
Written Song

the song for this chapter fits Minho's version more so this one doesn't have a title yet...if anyone has a suggestion, please feel free to say it...

i think the story fits this quotation though 'We always love those who admire us, we do not always love those whom we admire'

this story was inspired by the manga Romantic Beauty by Doumoto Nao (don't click the link if you're a minor!) so credits to the mangaka...i've tweaked it a bit and deducted the ecchi of it.





            I’m back! Krystal happily thought as she stepped inside the grounds of her old high school. She hadn’t seen her former school for about five years already. She then remembered the last day that she spent in that school.

           It was her graduation day. Since it was the last day of high school, she decided to confess her feelings to Kim Jongin popularly known as Kai. He was the most popular guy in their school. He’s every girl’s ideal guy, with his looks and remarkable dancing skill.

            But then she got her heart broken. He harshly turned her down and even went as far as insulting her and wishing that she would just disappear. Krystal can’t blame him though. She wasn’t like the other girls who always surround him. She was considered as the ugly smart loner back in high school.  Her physique wasn’t what most guys would like.

           After that incident, she ran away from everybody. She decided to change, become the most beautiful girl Kai would ever see. She went to the U.S. where her sister was. There she continued to study and transform into a beautiful young lady. And now, she’s back as a new Krystal. She’d try to confess to Kai again and she’s confident that she wouldn’t be rejected again.

          BAM!  She collided with another person. That other person’s arms automatically went around her to prevent her from falling down. She looked up to the person’s face. As she saw who it was, she immediately looked away and broke free from him. “Sorry, I wasn’t looking.” She prayed that the person wouldn’t recognize her.

             “Jung Soojung?” She heard the person say. “Are you going to ignore me again?”

             “No, it wasn’t like that.” She guiltily said.

            “I thought you’ll ignore me again. Do you still know me? It’s been five years since I last saw you.”

             “I know you, of course. You’re Choi Minho. I go by ‘Krystal’ now, by the way.”

             “Good to know that you still know me. I’d like to still call you ‘Soojung’, if you don’t mind.” He smiled at her. “You’re going to the reunion ball too?”


             “Ah. Let’s buy the tickets then.”

         They went to buy tickets and walked out of the school together. They walked down the streets in silence before Minho decided to break it.

            “May I know why?”

             “ ’Why’? What do you mean?”

              “Back in high school, you were always ignoring me. I kept on wondering why. I kept on thinking what was it that I did that might have hurt you or something.”

             “Ah. About that, I’m sorry. Remember back then, there was a day where I was bullied and made fun of by our classmates?” She bitterly smiled as the memories from that day came back. “You were the only one who helped me and I was very thankful for it. But days after that, I would always remember what happened whenever I see you. That resulted to me ignoring you. I’m sorry for that.”

             “Oh. I thought I did something wrong to you. I always had wanted to apologize to you whenever I’d see you in school but I can’t since you were always moving away from me.”

               She was moved by what he just said. He was considerate of her even though everybody else hated her. “Sorry.”

               “Nah. It’s okay. At least, I know now.” He smiled at her again.

             “A lot has changed.” She blurted out as she looked around the streets. “I think I’ll be lost when I walk around here.”

             “You’ve been gone for a long time. A lot really has changed. I heard you went to your sister in the U.S.”

               “Yes, I studied there.”

               “What made you come back? The reunion perhaps?”

               “Yes. That’s why I came back. To attend the reunion and to confess.”


                “When we were in high school, I liked Kai very much. I tried to confess and he rejected me. So now, I’m back to confess to him again and I made sure that he wouldn’t reject me again. See, I’m pretty now. Guys find it hard to reject or say no to pretty girls.”

                 “You’ve always been beautiful.” He mumbled.

                 “What did you say?” She asked as she saw him mumbling something.


                 “You are friends with Kai, right? Do you know if he’s going to attend?”

                 “We haven’t been in touch so I don’t know.”




                The next day, Krystal decided to walk around the city to familiarize herself with it. She was brought by her feet to one of the shopping districts of the city. She looked around and saw a very beautiful dress displayed in a boutique. She stared dreamily at it and thought that it would be a perfect outfit for the reunion.

                “Buy it. You’ll be very beautiful in it.” A voice from behind startled her.

                “Oh!” She jumped a little. “Minho!”

                “Hi!” He smiled and greeted her. “Go buy the dress. It would really look good on you.” He encouraged her while gently pushing her inside the boutique.

                “Where did you come from? How did you find me?” She curiously glared at him.

                “It’s a secret, Soojung.” He slyly smiled. “I just thought maybe you’ll get lost.”

                She playfully swatted him. “I’m not a kid, you know. I can handle myself.”

                She ended up buying the dress with Minho’s persuasion. They walked around and ate at some café. They agreed on Minho being her tour guide. They’ll go around the city up until the reunion date.




                Days passed, they kept their agreement. “Aren’t you tired of walking around with me?” She asked as they walk through the park in the middle of the city.



                “Because walking with you, makes me happy.” He shyly admitted.

                She blushed hearing his words. She can’t help but feel happy hearing him say that. “Just walking with me?” She joked, pretending that she didn’t take what he said seriously.

                “No. Being with you, that is.” He again admitted while looking at her intently. She looked away and avoided his eyes. She can’t let him see that she’s blushing profusely at his sweet words.




                “It’s been a long time since I’ve been here.” She happily said as they entered the subway. They were heading back to their city. They went a little far with their ‘walking around’ for the day. They decided to just ride a train back.

                Minho stood slightly away from her since the train wasn’t full yet. Again, they were silent and both chose not to speak to each other, it was comfortable anyway. But then on the next station, a lot of people filled the train and it became packed. A suspiciously looking man stood behind Krystal and Minho knew that the man was a ert so he moved fast before the man could even make a erted move on her. “Back off.” He angrily glared at the man and shooed him away. He then stood in front of Krystal and put his hand on the train wall enclosing her between his body and the wall. “I told you before. Be careful in riding trains.” He said as he turned his face away from her.

                Krystal was speechless with everything that had happened. She remembered that this already happened before. When they were in high school, she once rode a train and a ert guy tried making a move on her. She didn’t expect something like that was possible to happen since she knew she was not the type of girl guys would want to make a move on back then. Fortunately, Minho was there and he did what he just did. He also looked away from her; the reason why she thought that he was angry at her for not being cautious. She didn’t get to thank him and she also didn’t ride the train since then.

                “Thank you.” She said in a whisper. He looked at her as he heard her. He was close enough to hear her whisper. Then suddenly the train made a turn and caused everyone inside to wobble and move. She instinctively put her hands forward to prevent any collision. Her hands landed on his chest. Surprised by her own action, she looked up to see his reaction. Their eyes then met. Thump. Thump. She felt her heart skipped a beat then it moved fast and she could also feel his fast beating heart against her hands. No one made even the slightest movement for the next seconds.

                “Sorry. Are you okay?” He asked worriedly. She took her hands off of him and nodded her head slowly. She looked down and held onto her chest to calm her racing heart.




                Soojung, I’ve reached my house safely. =) See you tomorrow. Good night.

She smiled as she read the message over and over. She was happy that they were going together to the reunion ball the next day. Somehow she felt her heart’s fast beating again as the thought of seeing him again crossed her mind. It goes giddy and excited. “Yah! Why are you being like this?” She berated her own heart.




                “You’re beautiful.” was the first thing he said as he saw her in that dress from the boutique.

                “Thank you. You look good too.”

                “Choi Minho! Wait up!” They heard a guy called out. It was Taemin. He was one of Minho and Kai’s friends in high school. “Oh! Who’s this pretty lady you’re with?” He said as he reached the two.

                “It’s Jung…”

                “Jung Krystal. Hi.” She cut Minho off and smiled at Taemin.

                “Hi! Are you going to the reunion too? I didn’t know we had a pretty and y lady like you in our school.”

                “I wasn’t a popular girl so I don’t think you would know me back then.”

                “How can someone like you be not popular?”

                “Come on. We’ll be late.” Minho butted into their conversation. When they were at a good distance from Taemin, he asked Krystal. “Why didn’t you tell him that you are Soojung?”

                “I’ll just surprise everybody later.” She deviously smiled and waggled her eyebrows.

                “You two, what are you talking about, huh?” Taemin shouted at them.

                “Nothing.” Answered the both of them.

                “Really?” Taemin looked at them warily. “Minho, I forgot to ask.  Is everything resolved now?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “The thing that happened between you and Kai? Is it okay now? He’ll be attending too.”

                “It’s all right now. You don’t have to fret over it.”

                “What are you two talking about?” Krystal asked; suddenly feeling out of place.

                “It was just something between friends. I think you know Kai. He’s very popular in our school.” Taemin explained.

                “Oh.” She replied as she still doesn’t want to let Taemin know that she was Jung Soojung, one of their classmates. Whatever it is, at least now, I know he’ll be there.




                “May I have this dance?” Minho stretched out his hand to her. “Just one song.” He added in a pleading tone.

                “Sure.” She smiled and took his offered hand. He lead them into the dance floor, a mellow song was playing. He placed both of his hands on her waist and she placed hers on his shoulders. She studied his face as it was so close to her. She realized that he just doesn’t look good, he’s handsome. He became better looking than before. She acknowledged his striking appearance and how his face became manlier. The awkward and quiet boy back then transformed into this fine-looking prince. His eyes didn’t change though. They still looked at her with tenderness and care as it always had. Her heart rapidly beat again.

They continued to dance slowly and got closer. It looked like they were almost hugging. She felt safe and comfortable in his arms. It was very comfortable that before she knew it a tear suddenly flowed down her eye. She felt like with him she can be herself and vent out her worries on him. With him, she’s always out of harm’s way. He felt her silent cry so he pulled away a little to get a view of her face. He saw her tears and immediately wiped them away.

                “Soojung-ah, what’s wrong?”

                “I can’t do this. I’m scared.”

                “Soojung...” He soothingly uttered her name and pulled her back to his embrace.

                “If people knew who I am, would they accept me? Even though I’ve changed a lot on the outside, I’m still the old Soojung. The ugly loner Soojung who was made fun of by everybody.”

                He pulled away again and wiped her remaining tears. “That Soojung wasn’t ugly. The Soojung right now, isn’t ugly either. Soojung has always been beautiful, inside and out. So don’t be scared that people wouldn’t like you. There’ll always be someone who will like you.” He gave her a tender smile. “You’ve worked hard for this. You can’t just give up because of what other people might say. Be strong, Soojung. You can do this.”

                “Minho...” She went back into his arms. He tightened his arms around her. They stayed like that for a few minutes until her worries and tears subsided.

                “May I be the one to dance with Krystal, now?” Taemin burst the bubble that was enclosing the two from the whole reunion ball.

                “Uh...sure.” Minho slowly let go. She too reluctantly let go. She wanted to spend some more time with him. If she would completely be honest, she wanted to spend the whole reunion night with just him. But what can she do, he already went away.

                “You’re different.” Taemin told Krystal when Minho was already far from them.


                “You’re not angry or scared at him.”

                “What do you mean?”

                “All the girls that I know in our school harbored hatred towards Minho or they became scared of him.”

                “Why?” She asked. It was unlikely for someone like Minho to be hated on.

                “You didn’t know? It made a big fuss in our school.” With the look on her face, he knew that she still can’t understand him. “On the graduation day, Minho floored Kai. Fortunately, the ceremony has ended when that happened. Since that day, the girls who adored Kai, hated Minho and some girls were scared of him because of what he did.”

                “There must be a good reason why he did that. Minho isn’t like that. Why would they be scared of him?” She defended.

                “Well, he didn’t tell the reason why he did that no matter how much he was forced to say it. So people thought that he’s a war freak who would just hit someone he wants to hit even if that was his friend. But I think I know what the real reason is.”

                “What is it?”

                “It was because of that girl who confessed to Kai that day. She was considered as the class outsider. Kai turned her down and did it very harshly causing the girl to cry and ran away. After that, Minho just snapped and hit Kai hard directly on his face. Then the day after, he went to look for that girl but he wasn’t successful as he learned that she flew to the U.S.”

                She was speechless. That girl was her. “Uhmm...Thank you for the dance. I’ll go now.” She left Taemin on the dance floor. Where are you? She scanned the area and saw no traces of him. Where are you? I need to find you.

                “Are you looking for your prince, princess?” She heard a familiar voice. Kai was approaching her. “May I know your name? I apologize for not remembering the name of a very beautiful lady.” He showed her a charming smile.

                She gave him a small awkward smile. Nobody can really recognize her. It was only him. It was just him who knew who she really was. It was him who made her heart beat fast. Seeing Kai did nothing special to her. Kai was nothing but an old classmate to her now. “Sorry. Excuse me.” She left Kai hanging.

                Where are you, Minho?




                “YAH! CHOI MINHO!” She bolted; ran into his arms with tears on her eyes as she found him standing in front of a fountain outside the hall.

                He was alarmed by her state so he took her willingly and held her tight trying his hardest to bring comfort to her. “What happened? Did he reject you again? What are his excuses now?” She didn’t say a thing and just shook her head. “Why are you crying then? Tell me, who made you cry?” Still he heard nothing from her. He pulled away to face her and wipe away her tears. “Soojung, tell me what happened, please.” She saw panic on his face. “Did you confess to him already?”

                She looked at his worried and questioning eyes. How could I have ignored someone like you back then? How could I be so blind and not see you? “I don’t want him anymore. It’s not him.”

                “What do you mean?”

                A hand of her reached her face and gently caressed his cheek. “I don’t know what will happen and it really doesn’t matter. Even if you reject me, I should tell you.” She paused for awhile and searched his eyes for any hint that she has a place in his heart. “I love you, Minho.” She bravely said and prayed that he won’t reject her.

                He was taken aback by what he just heard but then he smiled tenderly at her. “Stupid, Soojung. How could I even reject you...” He lifted her chin and stared intently into her eyes. He placed her hand against his heart. “...when you’re the one who has been holding this all along?” He inched closer, captured her lips into a sweet kiss and held her tighter. Her tears once again flowed as she was being kissed by him. She was overjoyed by what he just said. He kissed her falling tear. “I love you too.”












sorry for any mistakes...


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....i'm curious about something, may i know what's your favorite fiction that i've written? [from ovblivously yours down to this one]

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Chapter 22: its cute ^^
make another story please~~
Chapter 22: Cute...update soon.....
winterapril #3
Chapter 13: Wow!! cute minstal.
The missions are sweet.
winterapril #4
Chapter 11: Aww, poor Minho.
winterapril #5
Chapter 8: Oh! Sweet naengmyeon.
winterapril #6
Chapter 7: I love this song, the last part is match with the song hehe
bubu48 #7
Chapter 22: Daebak!!! Your story sooooo good
winterapril #8
Chapter 4: Minstal feel ^____^
winterapril #9
Chapter 3: Both POV are cute.
Minstal in coffee shop hehe.
winterapril #10
Chapter 1: Your minstal story is so adorable.
I really like it.