Chapter 7: Cat

Last Fantasy


It was hard to put on a poker face that rivalled her cousin’s. Her own brother had told her before that she was like an open book, with emotions and dissatisfactions shaping her facial expression for everyone to read. She does not need to deliver a detailed explanation for an intelligent person to decipher her intentions quickly. This suited her Soojung well as she was not a verbal person, and tends to freeze midway when into a group of strangers. However, she did not like the fact that this habit often betrayed her courteous words, rendering her vulnerable to the cynical comments that were blatantly directed towards her. The princess admits that she is rather sensitive and cares a whole deal about how people saw her. Hence, she would mould a mask of indifference to wear in public, to protect herself from dangerous, observant people.

Nonetheless, Kim Myungsoo was a clever and attentive young man. Soojung had spent most of her childhood with him, seeing that he was her father’s blood-related nephew and her only cousin. Although both children were unusually passive, she learnt to cope with his bipolar personality and eccentric ways, especially when under the heat. Among the trio which consisted of Myungsoo, Soojung and the prince, her older brother was the silently-agreed leader. She considers Myungsoo as one of the people she trusts, but not necessarily one who understands her.  Only one person knows the secret of her intolerance towards human blood, and she intends to keep the situation that way. To do that is fool the boy currently looking at her with inquiring eyes, a boy who could stop a bully in his tracks with a word if not a simple glare.

“Fancy seeing you here alone and unchaperoned,” he remarked. “And I see that you’re wearing your brother’s clothes again.”

“It’s still chilly out here, if you hadn’t noticed.”

The boy made a gesture at the black parka he was wearing. Soojung thought that she could never comprehend his peculiar fascination towards black and plaid garments.

“Are you shopping for something? Pots for your plants, perhaps?”

They both started walking steadily down the long stretch of road, turning their attention to stalls and merchants preparing for the bazaar. Everyone was busy with either the buying or selling. Some lingered around the same particular store, wanting but reluctant to buy luxury items with prices that would probably burn holes in their pockets. Eventually, they passed by a small shop selling women’s accessories, with young girls flocking around to admire the handmade hairclips and jewellery. There was a butterfly hairpin which struck a chord in Soojung. It was a small black-winged butterfly which shimmered with undertones of white and grey while attached to a long, smooth wooden stem, intended to hold a woman’s hair in the style of a bun. Without even noticing, her footsteps slowed down and her sight spent a moment too long on that piece of vanity. It was enough for Myungsoo to follow suit, and of course, the girls who noticed him were suddenly conscious of their loud voices and appearances.

“Or something for your hair?”

His surprised tone waked her from the dream-like state she was in. Instantly, she realized how superficial she might seem to him, fawning over hair ornaments that she had not even answered his previous question. Luckily, there was an ice-cream peddler nearby with the last of his customers walking off, so Soojung decided to stand in front of him and smile briefly and the old seller.

“I was just craving for some local delicacies.”

Myungsoo laughed gleefully at his cousin for being weirder than he is. The girl was truly too interesting for words. She must be the only one who considered ice-cream a local delicacy.

“Seriously? Ice-cream during winter?”

“Winter is ending,” she replied briefly. “And I like chocolate,” a little louder this time.

“Likewise, cousin.”

Educated his whole life to behave like a gentleman, he paid for two chocolate ice-cream in a cone and found an empty bench in a park not far from the hustle and bustle. Soojung gave him her thanks and mentally made a note to include his portion if she ever did bake something good.

As they both the melting confectionary quietly, the girl scooted closer to the boy when a black cat’s fur accidentally brushed by her feet. She would have yelped in shock but didn’t react as predicted with the numbing, sweet sensation drowning in that prevented it. Four-legged animals with sharp teeth terrified her. It promoted the hostility she showed towards cats and dogs. By the time the second and third alley cats approached the duo, her legs were off the ground and she was almost sitting on Myungsoo’s lap. She knew that her position wasn’t proper, but she would rather choose to have contact with a vampire than a snarling cat.

“Relax,” he reassured when he sensed her increasing anxiety. “They’re just harmless cats.”

“I’m uncomfortable around cats and dogs,” she stated clearly, abandoning the idea if he thought that she was wimpy or not.

“Okay, I’ll get them away from you.”

“Please do,” she wondered how he was going to shoo them away.

Myungsoo fixed his gaze upon the first cat that came. Within three seconds, the five cats that were surrounding them were shifting over to Myungsoo’s side, causing Soojung to move as far from him as possible. The cats did not seem to bother her anymore, and he continued to his ice-cream as if nothing has happened. Each feline was looking up at him with still eyes hinting respect and plain adoration. She felt like one of them looking straight at him, only with confusion. The other royal turned his head to her, ready to answer whatever question she had on the tip of .

It was not common for vampires to acquire a specific animal embodiment. Only certain Class Ones with very strong genes are able to control the extra set of instinct in their body and command the movement of their animal counterparts. She should know since her brother’s representative was an animal with dark wings. Otherwise, the pair of instinct is left undisturbed and undiscovered.

There was a mix of emotions that stirred within her at that moment. Each Class One is gifted with an elemental power - fire, water, earth, and wind or the occasional weaker metal and wood.  Your vampiric genes would have to be incredibly strong for this primitive ability to show. That is normally the first stage an endowed vampire goes through before advancing to the next, which is what Myungsoo had obtained. Her brother had discovered his gift of water before experiencing this phase. It wasn’t surprising either, since the prince had always been physically fitter compared to those his age.

Yet, Myungsoo was a different case. He was somewhat like her, easily sapped of energy and prone to becoming lethargic. Soojung loved the sun, but she would always have to stay beneath the shade with Myungsoo when they were young to prevent headaches and human illness. In a selfish way, Soojung was grateful that she had him as a companion. It made her feel less useless about her condition and lack of normal innate talent people like her sibling possessed.

“You’re wielding an element already?” she asked, wishing that her voice would stop shaking and that it didn’t sound more like a comment than a question.

Myungsoo sighed loudly. He looked at the vapour caused by the release of his breath, the soil covered by snow, the snow that was melting into water and flames that lit the town in light as night arrives lazily. He wondered how he should tell her about his unique situation.

“I still don’t have my powers. But the cats have been following me since a week ago.”

She wanted to ask how this could be, but had decided against it last minute. She wouldn’t want to jinx her chances. Every day, she remained eager and hopeful for the day her powers would come to her at last. Soojung wasn’t even sure why she wanted them so much. To prove to others? To be on par as her brother? To protect her people?

He patted her back softly and escorted her back to the castle. There were no more words exchanged between the two of them except for Myungsoo asking about her brother’s return and promising that he will meet them again at the festival. He did not know that she will be bringing a new addition to their usual group and she failed to mention anything in her solemn state. Similar to every year, he looked forward to spending the festival in fun with them.

“Who knows, maybe something might happen.”

He left briskly after making the ambiguous remark as Soojung hurried in to look for Dongwoo. Before stepping out completely, Myungsoo managed to snap a picture of Soojung walking through the gardens, capturing his last picture of the day-a lost girl confronting the pressures of her imperfections based on the standards judged by a calculative and unforgiving society.

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radxrey #1
Chapter Six: so blood pills shorten a vampire's life span?
i wanna know what happens if she relies on them!!!!
Myungsoo encounter.
This is so interesting.
such a cliffhanger. update soon please!~
radxrey #2
Chapter Five:
why can't she accept human blood?
Ah so Myungsoo is her brother?
the Prince?
omg, does this story clash with his story?
cause they both take place at a village. i think.
haha omg, this is good.
radxrey #3
Chapter Four:
Yeah, why didn't Soojung take some of the blood?
anyways please update soon. I mean like soon.
as in today or tomorrow. haha, kidding.
but i'm really, really eager to find out what happens.
and i wanna know about the prince or the 'he'.
i love this story~
radxrey #4
Chapter Four:
Yeah, why didn't Soojung take some of the blood?
anyways please update soon. I mean like soon.
as in today or tomorrow. haha, kidding.
but i'm really, really eager to find out what happens.
and i wanna know about the prince or the 'he'.
i love this story~
radxrey #5
Chapter Three:
I'm back~ anyways Dong Woo and the Princess are such precious children.
So wait, the prince is the princess's brother?
they are sooooo cute. haha can't wait to read the next chapter!
yay! finally an update!!*^* this was so cute i swear, they got closer~~<3
update soon please~
radxrey #7
Chapter Two:<br />
I've been so busy with school that I haven't found the time to read your story.<br />
Well I'm finally on break and can devote my time to reading your amazing fictions. :)<br />
I swear I have insomnia too. >___><br />
i absolutely adore the way you write.<br />
every word you use is impeccable. i'm so envious!<br />
and this chapter was amazingg!<br />
I'm just slow so i can't fully grasp what's happening. xD<br />
anyways update soon please~
--nerdyexotic #8
AHHH! Loved the ssecond chapter
can't wait for the next chapter!!>< i really loved blissful paradise so... woah here i'm like in heaven~~~<3
Haha I loved Blissful Paradise in your other story so when I heard you were writing a sequel/spin off I just couldn't wait. And I wonder what happened to make Dongwoo like that.<br />
<br />
Your stories are very well written from what I've read and you certainly did not disappoint with this one. Can't wait for your next update. :)