SOREEEEEHHHH (food hates me T^T)

What If....

Sooooooo it's been a frigging long time. I'M SORRY LIKE FOOD. JUST. WHY. Yes. I got food poisoning and ended up in the hospital. Which. I hate. Nope just nope. (Why love why T^T) so the update will probably take much longer since im nowhere near done annnnnnddd the bane of all students. School. And I'm taking a major test this year so NUUUUUHHHHHHHHH T^T Yeah, before anyone asks, I'm living in Asia so yaknow. Tests. Exams. Much hate. Life. Well I SHALL TRY MAH BEST. BUT I CANNERT PROMISE ANYTHING. LIKE I'm so sorry. Very sorry. Don't kill me T^T

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paulima #1
Chapter 7: Please next chapter it's so good
Nachtice #2
Linaster #3
Chapter 7: Kookie is so adorable in this fic and the bunny/angel thing is so cute.
faramirmo #4
Chapter 7: this is super adorable!! ^^ can't you make jungkook everyone? will be awesome authornim..really can't wait for next update :)
namgyu4ever #5
Chapter 2: U pasted the part twicee
Mautjezwik #6
Chapter 7: Cute cute cute cute!! I crack up everytime you make a comment in the story! JIKOOK, VHOPE, NAMJIN... Sorry just wanted to shout my favorite ships, because why not >_<
TalkativeChibiko #7
Chapter 6: I'm so glad I found this fic ! It's so good ! Kookie is so cute in there ... I can't wait for the next chapter !
This is so good~
Can't wait till the next update
MimiMouse #9
Chapter 5: So glad you updated! I really like this fic and I'm really looking forward to reading more~
Kuroko_Tetsuki #10
Chapter 4: It's fine! As long as you please X5 don't abandoned this story, It's only 3 Chapters and my heart can't take it anymore!!!! If you update, I'll probably die of a heart attack but... Why Not?! XD