What?! | Chapter Two

Set Up | Hoshi

Kim So-Eun ☀ 


Soonyoung and I both exchange glances before looking back at the boss. 

"Y-you have to be kidding" I say, running my hand through my hair and he shakes his head

"No, why would I be kidding?" 

"Because I have no idea who this guy is" I look at him and he looks hurt "no offense" I frown, apologising to him and he raises an eyebrow in question.

"Wait, you seriously have no idea who I am?" He asks and I nod my head 

"Am I ment to?" 

"i thought you'd know someone else working at the company" 

"What? You're from this company?" He nods slowly

"Obviously, why else would I be here?" He asks and all I can do is shrug 

"I don't know" I mumble, crossing my arms and looking down to the floor. I practically hear him roll his eyes. 

The boss coughs to get our attention and I bite my lip and mentally curse about how I forget he was there. 

"Anyways, you both need to fake a relationship for few months, just up until Ghost finishes their 1st mini album promotion" 

"that's going to be at least 4 months!" I state and pout. "Why? It's a stupid idea, we don't even know each other" 

"It's to help both groups become more successful" The boss tries to convince me, but I shake my head. 

"I'm going to be honest here, yeah I want to become an idol, but not by having a fake relationship! I want it to be our talents that shine through and gets us appreciated, not by this stupid fake relationship you're trying to set up!" I plead, trying to make him understand. I look between SoonYoung and the boss, by the look on SoonYoung's face, he totally agreed.

The boss let's out a sigh and shakes his head. 

"you leave me no choice, Kim So-Eun, if you don't know this then Ghost's debut won't happen!" 

I let out a gasp as tears start to work up in my eyes. My eyes flash to SoonYoung and he has a look of pure shock. I look back at the boss as a single tear escapes. 

"You wouldn't do that" I say and quickly wipe the tear away. 

"I would and you know it" The boss crosses his arms and gives me a look. "Well, that's your answer?" 

"F-fine, I'll do it"  the boss smiles and claps his hand together. "But only until the 1st mini album's promotion is up, after that I'm not doing it anymore" I say as I cross my arms over my chest . 

"i cant believe this is happening" I mutter to myself after storming out. I wipe my eyes quickly and rush to the elevators. I repeatedly hit the buttons, trying to let my frustration out. 

"I'm sorry" a voice from behind me speaks, making me jump. I turn around to see SoonYoung frowning whilst looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry about this whole fake dating thing" 

I let out a sigh and shook my head.

"It's fine, honestly, I'm just surprised they'd threaten Ghost's debut" 

"I never thought the company would go that far to get popularity" SoonYoung says, finally looking up. 

"So I guess we're, dating, now" I cringe at the word, making him chuckle at me, but still nod his head. 

"Yes, we're 'dating'" I laugh slightly as I hear the ding of the elevator and the doors open. 

"I gotta go back to practice" I said pointing behind me to the elevator and he nods.

"I don't want to keep you behind, go ahead" He smiles bows slightly. 

"I'll see you around" I smile slightly 

"Yes, see you around" 

I get into the elevator and wave at him as the doors close, I see him wave back just as the doors close. I giggle to myself and shake my head.

I haven't even been back to practice and I've already had an eventful day, but SoonYoung seems nice, really nice.


After getting out of the elevator and walking down the hall, I stop for a moment to take a deep breath before going back into the practice room.

"So-Eun!" the girls call a they hear the door open, smiles on their faces as they run up to me. 

"I can't believe you just met Hoshi!" Min-ji squeals hugging my arm. 

I look at her confused and turn my head slightly.

"Who's Hoshi?" 

Me saying this causes them to all gasp. All of them, at once, it was creepy, honestly like in one of those horror movies... Gosh I hate horror movies, I mean what's the point of them?! Okay, getting off topic, anyways.

"Did you really ask 'Who's Hoshi?' right after meeting him?!" Kirsten says and I raise an eyebrow still confused. Kat sighs and face palms.

"The blonde guy" she says, still face palming. 

"Ohhh... You mean SoonYoung" I say and the girls exchange glances causing me to be even more confused. 

"you called him by his real name? You must be special" Min-ji states in a teasing tone and elbows me and the girls nod along. 

"i'm not special guys, it was nothing" I look down at the floor and shift uncomfortably "can we just practice now please" I mumble and go over and turn on the music. 

The girls exchange glances at each other before shrugging. 


Practicing the dance was harder than I thought, especially now that I had what the boss said on my mind. 

'You need to fake date' 

'If you don't Ghost's debut won't happen' 

I kept getting the moves wrong and messing up, obviously the girls noticed straight away. 

"So-Eun, are you okay?" Kirsten asks leaning her head on my shoulder, pouting slightly. I let out a quite sigh and nodded. 

"I'm okay, I'm just tired that's all" Kat nodded before saying. 

"I agree, I'm tired too" 

"You're always tired" we all say in sync, causing us to laugh, but Kat to open slightly offended. 

"Hey! I'm not always tired!" I just give her a look and she just glares and the wall and start to mumble under her breath causing me to raise an eyebrow. She notices and stamps her foot and fake cries.

"Not again" she lets out a dramatic sigh before straight running out the door. This causes me to laugh, making me forget about the situation at least for five minutes. 

"Get back here!" 


It was past midnight by the time I finally got home. It really wasn't a home, if I'm to be honest, it was a one bed flat where only I lived. I've lived on my own ever since I was 16, and I'm currently 18. The reason why I lived alone, was a different story for a different time, and anyways I liked living alone, even if it did get lonely sometimes. 

I dumped my back and coat on my couch and instantly went to the kitchen. I flicked on the radio and GOT7's song, A, was playing. I went over to the fridge and opened it to see nothing. I let out a sigh and close the door. 

Note to self, buy more food.

I run my hands through my hair in frustration. I go over to my phone, with my just decided idea about ordering pizza to see I have about 5 messages. 

1 from an unknown number and four from the group chat me and the girls have. 

Unknown Number- 
Sent- 12:45am
Apparently we have a date tomorrow ;)

Sent- 12:47am
Who is this? 

I instantly get a reply and I can't help, but laugh.

Unknown Number-
Sent- 12:48am 
The man of your dreams, your knight in shining armour, the love of your life aka SoonYoung ;) 

Sent- 12:48am
Cocky much? Haha :"D But seriously, I have practice tomorrow so I can't go on said date.

Sent- 12:49am
I wouldn't call it cocky, I'd call it confident ;) and not anymore...

Sent- 12:50am
Sure :"D...

I click send and check the girls messages.

Group- Ghost
User- Min-Ji 
Sent- 12:30am
What's this about practice being cancelled tomorrow, So-Eun, you have a date and you didn't tell us!

Group- Ghost
User- Kat
Sent- 12:31am 
WHAT?! So-Eun you have a date and didn't tell us!?!

Group- Ghost
User- Kirsten 
Sent- 12:33am 
Woah.... Wait... Is it with Hoshi from Seventeen?!?!!!!

Group- Ghost
User- Min-Ji
Sent- 12:34am 
Oh please say it is, you'd be perfect for each other!!

I roll my eyes at the messages and shake my head. 

Group- Ghost
User- Me
Sent- 12:51am 
I don't have a date, and either way it wouldn't be with SoonYoung, so don't get your hopes up xD 

Group- Ghost
User- Min-Ji
Sent- 12:52am 
You totally would date him, just admit it ;) 

Group- Ghost
User- Me
Sent- 12:53am 
Like I said, don't get your hopes up xD

I go off of the chat and see I have a new message from SoonYoung.

Sent- 12:53am 
Definitely sure, pick you up at 12 ;)

I roll my eyes and go off the chat and lock my phone. I yawn and stretch my arms out over my head. It was definitely time for some well deserved sleep. 

I trudged to my room and fell on my bed. I plugged in my phone to charge and didn't bother to get changed before I fell asleep.


So that's chapter Two! 

Hope you all like it!! 

Remember to vote, comment and follow <3 

Until next time, 

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Chapter 2: because so far it's so good
Chapter 2: I can't believe this is your first story on AFF
likatulay #3
Chapter 17: where??
Chapter 15: never click button so fast bfr keke
im cryiiing srsly!! T^T love your story!! especially so eun and hoshi story!!
i want the season 2 about so eun hoshi relationship and kat woozi couple thoo
thank u for ur hardwork~~:)
Chapter 14: whut? srsly? last chapter is chapter 14? but i want so eun and hoshi ship mooore T.T
i love ur FF, can't wait for chapter 13~
aina0609 #7
Chapter 13: Pls....update soon....
likatulay #8
Chapter 13: aaww.. poor hoshi,, kim so eu why you have to do that to him... lol, anyways I would love hoshi.. kekeke
Yaya808 #9
Chapter 10: Love it!! Thank you so much for the update.
likatulay #10
Chapter 10: yeyy.. really beautiful! I love it.. thanks for the update, update soon..