Lies & Truth | Chapter Ten | Part 2

Set Up | Hoshi

☀️ Kim So-Eun ☀️

"T-That's why you're allowed to date, because you aren't actually dating" The tears stream down Kat's face. "You're not actually dating because you want to, but because you don't think we can get popular on our own"

"No, Kat that isn't it" I go to grab her arm, but she moves away.

"Don't touch me" She hiccups and wipes her cheeks. "You said we worked for this, but obviously we didn't" Kat takes a couple of steps back before running off down the hall.


"I told you to tell her properly" Kirsten's voice comes from beside me, a frown present on her face.

"I know"

 Two Weeks Earlier

"Have you told the girls yet, about the 'So-Eun and Hoshi fake dating' situation?" Kirsten ask and I let out a sigh as I shake my head.

"Not yet, I don't know how to" I bite my lip as Kirsten makes a thinking face before turning to me.

"You're gunna have to sooner or later" She says and I nod.

"I know" She lets out a sigh and shifts in her seat and picks up her drink from my coffee table.

But I choose later, so maybe they could never find out about it and just believe Hoshi and I liked each other and didn't know any better. They could just believe we liked each other, and over time the feelings left and we agreed on breaking up was the best for our friendship... They wouldn't have to know about the company setting us up and the company wanting us to date, not for our benefit, but for theirs.

"Why do I get the feeling they're going to find out in the worst way possible" This time I let out a sigh and nod my head.

"I can't help, but agree"

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that" Even though we can hope, I still can't shake that uneasy feeling off my chest.

 Couple of Hours Earlier 

Kat puts out her hand and looks between us all.

"Now and forever" she smiles lightly, keeping her hand in the middle of us. One by one we place our hands on top of hers and smile.

"Now and forever!"

After our cheer, we turn back to the manger who starts to lead us to the stage.

"Congratulations girls, this is your debut show"

The stage guys hand Minji and Kirsten microphones whilst Kat and I get the non-held ones that stuck to our face with a bit of tape, and with that the announcer started to call us out.

"And now introducing Ghost"

After singing our debut song and introducing ourselves, we had a short break to have a drink.

We all got told by our manger to work on a solo stage, this would be mostly for everyone who was watching to get to know us better. We all had solo stages at different times. Right now it's was Minji's since she was the eldest.

"Hello, I'm Lee Minji! I'm 19 years old and I'm the main rapper of the group and I'm also the visual of the group. I also compose and produce our music! I can also speak Korean and Mandarin" 

She was talking about herself, giving facts and random information, laughing every now and then.

After Minji's solo stage, we preformed a cover of You Think by SNSD/Girls' Generation and then it was Kirsten's solo stage. Even though i was older than Kirsten, we basically -and by we, i mean Kat and I- made them go first. Kat was freaking out about going on stage on her own, whereas i was just nervous.

"Hi! I'm Mae Kirsten and I'm 17 years old, in the group I rap and I sing, but I'm better at dancing so I choreograph most of the dances we do for our songs! I also speak two languages, those being Korean and English"

Kirsten spoke about herself, giving facts just like what Minji had done. She showed off her dance skills, she also rapped a few lines of songs thought of of the top of her head. She bowed as she said goodbye to the crowd and said about how she hoped they enjoy the rest of the show.

We then preformed a song off of our first mini album, it was called Secret and I had helped write it along with Kat. Kat was really passionate about this song, and came up with most of the ideas, whereas I just checked over it and edited it a bit. It was quite an up beat song, probably one of the best on our album. It had one large rap part, which Minji and Kirsten split so they could both rap, and Kat and I spilt parts of the song up for us to both sing, Kat having the high note.

After performing the song, it was Kat's solo stage.

"Hey, I'm Park Kat! I was born in the U.K, but moved to Korea when I was 12. I'm currently 16. I'm the youngest of the group. I sing and also help to write some of the songs we make. I'm not the best at dancing, but I try. I can speak English, Korean, a bit of Welsh and I would really like to learn Japanese too!"

Kat showed off some of her singing and ended her solo stage with a piece sign, acting all cute. After that, we performed another cover, Shake It by SISTAR  and then it was time for my solo stage.

"Hello, I'm Kim So-Eun, I'm 18 years old and I'm one of the singers of Ghost. Unlike the girls, I only speak Korean, but I would love to learn English! I've been in training for 4 years and I'd also really like to be an actress one day!"

I finish my solo stage and head back stage to see our manger, Jung MinHee, looking at me with an unamused face.

"You know you have to announce about you and Hoshi right?"

"I know" I mumble and let out a sigh.

"It's not my decision, the boss really wants it out in the news for the morning"

"I know, but I feel like this is all a big lie"

"The boss will be here in 5 minutes, you have to announce it otherwise there'll be trouble, you know there will" I run my hand through my hair and nod.

"Okay, I can make it easier and bring him on stage or something, I don't know, make some sort of scene?"

"Do whatever you want to announce it"

Letting out a sigh, I pull out my phone and send a text to Hoshi.

Sent- 8:16pm
I need help, come back stage! xx

Sent- 8:17pm
Why? What's up? xx

Sent- 8:17pm
Just come xx

I wait by the guard of the back stage door when I see Hoshi run up. I grab onto his hand, dragging him with me, making sure to tell the guard it was okay for him to be here.

I drag him to a spot where no one would be able to hear us and let go of his arm.

"The boss wants us to announce this fake relationship"

Hoshi nods his head and runs his hand through his hair.

"And we'll be in trouble if we don't right?" He asks and I answer him with a nod.

What if we perform on stage? What if we get the audience to ask us questions and see what happens? What if he kisses me on stage?

I shake my head at the thought and feel my cheeks start to heat up. Hoshi notices this and shoots me a confused look.

"What? You've had an idea?"

I shake my head, feeling my blush start to brighten again.

"Yes you have, you're blushing!"

"What if we perform and something happens?"

"What do you mean?" He asks and I let out a sigh.

"What if we perform on stage together and something happens to make them go 'ohh they're dating'" I see Hoshi start to smirk and he wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"Like if I kiss you?" I feel my cheeks start to go red again and I brush off his arm.

"Not necessarily that, but maybe?"

"Well we-..." Hoshi gets cut off by Kirsten coming over to me and pulling on my arm lightly.

"Sorry So-Eun, but we need to perform" I nod quickly, before turning to Hoshi.

"We'll figure this out after" he nods and I smile, kissing his cheek slightly.

"You're doing great" he smiles and ruffles my hair slightly. I pout and fix my hair.

☀️ Two weeks ago ☀️

"I think we should do an English cover of a song for our debut" Kat says, plugging her phone into the speaker system.

"Isn't that going to be hard? So-Eun doesn't speak English" Kirsten says causing Kat to shake her head.

"I'll help her with it, plus it won't be that hard if we do one song"

"What song?" I ask and Kat smiles and presses play on her phone.

"This one"  the song started, it was an instrumental version of a song I hadn't heard of before, but it being an English song it wasn't surprising.

"I'm lost in empty pillow talk again
I'm lost in empty pillow talk again

This bed's an island made of feather down, and I'm stuck here alone
With little else but memories of you, on memory foam

Visions of a brighter love, I'd kill for one more day
To pool my thoughts, and find the words to say" I saw Kirsten perk up when Kat started singing the lyrics, it was obvious she knew this song and it was clear when she started dancing along next to Kat.

"If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away,
I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me.
Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me.
I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again" Kat and Kirsten were dancing along to the words, Kirsten occasionally singing also when she knew the words. Min-Ji finally got up to dance, pulling me with her.

"I'm lost in empty pillow talk again"

☀️ Debut Night ☀️

"We need one of you to have another solo stage, apparently the timing for everything was wrong"

I bite my lip and nod my head as I raise a hand. I guess that's how Hoshi and I will announce everything, through a solo stage.

"I'll do it"

Our manger smiles, patting me on the shoulder.


I let out a sigh, and go over to Hoshi, who -for some reason- was still waiting back stage. He smiles when he sees me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug.

"You did great"


Hoshi smiles as he pulls away. I tuck some hair behind my ear and i grab his hand, pulling him to the side of the stage.

"I know how we're going to announce it-" i start and i see Hoshi give me a confused look "basically i have to do another solo stage, so if i get you to come on stage, we can do something and then they can be like, 'whattt are they dating?'" i try to explain without taking a breath, causing Hoshi to laugh.


"You get what I mean?" I ask and he laughs again as he nods.

"I get what you mean"

I smile, letting out a sigh and start to nod my head.

"Now we just have to figure out what we'll do on stage"

"How about we just sing?"

"What song?"

Hoshi thinks for a moment before clicking his fingers.

"Just One Day"

"By BTS?" I ask and he nods

"You know it right?" He asks and I laugh


"Then let's sing that"

I nod and go over to MinHee. I tap her shoulder and she turns around with a smile.

"I know how i'm going to announce about me and Hoshi"


"We're going to sing Just One Day and let them realise we're 'dating'"

My manger nods and pats my shoulder.

"Just One Day by BTS right?" I nod.


"Go ahead"

I nod again and walk back over to Hoshi. I smile as I light grasp his hand getting his attention.

"We're going to go on now, I'm gunna ask the girls to join because they know it too" Hoshi smiles and nods and I go over to the other girls and smile.

"We're singing Just One Day, Hoshi is too" the girls smirk at me, causing me to roll my eyes "this is because we had some time spear we had to fill so, come on"

"We're coming, what parts are we having?"

"Kat Jimin and Jin, Minji Suga, Kirsten Hobi, Me and Hoshi Jungkook and V, You guys can split RapMon's bit"

The girls look at each other before nodding.

"Let's do this"

We all walked onto the stage, Hoshi staying behind so we could invite him on. The crowd yelled when we came on causing us to laugh.

"We have a surprise for you!" Kirsten says and the crowd answers with a 'what is it?'

"We're singing another song, but not alone!"

It was quiet obvious the crowd was confused yet excited about the performance.

"Guest, you can come out now!" I call and Hoshi walks onto the stage. He waves the crowd and laughs, he choices to stand next to me.


"Actually guys," I hear Kat giggle causing us to turn and look at her. "I have another surprise"

"What is it Kat?" Minji asks and Kat points to behind us and the crowd starts to scream.

"I found out about us performing this certain song and asked my brother for a bit of help"

And on walks the one and only BTS. Yes we knew they were here tonight, but then being on stage with us, we did not, it was amazing how Kat had planned this when we had only just decided to perform Just One Day, unless this was planned awhile ago without us knowing.

"Oh my gosh"

"Little Sister" Jimin laughs, standing next to Kat.

"Big brother"

Standing on the stage the order was; Jin, RapMon, Kirsten, Suga, MinJi, Jungkook, Me, Hoshi, Jimin, Kat and then J-Hope.

(obviously BTS sing their own parts along with Ghost and Hoshi - they all share if you get what I mean)

"Yeah yeah
Yeah just one, day one night

If only I had just one day
I want to peacefully fall asleep
intoxicated with your sweet scent
If there's a chance in my busy schedule
I want to put my body in your warm and deep eyes
I like that, your long, straight hair
Your breathtaking neck when you
put it up and the strands that fall out
Wherever we go, my handbag is your waist
Yo ma honey, whenever I see you,
I run out of breath
Like the streets of Myungdong,
our BGM is the sound of breathing
Your voice when you say my name
I wanna be locked in you and swim in you,
I want to know you more. An explorer
venturing through your deep forest of mystery
I appreciate the masterpiece that is you
because your existence alone is art
I imagine this all night every day
because it's a meaningless dream anyway

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)
If only we can be together

I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)
Having a party party with only you
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)
A party party with only you

If only I could do that, how nice would it be
If only we could go anywhere
to eat and watch a movie comfortably
I would do anything girl
I'm sorry, maybe I'm too rational
But still, if you see me some day, smile
Maybe you resent me a little or no, a lot
I know, I couldn't look
at you more because of my dream
Then just give me one day,
even if it's in my dream, just one day
Out of all those words I had to swallow
because of the excuse of reality
I'll pick one and tell it to you for sure
Let's meet when the lilies bloom
and say goodbye when they wither
I didn't think I'd get over you easily but
Is it selfish of me to hope you are the same?
I'm still lying, saying that it's all for you
You are standing in the center of my life

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)

If you are and I are together, let's go time
24 hours, if I could only be with you
I'd kiss you starting from the morning
Can't forget to grab some brunch
I'd hold your hand and soak up the sun
It's not over yet, in the middle of a beautiful night
I'll confess to you, with the moon as our light
All of these things tell me
"If I have just one day, it's possible"

Just one day, if I can be with you
[H/SE/K] Just one day, 
if I can hold your hands
Just one day, 
if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)
If only we can be together

(Do It Do It Do It)
I [H/SE/K] hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)
Having a party party with only you
(Do It Do It Do It)
I hope I can be with you for just one day
(Do It Do It Do It)
Having a party party with only you

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day (just one day)
If only we can be together

Can you please stay with me?"

The song came to close and what happened next not only shocked me, but the crowd...

I felt a grasp on my arm as Hoshi spun me round and connected our lips in an instant.

I hear a gasp from not only the crowd, but Ghost and BTS also.

"I knew it!" I hear the girls call.

After a moment of shock, I can't help but kiss back. My arms move around his neck as his move around my waist. Our heads tilt slightly to deepen the kiss, my hand moves to his cheek as we pull away and my cheeks start to turn bright red.

The crowd makes and 'awh' sound and the girls giggle and I hide my face in Hoshi's chest.

"And that was our debut night! Thank you guys for coming and I hope you treat us well and continue to listen to our music" Minji tells the crowd. "Thank you to not only BTS and Hoshi as well for joining us on stage tonight, we hope you enjoyed it!"

I push Hoshi away slightly trying to compose myself when he wraps an arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek again causing the crowd to 'awh' again. My cheeks flush red and i push him away again. He laughs at this and causally grabs my hand and interlocking our finger.

We exited the stage as everyone in the crowd left, and was meet with MinHee and the boss of the company.

"Well done girls, you did great!" the boss smiles, looking over to Hoshi and I. "So-Eun, if i could talk to you for a moment that be great" He says and walks away, back into the room the girls and i used as a dressing room.

I let go of Hoshi's hand, which i was still apparently holding and turned to the girls. They all looked confused, apart from Kirsten, who knew what the boss was going to say. She gave me a look and i matched it with a nod.

"It'll be fine, i'll talk to you in a minute"

I left them and entered the room and closed the door behind me. The boss was sitting in one of the chairs, his arms leaning on the arm rests.

"Great work tonight So-Eun, you guys sold it"

I let out a sigh as i ran my hand through my hair and took a seat next to him.

"you know i still don't like this right?" i ask and i see him nod for a moment.

"I know, and you know this is for the best"

"i don't like the idea of us fake dating just to get Ghost more popular"

The boss shifts in his seat to face me properly, he lets out a short cough before speaking.

"just think of this as part time work, you get to hang out and make new friends, but also gain work for your group"

I nod slightly, and get up from out of my seat.

"i should probably go back to them, we need to celebrate our debut" i laugh and he nods.

"Celebrate well So-Eun"

"Will do sir"

I went over to the door and opened it to see a upset looking Kat. My mouth dropped when i realise she had heard everything that was said.

"Kat" She shakes her head and backs away slightly as she starts to speak.

"T-That's why you're allowed to date, because you aren't actually dating" The tears stream down Kat's face. "You're not actually dating because you want to, but because you don't think we can get popular on our own"

"No, Kat that isn't it" I go to grab her arm, but she moves away again.

"Don't touch me" She hiccups and wipes her cheeks. "You said we worked for this, but obviously we didn't" Kat takes a couple of steps back before running off down the hall.


"I told you to tell her properly" Kirsten's voice comes from beside me, a frown present on her face.

"I know"

Kirsten lets out a sigh as she places a hand on my shoulder.

"i'll try and talk to her"

A tear falls down my cheek as i nod. Kirsten frowns once again, before following after Kat in the direction she went.

Running a hand through my hair, i feel another hand on my shoulder and i turn to see Hoshi.

"I'm sorry this happened" He frowns and i shake my head.

"I should of told her sooner, i should of told all of them sooner"

Hoshi continues to frown before coming over to hug me. I stop him by holding up my hands and shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, i need to go" i whisper before walking off in the opposite direction Kat and Kirsten had gone previously, leaving Hoshi alone.



So tada! that was chapter ten!!!!!!!

So-Eun and Hoshi kissed!!

But Kat found out about them not actually dating, so now there's drama in the mix.

Question before i end this chapter;

Do you want other point of views? If so, who? !!!!EXCLUDING HOSHI'S !!!!!

You'll understand why soon.

Sorry this was written so badly, I tired, I really did-... it just seems like this chapter doesn't want to sound right. I don't know if you get what i mean, but I knew what I wanted to happen it just didn't go right as I wrote it down.

Remember to vote, comment and follow for more! :)

Until next time, 

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Chapter 2: because so far it's so good
Chapter 2: I can't believe this is your first story on AFF
likatulay #3
Chapter 17: where??
Chapter 15: never click button so fast bfr keke
im cryiiing srsly!! T^T love your story!! especially so eun and hoshi story!!
i want the season 2 about so eun hoshi relationship and kat woozi couple thoo
thank u for ur hardwork~~:)
Chapter 14: whut? srsly? last chapter is chapter 14? but i want so eun and hoshi ship mooore T.T
i love ur FF, can't wait for chapter 13~
aina0609 #7
Chapter 13: Pls....update soon....
likatulay #8
Chapter 13: aaww.. poor hoshi,, kim so eu why you have to do that to him... lol, anyways I would love hoshi.. kekeke
Yaya808 #9
Chapter 10: Love it!! Thank you so much for the update.
likatulay #10
Chapter 10: yeyy.. really beautiful! I love it.. thanks for the update, update soon..