Lesson 2 : Hello Heaven

17 Steps To Becoming An Angel

"AN: The description "long haired male" is also a suitable and apt description for Chewbacca. Go watch Star Wars this week if you haven't!!! 

Anyways, this is another filler chapter...sorry if it's a bit boring, the next chapters will definitely be more exciting! Also, If you actually live in New York and my description of Grand Central is wrong...whoops...I've only been there two times and my memory is kinda bad.

Anyways, Happy New Year and may the Force be with you! If 2015 wasn't the best year for you I hope 2016 will be better! If 2015 was great then let's continue being happy this year!  

I'm really sorry I didn't update faster. I don't really keep promises and I had a lot to do these past weeks!

Again, Happy New Year and remember to give lots of love and maybe your soul to Seventeen!

- Ina


Look omg it's my Cantonese bro Jun! Jun speaking Cantonese is the cutest ever. I'm like yes I can finally understand you.

Why am I telling other people to be nice and happy when I'm usually super emo.

Background music: Twenty Three - IU


Fluttering his eyelashes open, Jeonghan was met with blinding light - and an overwhelming headache. Feeling around, Jeonghan realised that he had been sleeping on the floor of a huge building. After a couple more minutes lying down in an attempt to overcome his mild headache, the long haired male began to examine his environment a bit more

Where am I?

All around Jeonghan was what appeared to be the Grand Central Station of New York, except eerily empty and bathed in a ridiculous amount of light. 

I need sunglasses, this place is so bright it could be heaven. 

"Hello, anyone here?" he called out, searching for signs of life within the large station. "How did I get here in the first place is all I'm trying to figure out" he then mumbled to himself. For some inexplicable reason, Jeonghan could not remember anything he did in the day past waking up. However, there could be no way that he could be  transported to Grand Central Station all of a sudden. And as much as he racked his brained, he could not find any memory of planning a trip to New York. 

Jeonghan had visited Grand Central once before in his lifetime, with his family of course. Walking around the large building had stirred up long-shelved away  memories of visiting the old terminal, from sharing a churro with his little sister to almost getting lost in the sea of commuters, and the harsh reprimand by his mom that followed.

Being the meticulous person he was, Jeonghan noticed something was off about the Grand Central he was in. The room usually holding the ticket machines was empty. Although that most people now used electronic passes, it would be unlikely that the station had gotten rid of its ticket machines. Now more attentive to his surroundings, the pretty boy noticed another discrepancy. The boards above the ticket booths that usually displayed information on coming and going trains now displayed something closer to home.

The boards displayed the following:

Jeonghan, Yoon




"Why is there a second date? Did I die? And more importantly, where am I?" Jeonghan hollered out in frustration. Well, not exactly. ( He was too tired to holler.) As if on cue, the display boards message changed.

Welcome to Heaven! 

Turn left and into the ticket kiosk room.

By now Jeonghan had started to think that he was going insane. 

This is probably all just a crazy dream

Nevertheless, he followed the boards instructions and entered the kiosk room. Earlier, the room had been empty, but now a single machine stood in the middle of the room. Its sides were painted a bright sky blue, and across the top, in retro lettering it read: The Gateway to Heaven. The electronic screen of the machine smiled as it displayed a message in big letters: Dispense a cherished itemEven though Jeonghan was wearing the exact same clothes from this morning, the pockets of his coat were surprisingly empty.

Still in the midst of searching his pockets for anything remotely special to him, a voice rang out behind Jeonghan. "Hello! Welcome to Heaven! I'm sorry I didn't greet you sooner, I was taking a coffee break but Soonyoung stole my coffee mug and didn't expect anyone to arrive so soon. I'm sure the information boards helped you like they always do! By the way, my names Seokmin and I basically run this place."Spinning around, Jeonghan was greeted by a man, probably not too much older than him, with a thousand watt smile plastered on his face and two very large, very feathery wings that sprouted from his shoulder blades. Upon seeing those two fluffy wings, Jeonghan's jaw dropped. "Who are you? " he managed to stutter out. "Lee Seokmin, 18 years old, male, angel, and currently employed at the Gateway to Heaven. Which, by the way, is the building we're in right now." Seokmin pulled out his business card and read it over to make sure he wasn't forgetting any crucial information. "Oh yes, that reminds me, " he said at last, " The Fate Machine isn't working today. I spilled water over it last week and it broke down. Soonyoung is supposed to repair it sometime later this week. Instead of the machine judging whether or not you are accepted into Heaven, I will. Now I saw as I was walking in that you were looking for something to dispense I suppose? Well, that's the problem you see. Everybody who arrives he is stripped of any personal belongings other than their clothing, so in reality, the Machine is actually asking for a treasured memory from your time in the Human realm. The Machine breaking down was for the better, I suppose. It was annoying having to be called down into the lobby when it's karaoke night." Jeonghan nodded as he processed the information that this angel, Seokmin had given him. 

This angel never stops talking does he? Especially about a particular Soonyoung...

"What type of memory should I tell you about?" Jeonghan inquired, not wanting to end up in Hell because he told an angel about his cat's funeral procession. "Well, you can talk about anything really, most people talk about their loved ones that they left behind or something. When I first got here, three, no four years ago, I told the angel that was working here then on an unfinished art piece I was about to complete until I unceremoniously died." Even though Seokmin talked about his experience with a nonchalant expression and the same dazzling smile, Jeonghan noticed something different about the angel. However, being the considerate individual he was, he inquired no more on the subject. He then switched the topic of his thoughts to deciding what memory he should tell the angel. After a bit of thought, Jeonghan finally felt that he was ready. "I'm ready to begin." Seokmin nodded and gently grabbed Jeonghan's hand. "You won't need to narrate your memory out loud to me.  Just hold my hand and think back to the day the memory occurred, and I'll be able to relive the memory along with you in your mind." "Are you sure this is will work?" Jeonghan whispered, yet nevertheless he gently placed his palm into Seokmins outstretched one.

I'm afraid I cannot tell you what happens next, for Jeonghan himself did not know.

"Jeonghan? Jeonghan? Wake up now! We're done here!"

Jeonghan was woken up by Seokmin cheery voice. For the second time that day, Jeonghan was lying on a cold, hard floor. Steadying himself up, Seokmin handed him a tiny iridescent orb, and gestured towards a giant staircase outside of the ticket room. "Here you go! I'm afraid you have to continue on your journey if you want to get to Heaven. Once you reach the top of the staircase, you will be greeted by another angel. Make sure you hand them this orb. It's a shame you didn't get to meet Soonyoung today. The silly bum only wants to sleep and dance. Anyways Jeonghan, you have an enviable fate ahead of you and come visit me sometime!" As the hesitant boy began to ascend the grand marble staircase, he looked back at the angel, who flashed his signature smile as he waved goodbye.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AN: And there you have it!  A new chapter! Sorry If it is kinda bad...

On another note Seventeen won Best Rookie at Seoul Music Awards and Wonwoo won my heart. The stylists are really doing their job right with him! 






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Chapter 5: this is hilarious omg hahaha if news were like this i'd watch them every night, other than the video, you made my night! thank you <3
cdotjhn #2
Chapter 2: Interestingggg! *claps hands slowly cause i lazy af*
Chapter 1: lol this seems interesting! haha
Update soon neh? hahah Lots of love :3