Chapter 1

I Got The Sweetest Cinnamon Roll Love

                2nd of December 2015

                7:30 PM

                Samsung-dong, Seoul


                “Appa ! Let’s surprise mom with this cake and presents !”

                “Ssshh ! Don’t let mom know. Keep your voice low, okay ?”

                “Okay !” The little boy followed his dad, tip-toeing in front of their room’s door before his dad punching in 4 digits of numbers to access their entrance.

                The sound of unlocking machine was heard and the oldest opened the door, walking in the same style with his son beside him into the dark room. He tried to adjust his vision with the lack of brightness around him, bumping into a tall vase once and nearly failing their surprise to the birthday woman. His son took his dad’s free hand to help him walking. His young and healthy eyes were the only vision aid for them.

                When they reached the living room, they breathed in oxygen as many as they could to make the loudest voice. They could see the woman’s head behind the sofa. She had to be very tired after working so she fell asleep there. She didn’t even turn off the TV.

                “Okay. In 3… 2… 1…”

                “HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAARRGGGHHHH !!!!!”



                2nd of December 2015

                7:36 PM

                Emergency Communication Centre, Seoul


                “Hello, this is-“

                “119 ! Please ! Help me ! My wife ! My wife is heavily injured ! Please !!!”

                “Sir, sir. Please calm down, okay ? Calm down first and tell me what happened.”

                “I-I was just arrived… at-at home with my son. We-we were buying her birthday cake. A-and when we surprised her, s-she she-“

                “Okay, sir. Now, follow my instruction. Do not touch anything until police and medical staffs arrive. Keep your son away from the crime scene. Stay outside until police come.”

                “O-okay. P-please help my wife.”

                “Certainly, sir.”



                2nd of December 2015


                Crime Division, Gangnam Police Station, Seoul



                “Hello this is Lee Hong Bin.”

                “Hongbin-ah. Another rampage, I guess. A woman is injured. Her husband just called. Samsung-dong. House number…”

                “Okay, we’ll be there real quick.” CLACK.

                “Hyung. Taek Woon hyung…”


                “Ugh, hyung ! Wake up ! We need to go. Bourgeois one.”


                “Really, you are going to be fired.” CLINK.


                “ERGH FINE ! Lunch !”


                “And latte…”

                “Byeol ?”

                “Ugh, Byeol !”

                “… Now that sounds exactly like my alarm. Hurry up, lazy . Money is in danger.”





                3rd of December 2015

                12:54 PM

                Byeol Café, Seoul


                Hong Bin looked at the hungry man in front of him, shoving bite by bite of cooked soy bean stew into his mouth impatiently. He sighed just thinking how many times this guy had embarrassed him, burning his confidence into ashes every time they are out in public. Not just about his long jet black hair that only been washed twice a month but also the sound he made whenever they eat together. His fashion only worsened everything. People would think he just jump out of transporter that brought him from 1877.

                “What are you ? A homeless ?” Hong Bin’s murmured questions never went into the older’s ears when he was too busy eating. He only cared about the food source, afraid if it’s gone two seconds after he paused eating. Poor Hong Bin, he was the one that got the same shift with him.

                “Ya ! Jung Taek Woon ! Eat quietly, can you ?! Ish !” Hong Bin’s stack of patience finally fell apart as he realized more eyes were looking at them and refusing to detach quickly because of the older man’s noise. The said man looked up, meeting his gaze with the younger ones that became less fierce. No matter how shabby Jung Taek Woon, his eyes were still more lethal than any weapon.

                “What ? By that, you mean I cannot eat ?” Hong Bin shook his head. He looked down, avoiding the laser guns from Taek Woon’s face. If Taek Woon flew off the handle, it would be his last day on earth.

                “Ah, you’re annoyed because I keep asking to be fed ?” Taek Woon put down the chopsticks. His action only made Hong Bin became more nervous.

                “I have to feed you, hyung. You are still my best friend. Moreover-” Taek Woon’s phone ringtone interrupted his confession. He looked to Hong Bin who quickly caught the message behind his silence. The younger signed him to reply the call.

                “Hey, Won Shik.”


                “What is it, hyung ? Is he getting into trouble ?” Hong Bin walked side by side with Taek Woon. The noon was unexpectedly colder than usual as it’s reaching the end of the year. Both of them had their hands inside their coat’s pockets, sometimes still shivering because the gust went through their skin faster and more painful than bullets.

                Taek Woon shook his head before averting his gaze to the cherry blossom tree that wasn’t blooming because of the extreme cold. Won Shik-ah, just come home quickly, prayed the long haired in silence.

                “Anyway, Hong Bin. Thanks for those foods.” He expressed his grateful to his younger best friend together with a smile. Hong Bin replied the smile with a wider one while slinging his hand on the other’s shoulder.

                “I’m sorry hyung for scolding you like that. You must be very hungry,” said the younger with apologetic manner. Taek Woon hit the other’s head quite hard with his fist and made the younger let go of a loud groan.

                “What was that for ?!” Hong Bin brushed the painful spot, what he called infamous mark of Jung Taek Woon. Taek Woon simply replied, “For our not-so beautiful friendship.” And he walked faster into the office.


                Taek Woon’s gaze fell to the shorter man in front of him and rose to another man who had the same height (actually a few millimeters higher but the cares ?) with him. The staffs paused themselves only to see the staring competition between the homeless genius and his –their- boss. Two minutes had passed and none of the two intended to break the game. Jackson got sick of this already.

                “Kay, es- I mean, hyung. Why are you wasting your time for this pointless competition ?” The spy tapped his boss’ shoulder. “You’ll know if you’ve worked with your teammates for years, kid. Now, don’t interrupt us.” Just the moment Eun Kwang said the last sentence, Taek Woon broke the ‘connection’.

                “So… You’ve been doing this stupid ritual for-“ Jackson counted with his fingers, “six years ? Together ?” The answer from Taek Woon was simple: an enormous slap on his back of head he felt his skull shattered into microscopic unfixable pieces.

                The punishment left quite impression for the brand new and fresh from the oven detective as he watched in horror the bawling Jackson. Is this really a crime scene division ? Seems like the crime itself happens here, thought the poor boy. Eun Kwang seemed to catch the worried look on the new detective’s face so he forced a smile to the taller.

                “This is your new workplace. Please, make yourself enjoy working here. I know you may think our division has the most savage employees,” said him while looking to each staff there, “but they are just ‘sweet cinnamon rolls thinking they are badass’ squad. You don’t need to be afraid hahahaha !” Now, his laugh was the new fear for the boy. The lad only nodded awkwardly while flashing a small smile.

                “I’ll introduce your teammates first. You’ve known me. I am Captain Seo. This is Jung Taek Woon, the current lieutenant.” The boy’s gaze met the cold, icy, murderous, intimidating one in front of him that he quickly bowed to avoid looking into those eyes.

                “He’s not that dangerous, okay ?”

                “I am dangerous.” Taek Woon self proclaimed only to receive breathy chuckles from his younger partners and a murmured ‘whatever, Jung Taek Woon. You are just whatever,’ from the leader.

                “Yeah, you’ve seen his tendency to punish people just because he wants to.” Taek Woon immediately glared at Jackson who blurted out the false statement and even emphasized the ‘he wants to’ while brushing his head. Jackson’s corner eyes happened to catch Taek Woon’s intention to hit him again. “What ? You’re going to blow another hit ? Yes, this is crime division, yes yes, not crime scene,” continued the young detective with mocking manner. Taek Woon pushed the younger’s head with his rock-like fist before walking to the sofa and laying down there casually. Casually as if Seo Eun Kwang was not watching. Casually as if Seo Eun Kwang was not the captain on duty. Casually as if Seo Eun Kwang wouldn’t set the building on fire because Taek Woon being defiant again and again.

                The new detective’s jaw dropped to the hard floor watching the shabby lieutenant slowly passing out. Is he a real lieutenant ?

                “I wish you’ll become a better lieutenant. I mean, that hobo-“ Eun Kwang pointed at the sleeping man. “-is the best in the lifetime, in the history of South Korea’s ranked detectives. But, that just happens to his brain, not to his attitude.” The young detective only nodded in acknowledgement, making mental notes to improve his people skill not only his deductive thinking.

                “You just met-“

                “Hi ! I am Jackson Wang and I come from Hongkong ! But because this is Korea, I prefer you calling me Wang Jae Geun. Or maybe just simply Mandoo !” The way Jackson’s eyes curled into smile eyes and formed wrinkles on his pale skin calmed the new detective. At least, this hyung is talking, thought him. “Mandoo as if dumpling, okay ?” The lad winked and the new detective couldn’t run from the thought that it’s kind of attractive.

                “He is pretty clingy once you’ve got closer. But good thing is he is very easy-going and I can say he is amiable for a detective. And he is around your age so I think you can connect well with him.” Eun Kwang said that with the background of Jackson spitting out something like lemon candy and mumbling line of curses to a person that name sounded like ‘ bin’, questioning the carpeted floor about who the hell kept this atomic-bomb like candy in his mouth for hours without messing his taste buds. His bad words scared the outta’ the boy already.

                The rest of the introduction was normal, very normal. The boy learned that other than the surprisingly homeless lieutenant and the overfriendly yet strangely charming with his bad words hyung, he would cooperate with a beautiful cop named Soo Young and one more detective that wasn’t there yet. The older woman looked the most normal than those men for him. Oh, he just couldn’t fathom how normal a person was after joining this squad for approximately fifteen minutes.

                Just the moment he gaped his lips, the automatic glass doors slid open, revealing two men: one in khaki-colored coat and another one in a simple laboratory coat. The one with khaki-colored coat was frowning and bickering because the lab staff locked his arm with the lad’s one and it’s embarrassing for him but the other didn’t let the objection slid down his ears. He grinned all the way to the khaki-coated man’s desk.

                “Oh ? Who is this cute guy ? A client ?” The lab staff (who had tanned skin) was examining him from head to toe, not leaving any detail behind.

                “I-I am Han Sang Hyuk. I am… the new staff in crime division.”



To Be Continued

Hello guys ! Welcome to my first Keo story hohoho~ I am a new author so please bear my grammatical error, creative block and of course my laziness for not proof-reading this hehehe.


I’d like to thank those first subscribers, like I didn’t believe at first but wow, hello, they are real ! *cries Amazon river


Thank you for reading this story. Hopefully, I’ll be more skillful both in writing and using good English through this. Please if you feel like supporting this story, upvote, subscribe and if possible, don’t be a silent reader. I’m super friendly and not an anti-critic. Just say anything except very harsh comment kekeke~


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norafakroun #1
Chapter 1: waiting for what gonna happen next !!!
fighting I like your stroy alot ★★