ii. Of Another 'Cat' Fight and Confusion

All Mixed Up

sorry for the late update my babieeezzzz!!! here is my new year gift for you.


His hair was sticky and his gym suit was wet from running. The usual Jeonghan would shower and change his clothes first before touching his bed, but this time he just carelessly threw himself on it. Tears were streaming down his cheeks non-stop, his heart kept aching somehow.

The man went straight to his home after the last blow from Seungcheol. It really did hit his heart hard, and he didn’t even know why. He was usually strong at this kind of things; his haters and antis have said a dozen of painful words that were fifty times worse than what Seungcheol said and he have never once cried because it. But Seungcheol, his words were different. They went straight to Jeonghan’s heart like with the speed of light. And he made Jeonghan cry, nonetheless.


Jeonghan turned his head towards the voice. It was Mingyu; standing on Jeonghan’s door with an extremely worried face.

“Are you crying?” he asked, slowly made his way towards the older.

Jeonghan didn’t answer and got up to a sitting position, moving his body a little bit so there was a space on his bed for Mingyu. “Sit,” he commanded, patting the space beside him. Mingyu nodded in silence, having a seat nicely on the older’s bed before wrapping his arms around him. “I’m sorry, hyung,” Mingyu said as he rubbed circles on Jeonghan’s back.

“W-why are you?” Jeonghan sniffled.

“I wasn’t—well, I wasn’t there when you needed me.”

The older’s arms hugged Mingyu’s waist, silently crying his heart out on the younger’s chest. “Was it me, Mingyu-yah?” Jeonghan cried. “Was it my fault? Did I make any mistake?”

Mingyu sighed. “No, hyung, it wasn’t your fault. And you did make no mistake, at all. It wasn’t you,” he said.

Jeonghan pulled away from Mingyu. His eyes that were so red and swollen stared deeply at Mingyu’s. “How do you know that it wasn’t mine? Mingyu-yah, he said it as if I was the only one who played the game with him,” he managed to say, sniffling between his words as he tried to catch his breath after crying.

Honestly Mingyu also didn’t know. He was also stunned when Seungcheol suddenly raged at his best friend, saying that Jeonghan didn’t do anything in the court and just played with his ‘boyfriend’ when actually the long haired man was desperate for Seungcheol to notice him in the front lane, waiting for passes and goals. Even he was the only one who clapped when Seungcheol made the ball in. Jeonghan only stopped when the court’s atmosphere suddenly changed because of Seungcheol’s complete-solo-play, and he kept clinging onto Mingyu’s waist from there.

Maybe that was the reason of Seungcheol’s anger. But it was just strange. Seungcheol looked normal when he entered the court in the beginning; he even seemed to be in a good mood. Suddenly after Jeonghan asked him who the man was and being all lovey dovey with him in the middle of the court, Seungcheol started playing different.

Mingyu’s mind suddenly snapped. ‘Wait, what?’

Seungcheol started playing different after Jeonghan was being all lovey dovey to Mingyu; and he only snapped at Jeonghan, which was because Jeonghan ‘only played with his boyfriend’ during the game. And the boyfriend Seungcheol was referring to was him. Mingyu.

‘Does this mean... that Seungcheol was jealous?’

Mingyu made a shocked face, cupping his own face as he realized the truth behind Seungcheol’s strangeness earlier. ‘So he was just jealous! Of me of all people!’

His heart suddenly started beating in the speed of light, thumping madly inside his ribcage and his face was slowly turning into a shade of red. Butterfly started flying inside his stomach; inner squeals were heard inside his mind.

Which were making Mingyu himself, confused as hell.

“What the fish is wrong with me?” he cursed, slamming down his hands which were still cupping his own face; to the bed.

Jeonghan who had stopped crying made a judging face. “You looked so shocked just now, and now you start talking with yourself. Just what is happening inside your mind, Kim Mingyu?”

“No! Nothing is happening inside my mind, hyung!” Mingyu snapped, trying to calm himself down.

Jeonghan raised his eyebrows which made Mingyu’s face went into a darker shade of red. He unconsciously imagined if Seungcheol and Jeonghan took one more step closer earlier in the gym, and their eyes were half lidded and Mingyu just had to pass by and slam their faces in so they could kiss each other.

 And, oh, their mouth would be collided and Mingyu’s world would just melt down at the sight of them kissing each other. But he had to be reminded that he was still Jeonghan’s best friend and Yoon Jeonghan was clearly upset with Choi Seungcheol and so was Seungcheol. And the black haired man was also the cause of Jeonghan’s down feeling at the moment.

‘Yes, yes. The most logic thing to do is to comfort Jeonghan with all of my care and think about killing Seungcheol tomorrow,’ Mingyu thought, making a pleased face.

And Jeonghan in front of him was already done crying and in the moment was still staring at Mingyu’s changing expression with his judging look. He was already thinking of finding a new best friend to replace Mingyu if he turned crazy out of sudden and he didn’t want to get affected by his craziness since he still wanted to be normal but to as he thought about it one more time, they were already together for about 5 years and their friendship couldn’t be broken. By anything.  Even by his nastiness.

The younger clasped his hands together which got Jeonghan jumped a bit, smiling sweetly at Jeonghan and said, “Now,  Jeonghani-hyung, stop crying! Everything will be alright!”

Jeonghan frowned, “I’m not crying.”

“Yes, you were.”


Mingyu let out a fake cough. He smiled again, brighter than before that it could replace the lamp in your room. “Now, should I comfort you, hyung?”

A silence came immediately. Jeonghan eyed Mingyu with an extremely extreme judging face. Mingyu also didn’t say anything, staying at his place with a big smile on his face; his handsome face showed nastiness as he wriggled both of his eyebrows.

The older man let out a heavy sigh.


“Yes, hyung?”

“I think you should go home.”




Seungcheol ruffled his own hair and screamed his lungs out again for the 5th time that day.

Wonwoo flinched a little. His older friend had been doing that on repeat for 17 minutes. It wasn’t the first time for him to see Seungcheol in this situation; mad and in rage. In fact, he often saw him like this.

But what caused his anger the most was jealousy. Usually it was people from other school who pissed him off, or teacher who thought that they ruled his world. Yet this time it wasn’t any of them, but Jeonghan, his crush instead.

Wonwoo actually understood why the older man was so mad and upset—he had been through it too. He loved this person before, and the person he loved had never noticed him in his whole life. He even got married with a girl, breaking Wonwoo’s heart into pieces. Wonwoo tried to get through it and be happy for him, so he sent a wedding present for him and a letter of Wonwoo wishing for his happiness. But unfortunately, the person had gone to the army before Wonwoo could give the letter and present to him.

The emo guy exhaled at the memory. He tilted his head up, now staring at the clear sky above him. He knew that his ex-crush was under the same sky. Wonwoo couldn’t wish more than him being happy and safe. ‘Sungminnie-senpai, I wish you’re happy over there.’

“Wonwoo, stop thinking about that old Super Junior member and listen to me.”

Wonwoo jumped at the sudden command from Seungcheol, but shrugged anyway before making his way towards Seungcheol.

“Spit it out, hyung. You know you can trust me.”

Seungcheol breathed out, gazing through at the distance from the high place. “Let’s not fall in love, Wonwoo.”

“Hyung, stop biasing over GD and speak Korean.”

“GD is Korean.”

“Pretty much, but please don’t talk in Bigbang language at the moment.”

“Why are you so emo?”

“Well, if you aren’t a weirdo.”

Seungcheol glared, Wonwoo glared back. “Jeon Wonwoo, I want you to listen to my broken heart, not to mock me with your emo-ness,” he wailed desperately. Wonwoo made his LOL face and softened his gaze. He nodded his head telling Seungcheol to continue.

The older sighed again before continuing, “I’m broken hearted, Wonwoo.”

“I can see that. Actually, you’ve said that.”

“I mean,” Seungcheol rubbed the back of his neck, awkward. “Should I hate him?”

Wonwoo turned his face to Seungcheol immediately, clearly shocked at his question. “What?”

“Should I hate Yoon Jeonghan for breaking my heart?” Seungcheol asked again, resting his chin on his hands. His face couldn’t be read, there were so many feelings in one face. Confusion, sadness, and anger.

“Why should you, hyung? You like him,” Wonwoo answered, staring at the older’s face.

“I have pride, Mingyu. How come I still like him when he hurt me like this? He also has a boyfriend, Wonwoo. And he’s not the only guy in this world.”

‘But he’s the only one for you’ was the thing that almost slipped out from Wonwoo’s mouth, but he managed to hold it in before Seungcheol started murdering him.

The sight of Seungcheol and Jeonghan standing so close replayed again inside his mind. It was very nerve-wrecking. They should have kissed that time. Because if they did, it would make this kind of plot: Jeonghan flirted with Mingyu and Seungcheol turned jealous. And then they had a couple fight first before Seungcheol  suddenly slammed his lips on Jeonghan’s and the latter who was in no defense had to give in and wrapped his arms around Seungcheol’s neck; kissing him back passionately. And they walked blindly towards the locker room, still kissing each other. Finally Seungcheol had to send Jeonghan to his house with his motorcycle and just when Jeonghan was about to go inside his house, Seungcheol pulled him to his arms and kissed him again, whispering ‘Sorry’ on his lips. Jeonghan smiled, placing a peck on Seungcheol’s lips, saying ‘It’s okay’ and they bid each other a goodbye.

“Yes, that would be great,” Wonwoo muttered, face already red with his wild imagination about his own friend and someone who just broke his heart. He fished his phone out from his pocket and typed in a memo about the precious plot that fortunately just popped inside his head.

Seungcheol couldn’t help but to judge.

“Why the fish is your duck face so red, Woo?”

Wonwoo shrugged, ignoring his question and couldn’t help but feeling offended at the word ‘duck’ Seungcheol called him but he decided to let it go this time since he had this beautiful plot he had to save before it disappeared from this cruel world that separated  him and Sungmin.

“Wonwoo-yah,” the older called out one more time, trying to gain Wonwoo’s attention; now with a cute tone and big, pleading eyes staring at Wonwoo. The younger shifted his eyes form his phone, glancing at the disgusting view of Seungcheol making a cat pose with sparkling eyes and pouted lips; his hands curled into fists in front of his face and his strong muscles could be seen under those gym clothes.

‘Is he doing aegyo or is he threatening me?’ the younger black haired man gulped as he turned his head to take a look at Seungcheol’s fists in front of his face as if he was ready to beat Wonwoo up anytime soon.

“You look like a duck, hyung,” he finally said. His fingertips touched Seungcheol’s lips for a second before pulling it back again.

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, “I don’t want to hear that from you.”

Wonwoo shrugged again, letting his backpack slung over his shoulder as he started walking towards the exit door.

“Where are you going?” the older man asked.

Wonwoo tilted his head a bit, “Cheeseburger. You comin’?”

Seungcheol grinned. “Why not?”




Door slams started Mingyu’s day.

The first one was always his mother’s; slamming his door because he was only 17, rush hour rapping and woke him up with a mac fully loaded.

 The second one was his younger brother named Kim Yugyeom who slammed Mingyu’s door when he was wearing his school uniform and mischievously said, “Hyung you got fat!”

“I’m never fat. I’m gorgeous,” the older remarked rolling his eyes. Yugyeom snorted, and decided to slam his brother’s door close as the third door slam.

The forth one was his neighbor’s; whose name was Oh Sehun, greeted him shortly as he sprinted towards the bus stop. He was in college, and maybe he was already late to be early.

And the fifth was Yoon Jeonghan’s, his very own best friend; slamming the class’s door open with an upset face, immediately getting his classmates’ attention in just one single blow.


Short statement, piercing eyes, messy hair.

The class averted their gazes somewhere else but Jeonghan, simply saying ‘No, it’s nothing’, a little bit scared of the sudden change of their flower that day.

‘A bit’? You mean, ‘Totally’.

Mingyu could hear the male sighed before going to his seat beside the younger. Usually Jeonghan would hug him tightly or cling to his arm but this time he just sat and stared at his bag on the table. His aura seemed so dark around him and—okay, Mingyu was dead scared right at the moment. He wasn’t even smiling!

The younger dared to do nothing. He didn’t even steal glances at the older. His mouth pursed into a thin line not saying anything, eyes fidgeting everywhere, back straight and his fingers playing with each other.

‘Is he still mad about yesterday? I thought he was over it already.’

Jeonghan beside him also sat in silence even until the bell rang and the Social teacher came; also as confused as the class.

Mr. Taehyung frowned and quietly pointed at Jeonghan, muttering a barely audible ‘Is he Jeonghan? Or is he Satan?’. His gaze fixed at Mingyu, who just shrugged and shook his head.

The teacher furrowed his eyebrows; totally not impressed that his favorite student was so different that day when his mood was amazingly good. His crush finally asked him out yesterday and took him out for dinner, so it was indeed a good morning for him to wake up beside the Physics teacher.

“Sir,” a voice called out suddenly. “I’m pretty sure that he is Yoon Jeonghan who is just in PMS and he’s not a Satan. So could you please just start the fishing lesson before I jam your mouth up like bad traffic?”

The whole class immediately turned their attention to that voice.

Lee Jihoon, with his pink hair combed down covering his forehead; was staring at the blank cupboard with an annoyed face. He was the Student Council President, and the guy clinging on his shoulder with a smug smile on his face was his boyfriend, the Vice President, whose name was Kwon Soonyoung. He looked proud.

And the Social teacher was surprised.

“Are you a mind-reading psycho, Jihoon?”

Jihoon rolled his eyes and let out a long breath. He just wanted this lesson to end quickly since the atmosphere was not good already.

Or shortly said, he was just as afraid as the other of Jeonghan.

“No I am not,” he replied. “You just said it out loud, Sir.”

The teacher made a surprised face again. “I did?”

“Yes,” Soonyoung spoke up. “Now please continue before I call Mr. Hoseok to come and drag you home.”

(To clear things up, actually what Jihoon said was true. Jeonghan was just being a boy in PMS because his fellow older sister named Bora didn’t bring him to SHINee’s fan meeting the day before.)




Seungcheol noticed the boy’s change of attitude the moment he stepped into the Social class. And so did Wonwoo behind him.

The class’s mood was extremely down and scary, even Mr. Taehyung who usually would punish them by reading a threesum fanfic in front of the class—was now just staring at them with a blush on his face as if he was saying ‘Go sit now you dips before I call my baby and he will punch you on the face for rapping me.’

Yeah. Go rap Taehyung like Puss. Cat.

Jeonghan, on the other side of classroom, also noticed Seungcheol’s arrival.

And their gazes met each other’s.

The long haired boy immediately glared a thunder and the black haired delinquent glared tsunamis. Seungcheol chuckled darkly under his breath. “You’re challenging me again, princess?” he whispered as he slowly made his way to Jeonghan—who was just sitting there with his piercing eyes glaring at the older boy.

Wonwoo’s breath hitched. Mingyu stopped breathing. ‘Here it is.’

The emo guy had prepared his phone camera secretly and the handsome guy beside Jeonghan was still confused of his heart.


“What do you want, Choi Seungcheol?” the pretty male whispered back, emphasized the latter’s name as he spoke. Mingyu shivered immediately. His fists clenched his pants, his straight face trying hard not to break into a wide, fanboy smile making cold sweat streamed down from his forehead.

Seungcheol also used to like how Jeonghan’s mouth let out his name with a sweet, soothing voice. But Kim Mingyu was beside him. Like how boyfriends were supposed to do to their girlfriends, protecting them from vampires or aliens or whatever.

(Taehyung felt offended at the word ‘Alien’, but he didn’t give a duck since he had his boyfriend talking with him at the moment when he was actually supposed to stop Jeonghan and Seungcheol then continue his lesson. But he didn’t care anyways.)

(What a weird school, indeed.)

The black haired boy growled in annoyance.

Yoon Jeonghan, you piss me off so badly,” he muttered slowly, walking even closer without breaking their heated staring contest. Round 2.

Jeonghan felt a short shiver down his spine as Seungcheol spoke his name in such a deep, attractive voice of his. He couldn’t deny the iness in how Seungcheol talked to him in such a low tone, and he liked it somehow.

But he wasn’t backing down. Not at all.

Just about he was going to give Seungcheol another challenge, Mr. Hoseok hang up his voice call and Mr. Taehyung just had to stop their staring contest.




Wonwoo noticed it.

The look that Jeonghan’s friend—whose name was Mingyu—was giving to the males in front of him; it was the same look he had. The look of excitement and joy, as if he was holding the urge of slamming their faces forward so they could kiss each other.

He totally noticed it.

And that was why he was standing there, in front of the school’s gate after school when he actually had a new episode of Tokyo Ghoul that he was ing about to Seungcheol but he didn't give a fish since his new OTP was just faaaarrrr more important than those flesh-eating-s. But Wonwoo was a fan of Natsuki Hanae so he just had to watch it or he would cry for the whole month non-stop and the one who would suffer was Seungcheol.

So he stood there, leaving Seungcheol sleeping on the rooftop after another cat fight with Yoon Jeonghan; leaning cooly against the school's wall, ignoring the calls from the girls passing by. 

He was waiting for Mingyu.




“Kim Mingyu.”

Mingyu’s head shot up at the deep voice that called his name. He found the black haired man leaning on the wall, his pose totally badass with his hands inside his pocket and his sharp eyes closed; not even glancing at Mingyu. That moment without any strawberry gums.

“I wanna talk with you,” he opened his eyes, tilted his head at the taller and glanced at his fans behind him. He saw no Jeonghan around the tall guy, and that just made everything easier.

Wonwoo smirked, “Just the two of us.”

Mingyu nervously gulped. He silently wished that Jeonghan was there with him, since the older was actually slightly bravier that him even though he was taller and bigger and manlier but he was actually just nasty behind his perfection. Sadly the older took his leave first because his sister's school was holding an event whinch invited Infinite members so he just had to come to meet Woohyun.

And here he was, being stared at by Wonwoo whose stare was freaking sharp and merciless as if it was tearing Mingyu's face into two. He couldn't help but to wonder how brave Jeonghan was to get into a fight with a Choi Seungcheol.

“Tell me what we’re going to talk about first, and I’ll follow you,” Mingyu stated slowly. His body was trembling in fear under the older man’s cold gaze.

Wonwoo laughed.

“You’ll going to like it,” he said swiftly, totally leaving his usual emo, fanatic NamJin shipper self—yes, he secretly shipped his own teachers—behind and replaced them with a cool guy image.

Mingyu watched Wonwoo’s back as he walked away for a moment, before slowly followed him. Oh, how he wished he could come home undamaged.







finally meanie interaction!! i worked hard between my school assigments on this story since i just love it somehow lololololol

sorry for grammatical mistakes tho. i wrote this story offline and... well, no dictionary.

comments are loved, guys! they're like.. my motivation.



Mingyu-ssi, you're fanboying too much. 














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updated!! btw, should I add some jihan here?? 01/01/2016


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Kurogami #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon!
katerin_lawliet #2
Please update soon!
gddttt #3
Authornim please update, I beg you!
Chapter 2: Pls update xD ~~~~
gddttt #5
Chapter 2: Please update!!! I beg you, I love this story much <3 God Bless you authornim
this need to be updated asap . like rly
meanie is literally everyone of us
Chapter 2: I thought Mingyu was the ult Jeongcheol shipper but now I understand its Wonwoo!!
Chapter 1: Hahaha "what you call: you have found your OTP" I DIED XD so good