i. Of Shock and Motherfishers

All Mixed Up

Warning! Long post. This chapter has more than 3k words of my wild imagination and this tells about the whole beginning. But I’m still calling it chapter 1, though.

Please enjoy. And please read the author note at the end of the story.




Yoon Jeonghan was the school’s flower. The most popular student along with Mingyu, his best friend since they were still in the middle school.

Kim Mingyu wasn’t a flower like Yoon Jeonghan. He was a prince.

Kim Mingyu had a tall, well-built body; a handsome face with short, brown hair that suited him a lot. When Yoon Jeonghan was closer to what you call beautiful than handsome; perfect height that only reached Mingyu’s shoulders; soft, silky, long brown hair that always fell to his face when he was writing (so it was always Mingyu who had to pull them to the back of his ear); and the flawless face he had, probably making people head over heels for him every time he passed by.

On top of that, their grades were beyond amazing. Jeonghan was the diligent-type of student that had never skipped a single class in his whole life. Mingyu was the one who could get good grades without even studying.

Everyone thought they were matching as a couple, since they were always sticking around together as if they were glued to each other.

“We’re just best friends. But Mingyu is really the best of the best,” Jeonghan once stated when someone asked if they were a real couple; leaning towards the taller and linked their arms. And Mingyu just chuckled, ruffling the older’s brown locks until it turned messy and Jeonghan started nagging him about it with a pout on his lips.

The one who asked couldn’t believe the answer, even a bit of it.


If Jeonghan and Mingyu made a flawless, perfect couple, then this one would make the dip, badass couple.

There was Choi Seungcheol, 17 years old, a second year. Everybody knew him, even the other schools also did. He went skipping classes, going to dark alleys to beat up gangs or something like that. Meeting groups from other school, fought them, and came back to his very own school only to meet the principal and got a detention. Too bad they couldn’t kick him out of this school; he was the owner’s son, anyways.

And the other was Jeon Wonwoo, Seungcheol’s best friend. He wasn’t a delinquent, but still, Seungcheol influenced him so much that he broke school rules with his ‘uniform’; beating people who pissed him off; skipping classes, but he wasn’t anywhere near Seungcheol’s behavior since his parents were very strict towards him. What he did were already a term of rebellion, so he couldn’t go any further than that (even when Seungcheol pleaded him to).

To say that they weren’t handsome was a mistake, how they looked was fascinating on the contrary. Seungcheol had this jet-black hair, his bangs messily fell on his forehead but they weren’t that long to cover his beautiful, dark-brown orbs. Wonwoo styled his hair just the same: his bangs covering his forehead and stopped right above his eyelids, showing his sharp eyes proudly. They had the same height, always standing side by side with their lean and muscly body.

Really, even though they were bad boys, their everyday life didn’t go pass by fans and gifts, or whatever you call it.

Different from Jeonghan and Mingyu, nobody even thought that they were a couple.

Nobody dared to, actually.




It was still early in the morning, birds were chirping happily and cold wind breezed through Mingyu’s hair—sending a small shiver through his spine.

Mingyu was sitting on the side of the lake beside their school, waiting for his hyung to come. Jeonghan told him last night that he was going to be late and Mingyu could go to class first if he wanted to. Mingyu refused though, and he could hear Jeonghan squealing on the other side of the phone saying words like ‘Mingyu-yaah why are you so sweet towards your hyung???’.

Jeonghan being late to school was rare, so Mingyu was eager to wait to hear the explanation from the older guy. The watch on his wrist showed 07.48 and it was amazing that Jeonghan hadn’t come yet. He really hated to be late for anything. So it was kind of strange for him to be this late.

Just as the thought almost disappeared from Mingyu’s brain, a pair of hands sneaked to cover his eyes and a soft, familiar laugh could be heard behind him. “Guess who?” the voice asked.

Mingyu chuckled. He grabbed the wrists of the hands’ owner and pulled them away from his eyes before dragging them down, which made Jeonghan’s chest bumped onto Mingyu’s back. Jeonghan laughed again, circling his arms around Mingyu’s neck and said, “Good morning, Mingyu-yah.”

The younger smiled, “Any reason behind this lateness, Yoon Jeonghan?”

Jeonghan gave Mingyu a big laugh.

“Simple. I went to SHINee’s concert yesterday and I went home at 3AM, wasted. Can’t you see these eye bags?” the long haired man pointed below his big eyes.

“You look awful,” Mingyu said.

“Oh, you know I don’t,” Jeonghan remarked playfully, giving Mingyu a light punch on his shoulder. Mingyu laughed and stood up, “We need to go to class, hyung, it’s almost 8.”

Jeonghan nodded; standing up asking, “It’s Physics, isn’t it?”

“No,” the younger answered. Jeonghan raised an eyebrow. “It’s Maths. After that we have Biology and PE.”

“Ew,” Mingyu snickered when Jeonghan frowned at the mention of Biology—the worst lesson ever existed in the Yoon Jeonghan’s life and in the same time the best lesson ever existed in the Kim Mingyu’s life. “We still have PE, hyung,”the taller man said, patting the back of Jeonghan’s neck and the boring-Biology-class-victim wailed out loud.

“Then I’m gonna be all sleepy when PE!” he cried.

“Then you can sleep in the locker room. Mr. Namjoon won’t be questioning it, anyways.”

“Why won’t he?”

“Because you’re pretty and you’re his favorite student? And, umm, you’re a princess?”

Jeonghan’s smiling face changed immediately, “Did you just call me a princess?”

Mingyu laughed very hard that it hurt Jeonghan’s ears, before sprinting off to some distance; leaving an annoyed Jeonghan behind.




Spacing out to nothing like an emo he was, Wonwoo munched his cheeseburger he had on his right hand and frowned.

Seungcheol was lying next to him, eyes closed, on the school’s rooftop even it was already 8:32. They had a Maths class yet here they were, being pretty sure that Mr. Yoongi was going to murder them because of another class-skipping.

“This isn’t right,” Wonwoo suddenly said, waking Seungcheol up from his light sleep. “The cheese is too sweet. Let’s not buy from this restaurant again, hyung; their cheeseburger .”

“Ugh,” Seungcheol furrowed his forehead, getting up to his hands saying: “But I like their hotdogs.”

Wonwoo swallowed the food inside his mouth slowly. “No, hyung. There's one in front of my sister’s apartment which is much better. I’ll take you there later,” he stated, barely catching his breath as he took a big bite from his cheeseburger again. Seungcheol nodded his head, letting his body fell back to the floor. It was almost summer; so the floor that was usually very cold didn’t even have any hint of coldness.

The older slowly closed his eyes again, sighing as he let his mind fly somewhere else. A brown, long and silky hair suddenly appeared inside his brain, along with an angelic smile and soft voice that he could never forget.

He didn’t even know his name, but the flawless creature kept lingering on Seungcheol’s mind. He was the first one who smiled to Seungcheol like that, and his heart suddenly felt warm. Usually people would shiver or look away when Seungcheol stared at them, but that man was the first one ever to smile at him that way.

That time Seungcheol felt sparkly.

A Choi Seungcheol. Feeling sparkly. Wow. So badass.

“My name is Choi Seungcheol,” he stated out of sudden; even though nobody was asking.

“And I like you. Will you go out with me?”

Wonwoo almost spit his cheeseburger out.

“THE HECK HYUNG!” he shouted.

Seungcheol tilted his head towards the younger totally clueless, making an ‘innocent’ face that he thought was cute but in the end Wonwoo kind of regretted that he was friends with someone like him.

“What?” the older asked, lifting his body up so now he was sitting straight, sharp eyes staring at Wonwoo.

Wonwoo rolled his eyes. “That’s not how to confess to people, hyung. Are you stupid or what?”

Seungcheol didn’t say a thing; both lips pressed into a thin line; still having his ‘innocent and clueless’ face with his sharp, big eyes staring at Wonwoo’s. It was an image that you can’t imagine, just like a grim reaper with the face of Teletubbies.

Noticing that the older man wasn’t answering, Wonwoo sighed and dragged his body closer to him.

“Listen, hyung, you can’t confess like that. It is like the worst way to confess to people ever.”

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, giving Wonwoo his judging look. “Tell me how, then.”

Wonwoo grinned. He moved his face closer to Seungcheol’s ear, his hands gripping on Seungcheol’s shoulder as he whispered: “Do you really want to know?”

The older man nodded.

Wonwoo chuckled with his deep voice, his breath tickling Seungcheol’s earlobe as he said, “Well, hyung. I also don’t know.”

This time Seungcheol was the one regretting having a certain emo friend named Jeon Wonwoo.




Jeonghan came inside the gym leaning his head on Mingyu’s shoulder, still sleepy because of the Biology lesson earlier. He barely followed the lesson with half-lidded eyes, almost passing out on the table if Mingyu didn’t pinch his thighs so hard that it made Jeonghan yelped out loud; gaining attention from his classmates including Mr. Seokjin—who just smiled and mouthed a silent ‘Fighting!’ towards him before continued his lesson about DNA Replication or blahblahblah.

“Are you okay, Jeonghan?”

The later rubbed his eyes and nodded, slightly yawning as he made an ‘OK’ sign towards his PE teacher who just shrugged and blew the whistle—which was a signal for the students to gather in front of him. Mingyu wrapped his arm around Jeonghan’s lean shoulder, smiled as he dragged a whiny Jeonghan towards the little crowd.

“I can’t believe you aren’t official,” a guy said, crossing his arms below his chest.

“We’re official besties, Minghao,” Jeonghan answered pursing his lips.

“Official as in,” Minghao scratched the back of his neck. “Boyfriends term? You two look like you guys are dating each other.”

Mingyu let out a laugh and Jeonghan just rolled his eyes, unlinking the taller’s arm from his neck. “The same case goes to us, this time’s problem is you and Jun,” Jeonghan remarked with an angelic smirk plastered on his face.

Minghao’s face flushed red, shaking his head of embarrassment, desperately stuttered some “N-no! I d-don’t like Jun hyung—well maybe I d-do, b-but Jun-ie op—I mean hyung, probably doesn’t like me! No, w-wait we’re j-just friends, yeah! I only like him as a f-friend!”

Well that sounded fake but okay.




Stepping inside the gym, Seungcheol immediately made all attention turned towards him. His hands were tucked inside his pants pockets; face as relaxed as possible and his light steps were very audible for everyone in that place.

Wonwoo was behind him in the same condition; hands tucked inside his pockets and his face looked as swag as possible (but in fact it looked more emo than swag), his mouth chewing strawberry flavored gums. His eyes were sharp; so sharp like a kitchen knife that they can stab your heart right away and fall head-over-heels for him.

“You guys aren’t late,” Mr. Namjoon said—a hint of disappointment could be heard in his voice. Maybe he was that excited to give the two school’s rascals a lot of punishment. Sadly today wasn’t his lucky day.

Seungcheol lifted his shoulders slightly. He was about to reply the teacher when his eyes caught a familiar figure with brown, long and silky hair and the face of an angel. His mouth went dry immediately and there was a lump inside his throat that he barely can breathe at the moment.

Wonwoo noticed his hyung’s sudden change and decided not to care.

Jeonghan tilted his head, now facing Seungcheol and their eyes met.

‘It’s him,’ the delinquent thought to himself; quietly admiring the other’s beauty from afar. His heart beat pace went faster he could feel himself tugging at Wonwoo’s long sleeves. “Woo, it’s him,” Seungcheol whispered.

Wonwoo didn’t find it interesting earlier but when he took a good look at who the older man was referring to, he thought he was familiar with the man with feminime features. 

'Oh, yeah, he is a beauty. Seungcheol hyung has a pretty nice taste, huh? But wait we only have one flower in this school.'

And then his brain snapped.


“, Wonwoo, calm your hormones down,” a voice shushed him first before he got to scream. Wonwoo looked up, seeing that his classmates were paying a close attention to the PE teacher.

Muttering some ‘Sorry’ the boy turned towards Seungcheol saying, “You serious? You’re crushing on that Yoon Jeonghan?”

Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows, “I’m not crushing on him!”

“Yes you are, indeed.”

The older sighed in defeat, “Fine, whatever you want, dude. What’s up with Yoon Jeonghan, though? Why are you freaking out like a duck on PMS?”

Wonwoo, feeling offended of the word ‘duck’ the older gave him, stated, “I’m trying to help you over here, Cheol.”

Seungcheol raised an eyebrow. “With what?”

Wonwoo was silenced in a second.




Mr. Namjoon said he had an appointment with someone or blahblahblah so he left the PE class after splitting the students into two groups to play a handball match. The number of people was uneven, so Wonwoo volunteered himself to be the referee even after Seungcheol had thrown him threatening glares from the side of the court.




Jeonghan wasn’t very good at handball, in fact he couldn’t play handball the most although he was excellent in PE especially basketball.

He was very glad when he knew that he and Mingyu were in the same team. Mingyu was pretty good in handball so he would worriless. His team made a circle outside the mini-court, all whispering strategies and being all serious even though it was just a meaningless game because the PE teacher wanted to have an ‘appointment’. With Mr. Seokjin, maybe.

“Who will lead?” a guy asked.

Everyone immediately eyed one person.

‘Oh, it’s him,’ Jeonghan thought to himself, smiling slightly as he remembered their ‘first encounter’ in front of the bus station; which was he caught the attractive boy with cold eyes staring at him so he just smiled back even though he found him a little scary. But now that he could eye him closely, he thought the man looked pretty warm and friendly.

Yes. Something was wrong with Jeonghan. Maybe his eyes. Or maybe his brain. Ah, it must be because of the Biology lesson earlier, so he couldn’t think right.

What was warm and friendly from Seungcheol, anyways?

Even Wonwoo wouldn’t admit Seungcheol’s friendliness. But Wonwoo himself was an emo so it was a little bit doubtful.

The guy remained silent when the others agreed to make him the captain. Jeonghan didn’t complain though, the guy looked pretty strong.

Just when the game was about to start, the pretty man scooted over to Mingyu, whispering a ‘Who is he?’.

Mingyu glanced towards the direction Jeonghan was pointing at, finding a totally-relaxed man who just got chose as the team captain. “Why?” he asked back.

Jeonghan grinned brightly.

Mingyu sighed, “He’s Choi Seungcheol, hyung.”

The older’s eyes got wide immediately. “That Choi Seungcheol?”

The tallest of the two nodded his head, making Jeonghan froze on his place. No way, he just found the school’s worst delinquent attractive! Not that he could deny it; the said man looked quite handsome, though.

Jeonghan let out a cry as he clung himself onto Mingyu’s arm. “What’s wrong with me, Mingyu-yah?” he wailed. The younger sighed as he patted Jeonghan’s head.

“Maybe it’s because of the Biology earlier,” he said; circling his long arm around Jeonghan who hugged Mingyu’s waist and buried his face into the latter’s chest.

Some squeal could be heard.

And a heart breaking into pieces.




Seungcheol stared at the sight in front of him with eyes opened widely. His mouth gaped open, trying not to believe the scene.

His angel was hugging someone else so close, and the one being hugged had his arm circled around Jeonghan.

He glanced towards his best friend outside the court who was also as shocked as him. Wonwoo was literally shocked since he never believed in GyuHan or whatsoever. He had never seen them being this close either, what he had seen was them walking side by side and that was all.

Wonwoo threw Seungcheol a face. The latter didn’t move an inch, not even saying anything—just staring at the scene in front of him.

Even when Jeonghan and Mingyu had pried themselves from each other, Seungcheol remained on his place.

The younger was just about to set off and went to hug his best friend like an emo he was when a girl beside him fussed something about ‘start the match already’ or ‘why are you such a sloth?’. And the people inside the court were also staring at him; waiting for him to blow the whistle already.

So he couldn’t help but to blow it.




Seungcheol’s mind was completely blank. His legs felt jelly and weak, his shoulder felt as heavy as it could be. His vision was blurry, he couldn’t think straight.

What was that?

He even missed the passes from his teammates, running blindly inside the court. He knew Wonwoo was eyeing him, worries filled inside his stare. Seungcheol’s heart was still aching somehow; and before he could realize it his play became uglier and uglier.

He noticed Jeonghan’s gaze. It was full of hope earlier but now it was more like he was confused. Maybe he expected so much from him, and he wasn’t filling the expectation enough to please the latter.

Waking up, Seungcheol tried to steal a pass from the enemy, shooting it right from the middle of the court and it went straight in. In whatever condition, Seungcheol couldn’t show anyone his weakness.

He was Choi Seungcheol, anyways. Who was Jeonghan to ruin his pride?

And after that he started to steal more passes from the enemy, shooting the ball inside the net from insane distances. His shoots were full of madness, anger, and passion in the same time. Who was Jeonghan to ruin his image?

Because of a person, he became weak? No way.

One more shoot came in—the last shoot, right from the corner of the court with a zero-degree angle, Seungcheol knew he had ruled the game.

He glanced at Wonwoo as the first set finally ended, his friend’s face had turned back normal; but it didn’t erase the worry shown in his eyes.

Seungcheol threw his body onto the bench, grabbing a towel and wiped his sweat dropping from his face with it. His eyes shut close; he tried to control his breath and take the painful image go from his mind.

Until a man from his team came and broke his peaceful moment.

“What were you doing, Choi Seungcheol?”

Seungcheol lazily opened his eyes, groaning as he straightened his back and eyed the man. “What do you mean?”

“It was very ugly!”

“What was?”

“YOU, in the game, playing alone like you didn’t have any teammates!”

The black haired man cocked an eyebrow. “We won, anyways. And that is because of me.”

“But we didn’t even enjoy it,” Jeonghan chimed in, his face showing seriousness and the confusion earlier had changed to a hint of anger.

Seungcheol snorted, standing up and said, “Like you did anything to win the game.”

“What did you say?”

“I said,” the delinquent moved closer towards Jeonghan and stopped when his face was already right in front of the pretty man’s flawless one. “You were just standing inside, eyeing your boyfriend or whoever it is, and did nothing.”

The words got Jeonghan’s patience.

“Who do you think you are, you son of a motherfisher?” he whispered, challenging the other; crossing his arms below his chest and moved his face closer to Seungcheol’s. “You think just because you scored so many numbers in the game, you can say someone was doing nothing when it was YOU who played by himself earlier?”

Seungcheol took the challenge, stepping even closer towards Jeonghan that their chest almost touched each other’s. “Well, what you said was certainly what I meant, princess. Now get your fishing beautiful face out of my sight and go to your boyfriend.”

“Now may I ask you,” Jeonghan took one step closer towards Seungcheol, his head slightly tilted upwards since the other man was taller by an inch from him, and people’s breaths hitched. “Who is my boyfriend that I was looking at during the game, Choi Seungcheol-ssi?”

Seungcheol’s inner thought wanted to answer ‘It’s me’ but that just sounded ridiculous to say to someone he was fighting with. And the way that pretty tongue rolled out his name, he could spend the rest of his day just to listen to the way his name was called by the pretty male.

But the anger boiling inside him certainly didn’t let him to come back to liking Jeonghan that moment.

So he said, “Someone as low as you.”

Seungcheol watched Jeonghan’s face fell as he said that painful statement. He felt victorious already, so he just walked past the frozen male, letting their shoulders bumped hard and exited the gym, leaving the school’s flower feeling down.




Mingyu couldn’t react when Seungcheol inched closer to Jeonghan.

He knew that his best friend needed some support but he knew the one Seungcheol was referring to as Jeonghan’s boyfriend was Mingyu himself, so he stayed on his place and watched the fight went on.

Mingyu didn’t know why, he felt an excitement inside his stomach when the two were already close enough for their lips to meet if someone was willing to push Seungcheol or Jeonghan forward. He knew he shouldn’t be thinking this way when Jeonghan was furious at the other male at the moment but he could nothing since the one he was fighting was the Choi Seungcheol.

He was already impressed that his best friend was brave enough to talk to Seungcheol that way. It was something you can be proud of: talking down to the most feared student in the school when fighting.

Even when Seungcheol left Jeonghan frozen at his place after his last, painful sentence hit Jeonghan on the face.

Mingyu stood still until his best friend moved to leave the gym.




Wonwoo knew this feeling.

He had watched some anime and stan some KPOP groups before; and he knew this feeling he was having right now.

The way his heart jumped when Seungcheol moved closer towards the pretty male; the way his body shivers when Jeonghan challenged the other; the way his skin went numb when Jeonghan slipped Seungcheol’s name out from his little mouth.

And the distance they had. They could kiss any time soon.

This was what you call: you have found your OTP.

The only thing in Wonwoo’s mind right now wasn’t Seungcheol who had disappeared behind the gym’s door; nor Jeonghan who left with tears on his eyes; but his laptop at home.


He needed to make a new tumblr account.

(when he already had like more than 3112 accounts)






yey! You have reached the end of this fishing first chapter! Congratulation!

Sorry for grammatical mistakes or typos though. Please kindly remind me if there is some mistakes so I could fix it. And comment would be loved! Very much! I love comments, they give me strength!

By the way I used some words to censor curses so I don’t have to mark it as rated M just because of language.

And I would like you guys to vote on this poll. This will affect the story and updates, so I ask for your cooperation. Thanks!










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updated!! btw, should I add some jihan here?? 01/01/2016


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Kurogami #1
Chapter 2: Please update soon!
katerin_lawliet #2
Please update soon!
gddttt #3
Authornim please update, I beg you!
Chapter 2: Pls update xD ~~~~
gddttt #5
Chapter 2: Please update!!! I beg you, I love this story much <3 God Bless you authornim
this need to be updated asap . like rly
meanie is literally everyone of us
Chapter 2: I thought Mingyu was the ult Jeongcheol shipper but now I understand its Wonwoo!!
Chapter 1: Hahaha "what you call: you have found your OTP" I DIED XD so good