Always Watching.

Between Light and Dark


Hakyeon's apartment was quiet. He lived alone and didn't get many visitors other then Hyuk. It was early morning now, on the first Saturday of high school kids holidays. Most kids (like Hyuk) were rolling over for another two or three hours of sleep. But that was not the case in Hakyeon's apartment. 

The sunlight filtered in from the half closed blinds covering the window, landing on the sleeping face of a certain red haired male. He didn't react at first, seeming too tired to do so. However after this irritating light seemed to persistently shine for about five minutes, the sleeping man's eyebrows scrunched up and he hissed rolling over to avoid the offending light. 

But he knew it was too late. He was awake now and would not be getting back to sleep anytime soon. Hakyeon felt a sigh slip past his lips as he just lay there for a while. That was some weird dream he'd had...

He rubbed his head as his eyes fluttered open, blinking to get used to the brightness of the room. His hand paused as he saw he was wearing his pyjamas now. Not that it was an odd thing to be wearing them in bed...he just hadn't remembered putting them on. Come to think of it...he didn't remember how he'd got home. 

Hakyeon sighed and shook his head at that. He was just stressed. That explained why he couldn't remember some of yesterday and why he'd cooked up such an odd dream. 

Angels weren't real. 

If only his mind didn't waver on that statement. 

After a few long and drawn out moments, Hakyeon sat up and ran a hand through his hair to try and tame his bed head. Of course that wasn't happening anytime soon. He stood and went immediately into his morning routine, brushing his teeth and of course his other essentials. Since there was no school for awhile he decided that he'd visit the dance studio. He didn't have any classes to teach until next week so he could just use the practise room to get the tension out of his joints. 

However Hakyeon knew that he was really just going to the dance studio to get his mind off his oddly real dream. 
Hours later, Hakyeon found himself in the practise room, sweating from the non-stop dancing. He'd been getting constant flashes. Of an angel. Of a speeding car. Of what he thought could be a demon. Though Hakyeon had to admit that whoever that was wasn't what he'd consider the stereotypical demon to look like. He looked more like the stereotypical bad boy type that Hyuk usually warned him to stay away from. 

Hakyeon unscrewed the water bottle he'd brought and took a drink out of it, sighing at the cool sensation it sent through him. He'd felt uneasy ever since he started dancing. He felt as if there was someone there, watching him and judging him. It wasn't a nice feeling. However, whenever Hakyeon ,looked around he saw no one. He kept telling himself that his mind was just playing tricks on him again, like it apparently had been doing last night. 

Hakyeon tossed his water bottle back into his bag and  sighed stretching again before he pressed the play button on the stereo in the corner. The familiar track played and he lost himself in the choreography that he knew back to front. He'd created his own piece from the showcase at the end of the year. The crowd had ate the performance up, just like they had the year before when he'd performed his blindfolded dance. 

He let his mind go blank as he followed the steps, spinning when need and letting his more flexible side reign over his consciousness. Sometimes Hakyeon needed to just let go.  And for him dancing was the way to relax and forget about what was stressing him out. 

However, when Hakyeon did get into this mood he needed privacy. If anyone was watching him then he wouldn't be able to properly express himself. He'd be too preoccupied in following a routine perfectly, something he knew looked good, something he felt was performance worthy. 

That's why after another hour of dancing he stopped and looked around. He could feel the eyes burning into him. He didn't know where but he could of sworn he felt it. Hakyeon sighed in frustrations and laid his head against the cold mirror in front of him, closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing. 

He'd learned a long time ago that he needed to master the art of breathing in order to practise and dance for long periods of time. Hakyeon sometimes didn't listen to his own teachings and got exhausted quickly. There was even once when he passed out because he pushed himself too far. 

Hakyeon stayed there for a few seconds longer, living as long as he could in the peaceful moment before he opened his eyes again. His eyes widened and he let out a (manly) half scream, tripping backwards over his own feet. in the mirrors reflection he'd seen him. The same figure dressed in black from his dream the previous p night, standing a few feet behind him and smiling as if it were normal. 

Hakyeon whipped his head around in the stranger direction and blinked when he found no one there. He gulped and looked around nervous before he promptly stood and rushed over to his bag, taking out his phone and almost dropping it a good few times before finally managing to dial the familiar number. 

"Hyukkie..." As soon as Hyuk heard that down the phone he knew something was up with Hakyeon. 

"Hyung? What's wrong? Are you okay?" the concerned voice filtered through the phones receiver. Hakyeon bit his lip, wondering how to explain this to the younger man. Maybe he was just being paranoid. It wasn't possible to get in and our of this room in seconds, less so without making any noise and not be g noticed by Hakyeon in the mirrors. Hakyeon took a deep breath to calm himself down and then answered. 

"I'm at the dance studio..will you come pick me up please..? I'm not feeling too good...." he said. And it wasn't exactly lying. Because was feeling a little worse for wear right now. No wonder considering he was seeing things now. Maybe he should go see a psychiatrist... 

"Of course I will. But when we get back to your place you have to watch some anime with me." he stated, sounding all too delighted at the situation. Hakyeon chuckled and shook his head slightly. 

"Alright, fine." he said. He didn't mind watching anime anyway. 

"Alright, be there in ten." Hyuk's voice sounded before he hung up. Hakyeon sighed slightly and placed his phone back in his bag, slipping his shoes back on and going over to the stereo to retrieve his CD. Usually he did this a little slower, taking his time so he didn't pull any muscles with any unnecessary straining movements. However Hakyeon couldn't wait to get out of there right now. 

He waited in the dance studios lobby and waved when he saw a couple of the kids he taught around the building. He loved working here. To him it wasn't really a job because he enjoyed it more hen any employee probably should. He came and taught a few classes, everything from contemporary to hip hop. And he always did so with an almost blinding smile on his face. 

When lost in his thoughts he failed to notice Hyuk had just pulled up in his car until the horn was being hit repeatedly and his name was being called once, twice, thrice- 

"Hyuk!" Hakyeon yelled in relief and speed walked over to the car, not hesitating to get in for even a moment. Hyuk glanced at him and sighed softly. 

"So Hyung. Are you going to tell me what's got you do worked up or will I have to guess badly until you give up and tell me anyway?" Hyuk asked, eyeing the older boy scrutinisingly for a very long moment. Hakyeon bit his lip, looking between Hyuk and the dance studio as if considering his options. 

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." Hakyeon muttered. Though this statement was serious. Hyuk quirked a smile and started the engine once again. 

"Try me." 

Hyuk ended up staying that night because Hakyeon still refused to tell him what was wrong after Hyuk's amazing performance in the car. 
A/N: Hi Guys! Wow so many subs already. It's really surprised me actually. Thank you very much for the support. I still think that this chapter is short and had to shift a few events around but the chapters will get longer. Just as soon as our main characters are properly 'introduced.' ;) 

Well until next time! 

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signorina_klutz #1
Chapter 5: Ugh, so good! I hope that you can update this. Hwaiting!
jongie231 #2
Chapter 5: Hi authornim, this story is interesting! I hope you will update. Praying that this will be navi story~ hehe
tvddelenafan #3
Chapter 5: Both Leo and Ravi are so attractive in different ways.Hakyeon's gonna have a hard time deciding!!!Please update soon authornim the story's so good
Chapter 5: Ooh I kind of get the feeling that some Hyukbin and Navi might happen XD

Ah I hope you get your motivation back and that college will be easier on you ^^!
And thank you for taking the time to update ^^!!!
Chapter 4: How can N be reborn if Wonshik has his soul ^^?

This fic is really interesting btw ^^
chelin #6
Chapter 4: I def know what you mean about N's little smirk at the live performances!
Also this story is captivating. Can't wait for the succeeding chapters!
Chapter 3: Navi and Neo *^* <3
this definitely gonna be my favorite fic~
Chapter 3: Aww, he thought it was a dream? Can't wait till he finds out it's all real.
Chapter 3: I love to be reminded how much of a Naruto fan Hyuk is xD