Meet my friends

Ticket to anywhere

Seolhyun's POV

"So how's the soon to be bride?" I heard Jimin unnie said as I seated at their table.


"Woah that was deep. So spill. What happened? Is he hot? Handsome?" Chanmi trying to dig informations. 

"Ahh girls haven't I told you that Amber's a girl?" I asked and hoping that they won't be disgusted.

"Oh. Well it doesn't matter as long as she's hot. I bet she is. Auntie Kim got nice taste and you said that it's a Liu right? My cousin works at their firm. If I'm not mistaken she said that the youngest Liu is burning hot. So by any chance are we talking about the same person here?" Yuna unnie said.

"Err... Yes... Well how am I going to say this? Actually unnies and Chanmi, Amber was really arranged with us." I said trying to breathe out my problems with the said set up. Who am I to compete with my sisters right? I am the weakest link after all.

"Us?" Hyejeong unnie asked. Everyone was puzzled and I just sighed before continuing.

"She's gonna pick from the three of us. My sisters and I. Though they haven't have time with Amber alone. I don't... I'm not really sure if I can compete with them. Just look at them. Two successful doctors while I'm just a professor..."

"Yah!!!! You're not just a professor and we're all telling you!!! We are professors too. Seolhyunnie, you graduated with flying colors and now you're even having your masters degree. Don't be too hard on yourself." Jimin unnie said comforting me. I just felt I can't do much unlike my sisters. Can't help it.

"Aishh jinjja. Stupid Seolhyun. Did you talk to Amber already? I mean you met her right. What did she said about the marriage? Or arrangements her and your parents did?"

"She's surprisingly fine with it. She said that she wanted us to fall in love. She also said that she wants to know me better and if we're getting married it would be our own choice not just stupid arranged marriage by our parents." I said and I don't know that I was smiling while remembering how sincere she said that.

"Omo! She said that?! Aigoo~ my little Seolhyun is already grown up. She likes you that's for sure. So what's worrying you? I think Amber likes you enough to try." Yuna unnie said. 

"My sisters." I answered shortly.

"But unnie!!! They've been controlling you for a long time now. Cant you see? You even moved out because they suffocate you. Why not have your time of your life? Do as you wish" Chanmi suggested. Well they were half right. I did moved out because of my sisters but also I want to be independent. I'm really happy to have such good parents but I'd rather do things on my own. 

"Chanmi ah... You know my sisters they won't...“

"They won't allow you to have anything." 

"Exactly. So unnies what should I do? Amber said she likes me."

"Omo!!! Then better. You're one lucky girl you know that. First relationship and you're getting married unlike me." Choa unnie sulking.

"Unnie you know you'll find a boyfriend when you stop imagining. Gosh do you remember the vacation we did in HongKong?" Mina unnie asked

"Yes yes. When she's talking to the camera and telling that her future boyfriend must go there with her. Every single place we went to, she didn't miss recording it up. Hahahahaha." Hyejeong unnie said and all of us left laughing our off.

"Yah yah!!!!! I'm just getting ready for him." Choa unnie pouted but that didnt stop us from laughing.

"Don't worry Choa unnie. Like what we've said you'll find him once you get rid of your fantasies." I said trying to console Choa unnie who is still pouting hard.

"Okay okay. But you should let Amber meet us. Arasseo? I want to meet your future wife. We need to make sure that she'll be good to you." Choa unnie said full of concern.

"Wait. Why don't you call her? I mean it's Saturday and we can hangout so we can know her better and for you to have a date too." Yuna unnie suggested quite excitedly.


"Hand me your phone" Chanmi said and I handed my phone to her. Not asking why. She seemed to be busy tapping it.

"Okay. Sent.” My eyes grew bigger when I just understood what just happened.

"You sent what?! Yah!!!! Chanmi ah. What did you do?!"

"Well I asked Amber if she can go here. Just you wait

*beep beep*

Oh come on read it." She nudged me excitedly 

From: amber ❤️

Yeah sure. Be there in 15 minutes. I'm near the area. See you Hyunnie ah. *byong byong* 

"Aigoo kyeoptaaaa!!!!!" They all said in unison. I think they were already fangirling on how cheesy Amber is. I bet they will fangirl more when they saw her.

"Yah!!!" I yelled and they just laugh because of my flushed face.

"Oh my ghadddd. I think I found my destiny!!! Girls!!!! Look at that guy!!!" Choa unni said and we all turn to see where's she looking at. I mentally patted myself for having the cute 'guy' they are all looking at. 

"Omo!!!! So handsome!!!" They all said and when Amber turned our way. Our eyes met and she smiled brightly causing my friends to die in euphoria for that smile.

"Did he just smiled this way?! Girls girls I told you he's my soulmate!!!!" Choa unnie cant help but to be flustered. Amber walked her way towards us. All the girls cant help but to feel giddy knowing that the cute 'guy' is heading our way.

"Annyeonghaseyo." She bowed and greeted us. All of the girls were still in awe.

"Hey girls, this is Amber. Amber meet my friends. They were so excited to meet you." All the girls were still stunned. Amber offer her hand which they subconsciously grab. I introduced them one by one and soon enough they came back to their senses.

"You didn't tell us that your soon to be wife is so handsome." Jumi unnie whispered nudging my side.

"Well... You didnt asked." I answered.

"Come on girls let's sit. Shall we?" I told them and we all sat down. 

"So Amber what do you?" Being the nosy one Chanmi asked. 

"Right now, I work in our company as an interior designer."

"So I assume you're busy? How will you know our Seolhyun more if you're busy?" Hyejeong unnie said that made Amber to be silent for a while.

"How about you just apply as a professor this sem. I mean the architecture department are in need of professors. Why dont you do part time in the university?" Choa unnie suggested and I looked at them eyes widen. Why do they have to do that? 

"Am, don't mind them. I know you love...."

"Oh. That wasn't a bad idea. I will know Seolhyun more being with her in the university and at the same time I can share my knowledge to the students." I looked at her and she just smiled. My friends were captivated with her bright smile just like me.

"Are you sure? Mom told me you love your job and..." She held my hand and squeezed it gently.

"My job won't go anywhere. I want to know you better and I should make effort for it. I mean it's not like I am resigning to our company. My work is very flexible and I can go there as much as I wishes to."

"Okay? So it's settled. Can you give me your number so I can talk to you and set an appointment?" I saw Choa unnie batted her eyelashes.

"Yah! Unnie no flirting!!!!" I said quite in a higher tone and it made Amber chuckled with the silly act.

"Aigoo~ our Seolhyun is possessive." They all said and chuckled too.

"Here's my number unnie. You can call me anytime." Amber said and handed Choa unnie her calling card. 

"See. Your fiancée said I can call her anytime..."

"Yah!!! Unnie!!! You already got Kang in oppa!!"

"Yah yah!!! Not by any chance! Don't talk about that stupid old hag!"

"Say the one who is young" i heard Jimin unnie said causing us to laugh even more.

"Yah!!! I'm not that old and you're just a year younger!!!"

"Merooong!!!" Jimin unnie said sticking her tongue out.

"Unnies!!! I'm more embarrassed when you do that. I'm the maknae yet you fight like kids. Besides have some shame for Amber here." Chanmi said shaking her head in disapproval.

"No no. I think it's cute. I don't have much friends so this is nice. I'm glad I met you today girls." Amber said making them all in fan girl mode... Again..

"So are we invited in the wedding?" Yuna said changing the topic.

"Of course. If my wife treasures you as friends you are absolutely invited. Just that I'm afraid it might not happen soon. I mean I want to know Seolhyun more. Maybe I can even make her fall for me. For real." Amber said and I looked at her. She seemed to be worried about something.

"Wait. Seolhyun I forgot. We got to go." Choa unnie said and I was confused as hell because they said they are free for the whole day.

"Uhh unnie is right. We should go." Jimin unnie seconded

"So let's get going girls? Bye Amber it was nice meeting you. Take good care of our Seolhyun arasseo?" Yuna unnie said and looking at me sending messages.

"Well that's what I'm about to do. It was my pleasure to meet you all." Amber said politely and it was even made sure that she already got the approval of my friends.

"Bye Amber!!!" They all said in unison. Waving as they go. It was thanks to them that I got to spend another time with Amber.

"Your friends are nice. It's not surprising though cause you are also nice." I blushed again knowing she always compliment me.

"How about your friends? I know I met Henry but don't you have friends here?" I ask her and she thought for a while.

"I do of course but not that much. My friends are abroad. I visit them from time to time but I am going to make sure there will be invited to our wedding." She smiled and knowing she is really looking forward to the wedding makes me happy.

"Oh" Stupid Seolhyun. Thats the only that I mustered to say.

"Oh before I forget. I met your other sister." She met unnie?! When?! Damn. Now I have to insure the wedding. Unnie in no time will make her move. 

"You met her? When?"

"The day when Ellin visited you too. Well I was admitted to your hospital then..."

"You what?! What happened to you? Are you alright??"

"Gwaenchana. Just indigestion. Don't worry. Back to what I'm saying after meeting your sisters, now I'm more than 100% sure. I want to marry you. Just that can we wait for a little bit more? I mean I know I like you but I want it to be more than that. If possible. It's not everyday that we can get married or even find someone as amazing as you are. I dont want to lose both those chances but I need time. How about you and me? Together? Let's date Hyunnie." She said and my lips formed a big smile. She's really willing to try. It felt nice having someone as sincere as her. 

"Amber I don't know what to say... I..."

"You don't need to say anything. I'm thankful that mom set me up to you. In the shortest time we've been meeting I felt comfortable and I just crave to know you more. I want to know why I feel this way."

"Amber you're so nice."

"I'm not. I'm just being me. If ever you'll be my wife I will treat you the best way you deserve to be treated. I won't treat you as a princess. I will treat you as my drug. I'll be addicted to you."

"Yah!!! Stop being cheesy!"

"Wae? Isnt this is what lovers do? I mean we're dating and being cheesy is normal."

"But you're already going overboard. I might get diabetes for too much sweetness."

"Well. Cant be help. Oh Hyunnie. Before I forgot..."


"You know Jung Soojung right?"

"Yes why?"

"I'm marrying her too." I smiled because of her cuteness being so shy and all. But as soon as those words sunk in to me.


"You what?!!!!"




Still no co author? Lonely Lonely Lonely 

Huhuhuhu help guys. Help

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Atrangzalla #1
Chapter 12: Author nim please update
randrew1215 #2
Chapter 12: Author are you still going to update this?
mende1 #3
Chapter 12: how about an update?
user-E #4
Chapter 12: whats next?
GEoRuth #5
Chapter 12: Dead!!! When is the next one? Ahahahaha!
Zerozz #6
Chapter 12: That soo funny.. :)
Update more author-nim XD
GEoRuth #7
Chapter 12: hahahaha. Yeah you are so dead.
Chapter 12: ohhh....she be dead alright :) interesting story, hope you can continue :)

Chapter 12: Lol awesome update author XD