Chapter 2

고엽 (withered leaf)
"I'M ALREADY LATE!" vic take a quick shower and wear her school uniform as fast as she can or she might late for the bus. "I've told u already that u are late but hey, do u still want to go to school? I'm worry about ur condition." Sofi helps her with her hair. Vic still can walk but she needs to walk like a turtle. Her knee already stops bleeding but still it's painful to even move her leg. "I'm ok, I guess.." vic eats the toast bread that her sister make for her. "Are u sure? U can skip ur school today." Sofi looks at her sister full of worry. "I'm sure and jimin's there for me. He'll help me if I'm about to fall. Dont worry. U need to go to work too, right?" She asks her sister back. Sofi nods and finishing her breakfast. "I'll pick u up, ok?" Sofi offers her a transport but she refuses it. She said that she'll go hangout with jimin a bit longer. "Ok then but be careful with ur leg. And don't come home late." Sofi pecks her sister's forehead and get ready for work. "Don't forget to lock the door!" Her last order before she disappears. Vic chuckles at her protective sister. And now she needs to think how to kill jimin because of yesterday. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it to spill it out! She threats me!" Jimin is hiding from vic because she'll throw a frog into his mouth because of what he did yesterday. "Ooh really? But u already promised me that u will never let her know!" She holds a frog on her hand to scare jimin. She knows that jimin hates frogs. "I'm sorry victoria, I promise that I'll never tell her anything after this!" Jimin closes his eyes before anything happens to him. "Gotcha!" Vic finally found him. "Aahhhhhhhh!" Jimin shouts and push vic's hand away. Unfortunately the frog fall into jimin's shirt. "ARGHHHHHHHHH! GET OFF FROM ME FROG AHHHH!" He runs in circle while asking for the frog to get off from him. Vic laughs at her stupid friend. "Don't try to mess up with me." She wipes the tears on her eyes because of too much laughing. "Stop laughing and help meh!" He hugs vic and threat her that he'll never let her go unless she helps him. "Fine! Get off from me u froggy." She chuckles and help him to get rid of the frog. "U called me froggy?" He glares at her. "It suits u." She walks away leaving the dumbfounded boy. "Hey, wait for me!" 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 "Are u sure about that, wonu?" Mingyu seriously ask him. Wonwoo nods. He loves sofi so damn much but he can't do nothing. He such a fool. He can't stay look at her sad condition. He needs to do something. Because of him, she's getting sad day by day. He doesn't know how to express his love. He can't bear it anymore. "But what will u get if u leave her? It brings u happiness or ...sadness? I know, in the bottom of ur heart, u can't do it right? U still love her. So, why u want to leave her? Because of ur parents? Ur parents that will never care about u and jungkook? Ur parents that leave u to take care of jungkook while they're having fun with their big status? Is it because of that? Come on won, this is not the wonwoo that I know. I need the bright, cheerful and loving wonwoo back." What mingyu said finally left something in his heart. What he said is hundred percents true. "So, what do u want me to do? I can't even look at her face and here u are telling me that I can't let her go." Wonwoo bites his lower lip. He will do what the best for him and sofi. "Won, believe in urself. U dont need to listen to ur parent's advice about marrying some ing rich girl. U love her and she loves u. That's all a perfect marriage needs. U don't have to pretend like u don't love her anymore. It hurts her. Can u take a moment and pretend to be in her shoe right now? What u will feel if someone that u are truly like, leave u alone because of a damn ing business marriage?" Wonwoo speechless. He can't believe that his cheerful friend is now a dead serious friend. "I...I..." He stutters he doesn't know how to respond. What mingyu says are true. "I'll leave u for u to think about what I said. Think wisely. That's all I want. I need to go first. Hey, don't forget to pick jungkook from his school. He misses u so much. Spend some time with him. He needs u too. See u m8." Mingyu walks to his car, start the engine and drive away. Wonwoo misses his brother too. It's been a while after he forgot about his brother. "I'm sorry kookie." 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 "PASS IT TO ME!" "TAE, COME NEAR ME OR THE OPPONENT WILL GET THE BALL!" jungkook screams while kicking the ball. Taehyung runs to jungkook to take the ball from him. Jungkook finally pass it to taehyung and he needs to shoot the ball into the opponent's goal. And.... "GOALLLLLLL!!!" Jungkook jumps on taehyung's back while screaming. They won over their opponent from hakyun high school. As expected they won again. "I'm proud with all of u. Especially taehyung and jungkook. U make a good team." "Thank u, songsaenim!" They thanked their coach for coaching them for almost 2 years. "Jungkook and taehyung, come and see me after this." Jungkook and taehyung look each other. They're confused for a moment but follow their couch anyway. "Why do u want to meet us?" Taehyung started. Mr. Song just smile at them. "What's that mean?" Taehyung elbows jungkook for asking a stupid question. "Aww, what?" Jungkook whispers at his friend. "Shuh!" He whispers back. "I'm calling both of u to discuss about something." They look each other once again. "About what?" Taehyung asks. "I heard that both of u accepted to seoul high school." Jungkook gulps. He doesn't have any idea how their coach can found out. Only him and taehyung know about this. "How did u know?" Jungkook asks but only get a laugh from their coach. "I'm ur couch. Of course I know. Why don't u tell me about this?" The coach asks back. They just knew about this last week. Each of them received a letter from seoul high school because of their achievement in academic and studies. Their parents also doesn't know about this. Only jungkook and taehyung know about this. Jungkook wants to tell his brother but his brother doesn't have time with him so, he never told anyone about it. Taehyung was not sure about the great opportunity for him and jungkook to move to another school which is very far from their place. "We're not sure as well." Jungkook replies. Their coach knows that they're having problem with it so he's here for them to discuss about their problems. "Just tell me if u have problems. Maybe I can help u." Jungkook and taehyung look each other once again. "It's ok songsaenim. We know how to solve our own problems. Thanks for ur concern. We don't want u to get involve." 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 "Are u ok if I leave u alone?" Jungkook nods and smile at his bestfriend, taehyung. "Don't worry, I'll wait the bus. U should go home or ur mom will get angry again." Taehyung snorts upon hearing jungkook's reason. "What if u get kidnapped? No one will save u." Jungkook playfully roll his eyes. "I have blackbelt. Dont worry. I can take care myself. U are the one who need help. Barbie can't fight so u might in danger." Jungkook laughs but taehyung punches his shoulder lightly. "Who said that barbie can't fight? Do u know that mariposa can fight even tho she's small. So stop talking about barbie. " jungkook chokes on his saliva. He can't believe that taehyung so obsess with Barbie. "U need to stop taehyung, u are a man not a girl." Taehyung glares jungkook but he just wiggle his eyebrows. "So, u are telling me to stop fanboying over Barbie and change my lane to an iron man's stan?" Jungkook laughs and reply him "iron man is cool." "That's why u have an iron man's underwear? " jungkook chokes again. "How--" "Pon pon!!" "Wonu hyung?" Jungkook's practically smilling from ear to ear because his brother finally showed up. "Do u miss me, kookie?" Wonwoo playfully mess up jungkook's hair. "Hyung! My hair!" Jungkook pouts. "I need to go first. Nice meeting u, wonwoo hyung!" Taehyung politely bow to show some respect towards the older. "I'll call u, jungkook. " he's going home before his mother becomes a dinosaur again. "Nice meeting u too, taehyung. Thanks for being there with jungkook." He thanks taehyung for taking a good care of jungkook when he's not around. "I'm his friend, so it's my responsibility to take care of him." He shows his square smile at the older. "U are talking like ur grandma at daegu." Jungkook rolls his eyes. Taehyung glares him before he walks away. Wonwoo hugs his brother because he misses him so much. "I miss u so much, kookie. I'm sorry for not being there with u. I'm sorry if I ignored u all these time." Jungkook hugs him back. His eyes become teary because of his word. "Wonu hyung, it's ok. I know u didn't mean it. I already forgave u." Jungkook smiles at his brother. Wonwoo is so lucky because he has a good brother like jungkook. "Do u want some ice cream? Cause I feel like I want a chocolate ice cream." He wiggles his eyebrows at jungkook. Jungkook smiles widely. "Of course I want!" 😬😈😈😈😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 "Give me one chocolate and one vanilla ice cream, pls? Thank u." Jimin ordered two ice creams for him and vic. After he paid for the ice cream, he walks to the nearby bench where she is. "Here ur vanilla ice cream." Jimin knows her favourite because they've been friends for almost 16 years. Since they were born. "Thanks, bruh." She her ice cream. "So, where do u want to go after this?" Jimin his ice cream while looking at her. "I want to go to a park." She answered without looking at him back. She wants to play with the swing. "Whatever u said, I'll go with u." Jimin smiles at her. "U eat like a 2 years old boy." She laughs at how clumsy jimin is when his ice cream. "Ooh where?" Jimin asks. He tries to wipe his mouth with his hand. "There.. there." She points at his right side of his mouth. "I can't find it." He aggressively wipe his mouth. "Don't wipe it too much. Or it will leave a bruise." Jimin rolls his eyes in frustrated. "Let me clean it for u." She takes out her handkerchief and wipe his mouth. "Don't be so clumsy while eating. U are not a 2 years old boy anymore." His face turns bright red because of her sudden touch. His heart is beating faster than usual. He never feel this way. "Are u blushing?" She teases him. Jimin casually push her hand away. "I..I'm I'm not. What are u..u. .talking about." He stutters while trying to hide his blushing face. "Stop lying. U are blushing." She wiggles her eyebrows at him. "I'm not. Forget it. Let's go to the park." He grabs her left hand to the park. She just smile like an idiot. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 "Why do u want to meet me?" She take a seat in front of mingyu. Mingyu called her that he wants to discuss something with her. "How are u, sofi?" Mingyu chuckles softly when he saw the girl finally showed up. "Just straight to the point. Do u want to discuss about me and wonwoo?" Sofi orders an Apple juice from the waiter. "U can read my mind, good. That's the reason why I called u." Mingyu take a sip of his coffee. Sofi smirks after she heard him. "What do u want to know?" She asks. Mingyu just smile upon hearing her question. "How about u and him?" Mingyu turns serious. "Nothing miracle happens. We're doing good." "Ur juice is here, miss" he smiles sweetly at sofi. Not only him, every man will look and fanboying over her because of her charms and beauty. She's definitely the prettiest girl when she still in high school. No wonder, she always accepted hundred of love letters and chocolates not only in white day but every single day. "Thanks." She smiles back. Mingyu looks pissed. He just stare at the waiter. The waiter quickly go to continue his work. "So lets continue. .where are we just now?" Sofi distractsmingyu's deep thought. "Ahh yes.. so why don't u go and meet him?" Mingyu looks at her hoping that she'll answer no. "Nah, he might busy so I don't want to disturb him." She take a sip on her Apple juice. Mingyu sighs in relieved. "So what do u want to do now?" Mingyu asks her. "I need to go to Milan next week for the fashion week." She explains full of excitement. She couldn't believe that she'll go to Milan next week. She's one of famous fashion designer at Korea. She got accepted to join the international fashion week at Milan. This is the great oppurtinity for her to shine in fashion industry. "M..milan? Are u kidding me? That's great! I feel happy for u!" Mingyu thought about something that make him more excited. "Thanks gyu, I can't wait anymore." She claps her hair together while dreaming she's on the stage with her designs. "Good news, I'll go to Milan too next week!" Mingyu smiles while thinking the next plan.
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Pls give a lot of support for this story. I'll update for the next chap tomorrow. 사랑하자!


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