Roomates (Chanyeol side)

I am free

“So how’s that eyeliner boy?” Luhan asked the tall boy as they wait for their meal to be served. The food won’t be served until everyone’s here.

“He rejected me…” Chanyeol sighed.

He has been chasing Baekhyun for a long time now. And yesterday he finally gathered up his courage and confessed to him. His heart shattered to a million pieces when his answer was a big fat ‘no’

“Damn, ouch man.” Chen slowly shook his head, face full of sympathy. “What do you even see in him?”

“Well…” Chanyeol started. “He’s cute…”

“I’m cute too!” Luhan interrupt.

“Yah, but you’re mine!” Sehun pulled the doe eyed boy against his chest.

“I thought I’m Minnie’s” Luhan looked at the chubby cheeked boy in front of him.

Xiumin shivered when he heard the new nickname Luhan gave him. It was cute at first but now he just wanted to dig a hole and live in there.

“No, he’s mine!” Chen wrapped his arms around the chubby boy.

“Look what you have done, Chanyeol.” Xiumin groaned. 

“What? I was just saying he’s cute and then he…”

Their conversation was interrupted by the loud slam of the cafeteria door. They turn their body, facing the entrance, and they saw a boy they’ve never seen before, hand clutching on his shirt while panting.

“…woah” Somehow, the boy made Chanyeol forget about Baekyun. Or is it Barkhyun? It doesn’t matter anymore.

“You’re a bit late, Do Kyungsoo. Take a seat. Dinner won’t start until everyone’s here.” Mr Wu, which Chanyeol refer calling him old fart, voice echoed against the solid wall of the cafeteria.

Do Kyungsoo…

Why does that name sound so familiar?

Chanyeol’s eyes kept following the small figure until he’s seated on the table in the corner. He looked a bit shy, but so cute. He swore his heart almost popped when he saw the boy’s plump lips stretched into a smile as he thanked the lunch lady. And he swore his heart just popped from the sight of the boy wriggle his nose as he sniffed his food.

“Hello~ Earth to Chanyeol.” Xiumin waved a hand in front of him.

Chanyeol ignore it though. He was more interested at the new boy. That old fart (Ehem Mr Wu) did mention about having a new kid in their room. Yes, five of them in a room. There IS a bed that’s unoccupied.

He was surprised that the boy’s eyes suddenly widened. What happened?

The boy leaned backward, saying something that he can’t hear. A few moments later, his eyes widened more. It’s amazing that his eyes can go that big.

That’s weird… who was he talking to?

His widened eyes eventually returned to normal.

His sudden weird behaviour continued. From surprised to embarrassed, from embarrassed to annoyed. Then he said something that Chanyeol can’t quite hear again.  Something like “oh my god blah blah stop blah blah word!”

“Are you guys seeing what I’m seeing?” Xiumin said as he continued to observe the weird new kid.

“Yep. Poor kid…” Luhan said.

“No kidding.” Chen agreed.

Now he looked like he has a mental breakdown. Then suddenly he shouted “I AM NOT CUTE!”

“DO KYUNGSOO.” That annoying old fart slammed his hand on the table, startling him. “Manners, Mr Do.”

Kyungsoo looked scared. Then he crossed his arms and said something again that’s barely audible for Chanyeol to hear.

“Maybe he’s just lonely…” Xiumin said.

“I think he stopped. Let go sit with him before his condition get worse.” Chanyeol stood up and grab his food. “You guys coming or not?”

“Well…you’re the boss…” Sehun said and all of them stood up to follow Chanyeol.

They head for the little boy’s table as the leader’s eyes still glued on him.

 Kyungsoo’s body is now…shaking?  Like someone shook him from side to side. It stopped after a few second. The boy’s face now filled with guilt now and it quickly changed into anger as he raised his hand, ready to hit someone. “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU.”

“Chanyeol, are you sure about this? He’s scarring me…” Luhan got close to Xiumin. “Minnie, hug me!”

“I think he’s a freak.” Chen shook his head.

“Yah! Don’t talk about him like that!” Chanyeol stopped and turn around to look at him, face filled with rage, “Have pity on the boy.”

“Sheesh, okay okay.” Chen rolled his eyes.

They we’re 2 feet away from him when Kyungsoo turned his head around.

He’s even better up close.

“Hey there.” It was no surprise that the boy got scared by his voice. “May we sit here?”

The big eyed boy turned around, before facing them again. Then he nodded.

Chanyeol sat beside him and Sehun sat on the other side. The other three sat in front of them.

Xiumin was about to sit beside Luhan but Chen slide his on the bench first. Xiumin shook his head and have no choice to sit on the other end, making Chen in the middle.

“So…you’re the new kid?”

Nod nod

Things have to go slow. So, he asked even if he already knew. “What’s your name?”

The boy looked hesitant before stuttering “K-ky-kyungsoo”

Then it hit him. Yes, that old fart did mention his name before, the new boy which will be their new roommate. Chanyeol reminded himself to thank that old fart later.

“Ah…so you’re the one. We are your roommates.” He told the boy. Then he introduced himself and the other boys. “So our room is pretty crowded so I hope you won’t mind…”

“N-No it’s okay.” The boy stuttered but looked a little more comfortable than just now.

Chanyeol didn’t forget about the incident that occurred minutes ago. He was curious about who was the boy talking to. He tried not to say something that offend the boy, so he asked him an indirect question. “So I guess I’m the first one you talk to, huh?”

Nice going, Chanyeol. Is that the best you can do?

Once again, the boy hesitated. “Y-yea I guess so…” he answered, looking at the floor like he had done something terrible.

Chanyeol was not satisfied tho. He was about to open his mouth to ask more question but Chen interrupted him.

“Hey, we should eat a little bit faster because time’s almost up.” Really Chen? Really?!

Then it was an awkward silence and Chenyeol couldn’t stand it. His mouth itched to say something, anything…

“That’s Chen by the way. Just reminding…” Dammit that’s stupid!  “Hey you smiled!” at least I made him happy…

The way his lips turned into a perfect heart shape whenn he smile and his eyes, oh, his eyes...

"You have big, adorable eyes. You're cute." Those word came out from his mouth that he may or may not regret, but it made everyone at the table spat their food. Surprisingly it looked like a five star fountain from Mr Wu's view.

It's going to be a long day...



Author's notes

Sorry for the late update. My mind went blank for some reason.

Anyway, thanks for the support and give love to the old fart Mr Wu. See u in the next update.



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Chapter 8: Update it plss..and what will Jongin tell Soo? 0m0
YourPrettyName #2
Chapter 4: Gurl im reading this in the middle of the night and in the dark so dam u
NuruL_AishyA #3
Chapter 3: Is this fanfic same as the thailand movie Dorm?
YourPrettyName #4
Chapter 2: Writer-nim! Next chapter plis!
Kaispie #5
Chapter 2: Wohohoho Chanyur you're in big trouble... update soon!
Nanami_ #6
Chapter 2: Kyungsoo is sooo cute!! And is jongin a ghost..plZzz let him be real ,so they can be together!! Can't wait for next update!!
hellovirus007 #7
a few typo but overall it's good.
I like Jongin's character and Kyungie is soo cute!
Florra #8
Chapter 1: I'm waiting for the next chapter