I Don't Like You

"So so tell me! How was your date yesterday?"


I rolled my eyes,"I bet Hoseok blabbered non sense to you."


"I can't believe Jimin is your tutor though. But good thing he's cute."


"Well he definitely wasn't like that the last time i saw him."


"Yeah puberty does wonders doesn't it. Wait so you do admit that he's cute." Hana smirked.


"Wipe that smirk from your face, i never said that."


Hana gasped,"You are so lying, you ears are getting red you know. And that only happens when you're lying." She smirked again.


"Whatever, i have to go to my locker and put my books back."


"Wait let me go with you, i am curious to what you admirer wrote today."


I opened my locker and looked at the familiar bright yellow post it.


'Noona, smile more okay? You look pretty when you smile. But then again you always look pretty.'


"Well isn't your admirer just adorable." Hana chuckled.


I rolled my eyes and threw the paper away,"I don't have time for kids."


"Just because he calls you noona doesn't mean he is a kid you know."


"I am not into younger guys."


"What type of guys are you into then?"


"Why? Are you gonna set me on another blind date?"


"Hana stop setting up Yerin on blind dates." Hoseok put his arms around Hana and winked at me.


"Noona you're going on a blind date?"


I looked behind me and scoffed,"What are you doing the seniors' corridor Jimin, and why are you calling me noona? I am not your noona."


"But its awkward calling you Sunbae." He chuckled and ruffled his hair.


I rolled my eyes,"Stop calling me noona i feel old."


He moved his face closer to mine and smirked,"But you are older than me,should i call you by your name then?"


I gulped and blinked at his action,"Just call me sunbae."


"Its either Yerin or noona, but i kinda prefer Yerin." He smirked,"Kim Yerin, Should i keep calling you Yerin?"


I backed away and crossed my arms,"You better not."


"Noona it is then." He then decided to make that stupid cute face. As in smiling and letting his eyes disappear, damn it i hate when he smiles like that.


"So..are you guys done flirting?"


I blinked, oh god i forgot Hoseok and Hana were still here.


"Oh i thought you guys already left to get lunch."


"We were standing here for the past five minutes thank you for noticing." Hana placed her hands on her waist.


"But babe i think what she meant was for us to leave them alone and go get lunch." Hoseok smiled widely at his girlfriend.


Hana nodded and gave me wink,"Well we should get going there, sorry for interrupting."


I shook my head as the couple started laughing as they headed to the cafeteria.


"How old are they? 10?" i sighed and closed my locker.


Jimin chuckled,"So..should we head for lunch too?"


"We? As you and me?"


"No i was talking to the locker behind you."


"Seriously Jimin."


"Well who else was i asking then."


I rolled my eyes and started walking,"Why did i have to be stuck with you."


"Just admit that you enjoy my company noona."


"Will you ever stop calling me that."


"Admit that you enjoy my company then Yerin." He looked at me and chuckled.


I rolled my eyes and walked faster. Suddenly Jimin snatched my books that i was holding from arms and held them.


"What are you doing?"


"Your books looked heavy."


I puffed my cheeks,"Uhm- thanks i guess."


He grinned,"What did you say?"


"Thanks kiddo."


He halted and looked at me,"Noona, just because i am your junior doesn't mean that i am a kid okay."


Wait, why did he get so serious.


"H-hey, i was just.."


"Just don't call me a kid okay, cause i am not."


I bit my lip,"Okay okay i was just kidding."


He smiled again like nothing happened and started walking.


Okay that kid is definitely bipolar.

"Kim Yerin."


I heard someone call my name and stopped walking.


"How is your lessons going so far? you know there's only two weeks left till the test right."


I swear my day was going so good so far till my algebra teacher decided to show up and remind me of that stupid test.


"Yes, Jimin helped me a lot for the past two weeks."


"Good, i really hope to see good results from you." He smiled and entered the classroom.


Oh great the test is in two weeks. That means it has been two weeks since Jimin started tutoring me, wow it didn't feel like two weeks at all. To be honest i actually enjoy his company. I mean i never really liked loud people, that's why i always try to avoid hanging out with Hoseok and the other guys but Jimin's okay i guess. He speaks a lot but not in an annoying way. Besides, i like hearing him speak. He has a really attractive voice. Also-


wait wait why am i thinking about that kid. I shook my head and headed to my locker.


'Noona you look tired these days? Take care of your health okay, i don't want you to get sick'


The usual yellow post it greeted me as i opened my locker.


But seriously who is this guy. I frowned and stared at the post it. His handwriting looks familiar though. I tried to think of my friends' handwriting but nothing popped in my head.




I flinched and turned around,"Damn it Jimin don't scare me like that."


He chuckled,"What were you thinking of so deeply that you didn't notice that i was behind you for the past two minutes."


"Well definitely not about you. Also, why do you keep coming here?" I crossed my arms.


"I wanted to come and see you before the next class starts, i have to tell you something."


"What is it? I have English in like," I looked at my watch,"Five minutes, so make it quick."


"I can't tutor you today."


"So no lessons today?"


He nodded,"I have something to do after school today so no lessons for today."


"Finally i get to rest, but what are you going to do after school today?"


"Why are you so curious?"He smirked.


I rolled my eyes,"Never mind."


"Are you sure you don't want to know?"




He chuckled,"Your ears are getting red, that means you're lying"


I covered my ears with my hair and glared at him,"How did you know that?"


"I once heard it from Hoseok hyung."


"Damn it that Jung Hoseok." I mumbled.


"Let me give you a hint, it involves a girl."


Wait a girl?


Does he have a girlfriend.


Even if he does why would you care Yerin.


"You're going on a date?"


He shrugged,"Maybe."


"Oh wow i thought all you did was study maths."


"Hey i have a social life too you know."


"Yeah whatever i have to go to my class now, enjoy your date or whatever it is." I mumbled.


He chuckled,"Are you perhaps jealous?"


"As if." I quickly headed to my class before Jimin could see how red my ears are right now.


I quickly sat and huffed as i grabbed by book from my bag.


Why i am i like this. I shouldn't be like this.


I don't like Park Jimin.


Do I?


No no this is probably just my mind playing with me. I probably got too attached to him since i always spend time with him after school for the past two weeks.


Yeah that's definitely it.


I nodded and opened my book and started to flip through the pages.


But is he really going on a date? He never mentioned that he has a girlfriend.


But he said maybe so there is a possibility that he's only playing with me.


Damn it that Park Jimin.


I looked behind me and whispered,"Hoseok, does Jimin have a girlfriend?"


Hosoek stopped playing with his phone and looked at me,"Why are you asking?"


"Uhm you know i am just curious."


Hoseok smirked,"Well this is new, you were never curious of other people."


"Just answer my damn question."


He shrugged,"I am not telling you so you better ask him yourself."


"Jung Hoseok you little piece of-"


"Okay class, let's start today's lesson."


I huffed and crossed my arms.

I headed to the library and thought whether i should ask Jimin about what he did yesterday or not.


Will he find it weird if i ask him.


Nah he won't find it weird but he'll definitely tease me about it. Never mind i won't give him a chance to make fun of me.


I sat down at the usual seat and waited for Jimin to come. There's only about two weeks left till the test and i am seriously not ready at all. I might have gotten better, well not that better but now i can actually understand what i am studying this semester so i really hope i can pass the test. I sighed and unlocked my phone. where is this guy, i should have asked for his number so that he's late he could call me or something. Yep definitely just for that matter.


"I am sorry i am late, i know that you really hate to be kept waiting." Jimin gave me an apologetic look and sat down.


"Nah its okay i just got here."


"How come you're nice to me today?" He chuckled.


"What makes you say that?"


"Well you usually nag a lot if i am late."


"I don't feel like nagging you today so just be thankful and let's start this stupid lesson."


He chuckled and opened his book,"So did you solve the questions i gave you the day before."


I nodded and handed him a few papers," Here you go."


He scanned the papers for a few minutes and smiled,"Wow you got so much better. Just a few mistakes though."


I flipped my hair,"I must be a genius."


''No you just have a good tutor." He chuckled.


I slightly smiled and shook my head,"whatever."


"Oh," He grinned, "It's my first time seeing you smile."


I looked at him,"You're saying that like i never smile."


He laughed"No seriously, i rarely see you smile. Noona you should smile more. It suits you."


No no no Jimin don't say something like that. I am trying not to like you here damn it.


I didn't answer him and focused on my book.


He chuckled,"Let's start on chapter 10 then."


And with that, 2 hours of boring algebra passed.


I stretched my arms and sighed,"Can we go home now, my head hurts."


He nodded and closed his book,"We managed to study a lot today so i guess its okay to go home now. Do you have any questions before we go home?"


Well i wonder how did your date went yesterday-


"It was okay."


I blinked and registered what he just said.


He chuckled and proceeded to put his stuff in his bag.


Oh crap did i just say that out loud.


He nodded,"Yep you did."


"You know what just forget about what i said."


He smirked,"If you were curious you could have just asked you know."


"I wasn't curious." I scoffed.


"Yesterday was my mom's birthday so i decided to spend the day with her."


"It was your mom's birthday?"


He nodded,"Yep."


"Oh okay, happy belated birthday to your mom then."


He chuckled,"Thank you."


Wow Yerin.


You got jealous of his mom.


"So any other questions?" He grinned and i just shook my head.


"Well let's head home then."


I nodded and got up from my seat,"Have a nice weekend Jimin."


"See you're being nice again."


"It's because i don't have to see your face for the next two days so i am extra happy today."


"Ha ha very funny."


"Well, i 'll be heading home now, see you on Monday." I waved at him and started walking.




I turned around and tilted my head,"What?"


He puffed his cheeks and scratched the back of his neck,"Can i have your number?"


I snorted.


I thought you'd never ask Park Jimin.

A week and another one passed by and its only a day left till the algebra test. The past few weeks were hell. Jimin made me study even harder and longer, the librarian even gave us the key to the library because we take so long so to go home and she's too lazy to stay till the evening. That's a good thing though because then me and Jimin could be as loud as we want to without anybody shushing us every time. But...that could also be a bad thing because that means its only me and Jimin in the library, and that is definitely not a good thing for my heart.


 I decided to go the library earlier to pick some novels for me to borrow. I headed to the novels section right away and looked around.


Suddenly a thick black book at the top shelf caught my eye and i reached out to grab it.


Ugh why is this shelf so tall. I jumped a few times to grab the book but i only managed to touch it. I huffed and adjusted my skirt.


"Let me get that for you."


I felt someone stand behind me and watched as his hand easily grabbed the book that I've been struggling to grab.


"Here you go."


I turned around and my eyes widened at the distance between me and Jimin.


Because there was almost no distance at all.


I took the book from his hands and mumbled a thank you. He chuckled and put his hands in his pockets still not even bothering to give me space.


"Didn't hear you."


I bit my lip and reached for his hair to ruffle it,"Thanks kid."


That'll teach him who's the boss.


Wait, why is he looking at me like that.


Why isn't he smiling anymore.




"I told you not to call me like that didn't i."


"I- I am sorry i forgot-"


Jimin pinned me between his arms and i automatically glued myself to the shelf behind me.


"Jimin what are you-"


He didn't let me finish and sighed,"You know i really hate it when you call me that right."


I blinked,"I am sorry okay i just-"


"No listen to me."


I bit my lip and watched as he tried to calm himself.


"Do you only think of me as a kid?"


"No Jimin I didn't mean-"


"No listen to me! Do you know why i hate it to be called a kid by you? Its because i don't want you to think of my like that. Do you know what made me change this much? Its because last year you kept calling me a kid and i hated being treated like that!" He ruffled his hair.


"I changed my hairstyle, i wore contact lenses, i played basketball, i even transfered here so you could notice me or something."


"I am sorry I-"


"Its because i like so much damn it! I like you so much but you don't even notice me. I like you so much but you only treat me as a kid."


My eyes widened as i clenched the hem of my skirt.


"Noona, can you please not see me as just a kid? Tell me, have you ever at least thought of me as a man? What do i have to do to make you like me huh?" He sighed and rested his forehead on mine.


"Just say something." He said.


I looked down and blurted,"Well i really want to kiss you right now."


I heard him chuckle as he intertwined both his hands with mine.


He whispered,"Your wish is my command."


And Jimin did exactly what i wanted him to do.

"Oh god oh god what should i do, i am not ready." I flipped through the pages of my notebook.


Jimin laughed and ruffled my hair,"You'll do fine, you had an amazing tutor, i am sure you'll pass."


"I rolled my eyes, this is why i don't like you."


"Oh you don't like me? That's not what it looked like yesterday." He smirked.


I rolled my eyes,"Don't you have any classes, why are you always hanging out here."


"I am here because i want to see my girlfriend."


I chuckled,"well now that you saw her you should go, my test starts in 10 minutes." I pouted.


Jimin pulled me in a hug,"You'll do fine, just don't get too nervous or hasty i am sure you're going to pass with flying colors."


I hugged him back,"You really think so?"


He released me and smiled,"I know so. Now go and kick some algebra ."


I smiled and opened my locker,"Oh, how come there's no note today?"


"What note?"


"Oh yeah, I've never told you about my secret admirer."


"You have a secret admirer?"


"Yeah, he's been writing me these notes for the past month, but somehow there's no post it today. he's probably busy-

 or maybe he lost interest."


Jimin chuckled and handed me a notebook,"Don't think about that for now and read this before the test. I wrote some important formulas for you here."


I took the notebook and smiled,"Thank you."


He pinched my cheek and gave me one of his killer smiles,"Good luck noona."


I waved at him and headed to my class. Seems like everybody is trying to learn everything in these last 5 minutes.


I sighed and opened the notebook that Jimin gave to me.


A familiar bright yellow post it was stuck on the first page and i smiled at as i read what he wrote.


'Good luck noona, i know you'll do good since you had such an awesome and handsome tutor.'


Your secret admirer, Your handsome boyfriend.


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: I‘m excited for the Next chapter
Iamneversure #2
Chapter 3: Argh that cutie XD , authornim fighting ~!
Jiminnieluv #3
Chapter 3: Hey, just wondering, will you write another jimin fanfics?? Jimin really was trying to kill me in this one, like the way you wrote him was soooo..... cute!! Argh!
Jiminnieluv #4
Chapter 2: So cute! Omooooo..... this just gave me so much feels....
iwanttosubscribe #5
Chapter 2: Sweet...^^
passengerseat #6
Chapter 2: you yumoz just you
Qian18 #7
Chapter 2: aaaaa gwiyowooooooo!!!!!
Changjoluver #8
Chapter 2: What a cute story! I loved it!
... Continue soon :)
What does Noona mean? O.o