iii .

The Im Family

"Mark hyung, that's too high," Youngjae looked up to where Mark is, mouth slightly agape as he watched Mark hanging from the monkey bar. "Daddy's gonna be mad, hyung," Mark ignored him and continued to move until he reached the end. He turned around and smiled to Youngjae. 

"Nothing's gonna happen. See? I'm fine. Daddy can't see us anyway," he jumped and grabbed the first bar, wanting to go back to other end, where Youngjae stood waiting for him. He's proud of himself because finally he could play at the monkey bar without having his parents supporting his body. He's a big boy now, and he's strong enough to play by himself. 

Youngjae flinched when Mark nearly missed the next bar, and the latter just laughed it off. Jackson's laughter and cries of "Higher, Papa!" reached their ears and Youngjae glanced behind his back to check if their location was still hidden from their parents' sight. He turned to Mark just in time to see his hyung swung his left arm to another bar and missed it, resulting for him to fall with a thud. Youngjae gasped. 

"Hyung!" Youngjae rushed to his side in half a second and crouched down with worry etched on his cute chubby face. His eyes darted between Mark's face to his scraped elbow and he panicked. 

"Wha- wh- hyung, what should I do?" His vocal chord was trembling, and Mark knew better than to let him cry. "Hey, hey, it's fine. I'm okay. Just don't tel-"

"I'm gonna tell daddy. Wait here hyung! I'll get daddy!" He was fast on his feet and he disappeared from Mark's sight within seconds. Mark was so close to cursing but he didn't because if Papa heard him, he wouldn't get ice cream for a week. Mark was about to stand up when he heard Youngjae's cry. He ran towards his little brother and saw Papa already had Youngjae in his arms. The poor boy was crying and Mark saw blood flowing from his knee.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay. I got you, you're safe. It's fine. You're fine." Jinyoung kissed his son on the top of his head and wiped his tears. He looked behind him towards Jaebum and saw the elder standing up from where he's seated with a kid in each arm. Jaebum walked over to them and winced as he saw the wound on Youngjae's knee. 

"Papa, look at this!" Jackson pointed to Youngjae's wound and touched it rather harshly. Youngjae let out another cry.

"Jackson, don't touch that. You're hurting Youngjae. And you might get it infected." Jinyoung warned him and he backed off, bumping into Mark who was standing there, feeling quite guilty. 

"I think it's enough for today. Let's go home. Mark, hold Jackson's hand." Jaebum adjusted both the youngest in his arms. Bambam and Yugyeom were playing with the toys in their arms, occasionally hitting Jaebum in the face. Jaebum was pretty sure he's going to end up with bruises on his face. 

Jinyoung carried the middle son in his arms, and the two hyungs quietly walked along with their Papa, with Jaebum trailing from behind. Mark prayed hard that Jaebum wouldn't see the already forming bruise on his elbow, and he was glad Jaebum was quite occupied keeping Bam's and Gyeom's toys off his face. They walked in silence, until Jaebum spoke out.

"Mark, what's that on your elbow?" 

Mark halted in his steps, and gulped. Here comes the worst. He's not going to get snacks for the rest of the week.

Jinyoung bent down a little and took Mark's arms to inspect his elbow. He furrowed his brows when he saw the bruise. "Mark, how did you get this?"

Mark glanced towards Youngjae and looked down. He let out a small sigh. "Papa, I'm sorry. I played at the monkey bar even though you didn't let me. Youngjae was with me at that time. I fell down and Youngjae ran to tell you. That was when he fell. It's all my fault. I'm sorry." 

Jinyoung inhaled deeply and looked at Jaebum. They were exchanging looks and the elder sighed. "Mark, I told you specifically to not play at the monkey bar if neither me nor Papa is there."

"I know, Daddy. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. Youngjae is just there to make sure I'm safe. He's not at fault at all." 

Jinyoung looked at the child in his arms and Youngjae hid his face in his papa's neck. Jinyoung shook his head and sighed. "Let's just go home. We need to clean your wounds."


Youngjae tried to run away, or at least, limp away, when he saw Jinyoung took out the first-aid kit. Scraping his knee was painful enough, cleaning it and putting ointment on it was a higher degree of pain. It was a big no to him. Just no. 

"Youngjae, come here! Mark, let's treat yours first." The eldest son walked towards his Papa in the living room and crashed onto his lap. Jinyoung gently dabbed the cloth filled with ice on the bruise. 

"Hold this at the bruise, okay?" Mark nodded, and took the cloth from his Papa.

Jaebum, on the other hand, put the youngest two in the play area and walked away to find Youngjae. "Youngjae, come out now. We have to clean your cut." 

He peeked into the kids' bedroom and saw nothing out of place. He wanted to go look into the bathroom when he heard a soft thud from the main bedroom. Walking into the room, he scanned the entire place to find where the sound came from. He tip-toed inside, and saw the something, or rather someone, under the vanity table. He smiled softly.

Kneeling down, he pulled the chair away and saw Youngjae pouting at him. "Please, daddy, I don't want to. It hurts."

"No, I promise you, it doesn't. Papa will do it gently. He won't hurt you." He reached out for him and Youngjae, with his last effort, tried to scurry away but Jaebum managed to catch him on time. He could've let him ran away, but he's not sure he could hold in his laughter watching Youngjae try to run with one hurting leg.

Jaebum scooped the trashing kid up in his arms and carried him to the living room. Jinyoung chuckled watching his husband tried his very best to make sure he didn't lost his grip on Youngjae. As soon as Jaebum put him down, Jinyoung trapped his son's body with his arms and calmed him down. Youngjae was always the difficult one if it comes to treating wounds. 

"Hey, it's okay. I won't hurt you. Don't you trust me?"

Youngjae calmed down a little and whined. He knew he's fighting a losing battle, so he let Jinyoung cradled him in his lap. Jinyoung gently patted the wound with a clean washcloth that was soaked in warm water, and Youngjae flinched. "It hurts," the child whined. Jinyoung kissed his cheek. "Want Papa to sing you something?"

"Pororo!" Jinyoung laughed. "Pororo it is then."

Singing to Pororo's theme song softly, Jinyoung continued to clean and disinfect the wound, and putting a Tobot bandage on the wound (at his son's request, of course, though Jaebum argued he should've given him a 'Pororo' one). Finishing up, he let Youngjae tottered to his brothers and took the soaking wet cloth from Mark. "That looks good. Alright, you're done." 

"Thank you, Papa." Mark gave him a brief hug and Jinyoung patted his back. "You're welcome, sweetie."

He went to keep away the first-aid kit and when he came back to the living room, Mark and Jackson were knights, Bambam and Yugyeom were giggling audiences, Jaebum was a dragon and Youngjae was his partner-in-crime. Both father and son were growling as Mark and Jackson pointed their swords towards them. "Surrender, or I will have to kill you!" 

Jinyoung hid his small smile and cleared his throat. "Can I join this battle?"

Youngjae ran towards him and tugged at his leg. "Papa, you can be the princess! We don't have one!" 

Jinyoung widened his eyes and glared at Jaebum. The latter just laughed and beckoned for Jinyoung to come closer. "Come on, princess." Jinyoung huffed and hit Jaebum on the chest.

"Oww! What?"

"I hate you."

"I'm not the one who suggests that you should be the princess." Another hit to the arm.

Jinyoung yelped when Jaebum picked him up in his arms and smirked to his sons. "I got your princess."

Jackson gasped and jumped in front of Jaebum. "Give our princess back!"

"No way!" Youngjae yelled.

Jinyoung cleared his throat once again. 


"Mark, Jackson, save me!" 



i know i marked it as completed during the first chapter. but i can't help but to write this. sorry if it doesn't meet your expextations. also, point out my grammar errors so i can fix it ! 

leave your comments too and tell me if you liked it ❤❤❤

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autumnrhythm5 #1
Chapter 1: Ohmygod😭😭😭 jjparents with got6 as their children is my favorite!! I feel so grateful to read this fic😭😭😭
Thankyou for this warm and good story🩵
Sheeon #2
Chapter 1: this is exactly what I was looking for! absolutely love it!
purplebluepink #3
Chapter 5: i didn't realize you added 2 more chapters! luckily i read it again (well i always come back to this bcs this is one of my fav parentsjjp fics! there's not much anyway but this is the best bcs kiddo got7s with jjp as their parents gahhhhhh so cute i cried too much tho hehe keep up the good work! write more stories like this plsssssssssss
Chapter 5: This is soooo good God I'm happy by reading it thank you for writing this fic ^^
hiddentears #5
Chapter 5: ohhhmyyygod i just discovered this fic and I can't stop screaming at the cuteness. I LOVE DOMESTIC JJP. MY KRYPTONITE. and somehow everything felt so real omg you're amazing
nymphadorrey #6
Chapter 5: beautiful
Chapter 5: Completed? Noooo i need more domestic JJP in life TT_____TT this is so good
Chapter 5: This feels so real :')
Someone need to make a movie out of this jinjja ^.^
buttlover #9
Chapter 5: Omg the kids part brought me to tearssss ;; but at the same time I can imagine jaebum looks so hot when was angry cries scold me Jaebum I dont mind HAHAHAHA good job there! :) are you going to continue this fic? Or is it really complete?