again. Bye!" She runs to her friend which is a guy....A GUY?!?! is that her boyfriend? Jungkook thought but he got disturbed by a groan from taehyung. "Let's go. What are u doing?" Taehyung asks. "Nothing." Jungkook pays the bill. While walking back to his house, he smiles when thinking about the incident when he got bumped into the shoulder-level-haired girl. "Why are u smilling to urself like a crazy maniac?" Taehyung asks because he's worry with him. "Nothing. It's not wrong with smilling, right?" Jungkook looks at his friend while waiting for his reply. "It's not wrong but u seems like a stupid boy that just recieved a flower from a pretty girl." Taehyung rolls his eyes. "She's pretty." Jungkook smiles even more. "Who...who is she???" 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😉😡😡😡 "What take u so long?" Jimin asks her. "I'm sorry, I just got bumped into a guy." She kicks a stone while walking home with jimin. After they had fun at the park, their stomachs are making some weird noises so they decided to eat before going home. "A guy? Who?" Jimin shocked when he heard that she just got bumped into a stranger. "I already forgot his name... jung. ..hyun?? Whatever but his name has "jung" in front." She continues to kick the small stone. "Are u hurt?" Jimin carefully ask. "Why are u asking that type of question? Of course not, I'm a strong girl." She points at her biceps. Jimin just laugh at her. She has a petite body how can she said that she has biceps. "That's fat not biceps." He laughs even more at her. She got pissed and she kicks his right leg. He screams in pain. "Aww what's that for?" He glares at her but she also glare at him back. "I'm giving u my precious kick that contains hundred percents of fat." She then walk faster than him. "Why u always walk faster than me?" He sighs while trying to catching up with her pace. "U are the one who walks like a supermodel. " he snorts when he heard what she said. "Whatever." He flips his hair on her face to pretends that he's a supermodel. "How dare u to flip ur stinky hair on my face?!" She runs and jump on his back like he's a horse. "Get off from me, u ungrateful friend." He wiggles his back to make her fall. "Na uh uh! Faster horse faster!" She slaps his head to make he walks faster. He just laugh at her action and silently hoping that this 'great' moment will stay forever. 10 minutes later. "Hey, do u still remember that we used to bathe together when we were 4 years old? I'm not saying that I love to see u but it was 13 years ago... I guess? And our first met. That time, u are just a precious smol bean that everyone wants to take care. Including me. Well, I'm also a fetus at that moment but I feel that I want to protect u like my sister. U are really cute when u wore those cute stockings back then. I can't forget those precious moments. I'm glad that I met u and be ur bestfriend." Jimin carries her on his back while telling her about their past. But he can't hear any respond from her. "Vic? Victoria? Are u sleeping on my back?" Still he doesn't get any reply. He only smile at her who's sleeping on his back. "Goodnight vic." He whispers while carrying her. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 "Are u sure about the idea of me going to a vacation?" Wonwoo asks his brother because suddenly jungkook told him to take a break from his busy world. "Yes, and u need some rest because u seems tired. So, u are going to take a vacation at Milan!" He tells his brother about his excellent idea. "Milan? But our parents..." "Yes, maybe they need some help from u. I'm sure that they missed u so much." He grins but wonwoo thinks that it's not a great idea when it comes to their parents. "I don't think so. I'm not going to Milan." Jungkook turns upset when he heard about that. "Please hyung. I'm begging u." Jungkook does a puppy eyes at him because his famous puppy eyes always work. "Not that eyes again.... ok fine. But u need to come with me too." Wonwoo wiggles his eyebrows. Jungkook agrees. And tomorrow they'll go to Milan for a 'vacation'. 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😬😬😬😬😬😈😈😬😬😬😬😬😬😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈 "Milan? Is it far from our place?" Vic asks her sister when she heard that they'll go to Milan for her sister's fashion show. "Of course, dear." She packs her clothes and telling vic to pack her clothes too. "How about jimin? Is he going with us too?" She asks her sister. Sofi stops doing what she do and turns to look at vic. "I'm sorry but I already booked the flight ticket only both of us." She apologizes that she forgot about jimin. " that so? It's ok. He probably won't come with us. He's anti white people." Sofi just giggles at her statement. "Why are u giggling? It's weird. I should pack my clothes too and tell him that I'll go with u." She walks to her room and start packing her clothes. She will wear a blue sweater with a black jean, a beanie and a pair of black converse. While her sister wears a white jacket with a tight black pant and a white timberland. "Are u done, Vic?" Her sister asks. "Not yet! I want to call jimin first!" She dials jimin's number. "Make it faster or we'll missed the flight." She reminds vic once again. "What's up, vic?" Jimin on the other line started the conversation. "Jimin, I'll go to milan for one week with my sister. Promise that u will never miss me, ok?" She smirks while saying that. "Eww, why I want to miss u? I'd rather miss my neighbour's bulldog than miss u." He laughs. "Fine. Go and miss ur neighbour's bulldog." She pouts. "Aww, I'm just joking. Of course I'll miss u. Don't forget to bring me some souvenirs from melon." "Not melon but Milan." She corrects him. "Whatever and don't bring white people home cause I'm anti white people." She just chuckle when he told her about anti white people thingy. "Aight! Goodbye jiminie!" She smiles. "Hey not jimin--" "beep beep" she laughs at her stupid friend. "Oops I guess I stop the conversation much earlier than expected." She walks to her room to take her suitcase and ready to go with her sister.
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Pls give a lot of support for this story. I'll update for the next chap tomorrow. 사랑하자!


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