


The golden rays of the Sun seeped into your room, indicating the start of a new day. You stretched your lazy body and got out of bed reluctantly. It was your second day here. Mrs. Jang left for work, and you were alone. You made yourself a simple meal to satisfy your hunger pangs. You cleared the dishes and cleaned up the house; you wanted to repay Mrs Jang for her kindness and hospitality. You dropped yourself onto the big and soft bed after completing the chores. You turned yourself slightly to the left to glance at the clock - 12.29pm. You watched as the time crawled by.


“This is boring.” Your heavy eyelids were starting to droop down. Just when you were about to enter dreamland, you heard soft knocks from the door. You cursed silently before heading out. “Yes?” you asked in a slightly irritated tone as you swung open the door.


“I thought you’ll be bored so I was thinking of bringing you out. It’s alright if you don’t want to. I guess you need your sleep,” Jung Hwan said. “Sorry to disturb you. Then I’ll be going now.”


It took you a minute to register what he just said. “W-wait!” you shouted across the corridor then hid your head in embarrassment. “Give me 10 minutes. Come in and wait!” You left the door ajar and hurriedly dashed into the bathroom. He chuckled lightly seeing how flustered you were. You rummaged through the wardrobe for a set of clothes after your quick shower.


“3 minutes left!” You heard him shouting from the living room. You didn’t expect him to really keep watch of the time. You speedily changed into a T-shirt and fumbled a bit with the tight jeans. You briefly combed your long and damp hair before emerging from the room.


“I’m done!” You beamed, feeling proud of your accomplishment. This was no mean feat. In your time, you didn’t have to turn the knob for the shower head to eject water. The different buttons would get everything (water, shampoo, soap and all) settled. You didn’t even have to do the household chores nor the cooking. You shook away the negative thoughts accumulating in your head. “Idiot, you were the one who wanted to experience what life was in the 21st century.” You hit your head lightly.


Jung Hwan was bemused. “Let’s go,” he said - it sounded more like a question to you - as he reached for the door. The warm rays of the Sun greeted you. The trees were in different shades of orange. You stood rooted, allowing the clear autumn air to engulf you.


“This is great!” You spun around before running off to catch the falling leaves. You stepped on every dry leaf and listened to the crisp sound it produced. You pressed a button on your wrist guard to capture the beautiful autumn. “Let’s take a picture too!” You pulled Jung Hwan over and quickly took the photo without waiting for him. “Candid shots are the best!” You stuck out your tongue.


He laughed. “Well, let’s get going before it gets any darker.”


“Where are we going?” Excitement was clearly written in your eyes.


“Just follow me,” he said.


You let out a sigh and hurried to walk by his side.


“I’m going to ride on this?”


We are going to ride on this.” He placed his emphasis on the first word.


You let out a squeal. “It’s my first time! I’m so excited!” You tugged at his collar and dragged him onto the public bus. “This is going to be so amazing!” You immediately ran to an empty seat. Jung Hwan paid for the ride and made his way to the seat beside you. You leaned your head against the window and watched the scenery pass by. The leaves and sunlight blended into a sea of red.


The journey was relatively short. Jung Hwan tapped your shoulders lightly and motioned for you to alight from the bus.


“We’re here.” He announced.


“Jirisan National Park?” You read off the sign. Your eyes widened as realisation set in. “You’re hiking?”


“We are!” He flashed his set of pearly whites at you.


“Gosh!” You shot him a look of disbelief. “Why did I agree to come out?”


“You’ll love it.” He assured you.


The climb was treacherous. The rocks and dried leaves weren’t doing you any good. You had even tripped over your own feet a couple of times.


“Are we there yet?”


“We’re nearing.” He gave you a bright smile. “I swear it’ll take your breath away!”


“Literally,” you said as you continued on the arduous hike again.


“Hold on,” he said as he covered your eyes with his warm hand. “Don’t worry, I’ll lead you.” You felt another hand on your shoulder. You took small and careful steps. The tight grip on your shoulder never left. He squeezed your shoulder gently. “You ready?” You nodded your head.


You gasped at the sight in front of you. “It’s beautiful.”


He chuckled. “Beautiful is an understatement.”


It was indeed a magnificent view. Surrounding you was orange foliage. The sunlight peeked through the leaves and gave them a brilliant glow. Nearby, you could hear the sound of water rushing. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the peace and tranquillity. It was heaven.


“I never knew we had this in Korea.”


“It’s cool, right?” He lay himself down beside the heap of leaves.


You caught one of the falling leaves in your palm. “It will be of use someday.” You said quietly before tucking the maple leaf into your pocket. You lay beside him and watched the red, orange and yellow leaves slowly drifting down, some dancing in the wind.


You were enjoying the silence when your wrist guard started lighting up again. You sighed; you already knew who it was. You propped yourself up and pressed the button.


“Yes, Mom?”


Jung Hwan sat up too. “Your mother?” He was asking the obvious, but you still nodded your head. Quietly, he stood up and left, giving you some privacy.


“Look, I’m out with my friend now. I would really appreciate it if you can just let me be.” She looked hurt from what you had just said. “I’m all big now so you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll be back sooner than you think, alright?”


“I know, sweetie.” Your Mom smiled a little. “We’re all waiting!”


“I love you,” you said before ending the conversation.


Jung Hwan emerged from behind one of the trees. “Catch,” he said and a packet of biscuits came flying your direction. “I thought you’d be hungry.”




“Let’s hurry back down before night comes, shall we?” He helped you on your feet, and the two of you started your descent.


“63% left.”

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Chapter 8: Oh my gosh. The ending gave me goosebumps when he hugged her and I teared up slightly at the end reading the note he left on Jasmine's album T~T
"When the mind forgets, the heart remembers."
This is worthy to go into my quote book. Haha. XD
You writing again reminds me I should write someday too. orz
/supposed to be studying but heh
Chapter 7: Ah. Oh my god. I had goosebumps reading the last bit. T-T
It's the most sad when she's forgotten and half erased from his life. It's those damn pieces of memories yelling that her existence was real that Sanduel overlooked that makes me go aaiapwndeolajapsneislaj!!
This is so sad, how she left at the joking statement of 'get out and come back only when you know remorse'. It's like she took that opportunity to leave and it's so, so painful. I re-read the top paragraphs a few times to re-experience that pain. TT
Whoops. Gosh. I sound exaggerating but I really feel this way.
Hope he remembers her in the last chapter with a hint from some song of his after debut or something. Just remember her, will you? D':
I re-read everything from the beginning cos I forgot the story a little although I remember bits that I like.
And omgg, I thought farewells and forgetting one another will be sad enough. But when Sanduel said he knows she's leaving, the sadness overflowed. GAH.
I wish she could stay TT
And the last line carries two words of opposite meanings. I think you said something about that before, I forgot the term keke. XD
I hope he remembers and keep to his promise TT
Omggggg. TT
Aww sad face. She would be forgotten :(. I am looking forward to your next update ;)
Jung hwan is cute here :D wow at her sudden discovery :O that was unexpected (:
Kpopshinee123 #6
Is there going to be more? That was really good
hehes, jason is here :D When you were talking about blue, i recalled him .. Wow, i am amazed how i can see through the lines like a drama so smoothly while reading the story ~(: It seems to really come to life X) Great job ^^
Great. hope you'll update soon~