Chapter 2

I Got The Sweetest Cinnamon Roll Love

            That morning, Lee Jae Hwan didn’t notice a certain luck that was down his way.


            Jae Hwan woke up to the sound of dozen children singing Pororo’s theme song with their own “arrangements”. He smiled to the fact that those children had become parts of his life for good two years and he was happy for it. Feeling excited (read: hyper), he jumped off his bunk bed, scaring the out of Kyung Soo who was finishing his morning prayer on the edge of the lower bed.

            “For the spawn of satan’s sake, HYUNG ! Can you just live normally and start the day normally ‘cause each time you do that thing I feel like ting two kilos of fecal matter ON THE SPOT ! Mind to use the ing ladder that is produced and glued there to make your way down easier and less painful ???” The doe-eyed became a prepubescent teenage in the morning, his hands were busy signing incoherent symbols vigorously.

            “Hey, hey, Kyung Soo. Your morning pray won’t be sent to Heaven if you are preaching me-“ He did the apostrophe sign on the air with his fingers, “-very early in the morning. That’s why Kim Jong In the mighty kohei never noticed you. First thing first, my legs are looong and flexible. This height won’t matter. It matters if you are the one jumping. I need to call the whole fire fighters in the district only to take you down safely-“ Jae Hwan grasped an invisible gown with his spread arms and bent his knees a bit like every princess would do when a prince asked them to dance. “Princess…” He ended dramatically.

            Kyung Soo snorted, not feeling amused with Jae Hwan’s joke or the nickname. “Lee Jae Hwan, you are quite a princess already.” He backfired.

            “Oh, just friendly reminder that I become your friend the first place because I’m also a princess. A princess should be another princess’ friend, right ?”

            “Nah, ugly princess.”

            “Thank you. I bet you are just jealous because I’m still a mile prettier than you, like what the magic mirror said.”

            “LOL. The magic mirror was broken when you see your own reflection.”

            “It broke because I am too wonderful and shining no one has ever been so magically beautiful like me looking through that mirror.” Oh look, Do Kyung Soo was encountering the critical point.

            “I’m just wishing you become a real princess with ing real and pink dress.”

            “Oh that rhymes !”

            “Witty .”

            “Midget e.”

            “Guys, guys, guys would you stop your imbecile fight because I’m having trouble with the toaster and your arguments about princesses are not helping any bit.” Dong Woo interrupted with right hand holding up the toaster like it’s a holy grail to the living room. Jae Hwan exchanged gaze with Kyung Soo in silence, then eyeing the dinosaur.

            “Well…” Kyung Soo folded his arms.

            “You better ignore the toaster and make us sandwiches.”

            “Because we’re hungry.”


            “Deal with it.” The duo did their infamous high five and walked to different ways, leaving the dumb-founded man with his failing toaster.

            “What’s up ?” Another man who was just coming out from his room, scratching his bed hair, asked Dong Woo. “Myung Soo, remind me again why I decided to live with these princesses instead of Ho Won…” Myung Soo patted his friend’s shoulder.

            “Chill, man. You just got Kyungsassied…” He nodded prudently. “And Kensassied.”


            “Teacher Ken, do we have profession introduction again, today ?” Luna, the girl who ran to welcome Jae Hwan at the kindergarten’s gate, asked him when the teacher finally took her hand. Soon, his eyebrows furrowed.

            “No, we didn’t. Why ?”

            “Because some cops visit us today !!! They are very charming ! And there’s a cop that looks scary because his hair is sooo loonggg but actually he’s the best !” Luna said so cheerfully Jae Hwan almost fainted. How could there be cops ? Was the kindergarten robbed ? One of his student’s killed ??!! He looked back again but saw no police line. What were they doing in the building ? Thing that mattered him the most was: why was Luna so cheerful ? Cop was something serious and she wasn’t afraid a bit ? She was the most timid around new people especially the “strong” ones.

            Jae Hwan carried Luna and ran into the building. He opened the door quickly, his heart beat uncontrollably. And the first person he saw was Hani, fiddling with her fingers, probably waiting for him to come too. Silently, he cursed Hani for letting those guys in without his permission.

            “Oh ? Jae Hwan oppa ?!” She scurried to him.

            “What’s wrong Hani ? Why are there cops ? Something happened ?” He started to feel worry. His kindergarten was so far clear and had completed legal requirements. Why was the cop here ? What were they looking for ?

            She shook her head. “No, oppa. They said, they are looking for a boy. I was trying to block them but they show their ID card and well it matches. So, I let them in. The woman cop said they will play with the children so it won’t be so obvious that they are in duty. Now-“ She turned her head a bit to assign Jae Hwan the cops’ whereabouts. “-they are in the playing room with the children. It’s amazing that none of them are crying with the cops’ appearance, though.” Hani put a confused expression, just the same as Jae Hwan. He put Luna down, asking Hani to keep her for awhile. The young lady just nodded.

            Jae Hwan made his way to the playing room. When he passed the janitor, he opened the door, taking a broom with him (okay, he’s being weird, again. Why would the cop attack him ?). His bravery that once set on fire was now just a handful of ashes as he got closer to the room. It was burned too long in the fire.

            He was tip-toeing in the corridor, eyes were shaking and his hands were busy holding the broomstick ever so tightly. Why was he feeling afraid suddenly ? The cops wouldn’t harm him. No, Jae Hwan. What can a cop do to you ? This is not hide-and-seek with a murderer ! Come on, Jae Hwan ! Get back to your sanity, Lee Jae Hwan !, thought him. His rationality came back and he straightened his body.

            However, the fright was intolerable and untellable. His body simply curled into a strange gesture again. He felt the sudden and grotesque coldness around him and his heart fell from its place once again. He wasn’t usually like this toward cops but he could sense dark aura coming from one of the rooms. And it’s getting stronger when he arrived at the corridor that separated music room and playing room. Jae  Hwan was a delusive person and imaginative, as the result of his ability in art. His creativity sometimes dragged him to unnecessary thought and feeling, like this.

            Feeling both wary and frightened, he looked at the music room’s door. His heart clenched looking at the door. Something was pulling him to there but he couldn’t tell what and he supposed it’s the “dark aura” he was feeling this whole time that pulled him.

            He gulped, pressing down the fright and worry into his stomach again. Obeying his instinct saying that music room might not a good choice, he turned to the right where the playing room was stood. He heard children’s laugh behind the door and some baritone voices that blended in with them. He slowly kicked away the worry and fright that were banging his heart ferociously as he heard the children’s voices once again. He could breathe freely now. His students were safe and what he should do was asking the cops’ intention, peacefully.

            “Okay, Jae Hwan. Everything is alright, now what you have to do is open the door.” He smiled to reassure himself.

            “Lee Jae Hwan ?” A low yet ghostly voice (or nearly a whisper) right behind him froze his hand, stopping it from reaching the door knob. No, the voice had frozen his whole body even the internal organs real quick. His pupils shook, his brain was nearly dead. He didn’t know what to do, falling into the illusion of the abyss of frights or fight the real ghostly voice. Jae Hwan don’t be afraid ! You have no reason to be afraid of this ! Turn around and bear yourself !

            Jae Hwan’s hand left the door knob to hold his broomstick again. He was sweaty suddenly and his grip to the broomstick got stronger. He turned his body, ready to face whatever in front of him. He’d never been so afraid of cop, hell his daily dose was criminal dramas. But this I-am-still-not-sure-that-this-is-a-person didn’t sound like a cop any bit and he realized the “dark aura” he’d been suspecting for ages was growing stronger and stronger as the gap closed. Fortunately, his fright grew together with it.

            A vision of long, messy jet black hair came into his eyes and a pale face with sharp eyes that bore into his skull followed up. Jae Hwan’s brain couldn’t register anything it was encountering a break-down as soon as he saw the face fully. He swore, his kindergarten was free from ghost but why was there one just a few meter in front of him ? The worst was: how could the ghost know exactly his name ?

            The moment his brain re-connected again, the thing he did first was swaying his broomstick to the ghost’s head powerfully. The scream was coming late.


To Be Continued

I AM CHRISTMAS AF YOOHOO !!! *throws Christmas tree

Hello guys ! Finally, after quite creative block: the second chapter is here !!! Hope you enjoy another crappy load of …………………yeah.

Anyway, holiday’s coming and I’m gonna have a trip with my chum. (Again) hopefully I can keep updating the story, wrapping it in the best looking Christmas-themed wrapper and put it on your notification with the help of Santa’s sleigh HAHAHA.


I’m in imbecile.


So, enjoy your cup of hot cocoa, buddy ! ^^



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norafakroun #1
Chapter 1: waiting for what gonna happen next !!!
fighting I like your stroy alot ★★