I Don't Like You

Kim Yerin POV



I opened my locker and sighed at the sight of it, this guy never stops does he. i stared at the bright yellow post it and scoffed.



'Noona, have a great day!'



I stared at what  he wrote and sighed. How long is he going to keep bothering me with these notes. Its been a month already since this guy started to pester me. To be honest i don't know what he looks like, i don't even know his name. I asked my friends if they ever saw anybody put anything in my locker and they all said no.


I crumpled the tiny piece of paper and threw it in the trash bin. I am actually a little bit curious about this guy. If he calls me noona then he must be either in 1st grade or 2nd grade. But how come none of my friends would notice if a junior comes to our corridor. I went to my class and decided to forget about this guy and focus on algebra because last time i checked, i was on the verge of failing this class.



"Okay class, i graded you previous tests and i have to say that you grades dropped a lot. Guys remember you're now seniors as in its your last year of high school. Please study harder okay.The ones who are going to college are you guys not me." 



I groaned as i saw the teacher started handing out the grades.



"Oh i actually passed this." My seat mate Hana beamed at me.



I frowned and looked at her test paper,"I hope i do as good as you."



"This is all thanks to Hoseok to be honest." She laughed.



"Well aren't you lucky to have a boyfriend to help you with your studies."



"You should ask your admirer to help you then."



"Oh please, i don't even know how he looks like."



"So you're actually curious about this guy." Hana wiggled her eyebrows.



"Kim yerin!" The teacher called and motioned me to go over to his desk.



"Good luck yerin!" Hana chuckled.



I pouted and headed over to the teacher's desk.



"Hopefully i passed." I laugehd bitterly.



The teacher sighed and gave me my test paper. "Yerin, why does you grades keep getting worse?"



I stared at my test paper and looked at my teacher,"I didn't pass?"



He shook his head,"Sadly no, why couldn't you be like your friend Hana there, her grades really went up."



I rolled my eyes,"Well she has a smart boyfriend who helps her study and i don't"



"Well then maybe i should get you a tutor."



I blinked,"A tutor? I doubt a tutor could help. I am sorry can't i just retake the test? I'll study harder."



"No, i made up my mind. You'll have to get tutored and hopefully your grades would get higher by the next test. Come to the teachers' office by lunch break."



I groaned,"Seriously?"



He nodded,"Yes seriously. Now Ms. Kim you may go back to your seat."



I huffed and headed to my seat.



"So what happened? Did you pass?"






" for you, when are you going to retake the test?" 



"I am no retaking it, he wants me to get tutored."



Hana laughed,"You? Tutored. Oh wow i already feel sorry to whoever is tutoring you."



I glared at her,"Whatever shut up so i can focus on what he's explaining."



"Since when do you focus in algebra? But hey this tutoring thing might actually be a good advantage, what if your tutor is hot?"



I rolled my eyes,"My tutor could be a girl."



"Well it could also be a guy."



"Well who cares if my tutor is a guy."



"You should! What if he's hot."


"So what if he's hot."



She hit my arm,"Are you sure you're normal? You aren't...you don't perhaps like girls do you?"



I snorted,"I am perfectly normal i just don't want any relationships at the moment."



"Well you always say that whenever i want to set you up on a date. Well i hope this time you would hit it off with you tutor."



I ignored Hana and started taking notes. Well this is gonna be a long class.


I stepped into the teachers' office and looked around for my algebra teacher. 



"Yerin Here!"



I looked to my left and headed towards my teacher.



"So you came."



"Well i didn't want to fail algebra."



My teacher chuckled,"Your tutor should be here in a minute."



"Sorry i am late!"



"Speak of the devil." My teacher looked behind me.



I looked at my tutor and blinked a few times.



Well he is definitely a guy, bit short for one but definitely taller than me. He was quite chubby but not too chubby either but what caught my attention was his eyes. They were-





Okay I rarely compliment a person moreover a guy but this one definitely had cute eyes.



"So Yerin, if you finished staring at your tutor you could introduce yourself now."



My tutor let out a chuckle and glanced at me.



"I- i wasn't staring."



"Okay then, since i want to eat my lunch i'll keep this short. Yerin meet your tutor Park Jimin, he is a year younger than you and for the next month Jimin will be your algebra tutor."



"Wait, did i hear wrong? A year younger than me?"



"He is your junior but he is definitely a lot smarter than you in algebra. Jimin here already mastered the things you should learn in your second semester."



"Wow he must have had nothing to do but study math."



"Now now Yerin be nice. He's your ticket to passing algebra so you better learn from him okay. Now you two go i need to enjoy the last ten minutes of lunch break."



I bowed and quickly exited the room.






I turned around and looked at Jimin.



"Uhm..so when should we start the lessons?"



Now that i listened to his voice it was quite..cute?



Damn it Yerin don't you have any other adjective to describe this guy.



"Today after school at the library, don't make me wait." I mumbled before making my way to my history class.


"Finally we get to head home!" 



"Hoseok can you lower your voice please you are giving me a headache." I said as i packed my books.



"Why are you being so salty, school just finished."



"Well not for me, i still have to go study."



"Well too bad for you, me and Hana were going to ask you to come with us and go catch a movie."



"No thanks even if i didn't have algebra lessons i wouldn't want to be a third wheel."



"Who's gonna tutor you anyways?"



"Some junior called Park Jimin."



"Wait Park Jimin? The one with chubby cheeks and you know," He put his hands near his eyes and pulled them so that his eyes got smaller.



I snorted at Hoseok,"Yeah, you know him?"



He laughed,"Wow you seriously don't take notice of your surroundings now do you? Jimin always hangs out with me and the other guys. I think you guys even talked once."



"Really? I don't think so."



He smirked,"Well i have to go and pick up Hana in her class, good luck on your date."



I glared at him,"It's not a date!"



I packed the rest of my stuff and headed to the library. I just hope he's not late cause my head really hurts and i don't even know how am i going to survive for the next hours. 



I entered the library and looked around for an empty seat. I walked around and stopped when i  found a familiar face. 



"Oh Sunbae you came."



I huffed and sat next to him.



"Are you ready to start?"He asked.



"Yeah let's get this over with."



He chuckled and opened his algebra book.



Damn it why does he have such an attractive laugh this is not good.



"So, I saw your test paper," He halted before speaking again,"Not bad....just.."



"Oh please i know i at algebra just teach me so i can go home."



He chuckled again,"You're not bad you just don't study that much do you?"



"Excuse you i study very hard actually." I scoffed.



"No you just read novels when you have time."



I tilted my head,"wait how do you know that."



"You really don't remember me?" He asked.



I looked at him and shook my head,"Nope."



"Noona, you really don't remember me?"



Hold up hold up why is this kid calling me noona.



"Since when was i your noona?"



He laughed,"We went on a vacation together to Jeju last year, you really don't remember?"



"Last year? You mean with Hana and the guys?"



He nodded,"We talked a few times though how could you really not remember?"



I recalled going to Jeju last year but i can't recall going with this guy.



He sighed and took something out of his bag,"You would probably remember me if i put these on." He took a pair of glasses and put it on.




He actually looks familiar.



"Now you remember me?"



Nah, he couldn't be that one.



"I used to wear braces and these hideous glasses."






"Oh my goodness you were that little guy." I laughed,"Wow what happened? Did you get plastic surgery?"



He frowned, "No, thankfully puberty did it's job. I am a lot taller now. Last year i was shorter than you." He flashed me a toothy grin.



I still couldn't believe it, how can someone change this much in a year. He's definitely a lot taller, he got rid of the braces and his hair looks a lot better now. Also his voice changed a lot.



"Yeah yeah but i didn't know you went to our school."



"I just transfered here actually, about 2 months ago."



I nodded,"why did you transfer?"



"I wanted to meet someone again." He smiled, "Now let's start this lesson shall we?"


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JiLin1998 #1
Chapter 1: I‘m excited for the Next chapter
Iamneversure #2
Chapter 3: Argh that cutie XD , authornim fighting ~!
Jiminnieluv #3
Chapter 3: Hey, just wondering, will you write another jimin fanfics?? Jimin really was trying to kill me in this one, like the way you wrote him was soooo..... cute!! Argh!
Jiminnieluv #4
Chapter 2: So cute! Omooooo..... this just gave me so much feels....
iwanttosubscribe #5
Chapter 2: Sweet...^^
passengerseat #6
Chapter 2: you yumoz just you
Qian18 #7
Chapter 2: aaaaa gwiyowooooooo!!!!!
Changjoluver #8
Chapter 2: What a cute story! I loved it!
... Continue soon :)
What does Noona mean? O.o