Chapter 25

Somebody To You

"Goodmorning oppa, I'm sorry I'm late. It won't happen again." Taeyeon said as soon as she entered Siwon's office and bowed to the older guy in apology. Putting his pen down, Siwon cleared his throat and smiled. 

"It's alright, seeing you last night.. I can say.. you were.. a disaster." Siwon said followed by a chuckle and Taeyeon's eyes widened. "I.. I'm sorry." Taeyeon suddenly bowed not knowing what else to do. It was the first time she became like that, she never really get herself drunk when she's with her colleagues but it turned out the opposite now.

"It's alright." Siwon said waving his hands dismissing her words."I'm glad you're fine now, how did you get home by the way?" Siwon asked and Taeyeon bit her lower lip contemplating whether to tell Siwon the truth or not. After all, if he didn't invite Taeyeon there, she wouldn't have gotten drunk.

"I.." Taeyeon trailed still contemplating. "I know you were with him last night. So what happened?" Siwon asked as he placed his elbows above the table and clasped his hand in anticipation with his chin resting over it. 

"I.. I don't really remember anything from last night oppa. I must have been too drunk, but I clearly remember everything this morning." Taeyeon said and Siwon raised hs brows motioning her to continue.
"I.. I woke up and you know, I had some hangover and I thought I was home. But.. the moment I opened my eyes, I saw him instead of Sunny so I was shock and..I kind of told him I'll call the police." Taeyeon said making Siwon chuckle.

"Then?" He asked. 

"He told me that it was his home, and I couldn't be more embarassed than I already am so I tried to run away but he stopped me from leaving." Taeyeon said and Siwon nodded his head. Taeyeon continued, "He made me breakfast but I knew he doesn't like me there just from the way he looks at me. He left me before I could even eat so I decided to leave before he comes back. I.. left him a note. That would be fine. Right?" Taeyeon asked while fidgeting the hem of her shirt.

"He didn't tell you anything?" Siwon asked ignoring Taeyeon's question. "He just told me to.. get myself together." Taeyeon said summarizing everything Baekhyun had told her. "Nothing more important?" Siwon asked, his tone dejected. Taeyeon nodded her head. 

"That guy.." Siwon said as he shook his head. "Is there anything wrong oppa?" Taeyeon asked and Siwon shook his head as he faked a smile. "No, by the way I have something for you." Siwon said as he opened one of the drawers on his table and picked out a blue envelop before handling it to Taeyeon. "Read it." He said and Taeyeon slowly opened the envelop and took the white paper out. Her eyes widening with every word she reads and when she's done, Taeyeon looked back to Siwon. Her eyes wide and full of curiousity. 

"I'm not going to ask you for your answer now, but I'm expecting you to turn in after a few days." Siwon said with a hopeful smile and Taeyeon closed the paper returned it back to the envelop and handed it back to Siwon. 

"I'm saying yes oppa." Taeyeon said in a heartbeat surprising the latter. 

"Are you sure?" Siwon asked and Taeyeon bit her lower lip as she nodded her head firmly. 

"I'm going." 

"Taeyeon, can you please take this to the graphic's floor? I need to run an errand for the CEO." Siwon's secretary said as soon as Taeyeon passed by in front of Siwon's office. "Can I trust this to the interns instead?" Taeyeon asked and the secretary frowned.

"You do know that this is an important file, right?" She asked and Taeyeon frowned. "I know.. it's just--" Taeyeon said but was cut off when Siwon's secretary spoke again. "It's been two weeks since the graphics floor saw your shadow Taeyeon. Don't you know that they're already talking about you and why you're not going there? You were supposed to be there all the time, watching people do their work, pissing your friends off." The secretary said and Taeyeon sighed. 

It was true, because after the talk with Siwon, Taeyeon decided to fulfill her promise to Baekhyun and that she did. She never went to the graphic's floor anymore and when Baekhyun goes to the music and dubbing floor, Taeyeon would always hide and make sure that he never gets to see her neither her shadow.
It seemed like nothing changed to Baekhyun though, because Taeyeon kept an eye on him even when she's avoiding him. It hurt her, yes but she thinks that it's still the best way to be near him even when he doesn't want to be near her. 

"Let them be." Taeyeon answered. "They were thinking that something happened to the two of you." Siwon's secretary said and Taeyeon clenched her fist. "They knew about that night, and you and him were their hot topic. They were thinking that something happened to the two of you that's why you two are avoiding each other. Someone saw you drunk, saw him and you. What do you expect they will think?" Siwon's secretary said. 

"He's not like that,we're not like that." Taeyeon said and Siwon's secretary sighed. "Look, I'm your friend Taeyeon and I believe you more than those gossip. But clear your name out, clear his name out. Don't make it bigger than it already was." Siwon's secretary said before handling Taeyeon the papers and leaving.
Taeyeon can only sigh. 



"That Kim Taeyeon is such a.. I can't even think of what to call her anymore." 

"I don't even know what to call her. I bet she slept with all the men she dated." 

"Poor Baekhyun, he must have became one of her toys." 

Baekhyun heard some of the employees say, it had been three weeks since he got sight of Taeyeon and he knew the latter was keeping a tight grip on her promise. He would be lying if he says that he's not expecting to see her but then it was her that decided to completely stay away.

Hearing those words from those people pained him yet he doesn't have the guts to react.

Shaking his head, Baekhyun stood up abruptly making the chair screech. Shocked, the employees who were gossiping about Taeyeon stood up and gulped when Baekhyun glared at them. 

Shaking his head yet again, Baekhyun kicked the chair back to the table and went out of the pantry. Looking around the busy floor, Baekhyun decided to look for Taeyeon that day, he wanted to end their problem even if it meant him breaking the request of her leaving.

No, it's not about his image but it's about Taeyeon's.

Making his way to the lift, Baekhyun jabbed the button and entered quickly as soon as the door opened. His foot tapped impatiently and as soon as the doors opened leading to the music floor, Baekhyun hurriedly went out.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Chanyeol asked as soon as he saw Baekhyun entering the music and recording floor. 

"Is Taeyeon here today?" Baekhyun asked ignoring his friend's question. "Well.. she.." Chanyeol trailed not knowing the right words to say. 

"Where is she?" Baekhyun asked, his voice stern this time. 

"You didn't know? She took a leave, she's been gone for a week already." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun immediately became silent. "Is something wrong?" Chanyeol asked knowing that something's up with his friend, he's not oblivious with all the things going around the building and he knew that it was the sole reason why Baekhyun is looking for the latter. 

"Nothing." Baekhyun answered as he retreated back to the lift deciding to change his destination instead. 

"Hyung." Baekhyun said as soon as he stepped inside his cousins's office. "What?" Siwon asked not even bothering to give his cousin a glance and just focused on the paper he's reading instead. 

"Can we please talk? I need to ask you something." Baekhyun asked trying to suppress the tone of annoyance in his voice. 

"If it's about Taeyeon, she took a leave and might not come back again." Siwon said putting the paper he's reading down. "What?" He asked. Shocked.

"Didn't you here me? She took a leave, she may not be coming." Siwon said much clearer and louder this time.

"Why?" Baekhyun asked and Siwon pushed himself away from the table and stood up. 

"Taeyeon got a job invitation from the higher ups in Japan. They liked her performance back when you two were there and they asked her if she could work for them, she said yes." Siwon said. "And if you haven't opened the company board yet, Taeyeon sent everyone, including you a message. If you're wondering what's it, then maybe you should go and read it. Come back here when you're done." Siwon said but to his surprise, Baekhyun pushed him away and sat on his chair as he opened the company board through Siwon's computer. 

His hands started shaking when he saw Taeyeon's message:

"Dear everyone, 
         This is me, Kim Taeyeon. I think you know who I am right? I'm decently known as the company's resident singer but to the others, I'm a woman with no dignity at all for dating almost every men here at the company. I won't blame anyone for that, because I know I created that image myself, you may never understand my reason but I'll explain myself anyways. I wasn't any different from an orphan, I practically ran away from home to pursue my dream of singing back when I was younger and I guess on the way there, I got lonely, everyone does. I may have showed you a strong front and I may have broken too many hearts but that's just because I thought I'd find the one that would be able to fill the hollow side of me, some of you may say that it's still not enough as an excuse but I remember what someone so important to me told me when I opened up myself to him, he said: we just have differents ways of dealing with things and that made me understand myself better but if you still find it not enough, then I can't do anything about it anymore. I can't perfectly please anyone. Also, I'm here to clear up someone's name. Yes, not my name but someone else's and I think you all know who it is: The graphic's floor director, Byun Baekhyun. I know you have seen me arguing with him so many times before and I know you were surprised when you see the both of us suddenly getting along. You're all right, I set my eyes on him the moment I tried pissing him off but he was never a game, my game. What I felt for him was real and not out of my foolish reason of being lonely. I'm not saying this just because I like him but I'm saying this for you to stop bothering him. Please don't, he's had enough problems with me and I don't intend to make his life miserable more than it ever was. He's a good man, maybe not in your eyes but he is and once again, I'm going to clear his name. Nothing ever happened between us. My proof? He doesn't like me and I cannot and never will be somebody to him. I won't tell you to ask him about that but it's the truth. We're friends and nothing more. I don't think we can ever be friends too. That's all my explanation, I hope I did a good job clearing a colleague's name. I'm leaving this company for good and I'm hoping everything would be in peace once I do so. Again, please don't take it on him. It'll be my first and last request from all of you.

Baekhyun looked up and Siwon shrugged his shoulder. "I tried stopping her from posting it because it will only degrade her even more but she's too stubborn. The last moment I was with, she had nothing in mind but you. She must have liked you a lot." Siwon said with a small smile and Baekhyun can only frown. "She asked me to not delete her message for the employees to stop talking trash about you." Siwon added. "I just wish that you should have given her a chance. She does not only deserve it but I can see in your eyes that you have something more then friendship for her. You're just too afraid to admit it." Siwon  finished.

"When is her flight scheduled?" Baekhuun asked after he abruptly stood up. 

"Today." Siwon answered.

"I'm going to find her." Baekhyun said and was about to leave when Siwon grabbed his wrist stopping him from doing so.

"Let me go hyung, I need to find Taeyeon." Baekhyun said and was about to yank his cousin's hand away when Siwon spoke up. 

"It's too late. She already left."




1 year later..

He never found her. 

A year since the day Taeyeon left, Baekhyun never heard anything from her. He tried to go after her only to find out that Taeyeon didn't showed up at Japan. He was more than devastated, because it dawned to him how much Taeyeon had grown onto him. He tried going back to Japan half a year since Taeyeon disappeared but no, she never really showed up. 

He tried asking all of Taeyeon's friends about her whereabouts but none of them knew, saying that Taeyeon cut all the connections between her and her friends and before he knew it, a year had passed.

"Baekhyun." Siwon called as soon as he stepped inside his cousin's office. "What?" He asked with his eyes focused on the papers infront of him and not caring to spare his cousin a glance. 

"I need you to come ro Jeonju tomorrow." Siwon said and after hearing the words from his cousin, Baekhyun dropped the papers he's holding and have his cousin an incredulous look. "Why does it have to be me?" Baekhyun asked, irritation evident in his voice.

"Because they personally requested you, I don't know how or why they know you but the school president asked for you. So whether you like it or not, pack your things." Siwon said while looking at his cousin who's now rubbing his red eyes. 

"And once you go there, go to an optical  shop, you need glasses." Siwon said as fished a card out from his wallet and threw it on Baekhyun's table. "It's a famous optical shop in Jeonju. Go there." Siwon said before taking his leave. Baekhyun on the other hand can't do anything but to let out a deep sigh because as much as he disliked to go, Siwon already made his demand.

In Jeonju..

"Thank you for giving us the chance to hear your advices, sir. We hope to see you in the next upcoming school activities like this. It wasa big inspiration for the students." The school president said as he offered Baekhyun a handshake. "It's my pleasure Mr. Choi, the kids listened well. It was fun." Baekhyun said sincerely and the man chuckled before patting Baekhyun's shoulder gently. 

"You're always welcome to visit us here." The president said and Baekhyun nodded his head before giving his final bow and leaving. 

Arriving in his hotel room, Baekhyun fished his phone out of his pocket and was about to call his cousin when a card dropped on the floor catching his attention. "What's this?" Baekhyun said picking the card up and flipping the card over and saw that it was the card Siwon gave him.

Rubbing his eyes, Baekhyun let out a deep sigh as he dropped all his things on the bed before leaving his hotel room again. 

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" A middle aged man asked as soon as Baekhyun entered the optical store. Looking around, Baekhyun gave the man a bow. "I'm here to get glasses for my eyes." Baekhyun said and the man chuckled. "I haven't seen you around, are you new here?"  The man asked as he guided Baekhyun inside the optical store. 

"Uh, no. I'm actually from Seoul and I have some work to do here and my cousin recommended this place to me since I need my eyes to get checked." Baekhyun said and the man smiled nefore nodding his head motioning Baekhyun to take a seat in one of the stools. 

"Okay, I see our shop's famous around Seoul too." The man said with a chuckle and Baekhyun smiled a little. "We'll check your eyes first, then I'll recommend the right glasses for you. Okay?" The man asked and Baekhyun nodded his head. 

The test didn't go too long and Baekhyun felt relief when the man told him that his eyes are still in a better condition but what bothered him is the facial structure of the man in front of him. He looked like someone, someone Baekhyun had been looking for. 

"As what I've said earlier, your eyes are in good condition. But my advice is that you get reading glasses or standard lenses for your work." The man said while pointing Baekhytun a rack of glasses and he nodded his head. "Better be cautious then." He said and the man chuckled. 

"Stating from the work you're doing you really need those if you don't want to lose your sight early." The man said with a chuckle and Baekhyun nodded his head. "I'll take a standard lense then. What will you recommend for me, sir?" Baekhyun asked and the man smiled. 

"How about you wait here? I know someone who can assist you." The man said when he saw new customers going in. Noticing it, Baekhyun nodded his head. "Sure." He answered and the man patted his shoulder before disappearing behind the counter. 


Looking around, Baekhyun walked towards the rack of glasses and observed each and every frame and lenses. Heaving out a sigh, Baekhyun shook his head and was about to move into another rack when he heard a voice. 

"Excuse me." 

He felt his breath hitched, the voice sounded too familiar. Turning around, Baekhyun felt his body stiffened when he saw the person in front of him. Observing the latter, Baekhyun knew she felt the same. 

"Taeyeon?" He said in a shaky voice and the latter can only stare at him. 

"What.. are you doing here?" Taeyeon asked above whisper, her eyes teary. In reflex, Baekhyun grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the store surprising some of the people inside and once they were out, Taeyeon yanked his hand away.

"What are you doing here?" She asked again, her voice stern this time but instead of hearing him answer, Taeyeon felt his arms wrap around her tightly. Snapping out of daze, Taeyeon pushed him away and tears finally fell down her eyes. 

"I said, what are you doing here?!" She asked, her voice shaking. "I.." Baekhyun trailed not knowing what to say. Taeyeon sighed. 

"Leave." She said making Baekhyun instantly look at her. "What.." Baekhyun asked. 

"I said leave!" Taeyeon shouted gaining the attention of some passerby but Baekhyun stood firm in his place. "No." He answered and Taeyeon can only let out a groan. "What do you want?" She asked and Baekhyun frowned. "I've been looking for you, since the day you left." Baekhyun started. 

"I was devastated, I didn't know what to do. I was afraid." Baekhyun explained as he looked straight into Taeyeon's teary eyes. "It was hard for me. Hyung said you went to Japan so I tried to follow you there only to find out that you didn't showed up. I tried to go there after a few months hoping to find you already working there but no, still no signs of you." Baekhyun continued. His eyes are tearing up too. 

"Why.." Taeyeon trailed, she felt her heart broke. 

"Because I realized how much of a coward I am." Baekhyun and was about to speak again when a voice interrupted them. 


They heard a deep voice said and when Baekhyun looked behind the latter, a man was standing a few steps away from Taeyeon. Confusion written all over his face. "Oppa." Taeyeon called and the man walked to them.

"What are you doing here? Who is he?" He asked while looking back an forth to Taeyeon and Baekhyun. "I.. he's a friend from Seoul. Go back inside, help father." Taeyeon said and the man smiled before nodding his head and kissing Taeyeon forehead before leaving the two. 

Seeing this action made Baekhyun's heart break into pieces but what can he do? It's too late. 

"I see.." He trailed not even waiting for Taeyeon to explain. "It's.." Taeyeon trailed. 

"No need to explain." Baekhyun cut her off with a bitter smile. "I understand." He said before stepping a few steps back and leaving.

Away from Taeyeon.

Away from pain. 


Continous knocks on the door woke Baekhyun up in the morning. Glancing at this phone, Baekhyun opened it and saw that it was just six in the morning and someone is already knocking on his door nonstop. Getting up in annoyance, Baekhyun walked towards the door not caring about his looks and ready to shout at the person disrupting his sleep when he felt the voice inside him get stuck as soon as he opened the door. 

It's all that he managed to say. 

"You jerk! How can you leave without hearing my explanation yesterday?!" Taeyeon shouted as she continously hit Baekhyun's chest. Finally out of his daze, Baekhyun dragged Taeyeon inside the hotel room afraid that the people next door might get disturbed. 

"You!" Taeyeon said as she continue to hit him. "Ouch! Taeyeon! Stop!" Baekhyun said his voice louder than hers as he grabbed both of Taeyeon's arm stopping her from hitting him any further. "You.." Taeyeon trailed as tears started falling down her eyes, and by this sight, Baekhyun felt his heart breaking. 

Not knowing what to do, Baekhyun engulfed her into a tight hug as Taeyeon to cry on his chest damping his shirt. "I hate you." Taeyeon said as she hugged him back making Baekhyun smile. "You do?" He asked and Taeyeon pinched his side making the latter wince in pain. "Ouch, stop being violent. Please." Baekhyun said as he hugged her tighter. 

"I hate.. you." Taeyeon said as her sobs choked her. Heaving out a sigh, Baekhyun nodded his head. 

"But I love you." Baekhyun said and Taeyeon instantly froze. "What?" She asked as she pushed him away, Baekhyun smiled a little. "I said.. I love you." Baekhyun said and Taeyeon felt the words she wanted to say get stuck inside of her. Having no response from the latter, Baekhyun sighed. "I know it's too late now since you have a boyfriend, but can we just be friends?" Baekhyun asked, trying his best to suppress his tears when Taeyeon hit him again. 

"You! Idiot!" Taeyeon said as she started hitting him. "Ow! Taeyeon!" Baekhyun shouted trying to dodge Taeyeon's hits. 

"He's not my boyfriend! Geez, he's my brother!" Taeyeon said as she continued hitting him. Hearing it from the latter, Baekhyun stopped dodging Taeyeon's hits and gave the latter a confused look. "Your brother?" He asked and Taeyeon knocked his head. 

"My brother!" Taeyeon shouted and Baekhyun grinned. "Your brother?" He asked again and Taeyeon rolled her eyes. 

"I don't know why I even fell for you.." Taeyeon muttered but the latter heard. "Taeyeon?" He called her. "What?" Taeyeon asked but froze when he saw Baekhyun taking a step closer to her. "Don't come near me." Taeyeon said but too late, she was already trapped between Baekhyun and the wall. 

"Can you repeat what you said?" Baekhyun asked and Taeyeon was about to speak when they heard a knock on the door making Baekhyun groan and Taeyeon panic. "What?" He asked when he noticed the latter's reaction. "I think.. it's the hotel guards. I ran and sneaked in, you know." Taeyeon said as she smiled sheepishly and Baekhyun chuckled before kissing her forehead making Taeyeon stand in shock. 

"I'll handle it." He said before walking towards the door and opening it slightly while Taeyeon trailed behind him and stood behind the door. 

"Is there something wrong?" Baekhyun asked as soon as he opened the door. "Sir, a woman broke in inside the hotel and claims to know you. Have you seen her?" The guard asked and Baekhyun faked a confused look. 

"What does she look like?" Baekhyun asked and the guard was about to describe Taeyeon when Baekhyun spoke up again. "Is she by chance a short woman with a blonde hair?" Baekhyun asked and the guard nodded his head. "Yes, sir." He answered. 

"Oh, I know her." Baekhyun said with a smile and the guard gave him a questioning look. Taeyeon on the other hand was glaring at the latter for making fun of her height."Is she by chance.." The guard trailed but was cut off by Baekhyun. 

"I know her, don't worry." He said before slamming the door close and as soon as he face Taeyeon. He found the latter glaring at him. "What?" He asked innocently and Taeyeon pushed him away. 

"Urgh, I hate you." Taeyeon said and was about to go out when Baekhyun grabbed her wrist and trapped her again. This time between the door and him. "What do you want?" Taeyeon asked, keeping her annoyed face even when her heart was beating so fast inside. 

"Am I already late?" Baekhyun asked while looking down and Taeyeon furrowed her brows. "What?" She asked not catching what he meant. 
"Is it too late for you to be somebody to me?" He asked lifting his gaze and Taeyeon felt her breath hitch. "But I thought.." She trailed. 

"I don't want to be a coward anymore, will you stay by my side? Will you willingly keep reminding me not to be afraid anymore? Will you willingly annoy and piss me off for the next coming days in my life? Will you be the one that will annoy me the most? I swear, I won't  annoy you back." He said with an awkward grin making Taeyeon burst out laughing. 

"This is supposed to be romantic." He muttered under his breath making Taeyeon chuckle. "I know." She answered and Baekhyun glared at her. "You ruined it." He said with a frown and Taeyeon gasped. 

"Excuse me." Taeyeon said faking surprise. "You're the one who ruined it." She answered and Baekhyun was about to speak again when Taeyeon lifted her finger up. "Na-ah, you promised not to annoy me back." Taeyeon said and Baekhyun instantly grinned knowing that the latter took his request as a yes one way or another. 

"So that means you're mi--" 

Knock. Knock.

They heard someone knock on the door and both groaned. About to reach out to the knob, Baekhyun stopped when Taeyeon grabbed his head and turned it to face her. About to ask her why, Baekhyun found his logic shut down when Taeyeon leaned in and kissed him. 

"I think it's the guards again." She said after pulling away and Baekhyun retreated his hand away from the knob and leaned in to Taeyeon again before kissing her with a smile on his face. 

"Let them be. You're mine now." 



I can't believe it's done now but hey! Thanks for supporting my story!

I want to thank everyone who supported my fic, it means a lot. Really. I'm also thankful for the readers who waited patiently for my updates *cries* I've been busy and I hope you do understand that I'm human too. I just don't look like one hahaha. BUT! still thank you. I don't what else to say but THANK YOU!

Please wait for the next story? It will still be BaekYeon, I promise unless you would want another pairing to star in it but hey, I will keep on writing no matter who the characters are :) Sooo, did you cry or did you not? Hehehehe. Thank you everyone *bows*



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Chapter 2: This is really good!
Chapter 25: Horixh8 I enjoyed reading this even tho I kinda hate Baekhyun here.IS IT JUST ME OR THIS NEDS A SEQUEL.OR JUST A SPECIAL CHAPTER BECUZ AKZMNXJWAK BAEKYEON IS HART!
Chapter 25: Aww short and sweet>< I love all your stories!! Baekyeon all the way pls!!^^
Baekyeon98 #4
I've been inspired by your fanfics. Thank you ^^ You're the best
awwww, can't believe it's ending already. a sequel please? loving this so so muchhhh
wildaagniya #6
Chapter 25: Waaaaa so sweet , i like authornim so much ~ next new baekyeon ff ,can't wait
alifiaasyah #7
Chapter 25: Wow... author jjang!!
Chapter 23: I dont't know why I'm crying T^T OMG
Kpopshopzz01 #9
Chapter 25: can I the sequel of this please ?