
Coffee Shops and Stuffed Toys

Word Count: 1,333

Genre: Fluff

Pairing: Kaisoo

[A/N] Literally the first thing I've ever uploaded to AFF so, I hope you enjoy!

A gentle laugh was dancing along on the breeze, soft and quiet, yet – unmistakeably filled with mirth. If one was to follow the laugh, they may find the large eyes, full of sclera, which belonged to Do Kyungsoo. They would see the way his ebony hair was untouched but still strikingly neat. The way his lips would shape into a heart when he would bless his friends with a smile.


In the biting cold, Kyungsoo had been ‘encouraged’ (as his friends would put it, although he would liken it more to ‘forced’) to go outside. His slim body all wrapped up in the warm but unflattering grey coat that he had always been teased at for wearing. And that was how he found himself waddling down the Han River, the autumn leaves falling around him as if they were his crown, chuckling good-naturedly at any jokes thrown at him for his penguin like tendencies – in his defence, they were definitely the most adorable of animals – he’d stopped paying attention to the teasing a long time ago. It was simply how they all showed affection to one another; Kyungsoo would be more worried if his friends were complimenting him rather than insulting him.


Eventually, hunger started to claw at his stomach, making itself known to remind him that he’d forgotten to fill his stomach earlier that morning. He signalled to his best friend, preferring not to use words unless he absolutely needed to. He slowly motioned to his stomach, praying that Chanyeol would realise what he was trying to say. A gentle sigh of relief fell from his plump lips, as Chanyeol recommended to the other’s that they should eat. He had been successful.


Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were an odd pair, to say the least. They had the typical childhood friendship. Both of their mothers had been extremely close during university years and had, apparently (although Kyungsoo wasn’t sure how much he believed it) been quite the party animal in their day. Although, neither Chanyeol nor Kyungsoo could picture their demure, petite mothers drinking more than a glass of wine – much less getting completely hammered and sleeping around. Chanyeol, being a year older, always tried to look out for Kyungsoo. However, much to his dismay, it was the younger who often kept him from getting into trouble, Kyungsoo being more mature and sensible by a hundred fold.


A small smile was placed upon Kyungsoo’s lips – his mind going back to distant memories of the two playing together, and how Chanyeol would often end up in his death grip (something that was quite scary). This smile, it was not unnoticed by his friends, one of them commenting that he must be thinking of ‘private time’, to which Kyungsoo responded with a glare that would have shot him stone dead if looks were able to kill. He tutted sternly as his well-worn trainers scuffed quietly against the hard wood of a quaint café that they had al seemed to flock towards. Deep, wine-red chairs surrounding jet-black table paired with rather plain white walls. None of these caught Kyungsoo’s attention, no, instead he was transfixed upon a small penguin toy sat atop of one of the glass containers, which showed off what the café would of considered their best cakes. “Looks like you.” A deep voice sounded from behind him. Startled, Kyungsoo whipped his head around, expecting an old man with cracked teeth and a receding hairline, whom he would politely have to explain to that no, he wasn’t interested. Instead, he was met with a young male whose skin was more bronzed than most people Kyungsoo had met – yet, also more appealing. Sharp cheekbones with soft-set eyes, a warm brown – reminiscent of chocolate melting. Lips pulled into a smile that Kyungsoo could only describe as completely and utterly charming – , was he staring? Immediately blinking twice, he let out a laugh at the man’s original comment – nodding in agreement. “Jongin. You are?” The deep voice made an appearance once again, this time with a hand extended languidly to Kyungsoo’s. “Kyungsoo.” Came his soft reply as he met Jongin’s hand with his own.


What followed next was a rather… unfavourable option, in Kyungsoo’s opinion. He was both a dreamer and a romantic at heart; so much so, that he was already picturing a quiet coffee with Jongin opposite him – staring into those deep brown eyes, the shade of the earth which had been kissed gently by the spring rains, the hue that promised to bring vibrant and beautiful flowers – as they would absentmindedly talk, uncovering the different and distinctive secrets that each one hid. Of course, one of Kyungsoo’s louder friends would never allow that to happen. In fact, upon glancing at the penguin-like male exchanging words with someone new, he immediately exclaimed how Kyungsoo clearly had a date. ‘ you, Byun Baekhyun’ was the only thing that ran through Kyungsoo’s mind for the next five minutes, at least – as his cheeks were now an uncharacteristically rosy pink.


Kyungsoo didn’t get flustered – it was something that he prided himself on. Not even when he had been a hormonal teenager, having to learn about various life skills from particular videos on the Internet and a family member would walk in on his experimenting, so to speak. He was embarrassed, sure, but never flustered. He wasn’t even sure what this hotness on his porcelain skin was, until he saw Chanyeol snickering and he started to put two and two together. Stuttering an apology to Jongin, he walked over to the tall giant and tried his best to ignore the teasing pokes and comments made about his cheeks. As he reached the front of the queue, he found himself stumbling over his words – something that happened extremely rarely – and then glancing over to where he knew the tan male was standing (it wasn’t like he’d been glancing periodically, of course, obviously he was much more mature than that.) only to find Jongin grinning over at him, as if he was a cute kitten. This only caused his cheeks to redden more and a whole new thread of teasing started.


To put it quite simply, Kyungsoo was mortified.


A ham and cheese croissant and caramel macchiato later, Kyungsoo had finally managed to quieten the chorus of laughter that had been directed at him for the past half an hour or so, and now was working on getting Chanyeol to pay for his meal, insisting that the younger had ‘practically forced him out into the sub-zero temperatures’. And, maybe it was to do with his adorable looks, or perhaps the fact that Chanyeol knew that Kyungsoo could destroy him in a headlock if he so pleased, Kyungsoo found himself walking up to the counter with a wad of money that didn’t belong to him. An accomplished grin was playing across those plump heart-shaped lips of his as he handed it over to the barista.


He’d collected his change and was just about to walk away, when suddenly he felt a light pressure on the back of his shoulder. Turning immediately, he placed his wide-eyed glare on the barista, who somehow managed to keep his cool (not an easy feat to do when a young male such as Do Kyungsoo is staring you down) and passed on both a note and the penguin toy that had caught his attention earlier, grunting out “Some guy asked me to give you these, paid a pretty penny for that penguin as well.” Leaving Kyungsoo totally and utterly confused, tearing into the not in order to discern who would have given him such a thing.



I thought that the penguin would suit you more than that dusty old counter top. And, it was a very good excuse to give you both this card, and my number – be sure to text me some time?



It was precisely two minutes later that Kyungsoo had found he’d committed that number to memory.

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kcbbgzb #1
sunflwr #2
this was perfect, it reminded me of a certain couple. the person you made this for is the luckiest guy ever.