Chapter 5: Hunger

Last Fantasy


By evening, Soojung was starting to feel the effects of being starved of blood.


The internal heat in her body was wrapping her up in imaginary flames, spreading from her dry throat to her eyes and chest. Shadows of black bruises were beginning to form on skin that looked too white to be considered pale anymore. Yet, she was shivering from cold as the sweat that trickled down her face like tears were warm and scorching. Her body was operating on the basis of an opposite-feedback mechanism. She would feel icicles forming on her eyelids for one second, and then the next moment, her hands would be burning as she spread them out on the marble flooring to bring her temperature down.


Soojung knew what was coming next. If she continued to deny her body of blood, the hunger would rebel and overtake her senses. Soon, she will experience the sensation of drowning, deflated lungs that lost its elasticity, a brain that fails to generate and transmit nerve impulses, and her heart will stop pumping fluid. Her body freezes and hardens, deactivated, until someone induces blood into her life stream once again.


Descriptions of shriveled vampire bodies that crossed her still functioning mind were not an analogy. It will happen to her if she does not act fast. She needed to be in control of her shell, she needed to maintain this vessel of a body to live out her immortal life.


The princess crawled to the corner of her brother’s room where the two walls meet in unison. She curled herself into a fetal position, letting the corner cradle her like her brother does every night with his strong arms. It was the place that offered her comfort in case of his absence. She’d read and sleep at the corners. She’d think better there. The two walls felt like her brother’s doting gesture. It made her feel less alone.


Silly girl, she could almost hear him . Soojung could also predict his angry stare and worried stance if he knew she had been starving again. And she disliked arguing with him. Thinking rationally and bracing herself once more, she uncapped the bottled blood and drank.


It tasted vile and disgusting.


She stood up with wobbly legs and ran clumsily to the bathroom. The mirror reflected the image of a girl with wild raven hair and dark circles framing irises of different color. Her left eye of hazel brown was turning black, the other olive-green one turning a dull shade of slime and muck. Above all, her glassy sclera was a horrifying bright red.


Soojung forced herself to swallow more of the blood in , pressing it down as she clenched her jaw and choked back tears that threatened to spill.


She was afraid that blood would replace tears instead. She would weep blood instead of clear salty tears, simply because her body thirsted and rejected it at the same time.


Thirty seconds pass, her body started to calm down. Breathing was less difficult, her skin still looked like sheets of unused paper, but at least the bruises had subsided. She stopped panting and her eyes were back to normal. She wanted to break into a small smile of victory.


However, she should have known better. Her body will never accept human blood.


Soojung threw up in the basin and let water rush generously from the tap, to mask her grunts and to wash the rancid smell of vomit away as quickly as possible before anyone detected her unfavorable condition. She washed and washed repeatedly before slumping down onto the bathroom floor, the front of her garment wet with water and sweat.


She had a little energy stored now. Although it was obtained at an extreme physical discomfort, it will sustain her attempts to sneak out of the castle into the market square.


Soojung could not wait for her brother to return, nor can her body ingest the detrimental human blood without risking falling deeper into illness.


She only hoped that he will come back soon, and that she had enough money to purchase some blood pills.


The town was bustling with lively noise and vigor that matched the human inhabitants who ran their transactions with interesting reasoning. Humorous traders were accurately accused of being too petty and the customers of various shops were always bargaining for a lower price that did not tally with the quality of the products they are buying. Such is the short life filled with the mundane routine of working, selling, and occasional fights. The people were accustomed to living under these conditions, and despite the tiny ounce of greed and jealousy that was kept buried in their hearts, they are mostly with kind intentions and co-existed in peace and harmony.  


Myungsoo walked the dry streets with curiosity and engrossment. He had a bulky camera in his hands that captured everything he found to be of worth in films and pictures- scenes of fresh dewdrops on roses at the florist, vibrant patterns of silk cloth at the tailors, the rolling of cinnamon and grinding of spices or even as the butcher raised his cutting knife at a slab of thick pork. Myungsoo thought that photographs were an excellent way of preserving some things in its original state, as even with the capability of vampire memory, you couldn’t help but alter and edit the copies stored in your mind. He preferred seeing through the lens of a camera rather than his own eyes.


He spun around an empty space in the square, completely oblivious to some girls who were casting shy glances at him. He was so focused on capturing something spectacular when he noticed a flurry of navy blue that slipped from the side of his eyes.


Finally removing the device that blocked his delicate face, the ladies swooned even more at the sight of his inquiring expression. The young man was sharp and observant. He could recognize his cousin’s coat hurrying past the alleys and walkways.


Only thing he didn’t understand was why it was his sister who was wearing it.

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In the meantime, please leave your comments about any confusion or question. I'll try to incorporate the answers in my next chapter.


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radxrey #1
Chapter Six: so blood pills shorten a vampire's life span?
i wanna know what happens if she relies on them!!!!
Myungsoo encounter.
This is so interesting.
such a cliffhanger. update soon please!~
radxrey #2
Chapter Five:
why can't she accept human blood?
Ah so Myungsoo is her brother?
the Prince?
omg, does this story clash with his story?
cause they both take place at a village. i think.
haha omg, this is good.
radxrey #3
Chapter Four:
Yeah, why didn't Soojung take some of the blood?
anyways please update soon. I mean like soon.
as in today or tomorrow. haha, kidding.
but i'm really, really eager to find out what happens.
and i wanna know about the prince or the 'he'.
i love this story~
radxrey #4
Chapter Four:
Yeah, why didn't Soojung take some of the blood?
anyways please update soon. I mean like soon.
as in today or tomorrow. haha, kidding.
but i'm really, really eager to find out what happens.
and i wanna know about the prince or the 'he'.
i love this story~
radxrey #5
Chapter Three:
I'm back~ anyways Dong Woo and the Princess are such precious children.
So wait, the prince is the princess's brother?
they are sooooo cute. haha can't wait to read the next chapter!
yay! finally an update!!*^* this was so cute i swear, they got closer~~<3
update soon please~
radxrey #7
Chapter Two:<br />
I've been so busy with school that I haven't found the time to read your story.<br />
Well I'm finally on break and can devote my time to reading your amazing fictions. :)<br />
I swear I have insomnia too. >___><br />
i absolutely adore the way you write.<br />
every word you use is impeccable. i'm so envious!<br />
and this chapter was amazingg!<br />
I'm just slow so i can't fully grasp what's happening. xD<br />
anyways update soon please~
--nerdyexotic #8
AHHH! Loved the ssecond chapter
can't wait for the next chapter!!>< i really loved blissful paradise so... woah here i'm like in heaven~~~<3
Haha I loved Blissful Paradise in your other story so when I heard you were writing a sequel/spin off I just couldn't wait. And I wonder what happened to make Dongwoo like that.<br />
<br />
Your stories are very well written from what I've read and you certainly did not disappoint with this one. Can't wait for your next update. :)