Lesson 1 : Death

17 Steps To Becoming An Angel

In order to become a heavenly being, one must die. Any way will do really. Assuming that you're already dead by the time you read this, good job! You are already one step closer to becoming an angel!


 ~ Morning baby. I dropped by your place this morning, but you were still sleeping! I have to go to class now, I have a morning class today. How come none of your classes are in the morning? It's so unfair! Anyways, stay safe and I'll see you later! ~

A long, monotonous beep from the voicemail machine signalled the end of the voicemail. Slipping on a coat, Jeonghan dashed out the door. It was 10:47, and Jeonghan was late. Being the poor, desperate university student he was, Jeonghan needed his job to give some wiggle room in his finances. Fortunately, he worked as a guide at the local science museum, and not a waiter at some dirty, old restaurant. Unfortunately, being a tour guide meant dealing with hyper children, bratty tweens with their ever constant cries of "Can we do something else?" "This is boring!" "What time are we leaving?" And the worst of them all, the over-inquisitive parent: spewing out questions every ten seconds, never allowing Jeonghan any room to breathe in between his responses,

Just thinking about work made Jeonghan groan in frustration. He was supposed to meet his boss today and discuss a possible pay raise today, and now he was late! Late for an important event! Quelle horreur!    

Worrying about all this while crossing the street, Jeonghan failed to notice the crosswalk light had changed from green to red. He just kept on walking, admiring how beautiful a day it was, and how he'd like to have a picnic with Seungcheol one of these days (also secretly worrying about his job status.) He failed to notice the chorus of car horns and vehicles attempting to veer around the daydreaming male. Oh dear. Not every one of those cars managed to swerve around Jeonghan, and the long haired pretty boy looked up just in time to see a ice cream truck, merry music and all, head straight for him. Death was instant, and no one had the time to react. No last thoughts, actions, or words came from the poor boy. Dear Jeonghan had gone out with a bang.


Authors Note :

If you like to procrastinate clap your hands! If you like to procrastinate clap your hands! If you're lazy and you know it and you really want to show it, if your writing is trashy and dumb clap your hands!




Anyways thanks for subscribing guys! It means a lot to me! 

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Chapter 5: this is hilarious omg hahaha if news were like this i'd watch them every night, other than the video, you made my night! thank you <3
cdotjhn #2
Chapter 2: Interestingggg! *claps hands slowly cause i lazy af*
Chapter 1: lol this seems interesting! haha
Update soon neh? hahah Lots of love :3