Chapter 2

Dilemmas In Our Destiny

Thank you to all my subscribers and to the poeple who commented and took the time to read this story. 

Woohyun sighed in relief as his cab pulled up in front of his house, quickly paying his fare and entering his house. The smallest part of him that had hoped that Sunggyu would be home died as he took in how dark the house was. He placed his laptop bag on the couch and walked into the kitchen. “What’s the point of calling him my fiancé if we barely even see each other?” Woohyun’s question echoed in the kitchen as he rummaged through the fridge for something to eat. The buzzing of his phone caught his attention as he checked to see that it was Sungyeol calling him, his hopes once again mislead. 


    “Hey Yeol, why are you calling?” Woohyun asked, trying to keep the concern he felt out of his voice. Whenever Sungyeol called there was about a fifty-fifty chance of the conversation being serious or carefree. 

    “Hyunnie, Soo is almost out of medicine, can you bring Soo some the next time you come?” Woohyun let out the breath he was holding and assured Sungyeol he would bring them ,without forgetting, the next day. Woohyun then opened his laptop and opened a file under Sungyeol’s name to type in the boys progress. 

    Lee Sungyeol seems to be grasping things that would benefit Kim Myungsoo extremely quickly, he does this by analyzing and dissecting the correlation. He seems to only be able to   find correlation in practical situations however not academic ones. Already showing slight intellectual growth due to the fact that he can carry out simple correlation studies.

    Woohyun saved the file and he shut down his laptop, letting out a sigh. Even though Woohyun tried not to show it, Myungsoo had become more than a patient in the years that Woohyun had spent treating him, and Woohyun had become more involved in his case than a psychiatrist should. 

    Exhaustion must have lulled him to sleep for when he woke up, he was wrapped in a blanket, their couch had been expanded into a bed, and there was a warm, softly snoring lump by his side. 

    “Sunggyu?” Woohyun asked in his half asleep haze, his hopes disappointing him so much that day that he feared believing in them again.

    “Nnn… Hyun,” his lover let out a sound of discomfort as he fidgeted closer to the one source of warmth in the bed which happened to be Woohyun. The warm arm being draped around his waist was enough to pull Woohyun back into the slumber he had never entirely left, temporarily putting all his worries to a halt.


    “Jang Dongwoo, we spoke over the phone,” Dongwoo extended his arm for a handshake in an attempt to look like he was serious about his job despite the megawatt grin plastered to his face. 

    “Lee Sungjong, the only reason I am helping you is because I want part of the credit for this piece,” the boy stated, making the guidelines for their partnership clear. 

    “Yeah I will give you your credit, so what information can you give me on Kim Myungsoo?” the interviewer asked, excited to finally find someone who could provide him with leads.

    “Well, there wasn’t much I could find on him from a first person source besides the name Lee Daeyeol. I’ll do some more research and try to get you some more information, for now just go and interview him, partner,” the feminine boy handed Dongwoo an address and gestured at the door. 

    “Wait why do you care so much about my work anyways? Not that I am not grateful for your help but why?” Dongwoo asked, genuinely curious. 

    “Well if you are so grateful for my help, I suggest you stop bothering me, and wasting my time,” Sungjong gestured to the door again, his tone never straying from politeness throughout their whole conversation. Dongwoo let out the breath he had not known he was holding as the door shut behind him. Looks really are deceiving, Dongwoo thought to himself, knowing that he had envisioned that his “partner” would be just as soft and kind as his features portrayed him to be when in reality he was cutthroat and to the point. He hailed a taxi and handed the driver the address. As he settled into the seat, his phone rang.

    “Hello, this is Jang Dongwoo speaking,” Dongwoo answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.

    “I’d hope so, or I just might have had to call the cops,” Howon replied making his boyfriend laugh. 

    “Why did you call me?” Dongwoo asked, “Should I be worried?” 

    “I am fine, I just thought you might want to know that I got the role I auditioned for,” Howon murmured, his elation clear in his voice.

    “Well, of course you did, you are Lee Howon after all. Any director who rejects you would be an idiot,” Dongwoo cut off his lover.

    “The reason I called you is that Kim Myungsoo is a part of the cast…” Howon was cut off again, but this time by his boyfriend’s over excited noises. Howon would have liked to call them squeals, but coming from his deep voiced boyfriend they sounded distorted.

    “Really? Wait, does that mean you might be able to get me an interview? I could really use an interview with him when I get back, it might help me with the paper. Please Howon, you have to get me an interview with him, please,” Dongwoo pleaded into the phone.

    “I’ll see what I can do,” Howon replied, receiving fervent thank you’s from his boyfriend.

    “Sir, we have arrived at the address you provided,” the taxi driver interrupted, receiving a nod of acknowledgement from Dongwoo.

    “I have to go now, bye,” Dongwoo cut the phone, paying his fare and thanking the taxi driver before leaving the vehicle. The house was quaint, small with a simple white coating and surrounded by a picket fence. Almost as if to separate the beautiful flower filled garden from the rest of the bustling city. Dongwoo walked through the open fence and rang the doorbell. The door was answered by a handsome boy that reminded Dongwoo of someone, someone he felt like he should know. He presumed that the boy was Lee Daeyeol.

    “Who are you?” the boy questioned suspiciously ready to slam the door shut in Dongwoo’s face only for Dongwoo to pull out his badge as a reporter. 

    “I am doing an article on Kim Myungsoo and I was wondering if I could ask you a few qestions?” Dongwoo asked politely and the boy eyed him with suspicion before allowing the interviewer in, as if it was the resolution that had come forth from some lengthy internal conflict.

    “What do you need to know about Myungsoo?” the boy asked, warily glancing out the window as though he may be caught by someone at any moment.

    “Anything you have to tell me. How do you know him?” Dongwoo started, his smile faltering a little as the boy shot another paranoid glance out the window.

    “I only know him because his family adopted my older brother from the orphanage we were both at,” the boy curtly answered, his whole body tense.

    “What is your brother’s name?” Dongwoo hesitantly asked, paranoia starting to creep up on him as if he was infected by the other. 

    “Lee Sungyeol,” the interviewee stated, just as a black car pulled up into his driveway. “, I can’t be seen with you. If they found out that I spread any information about my brother I am as good as dead,” Dongwoo felt a vice like grip on his wrist as he was pulled to the back door of the simple house and pushed through it. “I will keep Kim Moonsoo distracted, just get out of my house and make sure no one sees you especially not Myungsoo’s younger brother. Never come back.” With that the door was shut in his face, and the fear in Daeyeol’s voice was enough to spur him into action. What kind of a mess have I gotten myself into, Dongwoo wondered.


    The Kim’s thought they could stop everything by that accident didn’t they. Oh how wrong they were, and forcing Myungsoo and Sungyeol out of their family they have dug their own grave. This is the end of their successful business days. I will make them hurt for what they did to me and I will do it in a way that will make them feel as if it in all Myungsoo’s fault. After all my misery was caused by a Kim, so I will only be treating them how they treated me. Sungjong smiled darkly at that thought, gently the artificial fur of the black teddy bear on his desk.

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khasabat #1
Chapter 15: How Myung father erased their memories? Oh Poor Jongie.
Myung takecare Yeol-
Jomaymayy #2
Chapter 17: What kind of father would do that to his own child,He even hypnotize Myungsoo's friend,The letter that Sungjong have written is so Romantic
Chapter 15: No! The ending is so heartbreaking :'(
But i like the letter part that written by Sungjong in the ending tho. But really it is so sad...
Good job authornim, even i dont want this story end, im looking another myungyeol story of yours :)
zurikayo #4
Chapter 15: Oh jong nooo!!! :'( I hate Myungsoo's father..
I love Woogyu,yadong and myungyeol happy ending.Great fic loved it :)
Chapter 14: Kinda remind me of shakespear's midsummer's night dream xD
zurikayo #6
Chapter 14: Poor jong :'(
I have only one question, why did the Kim family do that?
Great chapter <3
Chapter 14: Kim family so bad!
The last scene tho, it was like a drama wootwoot~
Chapter 13: Oh so Kim's familiy erased their memory :(
Jongie's so sad :(
I didnt expect this fic is going to end, bcuse i really enjoy it so far ;'(
But it's okay with epilogue! Im waitung for the next chap ^^
zurikayo #9
Chapter 13: Oh poor jong ,this must be painful for him also what's his plan? Is he going to leave yeollie with Myungsoo? By the way great chap,I'm a little sad that this fic is going to end soon but I'm curious abut it too ^_^
Chapter 12: why jong have some kind of grunt to Kims family???