Rumour has it

I am free

Since in the cafeteria, Kyungsoo can’t help but felt like being watched. It’s like someone was observing his every move.

“Is something bothering you?” a deep voice snapped Kyungsoo from his trance.

“N-no.”  Kyungsoo shook his head a little too violently.

“Something must be wrong. You’ve been acting like this since we entered the building.”

“I-it’s nothing” Kyungsoo forced a smile.

“Hmm...” the giant’s eyes bore into his own. “You must be tired. Let’s head to the room.” He finished and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Then he felt that sensation again; the feeling of being watched.

He turn his head slightly to the right, he saw a short male silhouette at the window. It was too dark to see his face features but he knows that the male is glaring at him, teeth clenching. His heart stopped at the eerie sight as he unconsciously buried his face into Chanyeol’s chest, body shaking in fear.

Chanyeol noticed and stop his track.

“Kyungsoo-ah. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Face still resting on the other’s chest, he lifted his shaking arm and point at the window.

It was silent when Chanyeol turned his head to see what Kyungsoo is pointing at.

“There’s nothing there, Kyungsoo-ah.” He combed his hair affectionately but the other was too scared to even care. “Let’s go.”

They finally reached the door to the room after walking for three minutes.

“Hey.” Chen raised his hand and greeted them once the door was open. “You two are just in time. Switch off the lights!”

The four male had formed a circle on the floor and one of them was holding a flashlight.

“No, no, I’m not doing this again.” Chanyeol slowly shook his head. “Remember what happened last time?”

“Yah! You promised you won’t recall that!” The one who was holding the flashlight, Luhan, whined. “Beside, I’m a man now. I can handle it.” He formed a fist in the air and pulled it down slowly.

“Really now?” Chanyeol scoffed. “Alright alright. Are you okay with this, Kyungsoo?”

He nodded.

To be honest Kyungsoo didn’t even know what’s happening.

 Chanyeol flick the light switch with a click and the room was washed by darkness. The only light source they had is the flashlight which was put at the center of the circle.

The group made space for Kyungsoo and Chanyeol to sit. When their butts finally landed on the floor, it finally hit him.


“Who’s going to start first?”Chanyeol asked and everybody, except Kyungsoo (Who was staring into blank space), looked at their leader. “Of course…”

Chanyeol took the flashlight and positioned it under his chin for a dramatic lighting.

“Have you heard about the woman trapped in a mirror-“

“Heard it.” Chen interrupts.

“e in the woods in a suit-“

“Yeah right.” Again, Chen interrupts

“Creepy hall twins-“


“Monster under the bed-“


They continue like this for a long time.

As for Kyungsoo, he flinched every time a spooky tittle was heard. Horror stories were never his game.


“for babbies.”

“DAMMIT-YOU-CAN YOU NOT!?” Chanyeol glared at Chen as he resisted himself from strangling the troll.

 Chen was about to open his mouth but Xiumin grabbed him and pressed a palm against his mouth.

“Continue child! I can’t hold him off much longer!”

“Okay, the abandoned pool.” Chanyeol said quickly, not giving a chance for the struggling troll to complaint.

“MNMNMNMNM” as expected, Chen struggled and tried to say something.

“EW DID YOU JUST ME!” Xiumin screamed, his face was full of disgust as he look at his palm and draw it close to his face. He pulled it away immediately after a sniff and his face was scrunched up more. “WHAT THE DID YOU ATE!”





“Why did you even smell it…” Sehun said, face also scrunched up.

“Ehw I DON’T EVEN KNOW-OMYGOD.” He sniffed it again. “YOU’LL PAY FOR THIS, KIM JONGDAE.” He stood up and ran to the door and exit.

“But I ate strawberry…” Chen pouted.

Kyungsoo who was silently watching the drama, giggled.

“Can we JUST start already?” Luhan complain.


Kyungsoo went stiff. No more giggling for him.

 Chanyeol cleared his throat and start.

“This story, Ohohoh, some say it was true. I suppose we all know about the abandoned pool of this hostel, am I correct?”

All of them, including Kyungsoo, nodded.

“Well, the pool was closed because of a student.”

He paused for a while, looking at everyone’s expression. He felt a slight tug on his shirt.

“Yes Kyungsoo?”

“W-what happened t-to that s-student?”

“He was found dead.”

Kyungsoo felt electricity went through his whole body as all his hair stood up and his body went pale.

Chanyeol didn’t notice it and continued.

“Rumour has it; this boy’s death was linked to Mr Wu. Some say that he drowned the kid mercilessly and pretending that he found him dead in the pool.”

“What, , I think I need to wee wee…” Luhan cried and Sehun pulled him close to him.

Kyungsoo’s eyes were shut tight as he hugged his knees for his dear life. He was scared what Chanyeol was going to say next.

“Since then, the poor boy’s soul wandered around this place, haunting anyone who came near the pool. Some say they saw him, water dripping from his hand. He won’t hesitate to kill you. He won’t hesitate to pull you into the water with him. He won’t hesitate to rip off your stomach and PULL OUT ALL YOUR ORGANS AND SPLATTERED IT ALL OVER THE PLACE! ANYONE WHO HEARD THIS STORY WILL BE KILLED BY THE GHOST AND HE WILL ENTER FROM THAT DOOR.” Chanyeol pointed at the door of their room.

Suddenly, the doorknob twisted and the door opened. A silhouette of a man with water dripping appeared behind the door. Then the door was fully opened.

“Hey guys, what did I miss?” Xiumin said as he dry his wet hand.

 By that time, Kyungsoo had fainted.

Author's note

New year update!



I promise Jongin will appear in the next chapter

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Chapter 8: Update it plss..and what will Jongin tell Soo? 0m0
YourPrettyName #2
Chapter 4: Gurl im reading this in the middle of the night and in the dark so dam u
NuruL_AishyA #3
Chapter 3: Is this fanfic same as the thailand movie Dorm?
YourPrettyName #4
Chapter 2: Writer-nim! Next chapter plis!
Kaispie #5
Chapter 2: Wohohoho Chanyur you're in big trouble... update soon!
Nanami_ #6
Chapter 2: Kyungsoo is sooo cute!! And is jongin a ghost..plZzz let him be real ,so they can be together!! Can't wait for next update!!
hellovirus007 #7
a few typo but overall it's good.
I like Jongin's character and Kyungie is soo cute!
Florra #8
Chapter 1: I'm waiting for the next chapter